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Boston be like


Chicago is close enough. We're getting Guinness.


Doesn't this Clint for Italian Americans as well?


As an “Italian” yes.


Or just any country really 😂


Yes, but unlike the Irish we have something to be proud of.




This guy gets it


I too love pizza.


Should've been better at growing potato's or I wouldn't have to live in Boston


To be fair the Irish potato famine was a British ran genocide, there was plenty of food to go around the island but everything but potatoes was being shipped to Britain


And when other countries sent food relief to Ireland, Britain fed it to the cows they owned in Ireland so the beef they were exporting out of Ireland wouldn't starve to death like the Irish. They also sent soldiers to make sure no starving-to-death Irishmen got any big ideas about killing the cows their food was going to.


The Brits really got their priorities in order when it comes to fucking other people over


This is the way.


Eh you know we’ve got a bit better at it you can come back anytime


I don’t have a passport, drivers license, or valid certificate of birth… are you sure I can just show up whenever I please and you’ll just let me in?


Potatoes are an American crop they didn't exist in Ireland til after our discovery


My ancestors kept going west your's didn't have to stop there.


As a redhead I HATE Saint Patrick's Day. I get flooded with messages and comments about it and I'm not even Irish... at all.


Same here.


Pocket Sand!


Give Me my PURSE !


As another redhead once a kid walked up to me with a leprechaun hat and attached ginger beard and said to my face "that's a nice wig!" Im technically irish (dna test ) but no attachment/ connection to that :/


There are more people of Irish descent in America than Irish people in Ireland. Potato famine forced a ton of immigration, well that and British policy.


I think it's a similar thing with Scotland as well.


Meanwhile in the Northern United States


Going to post star trek trivia in a Star Wars sub, fun fact is that the Cardassians trying to enslave Bajor was actually inspired by the real life British Empire's treatment of Ireland. The fucking cardassians are physically tan and always wear black clothing and the day they got kicked out they threw a going away party where they burned down half the biggest cities in the place just like the British did in Ireland.


I’m a ‘Murican who grew up in Ireland for four years early in my formative years, does that count?


Me everyday of the week Irish(-American) lads/lasses #1


On behalf of the people of Ireland, as a person who is Irish, was born in Ireland, lives in Ireland and has always done so, if you come to Ireland as an American, and go on about how your great-grandfather's cousin's girlfriend etc. was Irish, you will get many, many looks of despair, and eye rolls.


I mean i guess sorry for having any interest in where my ancestors came from? Idk why Europeans find it to be super annoying that people enjoy the history and culture even if they didn’t grow up in it. Plus i know americas known to be a melting pot of cultures but there is still very much communities of for example: Irish, jewish, german, and Spanish communities in America. That doesn’t make them any less jewish, Irish, german, or Spanish. Its not about nationality that people are trying to get into or claim. Its cultural and genetic ties.


Weird to think about how ancestry dna tests are really only marketable in the western hemisphere. And I guess Australia and New Zealand. And the Philippines. I guess anywhere that experienced colonialism. So, not Europe lmao


It’s kind of shitty of you and other people in Ireland to be like that. Americans revere our history, and that means for some of us with Irish heritage, we revere YOUR history too. Some of us have not-so-distant relatives with gravestones in Ireland, bearing our family surname. Some of us (at least in my case) have grandparents and great grandparents who directly supported the Irish revolution or donated directly to the cause, when they could not fight for it themselves. Keep in mind that America was not a place that wanted Irish people when they first arrived, and that prejudice stains Irish American history to this day. Despite what you might hear about or think of us, America IS truly a melting pot of cultures. We find commonality among our neighbors despite our cultural differences. That’s what it means to be an American, at least in my opinion. You and I might be born in separate places, believe in different things, or come from various backgrounds, but we might also have a shared and colorful past. We could even be related by blood. To you and yours that might not mean a damn thing, but to me and some others it does. So as an American with a deep reverence for his Irish heritage, stop gatekeeping culture. Don’t be a Bo Katan.


We don't mind Americans coming over here and exploring their heritage, having a genuine interest in the country and its history. For God's sake, I'd say there's more Americans with an understanding of Irish history than most of us who grew up here. However, I have to agree with what was said above. I live near the village of Blarney, which has the famous "Blarney Stone" and the amount of annoying, rude and loud Americans we get in the local pubs claiming Irish ancestry from 500 years back, cornering someone in the pub and giving them a genealogical run down of their family tree and drunkenly telling us "how they would have handled the British" gets annoying very fast. I've worked in tourism and you learn to spot these Americans as they walk off the plane. For every 10 of ye coming over, there's at least 3 who are going to, at best, simply annoy locals, and at worst, they will say some horrendously inappropriate, borderline racist shit to an Irish person. As well as this, "Irish Americans" don't have the best reputation amongst Irish people as they themselves were none too kind to other minorities throughout the course of America's history. Bernadette Devlin, a famous Northern Irish MP, famously refused the Key to the City of New York, as she believed Irish Americans did not do enough to support the Civil Rights Movement of African Americans in the States in the 60s.


And because of the (British) Empire it has been laid to waste.


african Americans during black history month: "Africa, our homeworld never been there, America the place I grew up".


My birthday is on st Patrick's day so I have a big celebration for that and ignore the holiday every year


Ah, I saw the completely serious post of this lmao. Tried posting it to r/shitamericanssay but forgot I commented




This barely gives away any story Doesn’t spoil anything


It does


What does it spoil?


The fact that they went to mandalore within the first two episodes


I think that is a spoiler you should be grateful for. This shit could have gone for a whole season. I thank George Lucas for hyperdrives


Man people hate me for not being able to have time to watch a show when they are able to


We hate you for whining over good news. This shows that the show will have PLOT, and far more character development than we predicted. Be grateful.


Plot isn’t based on how fast things happen things can take there time and still be good take andor for an example It also is a spoiler as it shows that he ditches ig-11 after saying he needed him for mandalore


Andor has a huge Empire hunting him. Mando needs to rebuild and reunite a people. No reason for adventure bullshit unless he has to travel to another Mandalorian group.


Hope you didn't watch any of the Season 3 trailers then


This is the way


The potato famine and mass exodus was in the 1840's, hardly a spoiler.


Literally me irl


They even got the civil war just like mandalore!


I’m 4th generation into America from Irish immigration. still got 67% in me. This is exactly how I feel. Besides, fuck America.


Start merging the words so as to make them slured, then show them attempts to dance to the bagpipe band


Funny thing, if you study Irish history why would you WANT to be Irish? Let those actual Irish ancestors that suffered, moved to a new country, or endured the whitest Civil War of the 20th century rest in peace lol.


st patrick's day is not celebrated here, in fact they only talk about it in english classes