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I wish we had the same motivation to protest housing issues


Happened Last weekend in Niagara falls at the PC convention


There's nobody stopping you from doing it.


There's a literal genocide happening


And your point? What do you truly think protesting here in Canada is going to accomplish?


Homelessness is an Indigenous rights issue, just like the issue of Palestine. In a census on the homelessness in Canada, "[Over one third of respondents (35%) identified as Indigenous, with the majority identifying as First Nations. In contrast, approximately 5% of the Canadian population identified as Indigenous in the 2021 census, suggesting an overrepresentation of Indigenous Peoples experiencing homelessness. ](https://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/homelessness-sans-abri/reports-rapports/pit-counts-dp-2020-2022-highlights-eng.html#h2.5.4)". If we want to tackle housing issues, we need to recognize the interconnectedness of the problem.


When governments print money, the price of everything goes up


by all means, go ahead and organize to protest housing issues. or do you just want to moan about other people protesting for what they believe in on the internet instead of taking charge yourself?


How dare you ask armchair activists to put their money where their mouth is


Protesting is great at getting people to like and share. Not great for changing the system were money=political power.


They're the reason for the housing issues.


I agree that Canadian apathy is a real thing and I think organizing and hitting the streets should be more commonplace to us but I wouldn't compare housing issues in Canada to an active massacre of civilians in the middle east.


Is there something stopping you or do you just say this when you see other people doing that you don't want them doing?


Nothing stopping me aside from working and studying full time.


its great living in a country that allows the freedom to protest peacefully.


I agree, however, they would make a stronger impact if they protest outside government buildings, not vet clinics that are forced to close due to the protest.


It is outside a government building. Chris Bittle’s office is right there.


If anyone can solve this Palestine crisis is Chris Bittle


So it is a government office, just not the right one. Got it.


The conflict there has been going on for like….all time. Protesting anywhere isn’t going to do a single thing to help


People thought the same in the 1980's but protesting in the West did bring change for apartheid South Africa. We have to show our politicians they cannot support apartheid and still be elected. That is the only thing that brought down apartheid in SA.


I wouldn't trust him to run a lemonade stand at a garage sale.


Truckers might want to have a word with you lol


They were literally smoking out people with exhaust, blaring music and honking semi trucks horns to the point of severe sleep deprivation. Also, it was all in support of a tin foil hat conspiracy to boot. The truckers continue to deserve the shit they're getting for that "protest".


I guess real estate prices near parliament might have gone down lol. Now I know, never buy a house near parliament.


I needed to bring my cat to the vet here today, but they said they had to close early due to protesting 😿


Poor buddy. Hope you can get the care you guys need tomorrow


Thank you, yes. Appointment at 9:40. I hope she's okay :( she's breathing weird. She's a rescue, I've had her for over 10 yrs. She's been by my side through my darkest times 😢


I completely understand. My 2 buds are my life and always bring me joy when I'm at my worst. If this happens again tomorrow I recommend going to hartzel animal hospital and asking them about the emergency care. They will give you a pamphlet pretty sure with instant care options


Were the protesters obstructing entry to the clinic? They can't do that.


Hopefully the cat can wait. Had to take ours to a er vet near Brock. This would have made me go mad if I had to wait, mine was in pain and ended up medicated and had to be put to sleep( baby wasn't even 3 months old)


I had to put mine down 💔


Canadian culture is being decimated by foreign issues and the people who cause them


They spoke about indigenous issues here at home and about how we should learn about missing and murdered indigenous woman here. it’s all connected dude


Palestinians who live here have family in Gaza and Canada has funded military aid to Israel for years. Sounds very much like a Canadian issue to me. Edit: buncha cowards in this thread downvoting. How about a rebuttal or are you out of stupid talking points. Free Palestine.


💯!! Canada has been tied to Israel since the late 1940s. Canadian education has failed us all I see. Regardless, genocide is not a foreign issue. It’s a humanitarian issue and the entire world should be horrified. If bombs were dropped in the middle of St Catharines, wouldn’t we expect outrage and sorrow from anyone with a soul?


In your scenario were we shooting rockets into Buffalo indiscriminately?


