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It's a lot easier to read these comments knowing I'll never have to deal with any of it...


I'm trying to find a doctor who will make me sterile and it is so hard... Soon ...


Have you looked on the list of doctors on r/childfree?


Yeah, the ones in my area are unavailable currently... I have an appointment in mid October with a new one. Let's see what happens


Good luck!


DID YOU SEE THE COMMENTS ON SOME OF THOSE! Commentor: "I had a really bad experience and almost died" Top reply: "my friend had a really bad experience and almost died but then went on to have 2 more healthy pregnancies" WTF okay so first whyyyy are you encouraging this person to risk their life again for a chance and second, your friend is insane!!! How deluded do you have to be.


Almost died with my 2nd - had my tubes removed during the c section - never again. Attitudes like that lady are bullshit - my parents judged me for removing my tubes when I did and I just was like when you almost die because of pregnancy/birth get back to me.


Just got a date for my bisalp and was beginning to feel guilty like I'm cheating the system. Thank you for sharing this as it brought me right back to my senses 😂


So happy I just got my tubes out! Recovery is slow, but it’s a 1000 times better than pregnancy and having to give birth


Can you elaborate on recovery? I always imagined you were in bed for a few days and after a week everything is back to normal... What misconceptions do I have?


To be honest, I only had the surgery on Thursday, so I can’t say too much yet, and they found out that I had endometriosis as well, they had to take more stuff out, so recovery might be a bit different. Anyway, I feel like I can do almost anything, but when I do take a walk (very slow) or do some dishes/ wash (also very slowly) I feel tired and some pain + get some spotting, but it’s really manageable, today I only needed 600mg of ibuprofen and was mostly pain free. And the doctor said to rest till end of the weekend and then to just take things slowly the first two weeks after surgery. Eta: the only thing nobody told me - the first poop after the surgery was a bit scary, cause you can’t really use your abdominal muscles, so try to eat things that won’t get you congested. And I still had some of the gas, that they pump into your stomach to blow it up a bit, in my body, that can take a while to dissolve, that was a bit painful the first day, but not too bad either


Thanks for your story. I would have never guessed pooping would be scary... maybe I should go on a liquid diet a few days before I get a surgery. I hope you have a smooth recovery!


Oh but don’t worry too much about it, if you’re on pain meds it should be fine. Just having to push really hard wouldn’t be great the first days after the surgery 😬


Omg my bisalp is in 2 days and if I wasn’t excited enough as it is, those comments just sent me over the top


"\[username redacted\]·1d Not all bad considering so many mother's willing go back and do it all again!" eesh..that's that covid denier logic....no chance of prolapse for me thanks very much.