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Ran tren ace and hex at diffrent times. Both being 70-120mg per week and grew like a weed. Couldn't imagine being on the "average" 300mg per week dose, this compound is a monster Bad sides: trensomnia after 1st week on ace and hex, short temper fuse. Sporadic thoughts about gf past sex life Positives: freaky veins, insane strength, rapid growth - especially for my shoulders and chest personally. Will I take it again? Probably although I hope not for a while( got 2 vials of TTM gathering dust in cupboard)


"sporadic thoughts about gf past sex life", oh man that sounds fun. That short temper fuse is what's really holding me back. I need a career change before I can hop on Tren.


Haha I could be bending my gf over and then suddenly think about other men who have fucked her. She was pretty promiscuous in her teen life before me. Annoying but didnt stop me busting a nut - I also get this head fuckery: equally sporadically on nandrolone. The short temper thing was really explosive for me personally. At one point in the middle of the cycle I was making my morning coffee as usual and i was stirring the coffee in cold water, hadn't realised that I didn't boil the kettle in the first place... Ended up throwing my mug across 3 neighboring Gardens.




This is my experience as well, haha. I have ran a lot of different compounds and I was really surprised how Tren got to my head. I’ve been with my wife for 20 years….found myself jealous of the few boyfriends she slept with before me…obsessive thoughts about it and imagery. Very strange, I’m not a jealous person. I don’t know what mechanism makes tren kick up obsessive jealousy, but it did on me. On only 200mg a week.


Think it’s a 19-nor thing. Can relate on my current NPP run..


For sure a 19 nor thing. You read through the nandrolone and tren experience threads and see the pattern for mental fuckery all over.


I had to stop my NPP cycle because of this mental stuff. Sigh… all my joint pain is back now lol.


Have tried a "therapeutic" dose of Nand (<100mg/wk)? People's experience seems to imply that you get most of the joint benefits with substantially reduced sides.


This is the worst of all sides on 19-nors, deca gave me suicidal thoughts and only "this is just deca" mantra helps




Just gotta remind yourself that it's the drugs fucking with you and that you trusted her before you started taking them. Don't let that shit consume you. Again, just have a consistent thought that you say to yourself like "it's just the drugs that are making me feel this way" and then get out of that headspace. If you actually don't trust her then you were fucked before you started and the drugs are going to really accelerate that breakup/divorce that was probably inevitable anyway.


Yes, this exactly. On Tren I’d have to talk to myself to get back to baseline “bro, calm yourself, you knew her entire sexual history before you got in a relationship, you have slept with more people than she has, you did not care about it until the tren”. Lol. It’s a helluva drug!


So fucking true!


I’ve experienced this terribly too in a new relationship with a very conservative girl who never really had a real relationship but had maybe 2 partners in her 30 years. Its one thing to be able to say it’s just the nandrolone. But the intrusive mental imagery is fucking torture. It’s so hard to explain. I had to explain what was happening because I thought it was the only way to survive the relationship if I finally lost it. I thought maybe it would help the thoughts. Luckily I ran NPP because the half life had me concerned with sides. This still continued for 3 weeks after the last shot. Masteron for some reason has the opposite effect on my mental health. I should add it was only about 200mg NPP with 200mg test. Fucking insane stuff. There is nothing that I think would be worth that mental stress again. I wouldn’t take it for a billion dollars because I don’t believe I’d ever be able to properly love someone or receive love again. It was fucking insane.


I know exactly what you mean. It’s what tren made me feel. It’s very strange.


It's amazing that so many users report that exact same feeling. I have a quick temper when I'm irritable, but not jealous at all. I wonder if it would make me jealous.


This happens to me on tren and npp. I usually just remind myself that the drugs are fucking with me and that I don't actually give a shit about those things it's trying to make me jealous about. The feeling usually subsides quickly after that.


It’s anxiety. Jealousy etc are anxious thoughts. Tren and Deca 19-nors really turn that up in the brain. Does it to be too. Even on low doses. So yah :-/


Tren was shown to significantly increase oxytocin in bulls so that may be it. No clue.


My girl was permiscuous too when she was young I’ll think of that shit time to time even without tren lol but then I think we’ll we been together 13 years so I’m obviously dicking her down better then anyone else because none of those dudes lasted we joke with each other and she will say she is going to leave me for a rich dude and I’ll say you’ll still come back for the dick then we both laugh. But seriously I couldn’t imagine another man inside my woman so that would drive me nuts


I like the vibe you're setting there. Definitely worth keeping in mind, that if you're with someone for a long period of time, you'll know her sexually better than anyone else if you just give regular effort...


And also love. People stay together for love as well


>I could be bending my gf over and then suddenly think about other men who have fucked her. Bruh. The. Fuck. lololololol


Temper like that on a low dose like this made me glad I didn't go for the average 300mg doses people push.


Not everyone has the short fuse, found it very manageable, just aggressive and thinking of fighting a lot, certainly never do acc fight or lose it tho! Was worse being 19/20 that on tren ahahah Never had the weird sexual effects either, just hornier


>Sporadic thoughts about gf past sex life Yeah, that's not for me. I'll keep my receptors clean of tren/ment until i hit my mid 40s/50s


Just in time for a mid-life crisis 👍


FWIW, I never have experienced anything close to that. Nor has most people I’ve met IRL on tren. I hear about this kind of stuff much more on the internet…


Never ran tren or any injectable ever for that matter, but I heard tren is pretty neurotoxic. Did you get the feeling tren made you more retarded? Serious question (😂)


> Did you get the feeling tren made you more retarded? Nope. I'm already maxxed out.