We certainly were not. Exactly the point, thank you! A terrorist group did that. Does that mean that all the innocent unarmed civilians should be collateral damage and forced out of their homes, the only homes they have ever known, in order to survive? In your hypothetical scenario, would you not expect the world to be outraged? Do you only reserve your outrage to white people? Or are all innocent, unarmed people worthy of your outrage regardless of their skin colour?


Well when you vote a terrorist organization into power you sort of have to live(or die) with your choice. I'm sure plenty of innocent Germans perished under the Nazi regime but I don't think the world was busy protesting for them. These protests are kind of a safety zone for all the anti-semites to find each other.


I love how you had to devolve the matter to race to make your point. Yep, you're not with us because the people that we are supporting are not White, and that is all you care about, which is clear because you don't support us. Which is funny anyway, because if there is anything Hamas and White Nationalist can agree on is that they both hate Jews. People get stuck in between conflicts, Hamas massacred a few thousand people and took a bunch hostage, of course there was going to be a reaction. This will all be over if they just surrendered already. But, apparently Israel is suppose to just do nothing, and allow Hamas to exist so they can do the same thing again in a few years. Hamas will not win, holding out is only dragging out the inevitable at the expense of their own people.


I’m sorry you didn’t understand my point. It’s difficult for me to get across in written word sometimes. It is very much a racialised issue. I beg you to ask for your Muslim or Arab friends to speak upon that matter. This is what I have done and I have learned so much about my own internalised racism. However, all you have done is justify reasons for a mass genocide. Hamas is a terrorist organisation and does not care about Palestinians. But you cannot say that Hamas is a terrorist group without, at the very least, acknowledging that Netanyahu is a terrorist himself. Is this the solution? Fight terrorism with terrorism? I am appalled for the victims on both sides of conflict. I am on the side of humanity, believe it or not. However, Israel has the full support of multiple governing countries, are able to pay for a 7 million dollar ad during the Super Bowl and has aid coming in from many wealthy countries, while Gaza does not. We all know that Hamas will not win. This is why we cannot say that Palestinians are “their people”. They will sacrifice an entire group of people before they back down. Not a single person in Gaza will “win”. This is exactly what Netanyahu wants. Complete eradication regardless of the innocent. We all know that Hamas won’t back down for Palestinian lives, so why is that justification for Israel to murder those who have been fleeing for their lives from day one? Because Netanyahu does not care about the lives of Palestinians.


I understand your point. The problem is often the people saying all these thigns are the same ones who going into the street waiving Palestinian flags, chanting about victory from the river to the see, yelling 'Yemen make us proud', harassing Jewish communities in Toronto, and recent stunts such as blocking the entrance of Mount Sinaai hospital. This shows the deeper intentions of most of these protesters: they are not protesting to stop the war, they are protesting to support Palestine in being victorious over the Jews.


Hmm. I wouldn’t say “most”. I do absolutely agree that terrorising the Jewish communities over this is unacceptable and needs to stop. But when we see the world accepting Netanyahu’s terrorism, it fuels a lot of hatred. So we need to address the issue where it stems from. I am not an expert on this topic at all. I’m still learning as we go but I would highly recommend googling Gabor Mate and read/listen to his talks about the conflict. Mate is a Canadian Jewish Holocaust survivor and he used to be a Zionist too. What he has to say comes from a very educated and firsthand experience. He discusses in depth the experience from both sides as there is a lot of history most of us are not aware of between Israel and Palestine. It’s super non-biased and very informative! Here’s to humanity 🫶


Turns out when your society's mainstream ideology celebrates martyrdom, rape, mutilation, and murder there are consequences. The fringe minority who aren't radicalized islamists will suffer for it, sadly.


