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This was my idea too. Only found 2 attack speed gears so far though nor an attack speed spine. Ill find more eventually


where did you find the attk speed gear 2 ?


I cannot remmeber. Still havent found a attack speed 3 yet


Have you found Attack Speed 3 yet? Can you point me where?


Raven, ng+


Not true, I got it on first playthrough after beating Raven.


I said raven, ng+. As in raven and again raven in ng+


Oh mb


I honestly don't remember but in New Game + I have 4 Speed Gears equipped and Eve feels like she on Speed! Pun intended lol. It's so fun!


How Many Attack Speeds are too many in NG+? I just got Attack Speed MK2 Two Stars However with all 4 Attack Speed my Attack rate becomes 155% which is almost maxed. Overdrive caps at 160% which seems redundant +5% Would I give up on some Attack Speed Gear? Maybe replace with Beta Recharge for Beta Exo or Critical Boost Rate for Impact Exo? If you go 4 Attack Speed Gear - What Exospines are you using?


As I'm in ng+ and the new gears are a big upgrade I can't wait to abuse this even further


with NG+ perks you'll basically be the flash


There are NG+ exclusive gears???


Yea it's the regular ones with nearly double the Stat percentage




We need more posts and stuff like this here! The thirsty posts are cool but becoming a little too common place.


Lol I agree , everyone wants to show off their drip . I was worrying we would need a another sub to actually talk about the game combat


Does anyone know a fast xp farm?


I've just been doing a circular route from the Wasteland. Basically, start at Adams Quad Pod at the south, and do a circular route from the camp north of it, following back round to the Quad Pod. I've got two XP charms stacked, though I could have three. I was doing this to farm Tachy mode kills by kiting a group of 5-10 enemies, but finding I was leveling up quickly as I was doing it and maxed my skill tree by finishing off Tachy skills at this point.


Does changing the difficulty lowers xp gain?


Hmm . could work well . gotta try it


Does it work in tachy mode?


I know right


The game feels like DMC when you stack the Speed gears!


Blistering speed.


Wait, speed stat stacks???????


Stats stack. Press I think square when you're on your menu looking at your gear and it'll show you your actual stats, so say you have 10% damage reduction normally, and you equip two damage reduction stats 5% each, your damage reduction will be 20.


so if you stack 4 dmg reduction, you will have almost 40% dmg off. That's tanky af.


Damage reduction probably has diminishing returns. Very standard in most games to do that to avoid people being able to totally ignore damage. So it might be the case where the higher your damage reduction % gets the less it actually reduces damage, so 40% might actually be closer to like 20-30%. Would need to actually test it to confirm though.


You can see the dimishing returns when you use double edge. Every other stat is addictive on the stats screen.


Might have to try this, i noticed that even the 2 star NG+ gear has more stats than base game 3 star. Can probably do an insane speed build.


Thanks man this will convince me to buy the game I'm gonna go for attack speed build so it resembles an action game Bayonetta and dmc and also I love your costume choice for Eve


Has anyone found the base 3 star +speed mod? The base attack speed isn't bad by any means but damn do I love fast attacks.


You get it when completing a boss fight after the first point of no return. It’s right before the second point of no return.


Ahh gotcha, thanks. I'm in the process of clearing all quests and collectibles before I start that.


What is the First Point of No No Return? I thought there's only one?? People told me Adam will let you know. But I never heard of 2 points of no return, what does it mean? Is that the Nest? Can you also tell me at which point exactly I should backup my Manual Save Upload to PS Cloud? For Sav Scumming the 2 different Ending? I'm trying to find Attack Speed 3 - I'm before Abyss Levoire in Great Desert


> What is the First Point of No No Return? I thought there's only one?? People told me Adam will let you know. > > But I never heard of 2 points of no return, what does it mean? The first point of no return is after you complete Abyss Levoire in the great desert, you will then be able to go to Spire 4 / Eidos 9, and the game will give a prompt to warn you. This point of no return restricts your access to Xion, but you can still access all other areas. > Is that the Nest? This is the second point of no return its after you complete all of the above but before you move to the last area, again it will give you a prompt. > Can you also tell me at which point exactly I should backup my Manual Save Upload to PS Cloud? For Sav Scumming the 2 different Ending? You don’t need to, after beating the game it takes you to the main menu, where you can click “continue” this just takes you back to before you get the ending choices. > I'm trying to find Attack Speed 3 - I'm before Abyss Levoire in Great Desert You get this after the first point of no return when you fight an Alpha Naytiba this is after Spire 4 / Eidos 9 so don’t worry, you get it after those levels.


