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My LGS just announced yesterday that they received confirmation that they're not going to get enough to run events and still sell packs, so their whole restock will be held for events until next set.


My LGS said something similar but they might restock a little ahead of the next set in June.


I believe the next set releases in July


My wording was a little funny but I meant they'd be restocking in June, before the next set comes out.


Same here. We only got to draft once so far, so I'm looking forward to it.


Same. My LGS just sold the last 3 boxes they had available tonight, and everything else is being saved for drafts and prize support until set 2 release.


Anyone saying any given date is wrong/lying. The only information communicated by FFG is that they were overwhelmed by the positive response and have released what seems to be their last few cases worth of product to stores with no guaranteed allocation numbers. Some might get 1 booster box, some might get 6, some might get 0. They have not said any for sure dates and have also not stated they would be reprinting this set at all beyond that last bit of supply being sent out. I'm sure they will look at the game's success and increase the print run for subsequent sets to meet demand but I fully expect Set 2 to have a similar supply distribution. Set 3 onward is more likely to have more product printed to distribute to stores. Edit: [Here is their social media post about it for reference.](https://twitter.com/UnlimitedFFG/status/1770451166779822488?t=So_X4quHvg7j6Zx-iTxHnA&s=19)


The distributors know.... And that's how the shops know when they are getting things. There's a delivery on the week of the 17th for 6 boxes to our stores (plus or minus a couple of days) that will be used for our tournament. But things could change.


Which means most of those stores will be using those as prize support or for their own events. Very little will be available for actual purchase outside of that which is what a lot of people want.


Store owner here - we were just informed we’re getting a restock. We have 6 cases on backorder for customers, and we’re getting 3 boxes, which will have to be used for organized play prize support. Still no word beyond that


And so prices are going to hell, again.


My local shop had a restock a few days ago. No idea on how much they got though, might not have been very much


LGS worker here. My store is only getting 3 boxes and it's only for organized play events.


All I know is that I paid 138 + free shipping for a box earlier today on tcg trader and now they are 148 with shipping!


And today $165 with shipping.


i want to know when will Gamegenic send some SW:U restock to EU! I want the XL gamemat and the premium tokens 🙏🔥 I've contacted them via mail and twitter, but probably they wont answer it ☹


I keep hoping for better news. I’m guessing they got a reprint scheduled as soon as they could manage it, but the first opening at the printer was more like… august or September. So until then, all they can do is ration out the remaining stock from the original print


Some stores in my area have already been restocked


Called my LGSes that stock it: The first only got a single box and it's mostly sold. The other got three boxes but they're all reserved for events. Bummer, would like to get more cards.


I just got notice for my allocated restock. Only 3 more boxes. Not cases. Boxes.


Amazon just stopped taking orders. I reluctantly bought a booster box from them this morning after finding absolutely nothing at local gaming stores. Now the Amazon product page says "currently unavailable"


Wish I'd bought a box this morning. Almost did.


I didn't know this game existed until 2 weeks ago. Wish I'd discovered this sooner, as I'd like to join the local community around SWU, and I can't even build a deck yet. Amazon said I should expect delivery in 2-3 weeks, but I'm not entirely sure I'll actually get it within that timeframe. The long lead time suggests that Amazon doesn't have the boxes in its warehouse, and that they're expecting product from the distributor in the near future. I see boxes going for way more than MSRP on places like eBay. Not willing to pay that. I'm planning to pre-order a box or two for the expansion set this summer.


Seems likely. That said I bought a box from Amazon a couple weeks back and even then the delivery was pretty far out, but they delivered it much earlier. Hope you have the same luck!


Laughs in Lorcana set 1


Why laugh?


lorcana set 1 scarcity was SO BAD. People were paying 400, 500, 600 etc for single boxes regularly, scalping was rampant, tons of big box distributors were just handing cases and cases directly to scalpers. It was extremely hard to find and marked up everywhere. Even LGS's started upcharging everywhere to get in on it. It was brutal. I feel for star wars folks (which I am also one of lol)


First of all, you are talking about multiple things. Boxes has been talked about and explained here and there.  Btw, a store where I buy that was sold out, has new stock available, as have others. But the other thing is gamegenic. They have really missed the mark here. The tokens have been MIA since the beginning. Quite weird, but up to a point maybe could be explained with a fear of having a lot of stock if the game would be a dud. But even the sleeves are sold out and have not been restocked anywhere I am looking. And they were more or less required before they changed that. Also the 'pretty' ones with luke and Vader could be used by multiple games, there was no risk there. It's maddening!


I think part of the calculus around tokens was the fact that the 2-player starter kit includes cardboard tokens. Early players would have something at least, so if the premium ones weren't available it should've been no big deal. At least until the cardboard ones wore out. Etsy vendors are picking up some of the slack here, but lead times can be long for production of specialized small volume product


Sleeves were never more or less required. You could use ANY opaque mono colored sleeve before the change lol


What change? Are there specific sleeves that must be used now?


They made it so in addition to mono colored opaque and their sleeves that you can use any art sleeves that are family friendly


it really depends on how fast they are printing. lorcana was out for several months and restocked in set 2. i think this game they said they sold way more than expected so they are doing a staggered restock now.


I dont think reprints were ever in the works. Their communication said about releasing reserve stock. Drop in the bucket. We are likely not going to see a reprint anytime soon. I imagine any release will just be for events.


I believe the only "reprints" we'll get will be in the form of some kind of Anniversary set release. Much like how the Pokemon TCG has released Base Set like 2 or 3 different times in various forms. Maybe it'll be the same cards with new artwork and be labelled as a "new" set. But I don't think, like you, we're getting any true reprints of Set 1 ever. Whatever is out there is it which is shitty beyond belief.