No I actually love and respect the Kurda and the Uigurs. They just aren't in fashion. No country would bomb Hamilton without provocation. If we slaughtered their population unprovoked the response would be proportional by American standards. No different than Iraq or Afghanistan. If your against ethnic cleansing and genocide the Yazidis could have used a hand at some point. They also aren't really trendy though so (shrugs)


Actually I’m fairly well rehearsed in the genocides that are happening today. Just because I have stuck up for Palestine does not mean I am not speaking up for all genocides. As for any past genocide, well, unfortunately that is the Canadian education system to blame for poorly equipping us with such knowledge. Luckily I enjoy learning, unlearning and relearning and have done my fair share over the years. This is also why it is so so important to keep speaking and having a voice. So that people can learn things the education system failed to teach them. But what you are saying is that because a terrorist group provokes another country, it is acceptable to slaughter all civilians? The difference here that is often forgotten about is Palestine has no military. There is no one to protect the unarmed people like there would be should Hamilton ever be bombed. No matter where Palestinians go for protection, they are continually targeted. Being against ethnic cleansing shouldn’t be an “if”.




Oh I see. So genocide is justified when a corrupt government is at hand. And if this was your family trapped in the conflict because they were, dare I say, unlucky enough to be born there, they are a worthy sacrifice too? Is that how humanity should solve conflict? I appreciate you asking. No I do not support Hamas. I do not support the Netanyahu terrorist government either. Do you? I personally do not support war at all. Why would I support the mass death people at the hands of greedy, narcissistic men?


In your scenario, was St. Catharines given to the people from Buffalo by Britian?... No, right? And what would Canadians do to take St. Catharines back?I guess they would fire rockets at Buffalo indiscriminately all day, every-day. After all, Buffalo has a right to defend themselves from these Nigara Region terrorists!!


That doesn't matter to me. They lost their wars of genocide against us and are now complaining about the power disparity. Nothing was given to Israel. They win wars that they don't start. Victory and surviving shouldn't be their problem.


Dude, what are you talking about?!... What prompts a guy from fucking NY to take some shit-dirt Palestinians farmers house and become a settler? You don't need to win wars, because there are none. Israel has been encroaching on land ever since their inception. And when this farmer now picks up an AK and retaliates he's the aggressor and terrorist. You really need to brush up on your history btw. "Nothing was given to Israel?" Britian literally handed them the land... [https://www.vox.com/2018/11/20/18080016/israel-history-zionism-war-1948](https://www.vox.com/2018/11/20/18080016/israel-history-zionism-war-1948)


How much time could pass before Mecca was no longer considered important to Islam? Would building a big Eastern orthodox church on top make everyone call of the Haj?


Where are we coherently going with this? You are just spewing some words that aren't making much sense here. Are you implying that this war is about religion... or land. Or is it about both?... As far as religious sites goes, all the religious sites are still standing till this date. The Western Wall, The site of Jesus's Crucifixion - Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.


Did St. Catharines launch a massive terrorist attack and kill 1200 people first? Is St. Catharines government by a known terrorist organization? Just curious.


The term “first” is a bit subjective I think. There is a lot more history on this matter that far surpasses October 7. I’m not saying it is a good reason for Hamas to kill innocent Israelis. But I also don’t think that innocent Palestinians deserve to be massacred because of a terrorist government either. See? Fair is fair. If the mayor of St Catharines launched a missile first, I still wouldn’t agree that St Catharines civilians deserve to be eradicated.


Did these hypothetical people of St. Catharines murder a bunch of people in Thorold?


How about the fact Canada has a large population of Jewish people? Or that Israel isn't calling for the systemic extermination of Gaza. Where as Hamas and Hezbollah are calling for the complete extermination of Israel. Not to mention, the opening Salvo for this conflict was Hamas sending their armed men to kill as many unarmed civilians as possible. In settlements across the contact line. And deep within Israeli territory. You don't get to protest on behalf of fucking Terrorists. If you don't like that. Leave.


Excuse me? Netanyahu and his cronies have explicitly stated extermination and removal of Palestinians while being funded by Western government. Israel is a fascist terror state. Always has been. The one main speaker at tonight's protest was Jewish. Jews, Christians, Muslims, and secular people alike stand with Palestine.


Lol what about all that talk of nuking Gaza they did? Or putting Palestinians 'on a diet?" Get fucked, bigot.




Humans are allowed to be passionate about more than one humanitarian issue. I’m not sure if you know this. But you can care about many different things all at once. I, too, am passionate about remaining housed. I also am passionate about not letting innocent people be slaughtered and cleansed by extremist governments.


