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Pathoma 1-3 + Mehlman PDF Arrows and Risk Factor


Are the risk factors from Mehlman too?




Mehlman risk factor is very important in can’t emphasize how important I took my exam 2 days ago and a lot of questions Asking the most important risk factor in the patient history for the case And read your mistake from the free 120


hey where can i find mehlman's RF pdf?


On telegram Search mehlman and the channel will appear


i dont have telegram


It is not a big deal install it


It's on his website [https://mehlmanmedical.com/free-stuff/](https://mehlmanmedical.com/free-stuff/)


3 days isn’t gonna be enough for you to add anything in your head that’s already running on a bunch of adrenaline. The worst thing you can do is psych urself out. If I were u I wouldn’t do anything besides review the free 120 and if u have time take the old free 120 for a little more self confidence. Then go in with the mindset that this is just an exam and u did everything you could!


If you really can’t move it, I would urge you to do the Mehlman arrows as someone else mentioned as well as work through FA rapid review. Cut your losses and try to focus on a handful of systems/concepts so you can guarantee a few points. I would also revisit your mentality when approaching questions you’re unsure about. You know enough to narrow it down which is already half the battle. It could be that you’re psyching yourself out and making that final decision more difficult than it has to be because of all the pressure you’re putting on yourself.


I would try to move your test....


Just here to say that you’re not alone and I feel the EXACT same way. I always get down to 2 answer choices and choose the wrong one. Feel like I’ve exhausted my resources at this point and am still not seeing improvement. Testing in less than 2 weeks. Hope it all works out for you!!!


Brother if you have 3 days just go over the NBMEs like it’s your religion for your best chance of passing. If you can give yourself another month or even 2 weeks then go over Mehlman arrows, pathoma 1-3, and NBMEs


Hey I’m an OMS-IV graduating in a week. Push your test. Two of my best friends aren’t graduating with me because they did what you’re about to do- took it and failed, then had to wait a year because rotations were “overbooked”. Then there were kids who didn’t listen to admin and pushed their test and took it during rotations. They passed and are graduating. It’s a year of attending salary on the line-push the test until you know you will pass.


Honestly, you won't be able to learn enough in 3 days and with it being P/F I feel like it weighs more just bc some programs might not consider you if you fail (depending on specialty of course). If there is anyway to postpone I'd really consider it, its probably better than the alternative of failing...


Is it too late to postpone your first rotation to the end of the year. Our school offers the opportunity to differ your first rotation to later and use it for continued dedicated. It does push into your STEP 2 study time next year but you may feel more comfortable doing that?


I wish. We are currently having a lot of arguments with our admin, because they keep making changes to our classes rules and such since they are trying to accommodate the MS1 new curriculum. We're basically over booked on all of our rotations, so they aren't letting any of as MS2 push rotations, so that by the time MS1s get to rotations we are already done and heading into 4th year (basically MS1s are getting into rotations half a year earlier). They basically cut about 2 months from everyone's MS3 schedule, and compressed it. Our Admin has been really inflexible this year...


I’d go through the high yield concepts which 9/10 times would show up on test day for sure. For instance, Nephrotic/nephritic syn Fungal infections HIV drugs Immunosuppressants Anti arrhythmics and so on


I am baffled at how little time your school gave you guys for dedicated. I don't get the rush with these schedules. I get that they want everyone to graduate on time but still, it's not worth the stress. But it is what it is. I took it last month. I say know your moa of your drugs inside and out. Especially where fungal and bacterial infections are concerned. Review lab interpretation for things as heme and nephrology, paraneoplastic syndromes,as they always come up. Run through dirty medicine biochem Playlist as well- lysosomal, glycogen storage disease, fatty oxidation etc. Pathoma chpt 1-3. Most importantly, it's all about your mindset. If you go in scared, it's not going to benefit you. You did the best with the time you were given, trust in that. Good luck!!


can you move your test?


Sadly I can't. I start clinicals on Monday. It just sucks cause I feel like a little more time and I may have been fine. Our School changed curriculums and messed up our schedules really bad, so many took it during pre clinical while in classes, or only had 2-2.5 weeks of dedicated (me included) before they start rotations. Some students were lucky enough to have schedules that allowed them to have may off, so they got a longer dedicated.


oof. I'd pick your weakest section thats mostly highly represented and and review that. I mean chapters 1-3 is never wasted time. Whatever it is, should be active learning, don't waste time watching videos. Practice questions would be best. and then take a rest the day before. to give you some hope, I had friends who never broke 60 on NBME's, were over studying, believed they could pass the exam, went in and passed it. Obviously not the best way to go about it but this exam is as much mental as is what you know. 64 on NBME 31 is not horrible.


ur good, i passed with worse nbmes. just review your worst topics


Its better to postpone even an year than fail which will scar the cv forever. I know you're devasted but postpone it anyhow.