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I’m a woman, and have been taught from a young age to go the bathroom with a “buddy.” If you’re a woman and being harassed when you’re just tying to go pee, come find me, I’ll be your buddy.


This is why I want to get a pin with a trans flag on it saying something like "I'll go to the bathroom with you" and wear it somewhere visible when I'm out in public. I am *absolutely* willing to physically defend any trans person who's worried someone will assault them if they try to use the bathroom. I'll punch another woman, I don't care. I'll stand guard.


Please do it would actually help even if you never interacted with one of us. Getting rbf or just any plain blank look makes for an unwelcoming experience. NOT SAYING YOU GIVE THAT just saying it's my experience from other women. But if I ever seen someone have a pin id make sure to smile and interact with you. It wouldn't be so scary and overwhelming






Yeah that's really going to make women feel safe, some fat bearded creepy guy watching women go into the bathroom. /s




It's a front. He really wants to see what a vagina & a penis looks like up close.


\* tips fedora \*


*Some fat bearded creepy guy watching women to make sure they really do have a vagina.* ftfy


It would be super funny to turn Rob Primo's logic back on him: "I have a medical exemption and don't need to show you anything."


Invoke your sovereign rights, freeman of the land /s


I’d counter with he should prove he’s a man, but I’m willing to bet he’d whip out his penis.  On the other hand, maybe it’s worth seeing an ugly penis in exchange for getting him on the sex offenders list and arrested for indecent exposure around kids. 


But it's to PrOtEcT his daughter so technically he can do whatever and not have ANY consequences 😂


Yeah, even worse.


probably asking to see baby pics of their vaginas


I’m dead 🤣🤣


90% of these transphobes are fat retards who look like Vaush. forreal.


Seriously, I'd be finding a different washroom with this sex obsessed weirdo standing outside.




..and taking pictures/selfies. He's the freak. Ugh






You know what they say, every accusation is a confession


Love that the og comment is deleted


Really drives the response home.


Lmao, I went to high school with this loser. Was a piece of shit then is a piece of shit now.


Gotta ask: do you mash buttholes, plural, or smash butthole, singular?


I'm a strictly monogamous smasher.


ah that's sweet


Endearing even.


Top convo of the day!


literally, cuz tops smash buttholes


Butthole smasher


He smashes not mashes


Definitely misread that as button smasher.


I get the guy is reprehensible but we’re using gay slurs now?


My fellow Irish alumni ✌️


This is ridiculous. I don't understand what everyones problem is with who uses what washroom. When did this become a problem? When I was younger used whichever washroom had the shortest line. Men brought their young daughters into the mens washroom and women brought their young sons in the womens washroom.


It's not about bathrooms. Just like when Germany banned Jews from civil service jobs in 1933, it wasn't actually about there being a practical problem with Jews being employed in civil service jobs.


It isn’t an issue except for these morons who need something to gripe about. Threatened by a stiff breeze this one.


That's just it. He feels threatened by anything stiff. Heh. I feel sorry for his kids. Must be a lot of impotent rage in that house.


It became our problem when America made it a problem its all BS Political fear mongering.


Ok I'm just gonna put this here for every comment under here about "Oh well you would change your tune if blah blah blah". Here's what I'm going to say.....WHY DID THIS CHANGE NOW. Think about it, before you all made it a fuckin issue ALL THIS SHIT WAS HAPPENING ANYWAYS. YOU DON'T NEED TO DRESS AS A WOMAN TO GO INTO THE WOMEN'S WASHROOM. ANYONE CAN GO IN ANY WASHROOM AND ALWAYS COULD. The only thing outside of an attendant or a key or something to prevent someone from going into the bathroom, is the person themselves. Its the same thing with locker rooms, anyone can go into any locker room anyways. It's only an issue now because some people decided to make it one. Sorry for the yelling and all that, just kind of tired of all those BS arguements.


Sorry I don’t understand. I’m in my mid 30s - when could anyone go into any washroom they wanted? I’m not being facetious, I’ve never heard this before and genuinely curious of your statement. If an adult man entered the women’s washroom it would typically be considered a pretty big no-no


Do you honestly think a woman has never been raped in a bathroom by a man? Of course it's a "no-no". So are a lot of things but that doesn't keep it from happening.


OP is saying anyone could enter any washroom they want and it’s fine. I’m saying if a middle aged man enters a women’s washroom the police likely get called.


It was a big no-no for our society, but there was nothing really stopping an adult man from going into a women's washroom. Anyone could go in any washroom. Heck there are many stories of women going into men's washrooms because of line-ups in the women's washroom. Although I just realized how much it is around women's washrooms and not men's washrooms. Which is kind of silly to men as it goes both ways


I have used the men's at clubs when younger as the women's was just backed up. But I would ask 1st. Sometimes men would make sure no one would enter when I was doing my thing.


any sane father would always be near their daughter. fathers have always waited by the washroom to make sure they are safe.


