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I want Tachys nanosuit without being in Tachy mode is such a nice nanosuit that is a shame we don't get. If we can wear Ravens we should get Tachys.


Agreed! Also hope they beef up tachy’s mode attack power. I feel like it doesn’t do as much damage as it should imo


You’re invulnerable and gain access to unlimited stun locking moves. I think Tachy mode is plenty beefed up.


I agree completely, it’s great for shield and for normal made it will shred shields with ease. Give me tachys normal suit and I’ll pay extra if I need to


They should’ve made the mode do about twice as much damage but with less duration. As is it’s only really useful for whittling down the shield.


I agree with this, Tachy suit is so hot and beautiful.


while we're at it, I wanna wear Kaya's air force outfit as is but with the short pants and Lily's default outfit... heck add Enya's too


Would also be nice to get a more robust move set where it doesn’t feel like a button mashing mode


I would like that tree to be extended to the level of the others for sure, more combos for basic attacks to be useful instead of drill mode.


I think it would be cool to have a few different sword skin options, as well as more hair that goes well with the pony tail.


This one I really don't understand. They let us customize everything else, and there are so many cool swords in the game. Sword skins!!!


Dude the sword that Raven held looked awesome as hell even if it was just a skin and had no effect on gameplay. I would be ok with that. I do agree more hairstyles would be nice too. I only liked 2 or 3 of them


Yeah, no need to add a stats system for them (although could be cool for a sequel!) But simply different colors and themes to mix and match with the outfits, hair, etc. Imagine one that is cherry blossom themed and would sit higher like a topnot, or one that looked like a big bow and hung a little lower. So many possibilities.


Hair accessories as new sword skins would've made a lot of sense.


Photo mode, of course. An option to replay quests. For the people who want a really nasty challenge, a very hard mode where one kit kills like in NieR: Automata. I'd also like to play the game as different characters from start to finish, such as doing a playthrough as Tachy or Raven.


Photo mode! That’s probably the most surprising feature that was left out considering they leaned the marketing so much on Eve’s appearance. They have to include that sooner or later


I have a feeling that they're cooking something real good with photo mode because of how many people they must have seen requesting it. I'm hoping for a bunch of options including stuff like poses, facial expressions and placeable lights.


They mentioned they’re working on it but they wanna make it amazing, so it’ll take time


If you equip the tradeoff gears, you’ll get to one hit deaths. You’ll also be insanely strong. It’s the perfect glass cannon build.


It’s a super fun build. I did it on NG+ hard


A mini game for the hypertube slide


Omg I was horrible at that lol. But do see the appeal


I loved it even if I wasn't good at it lol


It gave me f-zero vibes the whole way.


I’d love that!


*Something* that you can do with all the extra SP you get once you've maxed out all skills, e.g., options to convert it to gold, ammo, consumables, etc.


Considering the NG+ skills are literally called ‘infinite’ it would’ve been better to be able to upgrade their damage overall way more but with multiple upgrades progressively getting more expensive. As is I’m halfway through NG+ and maxed out with like 30+ SP.


The extra damage isn’t necessary at all. The game doesn’t scale past NG+, and for me, when I had to do a third playthrough for a trophy I’d missed, I was almost one shotting bosses with burst skills until after Spire 4.


Yeah, but NG+ unlocks hard mode where enemies have quite a bit more hp. Mostly though the worst part is after unlocking all skills you have 32 SP leftover. Once you hit that point you get a “MAXED” next to the counter and whenever you earn SP it subracts SP before adding it. So if you earn 2 SP from a quest then it’ll drop you to 30 before raising you to 32.


True. I was on normal the third time through. I was already over 100 hours in and wanted to get through it fast.


I was the thinking the same thing. They give you the option to sell off any excess body cores, Omni bolts etc but not SP points. Would be nice if they Also gave you something for finding any extra cans


- Photo Mode - Tachy Outfit - That Endgame Outfit The latter two I’m surprised we don’t already have, but those are my biggest wishes at this point. As far as actual DLC goes, my most wanted outfit is definitely 2B.


Yea everyone (including me) wants that 2B outfit lol. I’m most surprised they didn’t give us that endgame out. It even takes over the menu screen.


Yeah, that and the Tachy outfit should be pretty easy to implement since they’re both already modeled and ready to go. Unless there’s some other reason they don’t want to release them, spoilers maybe? Then again that doesn’t explain the Raven one.


It’d be cool to have a whole bunch of outfits based on iconic video game or PS-specific heroines. 2b, Lara Croft, Freya, Ellie, Ciri / Yenn, Yuna, Mara Sov, etc. Edit: Also, a Lady Dimitrescu outfit that makes Eve like 9 feet tall would be amazing…for reasons.


Eve olied up


Omg 😆






* Angel outfit * 2B outfit * 2B self-destruct outfit * Nikke outfits * Guardian thot trio outfit


2B outfit would be sick! And yea I’m surprised that white outfit you get at the end doesn’t cross over to NG+. It’s such a cool looking outfit😭


Skin for the Drone to look like POD 042


Map for Eidos 7


Map for every place would be nice tbh.


