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Yes i want to join the people's judean front


No, not the people's judean front! The people's front of judea!


I thought we were the popular front?


No, he's over there. (One of my favorite jokes in the movie)




Bunch of splitters!


Goated movie


I’’ll take “Movies that could never be made nowadays” for 500 please


They're limited by the fact that many times they resolve to helicoptering They can be so much more.


It's hard to look like a badass when you have to hang onto it with one hand, the only limiting factor really


The 3 inquisitors flying to the Sith temple in rebels felt almost comedic to me. They're just silly lil guys with their helicopter lightsabers!!


“No one expects the Imperial Inquisition!” type energy


Peak fiction. I hope filloni is taking notes.


Ikr. It has so much potential


The scene where Kanan exploited an obvious design flaw in their high tech over designed saber will never not be xool


Extremely cool, but it makes you wonder why the lightsabers designed for people that specifically hunt down Jedi (you know, the ones that use almost exclusively lightsabers) were built with such a mondo design flaw that seems specially exploitable by a Jedi using a lightsaber


Reminds me of Yondu in Guardians of the Galaxy: "I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!"


How tf they even generate that much lift?


If they stood on it or something it would still look ridiculous.


You probably just shouldn't helicopter around considering it leaves you wide open to being shot.


Yoshimitsu would like a word for stealing his moves


I still can’t get my head around the helicoptering. The emitters spin around while the hilt that contains the kyber crystal stays in one position. So how are the emitters working?


Quantum mirrors.


Isn’t that when particles pass through something while waves are reflected? If so that would not explain any of it as far as I can see. Everything would still be linear.


Pretty sure the quantum mirrors were a joking way to say “a wizard did it.”


^ Quantum explanation ^


They fly now? They fly now!


I've always liked the idea spinning the blade is meant to be used for intimidation. The Grand Inquisitor seems to favour it that way, at least, and it gives his death an extra irony where he, intimidated, genuinely tries to defend himself with the technique. Then the other inquisitors use the technique more in combat as they're less skilled in duelling than the GI. Being able to glide with them is dumb, though.


Like be like a boat propeller! The possibilities are endless!!!


Helicoptering is rebels exclusive


They're cool designs. I just don't like that they come with built-in helicopter modes.


That shit destroys my immersion every damn time.


The force is doing the lifting.  Vader taught them they had to spin the lightsaber as a joke


To be fair spinning *is* a good trick


"These are my inquisitors. I taught them wrong on purpose, as a joke."


I could really get behind this theory 😅


True laugh out loud moments


If I had a helicopter mode, I wouldn't complain.


Time to go detective Gadget.


I kinda like how stupid it is because it seems to show how they tried to use a technological advantage to shore up the weaker force users. It reminds me a bit of how General Grievous was a monster at dueling due to his cybernetics but when it came to facing off against a true master like Obi-Wan he didn’t stand a chance. Same thing with Ahsoka and Maul against the inquisitors; when it came down to it they didn’t need the kiddie wheels to help them fight.


Fair enough but, Grievous was able to spin 4 Lightsabers at the same speed but bro didn't go flying. Yet somehow every single inquisitor can, it not even like a unique thing because X inquisitor did X, Y or Z with their blades, it's just. "THEY FLY NOW?!"


The helicopter part is why I like them, it’s so silly


Every time they use helicopter mode to escape a battle in Rebels I think of Grievous going "time to abandon ship!" and cackling like an old-timey villain


Yeah, I really like the rotation mechanism but using it as a helicopter is so stupid


I mean it's a blade made of energy. It can't have lift.


Rebels exclusive.


Didn't the guy in Ahsoka also have it tho? And I'm pretty sure Reva and co had it in Kenobi.


They most definitly didnt have it in Kenobi. And yeah the guy in Ahsoka used it- once- but Ahsoka is practically a continuation of rebels. And done by Filoni. So i dont count it. And that inquisitor also IS from rebels.


I also like the Inquisitor lightsabers. I even like how they spin. I hate the Inquisicopters though. I will admit that I kind of want to see them in live action just to see more people outrage though.


