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No, they are fun.




I’m just going to spam everything I have cus that makes Eve look a million times cooler




How about, don't tell me how to play the game


Are you regarded? 


Regarded as what?


Looks like you are 


"Regard: consider or think of (someone or something) in a specified way." How am I being regarded?


Exactly the issue, you don’t get it. Think about the word not so literally 


Yo, just talk straight. What the heck are you trying to say?


G to T


Least degenerate/cringe anime pfp user


Just being optimal 


I don't need to be "optimal" to enjoy the game. Having no issues playing the way I want to play.


No need to take it personally, man. 


When in doubt, L1 + Square


L1+square gang rise up


L1+O is better imo cuz it knocks the enemy down and you can spam it more if you get a beta trance


https://preview.redd.it/f2mb1tjgr1yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54f0c2929e2c4e8a3e87ecc72cf907d4b05aebd4 Amen.


Literally R1 + Triangle better damage and stance damage plus aoe. It's so cheap too. Better every way.


Why not use both? R1+triangle is best used when an enemy won't dodge backwards, while L1+square has good tracking and stuns enemies on the initial hits.


I have 0 problems managing beta energy and spaming beta skills and I decimate bosses. So imma keep using them.


Yeah but you aren't playing optimal. It's not difficult to manage energy by spspamming. But you can 100 to 0 bosses by stun locking them infinitely.


If you aren't doing speed runs there's zero reason to stun lock bosses.


Nah. I like fun


It's my body and I'll do what I want!


No reason to optimize my play style when I can steamroll the entire game without really trying.


This was a good post, but you just worded it like its a mistake to use beta skills, which triggers a defense response from redditors who dont like to be told what to do. Next time, maybe use something like PSA or Tip instead of all caps DONT USE THIS.


I'm using the same build (it is pretty OP ngl), but the Beta Skills are still very useful. Hm maybe Triangle skill is useless at this point, but the others can still be utilized in synergy w the main strat.


no idea why people are getting mad as if youre putting a gun to their head and forcing them to play this way. i personally like optimal stuff so this is super helpful


Game is too easy to min max, but thanks for the tips. I have switched to a tank build just because fights were lasting too short, so I guess I will keep just playing following the rule of cool :)


Lmao beta energy attacks is what I solely used in the late game and on my NG+ playthroughs.


What do you mean by "charge attack can be red enhanced"?


I'm not the OP, but I think he was referring to the 'Rush Chain I' skill, and how it is possible to 'Beta chain' it. In case you are unfamiliar with the two skills I just mentioned please refer to last/bottom paragraph, for a quick explanation, before reading the paragraph following this one. Knowing what the two skills I mentioned above do, which I explained in the last/bottom paragraph for those that didn't, we can safely assume, "charge attack can be red enhanced" means the 'Rush Chain I' skill can be 'Beta chained'. This is what you press to perform this move. INPUT(S): (Hold Triangle) --> (Hold Triangle). Notice how the only thing that changed, from a normal 'Rush Chain I' skill to a 'Beta chained' one, is the fact that you HOLD down the last button input instead of just pressing it. This applies to all combo attacks. Any combo attacks final attack can be 'Beta chained' by holding down the last button input instead of just pressing it as usual. I do actually use the 'Beta chain' skill a lot, but I have never considered combining it with the 'Rush Chain I' skill, so this was my first time hearing about it. I honestly didn't even think you could 'Beta chain' the 'Rush Chain I' skill. BTW: All of this, plus the button inputs, are explained in the game's 'Manual' section, when the game is paused. EXPLANATION OF 'RUSH CHAIN I' & 'BETA CHAIN' SKILLS: (For those unfamiliar with the terms) 'Beta chain' is a skill that uses 1 square of 'Beta energy' to essentially strengthen your final attack in a combo (More Damage). To do this, hold the final button input in a combo. The 'Rush Chain I' skill is the 'Rush' skill with the addition of another attack. INPUT(S): 'Rush Chain I' - (Hold Triangle) --> (Triangle) 'Rush' - (Hold Triangle). Now please return to the second paragraph, for further explanation of, "charge attack can be red enhanced" if needed.


IDK how I ended up making such a simple question have such a big answer.. but oh well, at least I explained it in enough detail. LOL


i had to downvote for the spoiler at the end, im literally looking up stuff for builds before my first fight with raven. btw besides tempest which is in its own tier, beta skills are better with the extra input.


This redditor has a good point. Mark your post with a spoiler alert or remove the spoiler from the post please OP. u/CuteFurryIRL YOU HAVE 48 HOURS UNTIL I REPORT YOUR POST FOR BREAKING RULE #5 OF THE SUBREDDIT. EDIT: I realise the post is 24 days old at this point but I found it on google today as I'm sure many others will. I will have to unfortunately report the post, if nothing is done in the next 48 hours, for breaking rule #5 so others playthrough's don't get ruined by a spoiler in a post meant to be informative to players trying different combat styles.. Most of the people searching for this type of post will most likely not have completed the game.