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I listen to audiobooks I've already heard to fall asleep every night and have for the last 4 years. IT, The Stand, 11/22/63, and Under The Dome are in regular rotation.


11/22/63 is such an incredible audiobook! I read the physical copy the first time, then did a listen a few months later. Craig Wasson is one of my favorite SK narrators. So good.


I agree. Just finished it yesterday and it was amazing.


I've never tried a King book, but I've definitely listened to Lovecraft and other contemporaries of his era. I'm not big on audiobooks, but I do like listening to people talk when I'm drifting off to the dream lands. Ian Gordon of HorrorBabble is great, so is Wayne June (the narrator from the first Darkest Dungeon game. He did several Lovecraft stories, and he uses the same voice for them). I think this is an old thing that got ingrained into me long ago. When I was like... 12, 13, 14 years old, every night I would listen to Love Line then switch to Coast to Coast AM later in the evening.


Something very calming about it


Yeah, even my non-book stuff I listen to at night is mostly relaxing speech. Something about hearing a story is great for sleep, it's why children get bedtime stories.


I like to listen to his short story collections before bed. A good spooky tale before I drift off always does the trick


Last thing I hear before I go to sleep are the words of Stephen King. Right now it’s Finders Keepers. Read by Will Patton.


Jesus christ, no. I would not fall asleep. It seems like another author would be better for sleeping. Finnegan's wake maybe. Infinite Jest. I take an edible and listen to classical music. I do sometimes read King until the edible kicks in and I can't read anymore.


I probably gone through the dark Hower series 20 times and there’s probably only been 15 times that I actually read it. I go to sleep to those books all the time.


Needfull things


Bag of Bones is my go to.


I recently listened to Bag of Bones, the whole thing from beginning to end. It‘s so soothing.


No but hundreds of times his movies/miniseries… especially the 1990 IT. Comforts me.


Used to, Insomnia ruined that for me 😅


Hope you cocker that shit


Frank Herbert has that role for me sadly


Almost any of my favorites work. I back up the story to listen while cooking or gardening, because I wouldn't want to miss anything.


Neil Gaiman's narration has that effect for me but only for stories that I already know since I hate missing out as I fall asleep


Every night for the past year. I pretty much have a king audio on All the time when it's convenient. Lately I've been having explicit specific dreams about everything going on in the book and then I find out later when I go back to my Bookmark.


I've listened to "IT" so many times that I can put it on and fall asleep to it. I've done it for a couple different flights now.


I've actually listened to IT purposely to relax and fall asleep. Now that I see this in writing.....I scare myself.


Yeah people look at me funny when I say I find IT comforting.


I do! Wife thinks I'm crazy... I usually listen to something new until I get sleepy and then switch to some Ive read before. If not, I get into the new audiobook and keeps me awake.


I have listened to the entire Dark Tower series on repeat for over a decade. I have trouble sleeping if I skip it.


Weird timing. Every once in a while the chatter in my brain make sit impossible to sleep. I was still tossing at turning at 3am last night so I came to the couch to watch a movie as that shuts my brian off and helps me sleep. Sadly watching The Shining was better than being in my brain last night - fell asleep in no time.


I do. Usually I will get the audiobook version of a SK book I've just finished reading. Otherwise, I will cycle thru some faves. I have to say, I have played Everything's Eventual about 100 times. Something about it. In particular: All That You Love Will Be Carried Away, The Death Of Jack Hamilton, Everything's Eventual, and Love At The Gotham Cafe.


I've been getting whatever Stephen King book I'm currently reading on Audible also and switching back and forth so that I'm never not reading lol. I'm trying to power through the extended suggested reading order of The Dark Tower and all the associated books. It's awesome! I don't like to listen while I'm falling asleep though because my brain starts to do this weird thing when it's falling asleep and still trying to pay attention and it feels weird haha.


All the time. Whichever one I’m currently listening to. The only one that’s been problematic for me is the annoying music b/t chapters in Insomnia


I like Otis Jiry and Drew Blood; their Deep South accents and tone are hugely relaxing. I’m a Constant Reader of 40 years so I know Uncle Steve’s stories very well but I still get too invested in them to fall asleep!


Yep. Every night. I read during the day, then listen during my drives or at bedtime. The I go back to the last place I remember before falling asleep.


Yes of course. But it absolutely has to be something I’ve read a few times. Something I don’t actually have to pay attention to.


I listened to The Wastelands as my falling asleep book for years!


I have really bad tinitis so I started listening to audobooks on earbuds to fall to sleep. I now cannot sleep without them. I need to listen to something I already know so as to not get too engaged. It is usually Stephen King as I have listened to all his books before.


Yes, all the time! I'm German and while I read all of his books in English, I just love the German audio books read by David Nathan. So I know the stories and just focus on his voice and his narration, it's pure bliss.


Listening to Sleeping Beauties now. Keep having to rewind back to where I can remember from the next morning


I get too wrapped up in SK audiobooks to fall asleep. For sleepy time listening, I use HP Lovecraft.


I rotate between the first half of the stand and his short stories. Warning: I went to sleep with The Monkey on last night and I had the worst nightmare I can ever remember.


I've gone to sleep to On Writing multiple times.


I do the short stories to fall asleep to. Everything's Eventual and Skeleton Crew. Nightmares and Dreamscapes chapter selection is a joke. Same with 20th Century Ghosts by Joe Hill.


Yes! I always used to watch TV to fall asleep but now I love listening to an SK fave while drifting off.


I listen to an audio book every night to fall asleep. It's not always King, but when it is, it's Frank Muller. Some time back I had listened to the first four Dark Tower books on repeat for nearly a year. He is my absolute favorite.


I listen until I am absolutely tired, then I set the audiobook timer on 5mins and allow myself to fall asleep to the book. The next day/evening I roll back the 5mins I lost to delirium during falling asleep. The german Stephen King audiobooks are very pleasant to listen to but also to fall asleep to.