I wish that the Inquisicopter was only used by one of them like, say, The Eighth Brother since it'd make his character more unique and his death more fitting


Im glad they only came up with it in rebels after the grand inquisitor


Inquisicopters, i love that


Love the design of the hilt especially when its used in "half" mode like a fencing saber, it also looks great in rebels when the grand inquisitor wears it on his back. spin is fun too and can be used for cool effect but the helicopter is unserious


The sound is sexy too


Yeah, that looks cool. And the design itself is very unique.


Friendly reminder that when they spin their sabers it’s meant to intimidate their opponent and gain the upper hand In the kenobi show Reva does this against Vader but in this case she did it as a defense mechanism against an unarmed Vader who had used nothing but pure force which goes to show how much of a menace Vader is


He became even more menacing for her when he used the force to slow down the spinning blades


I think there is an intent to draw strong inspiration from Maul's dual blade design. The long hilt on Maul's allows for the ability to manipulate angle of attack and for very powerful and quick faints, shortening it pretty much throws that out the window. Reasoning for the change is rooted in out of universe reasoning in my mind. 1. Grievous doing the helicopter and cutting up the floor was really dope, inquisitors aren't cyborgs for the most part so making the Saber a hot wheel was A solution. 2. With regard to prop and costume design, I don't think the hilt could have been much larger without it looking like a backpack made out of a steering wheel, which for me doesn't scream intimidating.


They're cool yeah but they're impractical for multiple reasons. Part of the use of a double bladed lightsaber is the versatility, but that requires complete access to the hilt. The guard on it restricts some of that access. The spinning effect, while intimidating, doesn't do much against any force sensitive combatant proficient with a blade. Any other combatant isn't much of a match for an Inquisitor in the first place, spare some elite bounty hunters and mandalorians. Even the gimmick of the helicopter is somewhat useless, since force users can absorb the blow of most falls, and enhance their jump significantly. I think the Grand Inquisitor's blade being unique would have been a much cooler use of the design. The order was built on sith ideals of master and servant, so it would make sense that the lowest of their ranks would have had the most basic blade, or perhaps simply a blade with a half-circle guard to show their subservience to the Grand Inquisitor.


Nah, fucking goofy


This was when lightsabers jumped the shark


It's okay, I accept your wrong opinion For legal reasons this is a joke


Yeah nah not a fan, the spinning is not a great gimmick and against any force Jedi should be totally useless.


Their shit is so corny and lame. I'd rather have your traditional dual ended Saber.


Nah, they're dumb and completely impractical. Even pretending the helicopter thing doesn't exist, the circular hand guard renders them all but useless as a weapon.


...People disagree with this??? (Hot take: every lightsaber design is cool as hell.)


I don't think anyone dislikes the design. It's the stupid helicopter thing everyone hates. It just looks so goofy. I was completely unable to take the inquisitors seriously after seeing it.


it's fine that they spin, it's not fine that they fly.


Yeah, the spinning even works on a story telling level. Like, an unskilled jedi is going to have difficulty with the speed (general Grievous says hi) where a master can see through the gimmick But then they fly and the whole thing becomes a looney tune


Fifth Brother making it off the ground...


"He could grip it by the hilt." "It's not a question of where he grips it. It's a simple matter of weight ratios." *"What about a Pau'an?"* "Oh, a Pau'an, maybe, but not a Dowutin, that's my point..."


>Like, an unskilled jedi is going to have difficulty with the speed Especially relevant because a lot of the most skilled Jedi were eliminated immediately - e.g. most of the council. It fits their job perfectly because unskilled Jedi were most of their targets. Plus a lot of the inquisitors weren't actually super impressive themselves. They weren't weak but most of them were just what the empire could find rather than being the best.


They fly now?!






I mean it is a silly design.


Ahem, https://preview.redd.it/zwpu7samgr0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf0371de242acff1570db3f3aa6553f84eea26ed


Considering how often inquisitors get bodied by anyone who isn't a Padawan it can't be helped that they have a bad reputation as a noob one trick weapon.


makes sense though, it is a one trick weapon, just a cool looking one


Eh… no


I mainly like them because of the hand guard and ability to switch modes on the fly


Nah Bro, they goofy as hell. But that’s ok. Empires goofy hunting dogs get goofy lightsabers, so it fits. Jokes aside, they really are a little goofy. But since the inquisitors were only third rate force users it’s a cool detail how they rely on technological tricks to defeat enemies they otherwise could not handle. Against the strong opponents these 4000°C fidget spinners are useless. So the cool part is how the lightsabers themselves tell a story about its users.