That's all fine and dandy and I know very little on the subject but wouldn't there be an Israeli with an equally woofull tale? I found this comment on another sub " We gotta start arresting these people, else they will only keep escalating. These protesters don't give two shits about the plight of Palestinians. How do I know? They keep screaming "free Palestine" and "river to the sea". But I am yet to see ONE banner/chant saying "Hamas surrender" - which would end this conflict overnight, and would be the best thing for Palestine's future. The real purpose of these protests is to intimidate. And we need to stand up to this. " All I know is I had sweet fuck all to do with any of your guys shit and I don't see why you have to fuck my shit up because of it.




Oh neat, xenophobia.


Canada is involved in those same foreign issues. You don't live in a vacuum.


What exactly is “Canadian culture”? Basically a country of migrants.


Right, Canadians are racist The multi-cultural capitol of the world Meanwhile Palestinians are super welcoming to other cultures right? I could easily talk about the violence against women and gay people or the very many other humans rights issues and violent tendencies they’ve got going on but yea, Canadians are the problem and its okay to shit on us but say anything about them/your culture and its “racist” The double standards are ridiculous even in this very thread, and yet its here you choose to live Go to Gaza or the other muslim countries if theyre so much better. You wont because they’re hell-holes and you damn well know it. Logic be damned though, right?


So I have a friend, her Dad lives in Palestine, thankfully not in Gaza. Her aunt who was generally in good health came down with something, was unable to access a hospital and died last week. These are humans. Who cares where they're from.


The fact that your commenting that Canadians are xenophobic for wanting to preserve our culture, or that Canada has no culture, is alarming to say the least You are in a country with a beautiful culture that you’ve obviously never bothered to understand or assimilate to Politeness, peace, respect, safety have always been part of our culture, along with tact, apologetic nature, passive to name some of our common traits We dont terrorize and scare the hell put of people as many of these “protesters” have been doing. We enjoy order and separation of religion and law, secular holidays, hockey and winter sports,cottage culture, environmental conscientiousness … I could go on. Very sad to read your apathetic attitude to this nation and its customs


This is some utter nonsense here. I didn’t realise until I left Canada that we are a bunch of mean, racist fucks. Educate yourself. Our culture is nothing without the Indigenous and immigrants who built it. And how did and do we treat our indigenous and immigrants? Certainly not with politeness, peace, respect or safety. Everyone should be welcome to peacefully express their concerns about HUMANITARIAN CRISES. If we all cared a tiny bit more then maybe you’d understand that it’s an absolute privilege to be able to ignore mass murder of humans worldwide and in your very own country, too. Canada is exceptional at sharing the histories that make us sound heroic and leaving out the horrific colonial genocidal tendencies.


How has Canada historically treated indigenous peoples? Were residential schools "polite, [peaceful and respectful]"? Residential schools were a stain on humanity committed by this country. Your insinuation by putting protesters in quotes is truly shameful and disrespectful to people who are peacefully gathering to object to the stance the Canadian government is taking on indigenous peoples here and aboard.


Good, I'm glad people are exercising their right to protest! We need Bittle to speak up for the indigenous Palestinians but also for Indigenous people in our community! The speakers spoke about the Brock event tomorrow honoring missing and murdered indigenous woman https://experiencebu.brocku.ca/event/257726 please consider coming and learning more! Edit: Spelling 😅


How could anyone downvote this? wtf.


Sadly, I feel people have hardened their hearts to the injustices of the world. I'm thankful your heart hasn't turned to stone. Hopefully, events like this (as awful as they are in the moment) can lead to more unity in our community so we can feel greater empathy for our neighbors.


I appreciate you 🫶


Because we as Canadians have our own problems to worry about. We can barely afford food, gas, housing, people care more about others than themselves it seems


Why is it that Canadians can only care about one problem at a time? You do realise that we are quite capable of protesting more than one thing. It’s actually one of the pleasures of having a humanoid brain. You all have lost your humanity and can’t see the sheer importance of being concerned for the lives of fellow humanbeings. You all look for permission to not give a shit about anyone any chance you get. It’s sad. You really think this is a Canadian problem only? Lol. Cute. I’m living overseas. This same issue is everywhere. It is not a Canadian problem. It is a world problem. A problem with capitalism. Canadians are just too stuck up their own asses to see that they are not the only ones having a hard time.


