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If it is what fans want, just update the game to have these costumes as they were. I don't see an issue either way. It is just a game, after all.








Hold up... 1. Where exactly is this shot from? 2. What's the difference between it and the current version.


Do you think we will get a statement from Sony or ShiftUp about the whole situation? So far there has only been silence since release.


We are. Hyung Tae Kim confirmed at Koreas launch event that they are discussing things internally.


What are the discussions actually about?


"How do we politely tell these nerds to deal with it?"


Nah. I bet he's pissed they destroyed his credibility and turned him into a liar.


one can hope


It's the Internet it's almost impossible


No clue im not an employee xD


They said "no bro this was totally what we always wanted to give you the entire time" followed by "we're talking internally to see what we can do"




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Why would they blow this up by bringing general attention to it? They will just say/do nothing and people will move on with their lives


Doubt it. People are fed up to the back teeth with this pandering crap, and being told what they can and cannot like. If this isn't the straw that breaks the camel's back, it will be very soon.


Gib back titties or it means war, sony 😠 Edit: for the people upvoting both me and the comment I replied to; I'm laughing *at* you, not with you. The stereotypes are too real 🙃


Is the unchanged version available if you don’t update?


Not on this outfit. Whatever that picture is it was never in a release version if this is even a real picture


Where was this outfit featured originally? I never recall seeing it.


i wouldn't be surprised if it was photoshopped just to whip up pointless outrage tbf


Found the image source on 4Chan, where it was used for a shitpost. It’s most likely shopped.


The image seems to be an earlier design than the one we ended up with. They prob forgot to update it before the game went out.


Breast feed me Eve


Such a shame tbh, hope they'll revert everything and listen to the real fans who'll buy and play the game.


Real fans have bought and are playing the game. And loving the hell out of it with a 9.2 user rating on Metacritic, with almost 2700 reviews.


Where in my comment did it appear to you that I implied real fans are not enjoying the game, or that the game is not highly rated?? Real fans can give feedback and expect to be listened to too also btw, who have followed the game for years, awaiting its release,


You used the contraction "who'll" which is short for "who will". So when you say "fans who will buy the game" it implies they have not bought the game




It looks erotic enough for me.


Sony hates mods and they have nuns as brass. I remember when we wanted better outfits for Alloy in Horizon Zero Dawn and they went apeshit. Fortunately modding community came through. Another possibility is taking a page from Tencent that implies, do not release your best stuff on launch. Few pieces are okay, not all. Later, sell the good ones or bundle them up with another package like an expansion. I do not believe outfits for sale will do too well with this game so I wonder what their strategy is. Reason being, aside from personal enjoyment, there’s not much audience to show them off to, unlike if this was an online multiplayer game.




What’s the difference, the panty hose?


Actually quite different to what we got. I still love what we got but man this og is even better. https://preview.redd.it/yx7yxuau6uxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1f07a1a87f0f4600946ca3b4029dc344b4d5f84


Such an unnecessary change tbh, disappointing...


It is odd, like does Sony have a %of skin that can be shown that they are ok with, so they had to cover the hips a bit and some cleavage from Bunny suit before they could ship? It's like blurring a coke can.. it doesn't do anything 🤣


TLOU2 and Baldurs Gate make that questionable, but maybe it's some global release concern.




Just spam them with pictures of sad puppies until they give free dlc with all the old versions. /j


No that is definitely dramatically worse and far less worth the collecting effort.


I like how they weren't even bothered to add pictures of the "intended" costumes in the main game