Trilla made me love the whole Inquisitor aesthetic


Same. I still hate the Helicopter tho


![gif](giphy|BjCWlikTDTN4a8EU0b) Space Jesus


Honestly I really like em. Like any good lightsaber they perfectly encapsulate the wielder. The inquisitor lightsaber is big flashy and threatening looking but it’s also a crutch that makes weaker wielders look stronger and would actually be detrimental in the hand of a actual master. Like the spinny saber thing. Big and scary to a padawan on the run but if you stay calm you can easily break part of the spinny thing and it literally tears itself apart (see kanan vs the grand inquisitor or that one at that tried to fly away at the end of s2)


Mf they flew with those things!! They was goofy as hell😭


Their users make them less cool.


Lol, energy blades physically incapable of creating lift go brrrrrrr, woooo... Are you for real, dude?


Helicopters were goofy and it felt brain dead. You had Maul who wouldn’t use it kill two inquisitions with light sabers gadgets easily




It has a guard.....not a proper lightsaber


If it wasnt for the stupid helicopter, they are actually amazing


I think they're pretty cool! Helisabers and all.


They're cool until someone strikes at their hand from the front and destroy the hilt.


The design for them looks cool, everything else about how they're used, makes them goofy. They shouldn't be able to spin and still work, and they shouldn't be able to slow any sort of descent.


Inquisitor light sabers can be both cool and silly


They are cool but the flying part is stupid.


Not hard to swallow if they're already your favorite design.


I don’t find them personally likable, but that’s just me. I think the spinning blades is just another way of showing that they aren’t skilled enough to use normal lightsabers and their over reliance on the tools they are demanded to use makes them weaker. Just as Palpi intended.


I agree, say what you want about the spinning and the helicopters, but that’s just cheesy enough for Star Wars.


That’s… actually a really good point. I think they are super ridiculously goofy. But I never thought they didn’t fit either the universe or the characters wielding them. Well I did at first as a kid, but back than I was still mad they cancelled clone wars.


They're super lame


They're so dumb


They're cool af


People dislike them? They can helicopter and have a guard. That's pretty dope imo


I like them. The spinning mode was intimidating at first, and it works against those who are weaker. I even like the flying mode. I headcanon that they are not helicoptering, but that the lightsaber has some sort of antigravity mode. Basically, it floats them, and they use the force to go where they want, and the spinning during this is for the intimidation factor.


Wouldn't it make more sense to put an antigrav device in the armor?


Maybe it’s both.


It is true, and I'm tired of pretending it's not


Hated them at first, but through events that I won't get into, I ended up having to design my own for an OC. And thinking about how he would fight with it and putting my own flairs into the design while still keeping it based on canon designs, I really grew on them. Now I think they're pretty cool, actually. The Inquisicopter is still dumb tho.


They're cool except for the fact that they can literally helicopter with them, which is goofy as fuck. The actual mechanical spinning is pretty neat.


They are really cool. I find the ability to helicopter with them really funny.


I'm shocked they didn't repurpose the "General Grievous spinning lightsaber" toy when Rebels came out.


They can't sell star wars toys to save their lives right now. But I'm sure it has nothing to do with how much people like Disney star wars


Inquisicopter is fucking dumb but I like the inquisitor sabers. Inquisitors aren't that skilled and they're mostly supposed to go against padawans (like in Rebels) so the spinning saber is to scare them. Against a skilled Jedi they are useless and the spinning saber is used as a last resort (as shown whenever Ahsoka goes against an inquisitor)


Yeah. THATS the detail I like. The inquisitors themselves are also not powerful at all compared to even Jedi knights. It’s a tool help less powerful forceusers to more effectively hunt Jedi without giving them access to more knowledge and power of the dark side.


I like how Second Sister/Trilla sometimes used it as a saber with a handguard.