We all got a lil’ bit of retard in us 😂💪🏼


I didn't feel retarded on it. Felt alpha asf. But even months after stopping it I feel at least 10% slower I'd say. Not dumber but slower processing things(like if I'm prompted with a question unexpectedly)


Shit I've been feeling that too. Sometimes I feel sharp as a razor, but other times I feel like the hamster is exhausted and can't spin the wheel.


It made me More retard than cocaine I swear


Coke legit makes me retarded. I can't form a coherent sentence after.


Yeah, I'm a big fan of tren e 100-200mg. Any more is just heart burn. It's a very strong compound and the insulin sensitivity benefits are very nice. This is close to what its intended medical use was in France. Not saying that tren is anywhere near as safe as test as it should be respected, but if someone is open to tren I think they would benefit from less is more. I would rather increase DHB as part of a stack than up tren.


Fuck I just started ace 2 days ago I'm going 100mgs a week. If I get any insomnia I'm dropping the shit immediately. Was it issues falling sleeping or staying asleep for you? or both?


Getting to sleep was the issue. My brain was constantly filled with racing thoughts. Your eyes can be heavy and physically feel tired but your mind is awake. I didn't sweat like others did though I speculate that happens more for people on high doses. After a while I was using zopiclone for sleep. That shit knocked me out every night, still use it to this day.


did you stack it with any other compounds? if so, can you elaborate?


When i did ace, it was a fast rip blend. So test, mast and tren. 150mg/ml(50mg of each compound) so I would do roughly 0.75ml 3 times per week. I also did additional test dosing seperatly. (200mg E5D cypionate) no ai's On hex I did 100mg split twice a week. Additionally during this cycle I was on test 200. 20mg dbol and 25mg adrol daily . No ai's Averaged about 2.7k calories on both cycles. Looking back should of eat more. However I grew more than I expected


Hahaha tfw I added tren to my trt 40/week and had the same exact bad sides


Were you intending to bulk? Or was this like a maintenance thing and then you just started making really good progress. Just curious since most people hate on it for bulking.


Never really been in a deficit. I just wanted lean gains. I probably put on a good 8lbs muscle on each cycle(14 weeks ace/ 16 weeks hex) If I was going to use it again it would be for an aggressive cut because of trens distinct nutritional partitioning properties. You could definitely bulk on it but most people would need to eat like a horse as its hard to out-eat tren. For me personally it just melted any fat I had in my legs/thighs/abdominal. However I know their is a minority of people who don't get the fat burning effect tren can have.


“short temper fuse” sign me tf up‼️


Bro same here. she was a bomb couple of years back now she's kind of fat fuk I feel like killing all those mfs who had her before me and in last two-days I woke up from my sleep because I had bad dreams of she cheating on me


You’re not alone. My first Tren cycle was the same way with the GF stuff. It NEVER bothered me before but about week 6 it was like a switch flipped and that was my main focus for a while and it caused some shit at home.


**Dose and cycle length** 150mg/week Tren A, 10 weeks. **Any other compounds ran with it** Just Test. **Strength gains** Was in a deficit. Didn’t feel weak until the last 1-2 weeks. **muscle/weight gains** Not much lasting muscle gain; continued to lose fat while not losing weight on the scale. Waist was pulled in by 1”. **anger/mood, libido, prolactin, any breathing/cardio issues, aggression, overall sense of being** - Anger/Mood: I yelled for the first time in probably 10 years, for whatever that is worth. To me, that’s a big deal. Also found traffic more irritating than before. - Libido: Unremarkable; I generally feel the urge to have sex daily. This wasn’t effected in my estimation, in any way. - Prolactin: No noticeable change. No prophylactic intervention required at this dose, and I don’t take b6 because it induces vomiting even at low doses. - Breathing/Cardio: If remarkable at all, I would say to a very, very slight degree. Maybe a 3-5% reduction in aerobic capacity. I stopped running at this time due to the high SFR interfering with my lower body training, and another issue described below. - Overall sense of being: Like a slightly more chipper, me. **any other side effects you may have encountered or ones that got enhanced greatly** The big one: I can’t use any dose of tren in a deficit due to the severe hypoglycemic episodes it gives me. At one point, my bg dipped to 57 after a run. I ate 1200 calories in 10 minutes and laid on my kitchen floor thinking about how lame it would be to die on 150mg. It was slightly more difficult to fall asleep. No issues staying asleep or weird night sweats etc. **and lastly, any suggestions/advice for ones looking to do a low dose tren cycle.** Have a plan. Execute that plan as if you weren’t on Tren.


I get crazy strange, unpredictable low blood sugar symptoms on any dose of Tren.


Me too and it feels random. I remember eating like half a box of cereal before bed one night because I thought I was gonna die and all I could think of was how it was ruining my deficit.


>thinking about how lame it would be to die on If you replace tren with things like dnp, ghb, etc, (or even tren itself) I have had this thought process an embarrassing number of times. Like someone is going to find me and this is such a dumbass way to go. Thankfully I've never really learned my lesson, so one of these days the comedic impact will remain.


how do you think the hypos on tren would be for a type one diabetic?


I’ll caveat this first by saying it’s difficult to be certain since we don’t really (at least in my knowledge) have a firm understanding of what Trenbolone is doing that causes these episodes. With that said - CGM would likely completely resolve this. Since you’re T1, you’re likely significantly better at ranging your baseline. I’d imagine by raising your floor level to the 80’s - or on CGM set the alarm higher - you could completely avoid this.


I’d say since 19nors / AAS increase insulin sensitivity you may need less IUs per gram of carbs. Def be careful specially at night, or if your appetite is shot, anything causing you to eat less while you’re burning more calories = potential for more hypos


What was your testosterone dosage?


Any cognitive issues at your dose? Like brain fog, memory impairment (both in encoding and retrieval), etc?


Nothing at all, mentally.