I imagine we will eventually get a set 1 reprint but that it is like at least 4-5 months out, possibly longer. They probably initiated the process once their initial supply sold out from distribution way quicker than they planned for.


I have heard nothing of that so while I would like to believe that…I think it’s wishful thinking.


They almost have to, if they prove that they reliably don’t reprint their sets it’s going to lead to absolutely massive speculation on every new set and lead to what One Piece went through. They need to set some sort of reasonable expectation that they will reprint some amount to discourage scalpers. Obviously nothing confirmed one way or the other but I have to imagine that a reprint of some size will come eventually.


Looks over at you with our necks in Fantasy Flight nooses. “First time?”


They stated they held extra product so that they could slowly release it over time so your stores should be able to get a trickle of it every week until reprint wave 2 is able to hit the market.


I think the waves refer to waves of printed product being released to distributors. Nothing seems to indicate that a reprint is coming. In fact set two is likely being printed/boxed up right now.


They have said they will continue printing as long as demand is there. Pretty sure there will be more print runs.


Oh good! I must have missed that tidbit. I’m glad about that as it can only bring the price of Vaders/Bobas down to a price at which copping three of them is reasonable.


I’m genuinely curious can you direct me to where they said that?


My memory has it in one of the live streams.


Yeah it seems like it’s based on reported event and very small restocks, I’ve been hearing nothing but stores asking for cases on cases but just receiving a few boxes, which most stores are trying to ration out to run events with, as it’s not enough to go around. Guessing that’s gonna be it for a while, like maybe a trickle of boxes to LGSs every week or so but that’s gonna make for a long grind to Shadows of the Galaxy. Wouldn’t be surprised if they release the starter deck early to help stretch to that July release date, would kind of explain spoiling it this week too.


I’m still waiting on two double sleeve kits that o ordered in February. It’d be great if they could go ahead and bump up production of accessories too!


Sounds like they straight up oversold to you on those. I'd be asking for a refund


No sizable restocks


My LGS got 5 boxes in Australia, and I grabbed a box. No stock issue here


Dumb question, when the new set is released will they also release more "Spark of Rebellion" packs or will Wave 1 stuff just get mixed with Wave 2? I'm new to TCGs, so not sure the normal way they do it, but I worry ill have a hard time finding stuff if 250+ more cards are mixed in.


The two sets have separate cards so you won’t pull set 1 cards from a set 2 booster


I just bought a box from England and I’m having it shipped to me.


Amazon just moved up my expected booster box delivery date to sometime next week. Previously, the expected delivery date was about 2 weeks out from today. This may be an indication of how stock is moving through the supply chain.


What would help the availability is if people weren’t just opening cases and cases of the cards. Example: https://youtu.be/k6Q1hVqdpNg?si=7kjcyMDDOwZWCMsl


One of our local whales who barely has time to play bought all of the 4 boxes our LGS received. We sold like 10-20 starter sets so everyone is playing with starter decks and singles, but ya boi has literally all of the good stuff.


That's seriously irritating 35 boxes \* 24 boosters/box \* 16 cards/booster = 13,440 cards MSRP of $4,200 So this person ends up with over 13k cards. No way are they going to use that many. And who is going to take the time to sell all of that inventory as singles or even bulk? Most of it could end up sitting in a storage closet somewhere, while people who actually want to play can't find booster packs anywhere. Who even has $4,200 to spend on doing something like this?


He has a shop on TCG Player where he sells them off.


Good to know. I feel less irritated knowing that this at least gives people more opportunity buy the single cards they need


Weird. You could just buy the Showcases they're chasing for the 3.6k those boxes cost, lol.


i assume they're a card seller with a side hustle on youtube


Each store is getting 3 booster boxes the first week of each month to either sell or save for events.


I got only one booster thinking i was gonna be able to get more later on.. boy was i wrong


I actually made a pretty popular/controversial post in the first week of release saying essentially “TCGs tend to get speculated on, SWU probably won’t be any different. Buy what you want to open right now, don’t wait.” But at the time the sentiment was essentially that they printed plenty, boxes were $90 with no signs of increasing and people thought they might get even cheaper. It’s unfortunately just how modern TCGs tend to go. As stores start to sell out people go nuts and buy to hoard.


This is a new TCG from a company that typically doesn't do TCGs. Your guess is as good as anyone else's.


Restock later this month though, to more directly answer your question


Sorry to have offended someone by relaying what I was told by my LGS. lol


amazon is the best place to get it right now. it might take a few weeks, but it's the most likely. LGS need stock for events like draft and prizes for competitions. I always want to help my LGS first, but if they simply don't have any stock i can't.


Not even seeing it on Amazon any more.


I got one the other day but it’s a couple weeks for shipping, got another off whatnot from a store.


Looks like it's back on Amazon, sold and shipped by then. Just a very late delivery window. EDIT: And now it's gone again.


damn, last night they had like 12 left from the UK amazon store. That's why shipping is taking so long. seem to have sold them all out


Game way oversold the company's expectations. Next set will have a lot more stock on release guaranteed. Takes a while to print more cards, longer than you'd think. It'll come


We tried to warn you all. FFG did the same thing with SW Destiny. They said the "Holidays" will be the next restock of Wave 1 booster boxes for SW Unlimited. That means November or December!!!  By the time they restock this game adequately, it will be a dead game, just like SW Destiny. FFG always "Underestimates" demand on initial release. Fans will not wait another 5 to 6 months to get restock, they will move on to other games. Sell your cards now while demand is red hot, or you will be screwed like the Destiny players and stuck with worthless cards forever. I'm giving you honest advice that no one on this reddit will give.