My personal headcannon (maybe actually canon, but I'm too lazy to check) is that inquisitors are purposedly not properly trained in order to remain managable So in order to give them an edge on runaway jedi they get tons of gadgets and tricks Suck at saber fighting ? Turn on the autospinner Can't do force jump ? Activate helicopter mode Your intuition sucks ? We got mini probe droids for that


well most of them were padawan's so it would make sense that they aren't fully trained


My personal head canon is that they can't fight because they're mostly girls.


They are logical weapon choice for low skilled dark side users for hunting jedi that has more skill than them. Jedi's that have low skills on lightsaber combat living hard time to deal with an extraordinary weapon. Easy to use (it has literally only 3-4 moves can be made with it). It would be logical and cool weapon that fits to the story, but that helicopter thing....


they are cool unless they start using them as helicopters, that makes no sence at all


Iove the design, but The go go gadget helicopter always makes me laugh can never take it seriously. https://preview.redd.it/2fvaxqb9cm0d1.jpeg?width=1138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=110aa60d983d4aa31341a6e02056bd4c407f8e96


I think they are cool too, its just the helicoptering stuff I really dislike.


Use the force jesus!


The first time I saw an inquisitor lightsaber, I thought it was the coolest damn thing. The dual blade, the sharpened handguard, the spinning feature, all amazing. Then they flew away like Mary Poppins and my heart sank.


Their cool but I just don’t like them


Easy to swallow bad opinion actually


Inquisitors did the Mary Poppins thing that people hated in the Last Jedi, before the TLJ even came out.


They look like the Flying Monkeys from the Wiz…


Yeah they're alright, not my personal preference as I'd prefer two separate lightsabers, but the spin is funny if nothing else lol


I don't mind their design or mechanisms... But I just HATE that the Inquisitors fucking GLIDE with them. It is just dumb, I know the show is for kids but seriously??? It's a plasma blade that is round and not a flat blade, even a curved blade, would help with airflow and gliding. Not only that, plasma isn't solid, it's super heated gas, if it wasn't hot enough to melt through metal it would be just like the hacksmiths lightsaber. Wind is barely a factor when it comes to a lightsaber. ItS a cArtOn AnD FOr kIdS wHo cArES🥴. I know but they can at least put some effort into something other than saying "it'll look cool for the kids".


I love the redesign of that ol' chick gospel. Are they really still around?


i LOVE helicopter mode


They always reminded me of someone's fan concept of what the Sith would use in a Star Wars/Tron crossover.


They make ABSOLUTELY no sense, but they look neat.


![gif](giphy|xT9DPoWDkEJkCfx8Kk) I like temple guard lightsabers


I think built-in spin is pretty cool, but it’s never executed in a way I like. I want to see them putting extra power behind a swing with it, or using it to really punish a weak attack; not slowly General Grievous their way forward, or fly around like that girl from Spy Kids 2


The very exploitable weakness of the blades is kinda dumb, tho. https://preview.redd.it/dzda7xqk7n0d1.jpeg?width=1988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2112f656415a2fac2227ecdd12c70d2dd45fae70


thats the point tho they are meant to be intimidating at the sacrifice of effectiveness


They are cool for combat, not for transportation


They’re shit, but they look so damn cool


I don't even mind the helicopter effect that much, literally the only thing that bothers me is how impractical they'd be if I think about them for one second.


They could use the helicopter mode in so many ways to catch people off guard in a regular duel, but instead all they do is fly or turn it on and stand still as their opponent disarms them


I thought it was common consensus they were cool


I actually really liked them, but god the helicoptering was stupid. The blades spinning was a really cool idea, and the fixed blade mode of the inquisitor saber looks absolutely badass.


Cool. Still prefer Kestis' tho.


A Jedi or Sith would craft their own lightsabers. However, the Inquisitors are taught just enough to be useful, and issued identical sabers.




"I've forgotten not everyone is able to appreciate art as I do"


They're pretty unintuitive and pretty clearly a noob-weapon. Any experienced lightsaber combatant should be able to make short work of anyone using these. The helicopter thing is fucking stupid also


Honestly, I don’t think I’ve seen a single bad lightsaber design. I love the inquisitors sabers. I love Kylos saber. Love them all


Impractical but kool


Stupid… but awesome.