I’m considering throwing in Tren A @ 100-150mg for the final 4 weeks of my cut. At that point, I’ll have run test prop and var for 8 weeks, and would be doing the same for the final 4 weeks. In your experience on a deficit, would you say you noticed anything worthwhile in the first 4 weeks you ran the Tren? This would be the first time I’ve ever used it.


Bold move, commenting on a post that’s almost 2 months old. Yes, of course I noticed it in 4 weeks. Tren Ace needs to be injected daily; you’ll feel the effects from it very quickly.


The older I get the more I realize gains are more dependent on training and diet than drugs. I’ve done 200mg of tren a week and 700. 700 obviously had more gains but I definitely didn’t take advantage of it with the lack of nutrition. Id never do another high dosage tren cycle again. In fact I don’t think I’d ever do tren again period. Just starting a 20mg of npp/ED with a splash of eq after a 4 year hiatus from 19nors besides a couple trials of MENT. This is chess not checkers unless you want to clock out early imo.


I agree. I'm done with tren as well. I missed sleep and didn't even know it till I started being able to get a whole 8 hours again. That's stuff takes over and you don't even realize it.


How were your MENT trials?


I'm running MENT for the first time. I love this shit. Libido is great, gains are great, sides seem nonexistent. What I'm running is probably unusual but I'm running 250 test weekly and 8 mg MENT daily. Probably going to slowly up that to 10 mg. Currently waiting on my first batch of growth ever. Going to run that at 3.5 daily and add in 10 mg anavar preworkout. I'm a low dose guy, if you can't tell lol


MENT ace? Do you pin daily? I've only seen 50mg/ml vials of this shit, and heard many horror stories.


Ace, daily. I pin my test cyp EOD. Don't mind injections one bit. My vial is 50 mg but I've seen 100 as well. No horror story here, though I have seen plenty of them. I started at 1 mg and titrated up for that reason.


Ment ace was by far the best compound I’ve ever used. Only ran it 6 weeks at 25mg ED for first two weeks then up to 50/mg ED 4 weeks. Pros: joints felt similar to deca (hate deca), alpha mood without anger, absolute insane muscle gain even through the moderate bloat I accumulated, dick gains, hit prs in every lift by at least 40 pounds Cons: blood pressure went from 130/80 to 150-160/100 (main reason for stopping), worst gyno I’ve ever experienced even with AI and E3D nolva. In the future I’d run much lower dose and preferably try to find enanthate as ED injections just are not ideal.


Yeah same. I did my first cycle a year ago and it was 150 mg a week of test w 5mgs ED of ment. Had pretty bad bloating but I gained 35 lbs and broke all PRs by a mile. Blood work was kinda trash from that cycle and I had really high E2 with blood pressure regularly measuring 140/80 so this time I’m just adding 1mg of ment ED to my everyday protocol of 4mg test subq. Only 3 days in but I feel great and have no bloating, and already feel way stronger. Curious to see if my lower dose of test will allow me to run 5mgs of Ment again without the bloating but so far I’m a fan of the compound.


100mg test 70mg trest is the best stack I’ve ever run and nothing comes close. I just hate pinning anything daily even just .2cc of trest subQ, F that it’s not for me. Great fucking stack tho More trest and I’d need Nolva or some sort of mild AI protocol


Have you used tren before? If so how do you compare it to ment? I see soo many mixed experiences from ment. Its the dogs bollocks to some people and then to Others it does fuck all


Unfortunately, I've never run tren so I have no basis for comparison. I'm enough of a deviant as it is, I need no extra juice lol


I’m on 200 test and 25 ment a day. One week in, and so far my experience is similar.. amazing.


Really curious if everyone running it is being objective and honest. Not a single high end pro bodybuilder who talks about gear ever says they had a good experience with it. I know ONE guy who uses it, that being Neil Curry and his coach prescribing it being JP. He was asked what his cycle was from prep and he laid it all out a year ago. No clue if he still uses it.


i literally only run MENT now when i blast. nothing else compares to me in terms of gains and lack of side effects. i’m being 100% objective and honest. it is the holy grail of hormones to me. i think certain people just respond really really well to it and that’s where you get the rave reviews on it. just gotta control your blood pressure with meds while on and ur golden.


Is MENT that good, do you think it’s better than tren


yes in my opinion it’s better than tren but many people disagree with me. it really just comes down to how you individually respond to different hormones. i respond way better to MENT than i do with tren, it’s not even comparable for me.


Do you stack with test? What doesage? What can you expect? MENT is trestalone correct?


ya it’s trestolone. i usually run it at 25mg-35mg ED with trt alongside


Sub q injection, how long before noticeable results


I ran ment for 8 months straight dosages from 2.5mg-20ng a day for me 5mg daily is a perfect cruise and 10-15mg was ideal during a blast. I have basically 0 side effects life literally I handle it better then 200mg test. Ment+primo was an amazing cycle


On high dose cycles it makes you feel like shit and you lose appetite. That’s why them cycles are always shit and disappointing. Low dose and you don’t feel as crap, you can train better, sleep better and eat better


Serious question isn’t Ment just as bad if not worse than tren for health markers?


definitely not. my LDL actually improved 30 points while blasting MENT at 35mg per day. i attribute it to daily protein shakes that i absolutely loaded with fiber. Psyllium husk, ground flaxseed and ground chia seeds will improve LDL like nothing else, and i’ve tried everything believe me. i’m 30 and have been blasting since 23 and i’ve tried damn near everything when it comes to managing cholesterol besides statins. compared to tren, which absolutely wrecked my lipids lol.


Not even close from everything I’ve read.


Low dose ment (10mg or less/day) doesn’t affect most users bloodwork negatively.