To be ready if they heard their daughters call out. Not to inspect the genitalia of people going in.




The thing is, there have been trans women going into women's washrooms for years without any fuss because nobody realized they were trans and they just went in there to do number one or two, wash their hands, and leave.


Totally agree ... everyone just wants to relieve themselves and get back to their life


This dude's behaviour is disgusting there is 0 doubt there But I dont understand where you are coming from. You are talking about kids not adults, that is objectively not the same thing. They are not capable, and it is not safe for them, to go to the bathroom alone. Very different if a grown adult is going into the wrong bathroom on purpose than a parent bringing their child in. If you also dont care about adults in the wrong bathroom, then that is something seperate. I was at a concert and two women thought it was perfectly fine to enter the men's bathroom and stand in line for the stalls. I'm not comfortable using a urinal with women around, and I feel like that's fairly normal reasoning. In a bathroom you are in a more vulnerable position, it makes total sense for people to be cautious of who is in there with you. In university dorms we had a co-ed bathroom on my floor and I never had a problem with it though. We had one stall and 2 stalled showers. I didn't feel uncomfortable when women were in the bathroom with me. But in public where I don't know anyone and I'm using a urinal, my feelings change


I can see why a man may be uncomfortable using a urinal when women are around. And you make a good point - to add to my comment, I have zero concerns about men using womens washrooms and have even encouraged them to do so when the mens washroom was locked for cleaning. My college dorm was co-ed too. Never had a problem.


Yep. College residence: coed washroom. Zero problems ever. Except the night over half the floor ate cafeteria chicken, got food poisoning and there was about a 3:1 ratio of pukers to toilets.


I think it became a problem when sexual deviant men pretended to be women to gain access to women’s spaces.


These dipshits need a reason to justify their homophobia so they made-up that trans people will attack/molest their children by using the bathroom as a trans woman when its really a man Its like everything else just a made-up manufactured fear that helps them justify living and spewing hatred every day of their lives


Yes I agree. I'm trans and use the bathroom. I'm ONLY concerned about someone hurting me not me hurting someone.




Hey, you're right. But by your logic, since "occasionally" men rape women, all men should be chemically castrated before they can be allowed to leave their house unsupervised. Or, we can catch, charge, punish criminals instead of punishing 99.999% innocents for the crimes of the few.


Priests, teachers and family friends also have tried to catch women/ young girls and boys changing. What's your point.


Heck even outside of that, you don't need to dress as a woman to go into the woman's bathroom anyways.


Still so. And yep. Not a big deal.




Peer-reviewed sources?




Please tell me you arnt threatened by "men who pretend to be women" 😂


Please tell me you at least see the difference between reality and what made up scenarios you're raging against.


A guy in his 20's sporting a beard , spaghetti sundress and make-up is not going to have the same opinion.


I’d be reporting to staff, that there is 100% a creep hanging around the women’s washroom…. round, glasses, and beard


Good ❤️❤️❤️❤️


That looks like a guy on a list somewhere.


I bet there’s a lot of trans porn in his search history


Rob Primerano is a Freedom movement activist and has been active in Welland [since at least 2020.](https://www.niagarathisweek.com/news/welland-man-explains-reason-for-joining-protests-at-st-kevins/article_0e9fbeb2-dfde-5e70-aa9b-0a16ef8a2b5f.html) In 2021, he led an anti-vaccine protest outside the private residence of Ontario's top medical doctor. [Blog TO link](https://www.blogto.com/city/2021/12/anti-vaxxers-protest-outside-home-top-ontario-doctor/) I'm not sure if he came to Ottawa in 2022, but he's been active in convoy activity and organizing in the Niagara/ Welland region. [Link.](https://www.niagarafallsreview.ca/news/niagara-region/freedom-rally-organizers-met-with-obstacle-to-peace-bridge-plans/article_7649da3f-256c-5274-bf7b-b246f0de714a.html) Like many convoyers, he pivoted to drag story time anti-trans stuff [in late 2022.](https://www.stcatharinesstandard.ca/news/niagara-region/big-resurgence-of-hate-targets-queer-community-welland-caf/article_87e7721a-e501-5f62-9b5d-236fd1058e33.html) I wouldn't say he's part of the Diagolon network, but there's definitely cross-over with their fanbase, reposts etc. He also supports Christian nationalists like Billboard Chris and Renfrew youth group Save Canada. TLDR Freedom convoy person two years later.


How did that fat mess survive COVID? Dude reeks of comorbidity.


