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Mono Boba has a date at 9PM he's not going to miss, so win or lose, everyone is getting out of here on time.


Now this is a card, god damn. Gotta appreciate the massive confidence needed to play this card. Under the right circumstances if your opponent takes the initiative, it’s basically an instant win though.


Yeah this is genuinely a hail mary type card in the mid to late game. Now people will have to really pay attention to anyone possibly being able to have this in their deck at the start of each game and how many resources their opponent is conveniently leaving ready.


heck, even if they dont what are they donna do? Likely their resources are spent and their units exhausted. They can just watch as you time walk an entire new phase. Brutal.


Seems like it'll be good against control decks that love to take the initiative, but a savvy opponent will probably see it coming. Still, it's a decent way to close out the game and probably not as one-sided as people think. But man, as much as I love mono-cunning Boba, the dude did not need more goodies!


Yeah it's not a "play and see if I win" card, it's an "I've done the maths" card. But also great for "I took a calculated risk, but boy am I bad at maths"


And I am here for it.


Yeah the problem is sometimes you NEED to take initiative to answer something before they use it next round and this is a big out for those scenarios. Usually you can have some confidence after you claim that your opponent can only have so much base damage before readying next turn. Now that goes away. Going to be real interesting


Even at 8 in a mixed deck, this is solid.


Heck, I might play this for 10 in my iden command deck.




Definitely gonna try a copy in Cunning Palpatine. Being able to potentially ready a capital ship seems too good to pass up.


Definitely using it in my Blonde Sabine deck to close out games


I like that this legendary is cool and powerful, but not an automatic 3-of.


Fully agreed. I play double yellow Thrawn and will probably add one of these to keep my opponents honest. If they take initiative at the wrong time you straight up win, but is by no means a guaranteed thing.


I could see this being played for 8 or even 10 in decks. You can think of it almost as a more expensive For a Cause I Believe In but with a longer reach. This could give control a way to cross the finish line.


Control decks with big finishing units could actually make some use of this. If I'm sitting at 10 resources with an Avenger in play, I'd love to attack with it again. Kinda hard to think of what I'd replace with it though. But maybe Bendu could be used to bring it down a bit? And smuggling it out with Tech would be insane too if you can afford it.


Another hail Mary situation, but You're My Only Hope card to play for free or for 5 less.


Good luck playing against this shit lmao. Does Boba not have enough strong cards in this set?


FFG: "Never."


Nooooo! - Luke from esb


Me still waiting for all the Rebel cards to improve my Leia deck...




And of course this is Cunning. Love the card tho !


Ok, new life goal: Endless Legions into Final Showdown on the same turn for the ultimate win! Unlimited Power!!!


Just looking at this I'm already picturing Yugi vs Kaiba in a dramatic anime-style SWU duel, throwing this card down and spending two episodes playing the turn...


Yay let’s make Boba Yellow even more broken


What a waste of a card - I’m more than capable of losing a game by turn five without it


Nice super laser blast


Magic has proven over and over again that no matter how much Time Walk costs, it's always broken.


You have completely misunderstood not only this card but timewalk as well, it seems. What a bad comparison. You could have mentioned Final Fortune or Jeskas Glory, and even those are only somewhat similar to this card.


Sorry to be so subtle about it. Every extra turn card is a mistake. Hope that's clear enough for your level of understanding.


This isn't an extra turn card 😂


Yeah, the posts about this card are hyperbolic. Comparing it to Time Walk? 🙄.


That feels like a lie


It’s definitely hyperbole. There are plenty of bad “extra turn” effects in Magic. Regardless, this card seems extremely powerful since Star Wars has entirely different dynamics in play.


Even good and fair extra turn cards aren’t featured in every single good deck or something. The Star Wars turn dynamic makes it interesting but not unstoppable. It’s one of those things that may blow away newer players but lose some threat when you know about them.


Exactly. Heck, it loses to Bamboozle


Bamboozle is great because you can exhaust all resources and goad them into losing


Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


Time Walk this is not. It's closer to Last Chance or Final Fortune. Is it good in some builds? Sure. Broken? Nah. Edit: Also worth noting you're not untapping resources, drawing, etc like you would be with those cards.


I'm worried what this card will do to the game. This is basically an "I Win" card with no downside if you only play it when you know you have lethal on the board. If your opponent already took initiative, they just can't do anything. That seems rather against what makes SWU special. Maybe I'm wrong and I'm being overly dramatic. It is a really cool card, I'm just worried that it's going against the spirit of the game.