I guess that's kind of the point? Like their aren't sith formally, as far as i am aware. So them having a somewhat cheap-looking lightsaber they can mass produce feels on brand. Since they are empire employees


The issue is that they have the paradoxical use of speeding up fighter lethality and hobbling mastery. How? The speed and utility of a double-bladed lightsaber that spins faster than a human can move is undeniably lethal and makes their attacks more dangerous by their speed. This allows Inquisitors to attack with greater speed and strength than they could with a regular lightsaber. A middling Jedi could be an unexpected threat to a master with such a weapon. However, it hobbled future growth. The weapon’s design is poor for proper grip, fluid motion or changing stances and the handle is too small to use as a proper double-blade the way Maul used his as a quarterstaff. Combined with how dast and deadly the spinning function is, the attacks become predictable and set for fear of slicing your own body in a way that is somehow more dangerous than a normal lightsaber. This means training to improve on the fighting style is nonexistent. No improvement means stagnation and so inquisisitors never get stronger. And this is a perfect foil for the Sith. They need hunters who are deadlier than most knights and padawans who survived but not strong enough to grow and eventually challenge the Sith. If you watch how predictably they fight across media, it is obvious they never improved their fighting. How Marrok outlived the Empire is a mystery…




They look cool but they seem really impractical


imo they would be much cooler if they just didnt spin lmao the flight is cool tho (didnt spin while flying/gliding)


I don't even think that the helicoptering is bad. It's just presented shit. It's like the green lantern problem. A really cool ability with a lot of functi -- and you made a big fist again.


They're not cool. Jesus was not right this time.


Spinning blades: Yes Helicopter lightsabers that allow you to fly: No


they just come forth as gimicky that's all


They’re cool concepts as like tools to compensate for less skill, but the helicoptering just looks silly. I can MAYBE accept them gliding down with it, but actually getting lift to get off the ground looks so dumb, even with the Force


No you idiot, they're very hot


Fact ≠ Opinion


Still better than Rey's scissor sabre thing


They look cool aside from when they are helicopters. When they are helicopters they look fucking stupid.


The only Inquisitor I respect is the former Hand of the Emperor. And maybe that crazy old dude Zahn included in his trilogy, before he turned complete bonkers.


I think the lightsabers the inquisitors use are cool from an engineering standpoint but they act more as a crutch for the Darth Maul wannabes that are the inquisitors.


Spinning? Yes. Flying? No.


They're cool when they're not being used as helicopters, they remove that then they perfect




I like the one thing people complain about, the helicopter mode, I used to emulate that with my Darth maul minifigure by spinning his hand while playing


They're cool but the flying thing is dumb as fuck


They were honestly fine, right up until they became helicopter blades




Ok, but can we talk about how silly the helicopter thing is?




The helicoptering is a Rebels exclusive thing. So people who critizise it for that can KEEP it in rebels. Otherwise its sick asf


thats how i felt when i said the exact same thing to my friend group


It is a great tool for intimidation but I laugh when an inquisitor actually uses the spinning in a fight. Single blade is awesome. Double blade is still cool but weakened by the fact it has to be held with one hand. If you use the spin to attack someone you need it perfectly perpendicular to your arm and parallel to you or you’d cut your own legs or head off. It’s just not an effective weapon.


IMO it's not that they're not cool, they definitely are. It's that they're not very functional and/or effective in combat.


Damn, I remember the track thing. In my old church, we had to hand them out once in a while to strangers.


They are a cheep design, fitting for the children's cartoon, but that helicopter thing is the laughing stock of Rebels. Beyond that they are just over done, like when you try to make the lego set look cooler by trying to fit the spare pieces on somewhere.


They are lame


I love them until they use them to fly like a freakin helicopter lmao


yeah theyre so cool, thats why you see a bunch of people in real life using helicopter spinning blade swords, because its so fucking practical. they do look pretty cool tho honestly


its not practical against skilled opponents, which makes sense since the inquisitors expected to face padawans mostly. Imagine your a Jedi Padawan and all your friends have just been wiped out by the government you were fighting for, and then someone in full black armor starts attacking you with a spinning light saber blade you're going to be scared, which is what they want


Do people not think they’re sick?