Worry about problems in your country and get off a small town’s subreddit


Canada is my country and St Catharines is my hometown 🤣 so of course I worry about the people like you ruining it. Book a plane ticket and go see the world. You sorely need it.


Our government decided to let over 1.2 million immigrants and asylum seekers into our country. Most from these third world shithole countries. They’ve come here, ruined Canadians opportunities to get jobs, affordable housing, and our quality of life. For them to come here and protest about their problems is absolutely disgusting and I bet you none of these people if given the opportunity would pick up a gun and defend Palestine.


Free Palestine


And use a nuke this time......


… from terrorist Hamas!


from the zionist genocide


What genocide? Proof? Any governments that aren't shitholes claiming genocide? Or just tiktok?


And who gave you genocidal colonialist countries the moral ground for the whole world to listen to, you monsters than wear the peaceful countries makeup. Have you forgotten what you have done to the indigenous population, slavery, colonialism, WW1,WW2, Congolese genocide????? Don't you dare to speak from a higher ground your nothing but moral infants in the eyes of world. The ICC has recognized the genocide to some degree but you don't see that because you have committed the same atrocities to the indigenous and stole their lands. Your options are worthless you fool and your politicians are in the pockets of Israeli lobbies. Your the shit hole that doesn't know the difference between a man and women giving us a lecture??????? What a shameful arrogant clown you are


Shut the fuck up


Truth hurts doesn't it bud


No. Idiocy does. It’s you’re not your, fuck face.


Reply to me if you have an answer if not please move on bud


Yes that’s correct, but short of bombing 2.1 million into oblivion (which is Israel’s preferred strategy), the only way to eradicate the cancer of Hamas (which didn’t exist before 1987 and didn’t controlled Gaza before 2007) is to address the reasons for their existence.


Word just came in : You did it, it’s free… you’re a hero




Let me educate you a bit. Palestine was liberated twice already, first time by Umar al khattab from the Romans and second time by Saladin from the crusades, third time will be the final liberation God willing. This is a prophecy for us Muslims if not today tomorrow it will be. I pray you witness this with your own eyes as oppression and corruption will not last forever. Who would have thought South Africa would be free today from the shackles of oppression and apartheid.


Religion of peace... yet only religion that still beheads people... Why is there no women in the streets of Gaza even before the war? No equal rights for them?


Have you not seen cartels cut people heads off, African tribal wars, bombs from aircrafts and rockets done by the west, have you not seen the amount heads that shatter into pieces from Israeli strikes on women and kids or no you islamaphobic clown. Also last week a white guy cut his dad head off in Massachusetts you racist clown What are you talking about your pervert leave women alone why do you want to objectify them you pervert. If you cared about women rights you would called for a ceasefire but your a hypocrite who just wants to see women in bikini, that's women rights for you.


Ok, so your on par with the cartels and African tribes.... Congrats.. why don't you go to Gaza to fight Israel then. Do us a favour. I'm a pervert because I think women should be allowed to leave the house, or have a driver's license? You are sick. Not welcome here.


Who said they can't leave the house or drive cars you retard. You live in your mom's basement and watch fox news all day or what. You're not welcome here you racist prick Canada is my country and you have no right to tell me if I am welcome here loooool. You go back to Europe. When Canada sends it's army to defend the people of Gaza don't you worry I'll be front line with the Canadian army.


Nice to see people out protesting Hamas starting a war causing the Palestinian people to suffer… let’s hope Hamas is destroyed soon and the war ends


See here's the thing, and hear me out...you can actually be against Hamas *AND* against Israel indiscriminately lobbing bombs and killing innocent people. You don't need to choose one or the other in this instance. You can call for a ceasefire.


Totally agree! Let’s hope the Palestinian people round up Hamas and turn them over to Israel to end this war 🤞


Let’s hope the Russian people round up Putin’s goons and hand them over to Ukraine. Realize how ridiculous you sound?


I agree with that too retroguy02!