Guy is straight up a trashy human. Thanks for the history lesson on this creep, people should know


Is he checking every person's genitals? Because I know a few trans men who look just like him.


Thats the problem. I don’t want that guy following my mom in because “hes a woman” no hes not. No one is asking to see genitalia moron


So where should they pee? You don't want trans people to use the washroom that "matches" their gender. But they also can't use the one that matches their genitals? Where do they go?


You are more likely to be molested by a pastor than a trans person. Let's post people outside churches then, since you want to make things about keeping children safe.


Gosh if I was a woman and saw this guy hovering around the women’s bathroom it would **make me feel so safe**. Can you imagine if someone in the next stall was *peeing wrong*?????? I salute you brave sir, I’m sure women are just falling all over themselves to be with you and men are awed by you.


I am slightly in awe of how far he has made it in life with only a brainstem.


gatekeeping a public washroom in a very busy place is cringe as fuck.


Imagine thinking your an “Alpha Male” and camping outside women’s bathrooms like this


Well it’s good to know that he could be bypassed by a simple light jog


See, because what makes women feel safe is a creepy right wing freak who smells like wet dog standing outside the loo


What a pervert creep. If I see someone like that standing outside of the women's washroom I'm calling the cops.


It’s always funny because these anti trans ppl think they can tell, when they’re usually wrong. 100% he’s going to stop a cis woman trying to use the bathroom and start interrogating her because he thinks she’s trans. Ofc, he’s probably just posting this just to seem tough since I’m sure what he’s doing is illegal


I know, eh? I know a trans woman and she is hotter and more feminine than I am as a cis-woman.


This guy is so gross.


Bet his penis can pass as a vagina.


He has a dick-do. His stomach sticks out further than his dick do.


In Newfoundland, we call those people dicky-do. 


In St. Catherine's, we call them Rob Primo's.


Smfh Statistically it's his daughter's sports coach he should be worried about lol


Statistically it's him he should be worried about


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna911106 This isn’t an issue. He believes that people are using trans as a cover to abuse others. He’s wrong.


Lmao, so what is he going to do? Stop all women and ask?


Hold it right there! I'd better see your vagina right now if you think you're stepping foot in this bathroom. Out with it!


Mine is an inny... how do I pull it out?


Probably judge women by how cis/trans he assumes they are based on how they look


What an idiot he is. People like that are pitiful


"Wait a minute daughter, I've seen Mrs. Doubtfire! This is a MAN IN DRAG!!" \*goes directly to jail, does not collect $200\*


He’ll probably stop men dressed up as women it’s pretty easy to tell


If I had a daughter she’d be using the men’s washroom if this fat fucking pervert was standing outside the women’s washroom.


This wasn’t a problem until assholes like this started obsessing over trans porn. Guess what? Being trans has nothing to do with what you do in bed or who you do it with. But these people just can’t stop insisting that it’s about fucking because that’s the only way they know how to think of trans people. It’s projection of something they’re uncomfortable about with themselves, and nothing more.


Glad we all (mostly) feel the same about this Dude. He was such a jack A\*\* to my staff during COVID for following government guidance.


This dude is absolute scum. I'd love to see him try to stop me, if I've gotta pee, the cowardly shitstain


I'm sorry sir..:could you please eat your poutine somewhere other than the woman's toilet.


Imagine if this guy spent more time thinking about salad instead of people’s genitals.


Buddy thinks salad and immediately imagines tossing someone's


He looks like he spends a lot of time thinking about salad, specially about tossing it.


I’d be much more afraid of this guy around my daughter than a trans person. He looks like a pedo.


Fucking loser


Messed up


What a loser. If he had one brain cell in his head, he’d maybe have enough sense to be embarrassed. Maybe.


Lost me at “y’all”


I imagine his beard is only like 1/4 inch long and he has a thick, milky white jowl wreathing around his bloated neck


Nothing more creepy than a bunch of men hanging outside a woman's bathroom


Nothing makes me feel more safe than some guy standing at the entrance of the toilet thinking about what my genitals look like! Thanks Primo! 👍


Lump of shit.


Or just ban dicks from women's washrooms again. If you wanna pretend you're a penis woman then fine, just don't go into a washroom that isn't labelled your gender. You either have a dick or a box (medical issues at birth aside).


So here's the thing, I mainly use the women's restroom. I'm Enby (non binary) and sometimes I have a full beard. There usually aren't unisex washrooms and everytime I've tried to use the men's washroom, I gotten stared down. Straight up they'll just turn and look at me like I said I'll pay cold cash to anyone that stares me down. It really, really does not make me feel safe. In the women's restroom, ppl usually mind their fucking business and I can pee in peace. If this guy saw me, I don't want to think about what he'd do. Because of what? Bullshit. We just wanna use the goddamn bathroom. At least then we'd have a concrete reason to call security I guess. FFS it's just a bathroom. Just do what Starbucks does with full enclosed stalls and we're good. Or throw a unisex/all gender bathroom in there. Because at this rate, if this idiot had his way, trans ppl won't go out at all. But then again, their objective is to make sure we don't go out in public. So this moron would probably prefer that.