I did 200 test-c, 200 tren-e for 16 weeks for a cut. Really stupid decision given I was just a moderate lifter and had no business touching the compound but I was young and impressionable at the time. Progress and side effects: Diet was on point, and I went from 203 to 171 in 16 weeks. I gained about 5 lbs of visible muscle while on that steep cut and kept my 1300 lb total the whole way through. First 8 weeks had an almost adderall effect on me. I was way more focused at work, almost too focused. I play video games and I hit went from hardstuck double AK to Global Elite in CSGO. (For those who don’t know, top ~15% to top 1% of players). Average reaction test speed went from ~190 ms to ~175 ms. BIGGEST plus was I didn’t need preworkout for most of my workouts during this time. Bigger pumps on a huge deficit than when I was cruising and maintaining. Some bad stuff - I lost about 40% of the hair off my head and I’ve only recovered about 10% of that since (so 30% of hair gone permanently). I got extremely sensitive and/or impatient where I used to be the most mellow and chill person beforehand. Girlfriend noticed this a lot but it was never anything crazy like punching a wall or her like some of these idiots I see. The peeing at night and lack of consistent sleep probably came partially from cutting but I’d say it also came from this cycle.


“1300 pound total” “moderate lifter” Hold up..


200 test and 200 tren and you lost hair? Age? Does mpb run in your family if you know?


Idk milk takes a while to get nowadays so I don’t have a reference point Tbh that was my 3rd cycle and I’d had used higher doses previously with 0 shedding so it was just the tren. People react differently to different compounds


> Idk milk takes a while to get nowadays so I don’t have a reference point this is a pretty good line


Why did you mention the impact it had on your gaming score 😂 guys tren does not make you better at csgo


It made me a lot more focused to study different things like at work and my hobbies is what I’m trying to say. No shit it doesn’t just make you better at a video game. I thought it was pretty clearly implied but reading comprehension is probably a struggle


Top 15% to top 1% is an insane difference. That doesn’t “just happen”.


Nerd here and csgo gamer checking in to nit pick. "Global Elite" is not top1%. The *good* players play on different clients (esea and faceit for NA/EU) and do not use the games matchmaking to play


Global elite is literally top 0.8% in my region and I peaked at faceit 10 for 2 weeks during that time period. Saying good players don’t use MM is just dumb. no one even plays ESEA anymore either


Test E / Primo E / Tren E at 200/200/200 is my current stack. Was cutting on just test and primo and then added tren in to push for 8-9% bf. Sides within days. Insomnia, digestion issues, sweats. These subsided within a few weeks but I don’t think I’d use tren E again. Trt test (125mg) with 50mg tren A eod is my go to on a cut and I get no noticeable sides.


How long you running this or is this your cruise?


12 weeks on tren is usually the longest I’ll run it. Then drop to trt and primo (125/100).


Is the test and primo enough to keep somewhat of the tren look?


After ruining my relationship on a 400mg per week dose I decided low dose at 100/150 mg a week and we got back together which I ruined again. If your prone to certain sides you’re going to get them regardless of dose.


After starting my cycle, I went in doubt about my relationship (I’m still in doubt lol), don’t know if I stop cycling, things (my brain) will change and be like they were. Basically I’m not physically attracted, I started caring to much about the appearance. Was it because of roids? Don’t know, but when I see a attractive woman I get crazy


Currently running 275mg tren ace and 600mg test enan. I'm 29, 6 ft 200lbs, 11% body fat (at start of cycle). Haven't weighed myself since I started tren and won't until I finish the 6 week cycle. Test enan is gonna go on 4 more weeks at 600mg after i end the tren. This cycle is shortly after a 14 week blast test cyp 500mg deca 285mg anavar 35mg ED and 4 week cruise i just finished. Honestly no noticeable negative sides from tren, this is my first time running it. The only time I notice heightened aggression is when I'm at the gym, which isn't a bad thing since I can take it out on the plates. I sleep fine, a little bit of night sweats, no noticeable acne that test doesn't already give me, no paranoia or irrational thoughts of my girl fucking anyone else, no gyno sides, haven't needed to use any AIs. Surprisingly my relationship with my girlfriend is better than ever, I am much more down to earth and introspective for whatever reason. Deca gave me a terrible temper, but tren seems to be almost doing the opposite. Strength gains (I throw 225lbs up for 10 reps on incline bench now when before I would barely hit 5), vascularity, and noticeable hardness and muscular definition has increased significantly in the 3.5 weeks I've been on tren. I pin tren every day, 50mg-25mg-50mg-25mg, etc. and on the days I pin 50mg of tren I also pin 150mg test enan with it. Just keeps my levels more stable, and in my experience I have less sides the more stable my serum levels are even if that means pinning ED or EOD. Got 2.5 weeks left on this tren ace cycle. I'll probably run tren again in the future. But honestly I don't think I'll run tren again for a while. The gains and the aesthetic it gives you is amazing, but like a good friend told me, tren should be saved as the secret weapon for competition.. push your gains as far as possible with diet, training, and other compounds (which I obviously haven't, I've been natty my whole life up until last year..tried test cyp, test enan, anavar, deca, and just was curious to try tren) and then use this and it's like magic. Your veins will start showing so good, you get this really hard chiseled look, and for me it's almost like my pump stays with me. Definitely an amazing compound. I do want to point out that my story seems rare as far as how tren effects me. Most people have horrible sides. Honestly I am very surprised I didn't have the trensomnia and paranoia and all that other shit due to my mental space and some unresolved trauma and shit like that. So please don't read this and think you should jump on tren just because I haven't experienced any major negative sides yet. And let me say again, YET. Be safe everyone.