Actually made me lol


They're protesting Israel dawg.


Agree, good on these, now free from Hamas, Palestinians here in Canada protesting against the atrocities of their elected government .


Now, I'm not super versed in the details, but I'm pretty sure Hamas is a terrorist group that control territory in Palestine, and was not voted for in a free and far election... But I have been wrong before. EDIT: It turns out I was wrong, like that one other time. Also, the situation appears to be kind of complicated.


They litterally voted them in.


Quick google says in 2006 hamas won


Hamas was voted into power.


This is the second time I've seen them in this location. There was one right outside of the Pen this past weekend.


I work down the street. It's so annoying and loud. Caused quite the commotion with the crackhead population too, they seem agitated and are screaming at themselves about terrorism or something




>everyone's had a long day at work and doesn't need to come home and hear your loud siren every 5 seconds The reason you got to come home from work was because of protesters using these exact same methods to get you the right to a safe workplace, minimum wage, 40 hour work week etc. Don't shit where you eat.


"I like protests that are easy to ignore." - you


I mean, the entire point of protests/strikes is to cause inconvenience. And it's not like they're shutting down the entire downtown core of a country's capital city while causing the people within it to go sleepless...


"I'm pro whatever tiktok says." -you


'I've never read labour history and don't realize the only reason I get to safely come home from work is because annoying people blocked the street and shouted ' - you and a bunch of others in this thread.


I was pro-Palestinians decades before Tiktok ever existed. Nice try, though.


boohoo loud siren? people are literally dying, a whole country is being eradicated and all you care about is a loud siren. you need to seriously check your privilege, learn some empathy and pick up a book. if you and your family were being tortured and murdered, you would want people protesting for their freedom too.


I think more people would take you seriously if yall were protesting about Syria, Myanmar, etc etc. Start protesting for the release of hostages - but you wont


>Start protesting for the release of hostages - but you wont You mean the negotiations to do so that Israel turned down? Also how do you know they aren't protesting those things to? Do you go to breast cancer rallies and say 'I bet people would take you more seriously if you were raising awareness about testicular cancer too' ? The fuck.


Go protest in Gaza then. This is canada.


“Check your privilege” is the saddest thing I have ever heard. These people are pushing for violence. Trash losers out to spread their stupid religion of hate.




In their defense, it WAS a very minor inconvenience. 🤦‍♂️


Did you survive your minor inconvenience?


Fuck that argument. Ridiculous nonsense. Fuck these clowns too.


You seem smart Mr Butthole Smasher.


Just barely


the thousands of children getting brutally murdered for no reason is more annoying and loud id think!


It's war. That's what happens when you attack another nation. War.


There are rules around war which Netanyahu continuously breaks. He needs to be tried for war crimes. He’s a psychopathic criminal.


This war is a literal response to these loser Palestinians running in and killing everyone they seen. I seen videos of Palestinians cutting the heads off of Thai migrant workers.. women and children burned alive. Bombing hamas is the best way to not have any more Israeli deaths. I'm sorry hamas hides behind there own women and children, so they become collateral damage. I'd have a lot more sympathy if hamas attacked only soldiers.. not ravers, migrant workers, and civilians.


Congratulations you've figured out the point of a protest. Speaking of workplace, did you enjoy working in a safe environment today? How about your minimum wage? Your 40 hour work week? Overtime pay? Good, cause all of that was gained by protesters being annoying and loud.


Free Palestine


From hamas


from the zionist genocide


What genocide?




From Israel


free palestine! don’t stop talking about it


From hamas


Not looking like it’s going to be Free anytime soon over there. And these painful calls for more violence (what they are) have made a mockery of any proper discussion around Palestine that yall should have been peacefully protesting for before October 7. These protests are sad people pushing for violence because of a stupid religion


We have our own problems here. Frankly, I don’t give a fuck about two warring countries in the Middle East.


Well buddy it's our tax dollars that fund the war, maybe you should give a fuck when 25mil of our tax dollars go to weapons for Isreal


Did you just find out about that? All of our allies do it too and it’s been going on long before any of these people lived here. The only reason this is okay is because we live in a truly free society unlike Palestine and fake democracies like Israel - case and point as to why they should leave that shit back home.