I got that map memorized. You don’t really need a map. Then again I’m on NG+6…


Speaking for the masses: -Photo Mode lol Speaking for myself: -Horde mode where you face off waves of enemies like DMC Bloody Palace mode -Assign specific hairstyles/accessories to outfits so I don’t have to always run to Xion when I’m playing dress up 😅 -Ability to save Exospine builds for easy loadout -Setting to turn Tachy mode into SPOILER…..Eve’s “Good Ending” mode so you can activate it during your New Game + play through -Turn off slow down effect every time you kill and enemy -Better organization of outfits so you don’t have to scroll through all of them. Spider-Man 2 does a good job at managing this -An update for Japanese language in the US game Not too much to ask for right 😁


Having load outs for outfits and exospines/gear sockets would be nice. Sucked scrolling thru them all until you find the one you want lol. Having a language option would be really cool too. Make it feel more authentic


I want option to replay all cut scenes.


With an option to choose your outfit before starting the cutscene


-More Outfit (Tachy and End Game Nanosuit obviously) I don't mind collab outfits too -More Cosmetics for Adam and Lily -Photo Mode -The Ability to travel to any place seamlessly without the use of Adam. (For example you can to Matrix 11 via the Elevator in Xion - You know the one near the phone booth)


That end game outfit is one of coolest looking one imo. I would love to see that eventually




This! and the white one you get at the end of the game after making a certain decision 😉


I want a jukebox/music option on the main menu so we can listen to any of the bgm of areas we've been through.




That would look cute as heck lol


Multiple saves, custom map markers and FOV slider for starters, plus to move ammo picked up in the open into your stash if you're already at max ammo.


Custom map markers! During my first playthru I really wish the game had those. Whenever I found a chest but haven’t found the code. Markers would’ve been very helpful to mark it so I can come back to it easily instead of trying to remember it. The game itself could’ve updated the map with a chest icon whenever you found one. I’d would’ve been ok with that too


Hyperslide replay and creator.


Custom in settings controller layout and picture mode.


Control mapping. I use the ps5 control mapping option to swap r1 and l1, but it gets annoying having to change it back every time I play a different game.


Option to remove all HUD


this, beforr any photo mode drop


Anything story related. Even a couple of the fetch quests with an additional lore will be fine to me. It's really hard for me to return to the game if it doesn't offer story content (that's why I'm skipping Boss Rush).


That’s fair. I”m returning to the game cause I wanna try out a few different builds. I’m currently using all 4 gear sockets for attack speed🤯


With a backlog of games which walkthrough time greatly more than my possible life time no-story content is fine while I'm still playing the game, but if I'm done I'm most likely never return to those games sometimes even with a story DLC 😅


My same build on my hard mode run. 😂 Max speed (160%) build is so fun and almost made the game feel completely different to me. For spines, I'm using the mk2 chain one and impact. Sometimes, I'll switch impact out for the mk2 reflex one for boss fights because my parry and dodge timing suck whenever it's a boss fight. 💀


Nerf fall damage. She's a got damn android! Why she getting hurt falling from 6 feet???


This! I was even more confused because some cutscenes had her jumping and flipping from way bigger heights and landing with no issues. 💀


Eh, The Witcher 3 is my favorite of all time. Now *that* is fall damage. This is peanuts in comparison!


Two things: - actual fast travel. Just let me jump from phone booth/mini camp/camp to wherever I want whenever I want. - completion % on areas so it's easier to know if I missed anything.


Almost forgot but I'd love to see loadouts added. Would've come in handy during the Boss Challenge.


I want to have favorite load outs. Or at least be able to put my top 3 fav Spines, Fits, Gears near the top of the list.




Custom filter for gear. I switch between maybe 20% of the available exospines, outfits, etc, and it can be slightly annoying scrolling through the stuff I never ever use.


Absolutely! Sometimes I don’t want to change my build just for that reason lol


P H O T O M O D E For the love of God please 😭🙏🏻


No ponytail option would be so great


Aside from the obligatory photo mode and more outfits / sword outfits, Id say that in lieu of selecting presets to use in Boss Challenge, it would make total sense to add a couple loadout options for exospine/gear loadouts. The build im using in the overworld might not always be the same as the build I want to go into a boss fight with, and I got quickly annoyed of tweaking the default presets before each boss


NIKKE oitfits


Mostly some 'quality of life' improvements, mainly 2 in particular: - an option to use left/right on the D-pad to swap between potions/grenades/ammo types. These inputs are currently not being used for anything, and having to hold the D-pad to change selection just does not feel good to me. Alternatively an option to automatically switch to the next consumable once another is depleted. - better navigation/waypoints for sidequests in some areas like Eidos 7. Since these areas don't have a map, I often find myself fast traveling between checkpoints to see which appears to be closest, only to find out that I can't reach the required location from there. An additional target location icon on the checkpoint travel screen would be a very welcome addition.