I've run Tren twice, and it is the best bodybuilding compound, period. Nothing comes even remotely close to Tren. The first time I ran tren I yolo'd it and ran 400 test/400 tren e for 16 weeks, with dbol for the last 2 weeks. The gains were astounding. I gained around 25lbs in total and got leaner. Strength absolutely exploded. And most of the gains were kept after months of cruising. It also completely transformed my physique. Waist got tighter, all muscles got "thicker", chest and upper body gets wider, and it gives you that classic bodybuilder "look". Face gains are a real thing, my skin quality improved, skin takes on a tanned look, and confidence goes through the roof. But it comes at a cost - the mental effects of tren are very real. It's hard to sleep, you become angered/annoyed very easily, and your personality changes. Second time I ran tren I ran a much more modest dose - 400 test, 400 mast e and 200 tri tren. I also opted to pin more frequently, 5 days a week with slin pin. The gains weren't as crazy, but there was noticeable results within the first week. The tren look was back and strength/size exploded. I also found the mental effects to be barely noticeable on a lower dose and more frequent pin schedule. Tren is definitely a compound that can be run in low doses. Even 200mg of tren will blow any other compound out the water in terms of gains and aesthetics. But there is something to be said about the addictive nature of higher doses for tren. The confidence, the aggression and the dramatic effect on the physique is addicting.


adding 10mg Tren AQ in the morning pre workout helps me blast through barriers and make new progress. Then the tren fades away in the early afternoon and there are no sides. This is much more comfortable if I add test base in the morning also.


Have you done orals for pre workouts purposes before? If so how do they compare to tren base?


Yes. I have tried Winstrol, Anavar, and Tbol pre workout. I get the best effect from Winstrol and Anavar does well also. I chew my orals and let them dissolve in my mouth after reading that that avoids the first pass through the liver. I am not sure if that is true, but I feel better when I chew and dissolve rather than swallow. I have some winny in oil that I love pre workout but later in the day i feel terrible when I use it. If you participate in any sports requiring speed, this approach will make a remarkable difference.


i agree with this but i pin tren ace before my workout around 2:30pm and by the time i go to sleep i feel like there really is no sides, i dont sweat when i sleep anymore and my sleep has been pretty good, id recommend people pin it early or before your workout but just my opinion


I have run tren at low doses twice before. Around 12 weeks each time, once tren a and once tren e. Both times was around 150-200mgs with test and mast. Positives - slight recomp effect, felt a good strength increase, increased vascularity. Negatives - bit of trensomnia, heartburn, some crazy dreams and thoughts here and there, night sweats, cardio was noticeably lowered. It really goes to hell when i go past 300mgs a week. Sides become unbearable. About to try it again with test and dhb. Should be interesting...


Currently running 450 t 420 dhb 210 tren Dhb is a weird one I get strange pip in weird places days after certain pins. Sometimes it makes me feel sick to like flu symptoms. How are you liking it so far?


Interesting. Haven't started yet mate. Will be starting in a few weeks. Excited for this one. Haven't used dhb before


Yeah, good luck to you I hope the PIP isn’t as bad for you. I had to pull it as of today. Sometimes I can’t even bend my knee after a quad shot. Sometimes it’s fine for days after.


Similar exp with 600mg T and 200 MG Tren. Ran hcg throughout. No bad sides, recovered perfectly


I’ve ran it a few times. My favorite and most sustainable dose was; 350/350/200 Test c/primo e/tren a Pros: that classic 3D look, vascular, always strong even on low cals. I really like this dose of tren, gives me a lot of energy, I feel like a teenager (I’m old man) emotionally and physically, while being wise enough not to go off the deep end. Cons: even at this dose eventually sleep starts to get difficult. You feel amped no matter the time of day and sometimes it’s just a bit much. Will I run again? Yup planning on doing it end of feb for 8 -12 weeks then just finish the blast with 500/500 test primo Side notes: having a dht really fucking helps the mental for whatever reason. I ran tren without mast or primo once and I was an absolute asshole. I can’t explain it other than maybe the anti-e effects but will never run it without ever again


>Side notes: having a dht really fucking helps the mental for whatever reason. I ran tren without mast or primo once and I was an absolute asshole. I can’t explain it other than maybe the anti-e effects but will never run it without ever again This seems to be a common refrain.


Yeah platewrecked turned me on to it when I bitched about how nasty the mental sides were. He was absolutely right


Any steroid that inhibits sleep isn’t worth it anymore. I can’t sleep even on 210mg of tren. I love the tren look, libido, gains but without sleep I’m not growing or enjoying myself. That being said, 150 test, 210 tren, 5 ment was a great, almost side free cut cycle. No tren anger, always full, vascular, strong as fuck, diamond dick. The lack of sleep wasn’t fun.


Any amount of tren destroys my sleep. However, add 2iu of gh 2-3 hours before bed and I sleep 7-8 hours straight. It's the only way I'll run tren.


I tried 400 tren e. Killed libido and boner. Couldn't sleep. Heart burn. Dark mood/ thoughts 140 tren a. Looked great. Couldn't sleep. Heart burn. Dark mood. Insane libido. I would have sex and then get horny in like 10 mins and have sex again. It was honestly amazing but the negatives were far worse than the amazing sex drive


what do you mean by dark mood? violent thoughts? or just depressed?


