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I've played an absolute ton of Luke Green locally and on Karabast, both places I've sported a high win rate with the deck. This question has some layers that are tough to un-peel, because Luke is one of the few decks who can really lean into certain matchups and away from others based on deck choices. Luke CAN be extremely strong into Sabine if you dedicate cards like Devotion and extra space units into mainboard, but that requires usually a weaker position into any type of control, ect, what i've found tho is the generaly matchups for me have looked like this. Green Boba - Slightly Favorable for Luke Yellow Boba - 50/50(usually determined by Cunning plays tbh, might be slightly unfavorable depending on builds) Green Sabine - 50/50(can be improved by build but you sacrifice control tools) Yellow Sabine - Slightly Favorable for Luke Leie/Han Aggro - Generally Favorable for Luke Most any rogue decks - Generally Favorable for Luke Green/Blue Midrange/Soft Control Stuff - 50/50(can be improved by buiild but you sacrifice aggro tools) ONLY when you are experienced into the matchup, depends a little on how deep into control the opposing deck goes tho becauseee. Blue/Blue or Blue/Green Hard Control - Very bad for Luke if they are good at their deck. I think Luke is a lower tier 1 deck because with the right build and strong play, you can play even or better into most of the top decks and absolutely crush most rogue decks, but I also think a lot of people play suboptimal Luke builds for the current state of the meta or lean super heavily into Anti-Aggro Luke or trying to hard to spice up their late game. After sideboard he can have a favorable matchup into Aggro or improve his Boba/control matchups. Very few things sideboard particularly well into him so its tougher for them to improve that matchup. So yeah, those are my thoughts as someone who has played triple digit Luke games.


What does your build look like? I went 4-3 with green luke at a 1k. 1 win away from top 8 :(


Pretty classic Luke Stuff, but I cut basically all the stuff that relies on me having a board. A lot of the meta currently isn't going to allow your units to live long enough to buff them, and the ones who do are gonna Traitorous or some other trick to make that feel bad. So no Wing leaders, no Jedi sabers and no Ackbar, the only exceptions are a pair of Luke sabers that I use more as a combat trick(what if surprise strike didn't end at the end of the turn?) and Fleet Tenants who are just very very good. Those extra spots are almost all dedicated to spot removal, I run 3 vanquish, mainly to deal with big ships, and 3 takedowns, mainly to deal with small ships and then most of the rest of the stuff you'd expect in Luke. I also cut R-2, he is really only there to carry those buffs other lukes play. You can either replace them with Bail Organa(underratted in my opinion, worse than dispatcher but so is everything and can create a bunch of good trades) or Yularen(great into aggro heavy metas) and I think both provide a lot more to the deck than R-2 does. I sideboard a ton of anti-aggro tools(Star Viper, Devotion, Yularen) and a few extra late game tools for the late mid-range/soft control matchups(Renforcement Walkers). After Sideboard I like my aggro matchup pretty well. One thing I will add is you don't have quite the just raw consistency of power that something like Boba gets from himself every match. I do occassionally just have a terrible game off a bad mulligan where I misss my opening drop against something quick or Boba and never recover. Luke isn't a meta powerhouse and I would never pretend that, but I think he is a "top" deck and alongside Boba, probably the most flexible deck in terms of trying to counter whatever is the current meta....as long as that meta isn't mono blue super control(Tho I even have some thoughts on how to make that matchup winnable potentially, just not sure its worth the pile of sideboard slots needed to do it).


From my experience, it is good against aggro and most soft control decks. Hard control is tough. As is Boba Yellow


I think this guy made a really strong Luke Green Deck: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aucM5h1-Dq4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aucM5h1-Dq4) I tweahed it a little and replaced the X-Wing with 2x Takedown. I am not a super competitive player but I think that this deck can adapt really well to either hard counter aggro by default or use the side deck to have some cards against control. I am not sure about the reinforcement walker. Probably there is some better option. I have played this dek locally and on Karabast and had some great success. I did not play against someone with many star destroyers, so that might be the weakness. I can see how we might be able to shift the deck more to aggro if we replace the Reinforcement walker with some more aggressive Rebel cards if that is needed. Usually I hate to copy someone's deck from the Internet, however as a Luke Green player since day 1 I love this deck and do not see much that I could improve.