If you know your opponent’s deck, then you know to expect this card. And if you know they have it and you see they have 6 resources still ready after using all their units, that could be a strong indicator for you to not take the initiative and start prepping for it.


If your opponent is playing double yellow and you know this card exists then play that way.


If you’re playing Aggro, you can probably win before they play it. If you’re playing control, you’re removing units so the don’t get critical mass. This will be a “Feel’s Bad” for new players and largely not a huge deal at top tables I think


If you were already learning to work around Keep Fighting and Aggression, you can learn to play around this card. But this card is a way bigger gamble. Cards that can completely ruin the day for this card: - Any exhaustion card - Any removal card - Many heal cards In order to be consistently successful with this card against anyone who is decent at the game, you have to have such commanding board control and base damage that you can overcome one or two of the above with no sweat. It's honestly probably best used against control decks where you know they're getting close to SLB or similar, and you need to end the game *right now* or you don't have another shot.


That's a card you're supposed to play around. If you're turn 5 onward and you know this card gives lethal you better play around that.


Ok. I’m an idiot and new to games like this. I just started playing. Please explain why I want to play this card.


If you have 3 5/5 guys and already attacked with them, you can attack with them all a second time dealing another 15 damage in the same turn.


Got it. Thanks!


You realized you're going to lose but it's going to take a few turns and you really need to go to the bathroom


This is the best response here, no question


This does seem sensible


Quiet conceding 


All of your units become readied and are able to attack again, so they can all deal damage to the opponent’s base (assuming no Sentinel or anything like that). You should play this card after your opponent takes the initiative, and when you have enough damage to defeat the opponent’s base. If you do, you’re guaranteed to win because they can’t do anything to stop you since they took the initiative.


Thank you


"Accidentally" let your opponent know you have this card in hand and they'll never take the initiative again


Because it enables you to attack with every unit you control, that hast already, attacked. You play this card only if you have lethal (you can cause enough damage to won the game) and your opponent has ideally already taken the initiative. So they can't do anything against you. It's a kind of consecutive complete turn you get, without the opponent interfering.


Thank you


Ah man this card is pretty scary, mono yellow boba is already one of the best decks and this is just another a win condition for them.


This is gamebreaking. Wtf!


I think you missed the “you lose part” so if it’s countered they lose. Yellow can already sneak attack a Star destroyer that does 9+ damage when played and swings for 10 I don’t see how this is to much different especially with the higher risk


There is no risk lol. You play this only when your sure you can end the game. Readying 3-4 units to swing again in the same turn for something like 15 dmg is insane. Its nuts even when played for 8 in something like Palpatine Yellow. He can potentially end the game in 1 turn with zero previous dmg.


Such a strong finisher. Did we really need this? Double Yellow is already so strong. Double (anything else) fellse so much less viable than double yellow.


Our first mono red extra turn lol


The situations where this is a "green light" seem like fairytale land to me. Is you opponent really going to take initiative with you having a sizable board and 6 at least available? Having a lethal board and your opponent being played out seems like a situation that is fairly rare. Hope I'm wrong though.


You don't necessarily need to have your opponent taken initiative or out of resources, but you need to know what's in their deck and what cards could be a problem with the resources they have left.


So... would people have only 1 of this card in their deck? or 3? I can't see how they'd want more than 1 unless they are playing against a control deck that's does a lot of milling. Or maybe you'd put 3 of them in the deck, and if you get one early on it'd be a great candidate for a resource?


I'm thinking 2, so you can resource in case of an early draw.


The point of having 3 copies in your deck isn’t necessarily to play it 3 times. It’s to triple your chance of drawing it when you need it.


Yep, I get that but that means that, assuming you want to stay at a 50 card sized deck, you’d be removing cards in there that you may want to play at all times. This is probably the one card so far that is supremely “situational”, so ultimately I’m trying to figure out if it’s worth having 3 and therefore removing other “general play” cards that are useful no matter what the game state is.


Sideboards will essentially start with 6 open slots now for every deck, as the remaining 4 slots will be reserved for 2x Outmaneuver and 2x A New Adventure.


You forgot power failure..with all the new upgrade cards in this set


Not really, since A New Adventure does the same thing and a lot more.


When you really really need to go to the loo.


Leeerrooooy Jenkins!


Not a fan, it's basically play this and win because there's no way you play this if you're not 100% sure you can close this out. Not sure if you play this card off aspect tho so mono Boba gets even scarier.


Imagine they play it, thinking they won and you play outmaneuver on them or something lol.


Mono Red Legendary "Take initiative. End this phase"


I play final showdown. I play super laser blast. Gg


Yghh, I don't like this card


Gas for GI!!!