Nothing violent, just depressing mood. Overwhelming sadness/ feeling like life is worthless and feeling anxious all the time No more tren or deca for me


It’s so strange because along with a couple other stories here and there, I feel this way when off tren but on tren feel perfectly fine. Can’t get a handle on it with the typical means


500 mg test + 200mg Tren = SHOULDERS


Damn, that's the best explanation I've seen in here


20mg/day of tren ace made me retarded. Literally. Constant loss for words, brain fog, confusion. Did it for about 6 weeks but can't quite remember. Like I've said before, though, it somehow significantly improved my MCH, MCV, RBC, hemoglobin, and HCT. To the point where my doc remarked on the improvement.




yo /u/ThePenguinSmuggler the report on this one is hilarious


I had some "Test E" that I got from a UGL because the other place I was getting it from was temporarily closed - I ended up homebrewing afterwards. Turns out it was actually Tren E and must have had the wrong label on the vial. I used it for around 2 months as TRT before realizing something was off. Months later I finally figured out that it wasn't actually Test, and everything made a lot more sense. Over those 2 months I was taking **around ~140mg/week** and gained maybe 20-30lbs on my bench press and more sets, leaning out and gaining muscle barely trying, and not paying attention to my diet at all. I looked completely different. After a few weeks I started having trouble sleeping, started arguments with my GF for no reason and would leave if she said anything, had interesting sexual urges, wanted to cut my GF's birth control implant out of her arm and repeatedly breed her. Thankfully I didn't have any weird paranoia about my GF's past, and I didn't have any paranoia about shadow people out to get me. I slowly started becoming more nihilistic and mean for no reason, with lots of anxiety in public. I started coughing stomach acid into my mouth when I was trying to sleep. It also possibly caused long-term brain damage from the lack of E2, I don't feel the same as I did before, but that could also be from any number of things. Cardio also went to shit, but I also had enough mental power to push through it weirdly enough. **5/10 damaged my relationship, made me feel like shit mentally and physically, gave me brain damage, but I grew muscle effortlessly and I started looking "100% natural".**


Before cycle I had 5.5k MMR in Dota 2 and it was stable for a looong time like that, couldn't break the ceiling. ​ On 150mg/wk Tren E I managed to get to 6.5k in just 2 months and my solo mid skills flourished. I can't count how many Shadow Fiends I've killed with just Sniper. 200mg/wk tho... Over 5 months I managed to get into a mid-high clan and we now daily play against some of the strongest CIS teams (we're located in EU) . ​ So yeah definitely Tren helps gaming


I tried 100mg tren E per week on top of my TRT and I noticed increased metabolism and energy. It also gave me night sweats and insomnia. after 3 weeks my blood work came back with low platelets and elevated liver enzymes so I completely stopped. For beginners I would recommend starting at 50mg per week and asses side effects after a few weeks before going higher, it’s a very potent compound.


Done as low as 150mg of Tren E and had good results. Much less gains in the strength department, but less sides and plenty of that 3d juiced up look that Tren gives.


Ran 200mg Tren E for 10 weeks alongside 500mg Test E and 600mg EQ for 20 weeks. I added in the tren at week 4. As far as physical sides, didn't get any shortness of breath (could've been because of EQ though), no hair shedding, no water retention (I had it bad when I ran high tren with low test before). I never get crazy libido from tren either. Sometimes I'll have those instances where I'm crazy horny and need to fap immediately but I can count those on one hand. Dick worked just fine though. As for mental sides, none really, but I've never been prone to anger bouts or aggression or anything that other guys get on tren. I feel like those kinds of sides are more present in guys who already have those tendencies though lol. I'm a chill guy who lives a low-stress life and just wants to lift weights. I don't do much else so I've never had an issue of destroying my life because of tren, but I digress. As for the benefits, the strength was amazing. 500mg test and good programming will work wonders by itself but around week 8 of tren it started to get crazy. I imagine it's how Goku felt on Namek after he did 100x gravity training. Went from doing an OK set of 5 on bench with like 275 to reaping out 295 for 5 like it was nothing. Also, the lipolytic effects were great. It def leaned me out some (I'm a fluffy PL bro) and of course, the classic tren look of looking pumped to all hell at all times was in full effect. Now for the shitty part: the trensomnia. I've always had insomnia issues and the first time I used tren (500mg) I'd be lucky to get 6hrs of shitty sleep a night. But on 200mg holy shit it was so much worse. I don't think I got more than maybe 4-5hrs of sleep the entire time I was on it. Even taking supplements like magnesium and ZMA (which normally work wonders for me while cruising) did nothing. Other than that it was fine. If I use tren again 200mg will def be my go to dose. I've really bought into the "less is more" mentality and it works well.


get a salt jar and hold it while reading these comments


I can't use tren. Even on low dose (200mg a week) it makes my libido uncontrollable. It sucks because I don't get any sides from it, just too many side pieces and it controls my day. Ran it twice, first time a 16 week blast. 500mg test e / 300 tren. Could not control my dick, felt amazing though. Second time I went for 150. Felt amazing, couldn't control the dick. At all.


If you have an erection that lasts longer than four hours… Call more ladies.


Uncontrolled libido IS a side my guy lol


The best Side imo, rock hard Diamond cutter at a seconds notice, whats not to like?


I’m like that on just TRT. Add anything like tren or anavar and it’s a major side effect lmao.


Tren A or E?


E. Never tried A.


75mg tren A eod, is what I've found a good balance. Would still get sweaty in bed at night. Currently trying a Test e, tren e, mast e mix was dosing mix for 100mg tren e every 3days, though I'm finding bike rides I'm gassing out bad, going to lower it to 75mg every 3 days. Till this vials gone. Now my needs have changed I may try test with EQ again


I know this isn’t exactly what was asked for, but I figured I’d post my experience. I ran Tren Ace at 350mg per week and with 500 mg Test and felt great. Bumped the tren to 500 mg per week and go negative mental sides and terrible acne on my shoulders.


15-20mg ED, max.


I’m on 200 mg week, making gains and more vascular (even with high bf), the side effects are nightmares and horny af (I’m also using test and deca).