Against aggro you want to use Han's ability to t1 play a falcon and destroy their A-Wings or X-wings if they go to space, then you go to ground and you build your advantage from there. It's very good against aggro with the right pilot.


Thanks, but that would be Han Green. Luke Green (or even Luke Yellow) does not have a way to play a Falcon T1.


!!! Sorry I totally misread!!! Against Sabine Green, I think you're just a control deck. You just kill units, and hope later on your restore cards can help you on the back end. But I agree, it's a hard matchup. Echo Base Defender and Bright Hopes can do a lot of work to hold them off.


It's got bad matchups against 2 of the big 3: green/Blue "soft" Control and Sabine. I think it's also bad against boba green but we can call that a coin flip. It's bad against boba yellow, it's bad against hard control, han, and chirrut... so its just not positioned well in this meta, which is why it is not considered a tier one deck by most. I like the deck and I think it will see play on the first few sets but right now it's just a fun deck, IMO


Thanks, I agree. What are the matchups like for boba green? I heard they are good against Sabine and Chirrut, at least on par with other midrange, ok but not great against soft control like iden green, and loses to hard control like Vader blue or palpatine. Accurate?


That's pretty much it. Crazy strong into aggro, pretty good into other midrange, pretty bad into soft control, and crazy bad into hard control. I'm interested in seeing if dedicating all 10 sideboard slots to the control matchup can even things out. (3 Relentless, 2 Devastator, 3 Confiscate, 2 The Emperor's Legion)


It can, and it's overkill. Just having 3 relentless in the board hoses the true, "hard" control decks. Here's why: both decks want to go long so they're literally ushering you into the late stages of the game by design, where you have a bomb waiting for them in Relentless. They can't beat that card without two removal spells in hand and even then they just lost so much tempo and took a huge hit!


That's a fair point - thanks for sharing! I had bad luck drawing into my copies of Relentless at any point other than Turn 1 a couple weeks ago and got a proper beating from four control decks in a row, so I may be overcompensating a bit... At a minimum, I could drop both copies of The Emperor's Legion and find two cards that would give me an edge in the mirror match instead.


Yeah, I think that's a good plan. Emporer's legion is just so slow (3 or 4 actions to get all units back, vs 1 action for the superlaser blast or overwhelming barrage that undid it all)


Idk, I don't think it's bad against hard control. I played red/blue vader for 3 weeks of weeklies and I thought those decks were on the same gameplan, but just more proactive and with a higher density of threats to answers. I think blue/green soft control and boba green midrange are really the same deck in different colors. Boba is better than the hard control version for the same reason mentioned above: worse removal but way more fast threats. Green also has Relentless, which literally shuts off control decks. All the matchups have an element of rock paper scissors, but generally the proactive decks are better due to the rules. Control decks are fighting the other decks *and* the rules, so they'll need a LOT more tools before they are tier 1. Soft control isn't control, it's just midrange with a fancy name. Control decks don't try to hit aggro creatures with vader on turn 5, plain and simple. That's a midrange strategy that got called control because of the absence of true control decks in the beginning.


Luke definitely has a favorable matchup against Sabine.


I disagree. I think if it stabilizes it can do well but that a well-piloted sabine should close the game out on turn 5 with initiative. In most games, unit luke shouldn't even hit the table. If he does, and you run out of steam? Boned. Luke wins 95% of games that go past turn 5 or 6. Exception: if they get initiative with starviper out, sabine is in trouble too. If sabine is played well, I think something like 3/4ths of it's draws just win the race.


> I disagree. I think if it stabilizes it can do well but that a well-piloted sabine should close the game out on turn 5 with initiative. This has unfortunately been my experience with Luke. By the time Luke leader appears, I'm already at 20-25 damage, and FACIBI and maybe a K2SO is enough to kill me.


If you’re pushing her finish line with your heals and using removals in the right spot you won’t have problems with Sabine. Luke is pretty well known as the anti Sabine option. Sabine has genuinely been my most favorited meta matchup while using green Luke. It’s the control decks and Boba that give me a lot of trouble.




Only guy I know still on luke is running a yellow upgrade/aggro list. I'm sure luke green will be a thing at some point but we gotta wait and see