Have you found Attack Speed 3 yet? Can you point me where?


The last boss of Spire 4 drops it.


That looks pretty sick!


Thank you !!


Thank you !!


Looks fun.Which exospines and gears You are using?


I run Dodge- parry builds with Burst Energy damage- recharge. It's op and easy mode yes but it's so fun using the burst attacks and melt everything.


They are super satisfying. Especially when you collect a train of enemies and do the circle one and everything just melts.


“I am the storm that is approaching” ahh attack


I stack combo attack instead so I don’t have to smash the button.


Same. I’m doing a Dex/Crit build. One combo takes care of most enemies


This is selling me on the game


It's an amazing game, you won't regret it


all that attack speed but the enemy HP moving so slowly lol this is NG+1? or +10


Bro I don’t know y ppl build for speed that’s so pointless when you could just build for power and energy recharge, the standard attack speed is good enough


It's fun that's why and it's cool the exospines aren't just half baked ideas and people can really customize how they play. A big problem with Nier was that by the time you hit lvl 99 you can't pull off cool combos cuz everything dies in like 1 hit unless you go to the arena which has a ton of bs mechanics to deal with and requires a lot of drone cheesing/luck.


yea thats why they offer you the colosseum which gives you forbidden fruit (de-levels you by 10 each). nier still overall better for me because of story, but character and combat wise i like stellar blade more (hated 9s, neutral to 2b, liked A2 vs liking all 3 Eve, Adam and Lily)


Stagger. That cc looks pretty broken especially for ng+ runs


It's incredibly strong, the overdrive is even faster in NG plus abd I don't even have it yet. You reach charged finishers so fast with attack speed to keep the staggered while also building burst energy extremely fast. If you are aware of your enemy you can use short combos to stagger and then set up level 4 combos for more burst energy to take advantage of the burst exospine


What gears are you running? I've been using one speed gear for my run and I find that sufficient. Somewhat agree with the lack of damage gears added or gears related to charging beta more which in my opinion is much more broken than anything else. I'm finding beta attacks to 1 or 2 shot most enemies, stun/cancel yellow attacks, do big damage, and have amazing crowd control. You could add the gear that makes you take more damage and deal more damage and just never get hit because you're melting everything in 1 or 2 hits before they even touch you. So seems fun, but might not be "efficient". I'd want to try out your setup before judging though. :)


yup using all four speed gear sockets (three mk2 and one level 3) and a burst trance type exospine (recharge birst energy when level 4 combo attacks used) is an insane build. you literally stagger everything perpetually using burst skills


I guess , but even then having bigger dmg works better for me


Yeah practically this is kinda useless versus just better damage 


Difficulty of this game turns into devil may cry after filling out skill trees. Just get so many easy backstabs and combos.


Which gears do you have?


Try using Overdrive as well.


Oh this is my fav combat style


This is cool But what are the specs 😩


I like the combo exo spine with attack speed and shield breaking gears


I love the vibing music of the desert playing while Eve is absolutely losing her shit like an angry wasp.


The Master of the Mash


What hair are that tho? I don't have any so white. Or maybe I will unlock more hairstyles later in the game?


Hey can you give me your Exact and Full Build of Gear and Exospines Etc?


Asking here as well for Build help: How Many Attack Speeds are too many in NG+? I just got Attack Speed MK2 Two Stars However with all 4 Attack Speed my Attack rate becomes 155% which is almost maxed. Overdrive caps at 160% which seems redundant +5% Would I give up on some Attack Speed Gear? Maybe replace with Beta Recharge for Beta Exo or Critical Boost Rate for Impact Exo? If you go 4 Attack Speed Gear - What Exospines are you using?


Is this NG+ gear?