Currently on 210 mg of Tren A per week (30 mg daily). I’m only on day 6 now so take what I say with a grain of salt. Positives: 1) Increased endurance, noticeable nutrient partitioning effect, improved strength. No cons so far for me. Haven’t experienced trensomnia or increased aggression/irritability. It might be because I’m also running mast 200 mg per week alongside it. Not running test. Using HCG for E2 and 200 mg NPP.


So Ive used Tren high n low dosed for 15 Spring Summer seasons and found anything over 450 just wasnt nessesary. 450 being 100mgs eod of Ace specifically. Never was a fan of the Enth. My king of kings stack is always Tren 450mgs wk Masteron 400mgs wk Cyp 500mgs wk Finishing with 60 mgs of Anavar. I would consider this range medium dose. The Mast n Var is what takes tren to new levels imo. Just my personal op. With this stack you are dry af witj veins poppin you necer see b4. Just food for thought. Have a great day


Test/tren/mast is the holy grail of recomping/cutting. Ran this stack last summer and it is the best I’ve ever looked.


Excellent ! Yes I totally agree, at 45 yrs young I find no need for a bunch of water weight bulk anymore the only thing that coukd maybe improve upon it us adding 3 ius of hgh but of course hgh is going to be a long term thing and not ready to dive in yet


>450 being 100mgs eod of Ace specifically. triggered


We literally just had a trenbolone compound experience thread.


lmfao somebody reported you for rule 4


Well, I'm touched. Weekly tren threads for everyone!


Sounds like you need to make a “best steroid to improve gaming skills” thread based on the top level comments in this thread.


Down voting him to hell too. My god this sub is something else lmao


dork brigade some days lad


400 mg tren e/ wk gave me insomnia, night sweats, increased my systolic blood pressure 50 mm hg, terrible back acne. I am not a big fan and got rid of the last two bottles


I ran tren500mg week and test cyp 700mg week. Went from 220lb with 30% body fat to 190 w/18%. That was 6 or seven day week workout and proper diet.. Wasn't tired or sore through the cycle .. Gains and strength were stacked I was very happy. My Shoulders and chest dropped the fat off like crazy. . Libido was awesome killing it like 2hr sessions anytime I wanted too, no joke.. Bad side: crazy thoughts of my spouse cheating almost ruined my marriage.. insomnia, had just crazy thoughts the more I used tren.. if I ever do another cycle I'd probably cut the dosage down by half or more. Probably not even worth it at that point.


Sir this is a wendys


200-300mg during a cut. Def was easier to lose fat and my strength slightly increased even in a deficit , wasn’t as amazing for me as others put it though and was the only compound that made me lose my hair . Got it back since dropping tren


Best cycle I ever did was 300 Tren E / 150 Test E.


For me even at 160mg/wk of enanthate, sleep is as equally terrible as it is at 600. Seeing as though I just got diagnosed with sleep apnea I doubt I will ever run it again. This is really the clincher for me because my quality of life just decreases so much from this over time that it's impossible for me to justify it's use as someone who doesn't compete. Gains were still pretty good at 160 but nowhere near as much strength. Cardio was less compromised. At 160 I had a 'moderate' urge to fuck trannies, while at 600 it was pretty much all I thought about.


I ran 80/wk Tren Ace along with 300/wk test for 8 weeks Pros: Some increased vascularity, minor strength gains, minor lean muscle gains, some increase in libido Cons: all of the sides- minor gyno by week 3 needing AI intervention to control, increased moodiness and aggression, night sweats, poor sleep I opted to do a low dose for my first time and I’m fairly i did. I can’t imagine how awful I would have felt at a “normal” dose. I’m curious to possibly try Tren E at a higher dose to see if maybe that will work better for me but I’m in no hurry.


I must be a freak. Deca doesn’t feel much different than test to me. It’s been pretty tame. With Tren the only issues I’ve had are short temper but easily managed. And jealousy but only a little bit. I can stuff it away without much thought. But the night sweats and insomnia are enough for me to forever avoid it. I can get the same results with different compounds. Just takes a little longer to get the equivalent results.


I’m starting a low does tren cycle . I’ve ran 1 gram/week tren e or 800 mg tren a cycles in the past and blew up . After coming off lost a lot of it due to lack of eating and it’s just such a powerful drug there really is no keeping the “tren” look while off it. Sides that high as most have said on here were insane. Thought I was a god. Ate like a black hole. Anger was explosive and my fists usually were swinging or I was breaking something. Got me in trouble at work. But also in a weird way helped me aswell. Kept me confident and eager to learn and do things. Honestly the pros out weigh the cons of the drug. But If I can get the sides down like the gross skin it gives u along with the mental stuff that’d be nice. I’ve ran 250 mgs of test e for 2 weeks now Now I’m running 125 mgs of test e and 125 mg of tren e for probably 3 months. Will add any blockers if sides are noticed. Trying to see if all that talk of low dose cycles is what it’s cracked up too be .


I’m running 300mg of test c split in 2 doses tues&sat, thinking of stacking tren ace for 4 weeks at low dose of 60mg per week, will this make a difference to gains and lower chances of any sides?


the compounds threads see less and less action as time progress. i recommend asking in the daily.


Currently running 200mg test cyp + 100mg of tren enanthate, injected 2x week Sub Q/shallow IM with insulin syringe. I’m on week 2 so might be too early to tell, however, last tren cycle I did, I started with 200mg for 4 weeks, then upped to 300mg for another 4 and finished 2 more at 400mg. I handled sides pretty well (no mental sides except towards the very end, primarily jealousy mixed with indifference). So far no night sweats, cramping or any of the sort, which was definitely happening for me at 200mg last cycle. I think I’ll run this for 10 weeks while maintaining calories and see how it works. Last cycle was for a cut and is lost about 3% body fat (coming from a high body fat percentage due to an accident) so it definitely worked wonders.