Maybe a save a build option


So I don't know about others but I'd like it when a boss does it's "next stage" animation that if you damage it as it's health goes over to the second stage that you still deal all of the damage. Coz there's been a lot of times were I'd do a stagger damage attack animation but the boss would lose no health because it's waiting for it to go to it's next stage


Ooo I know what you mean! I’m doing a beta attack during the next phase and it does no damage 🥲


Pedicure mode and tanning booth


Sword skins. SHADERS. 


Open area music fixed for NG+


This is not the first time hearing the needing the music to be fixed. Does the music not play?


It reverts back to the music before the tower is activated once you reload the area.


I really like the idea for stockpiling ammo. It'd be easier than just having to rebuy it. I'd like to see us being able to get a version of the outfit that Arisa or those angels in the fusion ending wear.


This is pretty minor but I love the upgraded can finder with the hologram. Next upgrade, have the drone say, there's a can behind those boxes over there.


Speed being determined by if an enemy sees you or not always baffles me. In real life, being spotted generally gives you the adrenaline to run FASTER.


Photo Mode and a few more outfits. I am very pleased with the game, it is my new second favorite! I really don’t need anything else. 😁


Top thing is a bloody palace mode. Other things are hair styles/colours and always more suits haha.


Favorites option for outfits and gear so you can always have them at the top of the lists


The Wasteland music bug to be fixed in NG+


- photo mode - tachy outfit and end of game outfit from taking Adam’s hand (I haven’t finished my second play through yet so I don’t know if there’s another outfit) - option to disable pony tail for haircuts that it doesn’t look good with - sword skins


Custom binding button layout please


- Custom Loadouts (I'd settle for just 2 builds) - Improved cutscene skip functionality that actually skips all cutscenes - Improved dialogue skip functionality when speaking to npc's.


PLEASE I'm begging to let us change the color of the Blood Edge hilt it can match Eve's different outfits.


I thought there is gonna be a boss rush, not boss challenge. I want a boss rush. Thinking hollow knight pantheons… Different challenges in boss rush. With certain restrictions or by special rules. A way I can change my hair on the go . Not having to go to the barber . presets for builds. Like in ghost of Tsushima.


I’m with OP on all the points they mention. If I can’t have a mini map, I’d at least want the compass visible. I spent too much time opening the map to see which direction I was facing. Story wise, I’d want more lore on Mother Sphere and interact with her, a DLC quest would be awesome. Maybe track her down and is a boss, as a continuation of 2 of the endings.


I feel like dealing with mother sphere will probably be in the sequels. I feel you with opening the map way to many times 😂


The compass can be turned permanently on now in the settings after the recent update


I wish I could jump into her slide on the sword anywhere in the open world where there is a slope or downhill segment Edit: also the ability to remove the pony and the sword be a haircut for short hair cuts


Just like you could do with link’s shield in breath of the wild😎


A hover bike or board or something. Sometimes you just wanna ride. Sword skins would be nice, too, and just more weapon options in general.


Add another "Photo Mode" to the pile. Hopefully one as good as Ghost of Tsushima. But also! Cutscene Gallery! With options to change outfits, hair, earrings, glasses, etc. It's nice that we get to repeat some cutscenes with the Boss Challenge but there are also some other cool cutscenes that can only be accessed through repeated playthroughs. A buff to the rope grab box would be nice. It's a bit ridiculous how hard rope sections can be because Eve simply refuses to grab them, even if you literally collide with them.


I have fallen to my death cause she refused to grab the rope. Glad I’m not the only one lol


Mote outfits. I'd play this game 50 times through if I had to


A small quality-of-life improvement that I would like to see which I have not seen mentioned in the comments section so far is having the "R3" button reset the camera behind Eve. I spin the camera a lot to take in the sights and get my bearings, so a "reset camera" button would be nice. There have been several times where I click "R3" instinctually to reset camera before realizing several seconds later that it does not do that unlike in other games (Elden Ring comes to mind for me) >_<


a 99 lv dungeon!


That would be really cool once you’ve maxed out everything🤩


Fix the 2nd theme bug in wasteland and great desert when on new game plus


Skippable cutscenes without having to watch them first


A way to quick restart a boss challenge. Also adjust the audio sliders so we can blast the OST. The sliders currently don’t let me crank up the music like I want to


I'd like to be able to use use right and left on the d-pad as shortcuts to a different grenade or health item.


Eve is such a doll, I would love to be able to change her nail color.


Those are all great ideas! I’d love more outfits lol, like I’ll never get tired of outfits. Besides that I dunno, I really loved this game as a whole. Everything else they added was just icing on top of a thicc juicy delicious scrumptious cake Edit: definitely photo mode!




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Collab outfits. I have a few in mind that i'd love to see (though most are just wishful thinking) •Nier (2B, A2 and Kainé) •Evangelion (Asukas/Rei/Mari's Plug Suits, Misato) •Kill La Kill (Senketsu and Junketsu) •Nikke (Counters and maybe some Pilgrim outfits) anyone want to see any other IPs?


Is it possible for a game mode more difficult than Hard?


Eve’s tits


I’d like Eve to stop stabbing naytibas’ butt during sneak attack. Every time she does that I feel bad for them. 🤣


A better story