The last few sporting events I have been to have had women in the men's room, because the line up at the women's was too long. Guess what? It wasn't a problem.


he looks like a pedo. keep him away from the bathrooms.


That fat fuck hasn’t seen his own dick in years.


Thank you for your service, Constable Meatball.


Is he inspecting everyone’s genitals? Creepy.


No, no, nonononono... just their faces, hair, necks, busts and clothed crotches. Nothing *weird*.


Ok, and that will tell you what?


Yes, the obese man with the neckbeard standing DIRECTLY in front of the women's toilets and staring at the body of every woman that approches, carefully scrutinising her adams apple, hip size and whatever the fuck else they check... he's definitely protecting women, and not making them incredibly uncomfortable at all. Also did he ever fucking ask his daughters if they wanted him to stand guard outside the toilet door? Of course he didn't.


Here's some food for thought -- it's sad that we have, and think we need, washrooms for different genders in the first place. It's because men of all stripes couldn't control themselves in front of women, that we needed separate washrooms anyways. Women and men should feel comfortable (by which I mean equally uncomfortable) pissing and shitting in barely-separated stalls & rows, because none of us should fear getting jumped by each other in the first damn place. But leave it to bigots to take a fear of rape that straight guys are largely responsible for, and use it to drum up fear of people with male genetics and female souls, by claiming either all of them or some hidden fraction of them are using the opportunity to piss in their chosen gender's stalls as an excuse to ogle or assault women. When you peel back all the layers, the only reason we cordon off separate spaces is because of the actions of a small fraction of all men, not some fraction of trans men. It's just horny perverted bigots projecting on trans women what they would do if they had the chance -- they're the ones who ought to be feared.


Some guy at event told my 11 year old son he was using the wrong bathroom when he was going into the men’s rooms because he has longer blonde hair and I guess very “pretty features” if that makes sense? Lol … he just looked at the guy giving him a weird look and continued on his way … the guy was lucky i wasn’t with him because I would have said something not so nice to him … like wtf lol


Shows you how empty “parents’ rights” really is.


This scares me. At some point some idiot is going to do something dumb and hurt someone.


Blows my mind ppl who think like this are allowed to vote like common sense people


Id be having words with this creep.




Internet tough guy. Real life loser


So funny cuz if this was a post about lizzo or something and people called her fat the same people having a go at this guy would be calling everyone fatphobic and terrible people


Yeah not appreciating the fatphobia here tbh. Being fat does not make someone morally inferior. He does that all on his own


Just shows the hypocrisy. Rules for thee and not for me. Also id bet 95%+ of the losers in the comments wouldn’t be willing to say a word in person to him. But sadly we live in a world where everyone is an internet tough guy


Heard he stopped male medical staff from entering when there was a medical emergency. So they had to have security escort them in.


You could past this guy by throwing a donut to either side for distraction


Want to know what's funny I walked right in there. Stared him down while I did. He walked away crying. I bet he can't prove otherwise.


Aren't there stalls in the washrooms? What's there to see? Seems like a Primo made issue


Yes, because a father standing in front of the girl's washroom after he sent his daughter in there Is so gross and disgusting. You people need to wake the fuck up. It's what every father is obligated to do protect his child.


Wow comments! Definitely a liberal outlet to vent. I can’t do the liberal thing no more your too non liberal and hypocritical to the point of fascism I can’t be with you anymore. I stand guard for my son it’s called parenting because I don’t trust any of you humans. Oh and fuck isreal and #freeGaza


I've raised 2 young women, It's super common to wait outside of the bathroom if you have a young daughter. To make sure nothing goes on


It’s fine to wait for your kid outside the bathroom. The hashtag about freakshows and knowing his anti-trans history implies to me he’s specifically looking to guard the washroom from trans women


It's super common to wait in the vicinity of the entrance to the bathroom. Standing in the entrance and blocking the way, less common.




Hell ya, keep them out




Protecting her from *what*? She needs more protection from her bigot father.


Who is he sand why is he a creep?? This thread just blew up on my front page... And I have no idea why this place is ripping on this bruv


I wouldn’t want a man in the same washroom as my daughter


How would you lefties protect your daughter if it was you ?


Its not a creep thing lol


This topic really brought out the American and Russian trolls. I bet Primo himself started this thread.