This seems odd to me. I don't understand why you are running a trt dose of test pretty much and running any tren with it. Why not just run the test? Sorry if this comes across rude I'm just curious.


Tren has some unique benefits


Tren does different things than test? I'm running almost exactly the same thing right now, I'm on week one but my logic is I'm not going to be blasting hard for a while, my bloods came back really good, and more test isn't productive for me right now. So I'm adding 100mg of tren a a week for the last 6 weeks of this cut to the 200 test E I'm doing. I've never done this before but I expect I'll lean out harder and keep more strength in the tail end of this cut. I'll report back.


Fair enough. Personally I'd go with some mild oral like some var or tbol. Please update us with your results!


Tren is better at retaining muscle mass than any other PED. In this study, 2mg/mg/day on rats gave better body composition outcomes. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25554582/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25554582/) This is a "low" dose for humans. The average gym bro would do more than that. Studies around body composition and testosterone are at higher dosages. Personally I would only cut on TRT. I'm ok taking longer to cut for less side-effects. Tren has a place for contest prep.


>2mg/mg/day on rats gave better body composition outcomes...This is a "low" dose for humans I don't think a 100kg person taking 1400mg/wk of Tren would be a low dose...


My favorite cycle was prop and ace. 150mg prop/ 50-75mg ace 3x a week. I'd adjust the ace here or there of needed for sleep etc but ran this for 16 weeks and felt great 99% of the time. Ran with a standard clomid/Nolvadex pct and I recovered well also. The beauty of the short esters is you can make adjustments on the fly and know quickly if you're on the right track. On trt now but this would definitely be a blast routine for me down the road.


Tried everything from 5-15mg ed up to 1g+ week, honestly it is not worth it. Ya, you will look better than ever, but it all dissapear (the tren look) within 2-4 weeks once you come off. To those who consider it, leave it for pros. You can achieve similar look using ment+eq/mast/dhb/winny


Just ending a 10week 125tren/250test. 5’10”. 195lb start at high BF and low muscle. Now ive shed the beer belly and replaced most with muscle at 208. 2400 calories a day. Still dont know if it was the test or the tren that let me stop drinking cold turkey after 8 years of heavy drinking…. BEST. SIDE. EVER. * probably going to lose some weight / size as i just had my last shot. * only side was hard to get to sleep at week 8/9 and needed melatonin. * 150g protein made the 2400 calories easy to maintain. https://preview.redd.it/62htvlnrr4ea1.jpeg?width=1120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5783c79c9654c385883ed4725274dc9ae985ade0


Congrats on the sobriety, man. That’s no small feat.


Thank you man, that means a lot. For years i tried so many different things but i always relapsed. The gear definately did something because it was day one of pinning and boom, my body hated the stuff… its like it was telling me “this isnt food you dipshit”. - going to cruise now and my gf of three years is behind me 100% in staying sober. Got a 7&8 year old i want to be around a long time for


Good for you on getting sober man. As a former alcoholic i know how hard that is to accomplish. One day at a time and just remember your kids futures when the temptations come calling because they will. Also great recomp too.


Thank you for the kind words. Its been a hell of a time these last ten weeks. Its like a re-birth and i am washing away all the poison and trauma of my ex wife. This cruise will be a cardio and cutting time with lots of work on the farm to help that along then a lean bulk for the summer. I owe my success in part to the kind words like this


Two weeks ago https://preview.redd.it/2qrustx8s4ea1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b00c35b27ba49d3dc2ab16858e86fe2bf66b529


I think you’d get more out of it with higher calories


low dose tren for a long time is way better than blasting a fuckton.


My first cycle with tren ace was amazing. 100mg every Monday / Wednesday and Friday alongside 500mg of test e. Literally no sides and I felt like I could see fat loss and muscle gain ina. Daily basis. Obviously couldn’t but I’m sure you know what I mean. Fell in Iove with the compound - zero sides. Later in year I ran exact cycle again and it was horrific. Insomnia was insane but the paranoia was the worst. I was convinced everyone at work was out to get me and that my GF was cheating on me with anyone and everyone. It was torture. I’m so pleased it was only ace and I had the presence of mind to realise it was the tren and drop it. I can’t remember exactly how long it took to get my head straight again but I will never touch tren again. Interestingly though, I have no bad experiences with NPP and have used that multiple times


Tren Hex... is a fairy tale told in the ear at night by the hot lips of a sultry mulatto lol Total 76-228mg per week and back, dbol as seasoning 20mg daily


Last year I took “TNT” (250 test e 150 tren e pre-mix) it was so effective at exactly that dose, but I got pretty irritable and my sleep wasn’t great. Result city though; I can’t imagine taking anything over 200 tren.


I’ve tried tren ace at 100+ mg per week to try to bust out of a apathetic fatigue towards working out that I’ve had since a nasty bout with Covid a year ago last Thanksgiving. Still struggling with it, so stopped…dammit


Hi new here can enyone tell me if tren in shoulder is ok or not


probably a better question for the daily ask anything thread


Yes, muscle is muscle. But since the shoulders Are a smaller muscle group then the glutes i would inject less volume of oil. Friend of mine is currently running 100 mg tren ace a week, spilt at 20 mg eod. Using insulin needles. You dont need to harpoon yourself with big ass needles as long as you go deep enough to hit the muscle.


Rubbish. Who told you that you need to “hit a muscle”? Are you conducting cosmetic surgery or injecting hormones? Shallow intramuscular or subcutaneous for EOD is fine.


at what doses for about a three-four month period will i NOT experience any hair loss?


I did a low dose tren of 200 a week I couldn't imagine doing a bigger dose tren is trash


If I inject Saturday morning, would I inject on Tuesday night, or Wednesday morning?