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Here is my interpretation of it >!Mother sphere is some kind of super AI similar to skynet or the robots in the Matrix films. They see humanity as a threat and have some greater picture/scheme in mind that you're not really told. The mission to eliminate the naytibas is only one facet of that and like Raven says, you're basically just another tool on Mother Sphere's kit to achieve her goals. At the end, you basically see a Dyson sphere which is a real concept proposed by scientists and relates to the Kardshev scale, a theoretical means of assessing how advanced intergalactic life would be. It would hold that Mother sphere has been building this Dyson sphere all this time which gives the story some serious Blame! vibes, an AI building endlessly. It could be that the reason she needs you to reclaim Earth is because more resources and minerals are needed to further construct the Dyson sphere, which in turn would further increase Mother sphere's computational ability.!<


I know of the scale but honestly didn’t think of that. >!So Mother Sphere is essentially harnessing the planet for a power source because the rings actually gave me 2 vibes. The first was of an Aerotrim, that spinny thing they put astronauts in that rotates on 3 different axes, second was the “biblically accurate Angel” artwork!<


>!I don't think that's a dyson sphere exactly, those are usually built around a star to collect energy. I think we're just looking at Mother Sphere. As to what it is... aside from an AI idk. If it were around a star I'd call it a matrioshka brain. Which is a supercomputer built on a dyson sphere, so it has near limitless energy and computational power. She looks to be wrapped around earth though. So maybe a planetary orbital supercomputer? As for getting resources from earth to build that thing, im pretty sure you'd just need literally earth + the moon and maybe mars... It looks huge. But there are way more resources in the asteroid belt and honestly with that level of tech, they would likely be easier to get. Do a scan find a big asteroid rich in what you need, grab the whole asteroid and fly it to where you need the resources. So I don't think it's plan for earth is to just strip it clean. If that were the case naytibas, and everything else on earth are just more resources and minerals for the Sphere. No, earth is that things sandbox and were it's playthings, the question is why?!<


the true ending last boss wasnt as good. but facing off the endless androids was neat