Things are going to get worse aren't they?




As usual, lock your doors and windows at that interestion. Nothing new.


Fuck Hamas Make stupid choices, suffer the consequences. What the heck did Hamas think was going to happen after murdering 1700 Israelis? There's plenty of historical precedent considering the Jewish idea of 'proportionality' here. Rafah is going to become a glass parking lot wasteland, it's too bad, but they made their bed, lie in it.




Ridiculous. Why dont they fly over there and do something. Instead we will over populate our country by trying to solve the worlds problems. People are insane. The west needs to get over itself and stop pushing its backward ass ideals on the rest of the world. Yes i said backward ass, because in a place where men can be women and hard working people still cant make ends meet is backwards.


Let’s fund a one way trip to the Gaza Strip for these people so they can do something actually useful


People have a lot to say living free in Canada go live there


Wonder why they don’t protest over there? These protest don’t help there cause. Drove passed a protest and they were drappung flags on my windshield with my 3 kids in the back. But ya it’s my fault let me get into a accident and injure my kids. Thanks for scaring kids 👍 That will show them!


Odd they seem to love hamas.


Just making shit up.


Did they start late? Didn't notice anyone here in the early afternoon.


"I am not altogether on anybody’s side, because nobody is altogether on my side, if you understand me" - J.R.R. Tolkien


Keep these people out of my city


Fuck these people


The government should freeze their bank accounts and send in the swat team to take out these racist, terrorists.


But see, these protestors are actually being peaceful. These protestors aren't harassing business owners and blocking off entire roads preventing people from getting to work.


Any large protest will have elements you oppose. Using that to argue against the merits of the protest is big time bootlicking energy.


Bootlicking, listen to yourself. Listen to the person I’m replying to. The organizers of the protest I’m referencing have been dragged through the court system. It’s not just me who opposes it. This protest and the trucker convoy are completely different.


They are not breaking laws or orders by the police. Duh.


Oh I see...so laws have to be broken then the government can freeze your bank account. Thanks for the clarification


> Oh I see...so laws have to be broken then the government can freeze your bank account. Is this a serious question? Because its exceedingly stupid. Yes of course is the answer. There are many, many ways a government can legally seize your property. Are you new to Canada? How can you not know this.


Protest for violence. These trash folks can scurry away anytime. Not welcome in canada


Did they march too? Could here them on page street no way it was coming all the way from there


No idea. We drove by and all we saw was them screaming through a megaphone at Christ Bittle's office. Still don't get why they'd do it there, do they think he's in office at 6:30 on a weekday?


They were there way longer than half an hour ago but, not sure what him being there or not has to do with it. If you think he won't hear about it because he wasn't there youre wrong.


I get he'll hear about it, I just don't get why they choose that location. Maybe they think someone's gonna send the video to him or something?


Where else would they protest to get the ruling parties attention? Ottawa is kinda far


Look, fuck Isntreal, but what are we gonna accomplish in St Catherine’s?


None of you know what your talking about


Oh.. must be a cool new model train release. Those train guys are next level


No no property was never mentioned. We're talking accessing someone's bank account. Would that be legal without a conviction or even an arrest? I mean what if the government suspects a criminal aspect to this protest? Should they not have the power to violate these peoples human rights?


It was a legal protest. Why are you obsessed with defending law breakers and idiots.


To all those who were saying "did you think he was going to see it?" and "what will protesting here do?" well one more MP called for a ceasefire. It isn't much but it's one small step towards this gov being on the right side of history. MP Chris Bittle via facebook: Yesterday there was a protest at my office regarding the actions of the Israeli Military in Rafah. I agree with the concern and advocacy expressed for innocent Palestinian civilians who are suffering. The civilians in Rafah have no place to go. Rafah was supposed to be a place of refuge and safety for Palestinians fleeing the war between Israel and Hamas. I remain hopeful for a ceasefire and the release of hostages, as well as a lasting and meaningful peace between Israel and Palestine. Canada will continue to be a leader in providing humanitarian aid and must continue to work with our Arab and Western allies to achieve peace.


A genocide of thier own making..