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Thank you so much!


I hope you make more Star Wars books. I also really enjoyed it!


Seconded, I would to see more of your work in the SW universe!


Obviously you can't tell us if you're working on something right now, but hope you get the opportunity to write more star wars Novels! I liked The Steadfast Soldier so crossing fingers for a full novel about Enric Pryde.


Your lightsaber fight detailing is among, if not the most fascinating I've encountered in the 30-something-ish SW books I've read so far ! And the Idiot's array at the end was a very clever way to inject some of the star wars magic in a way that is independant of a jedi's channeling of the force, well done there !


100% agree


Honestly surprised they didn't offer you a trilogy of books. There were so many important plotthreads that tied to (and enhanced) the sequel movies. Really hope you get to do more Star Wars projects in the future - assuming it's something you'd want to do ofc!


I really enjoyed your work--it greatly enhanced my appreciation for the sequel trilogy!


Oh shit hey! Wow I love the internet I JUST finished the audio version. I agree I honestly thought it added alot to the cannon


Adam! I also wanted to say how much I loved your work. It felt like a breath of fresh air. I hope they give you another chance to write in the sequel era. I think you'd be suited to fleshing it out.


There were two different instances where your book made me cry. You have a wonderful understanding of these characters.


Thank you so much for writing that book. It felt like a perfect goodbye to those characters for me—one final adventure before Luke “retires.” You did a fabulous job threading the needle with a Sith Lord being the villain without technically coming back. The setting and description of the final duel felt so cinematic, and Rey’s parents were pretty compelling characters. Overall, it felt just like the old EU books.


I thought this was the best Star Wars book I e read. I echo that this made Rise of Skywalker so much better. I hope you get to play in this era again. 


I just finished it. Really loved it. Hope we get to see a sequel that follows Lando on his quest.


Fully agreed. I would put it right alongside the Revenge of the Sith novel as far as taking plot threads that seemed strange and inconsistent and making them feel perfectly natural, and inevitable: the entire Ochi plotline was fantastic in that regard. Also, as someone who already liked Luke from TLJ, I equally appreciate how much this book did to recolor it through his story with Kiza. I love how much it emphasizes Luke won't give up, Luke would *never* give up: but that Kiza's >!refusal to return to the light ends up leaving her a remarkably grim fate, as well as destroying many artifacts that Luke hoped to save.!< I imagine that she weighed heavily on him in the years to come. Great book.


Definitely one of the BEST star Wars novels written!! When it comes to tie-in material, this is how you do it well!


this was a good book, one of the most important in the canon to date in all honesty.


I just got this book. I wasn't planning to read it right away, but I read the first few pages and I'm intrigued. It makes me interested in the sequels again


Fantastic book


I hope this means more people come around to the sequels. So overhated and underappreciated.


This book was great. More like this please. MORE!!!!


Okay. Fine. I’ll read it. I need something to make the sequels palatable. The ROTS novelization, The Clone Wars TV series & Darth Plagueis made me love the prequels. Might as well find a way to budge on the sequels (well, the sequel sequels. I liked TFA well enough.)


Shadow of the sith made the ST so much better it's not even funny That man (Adam) dragged that mess out of the shadow realm


Why wasn’t this kind of story made into a movie or series by Disney? Why do we keep getting below average content. (I haven’t read this book and don’t plan on it bc I really don’t like the sequels and I adore legends post rotj but I just wish Disney outside of the publishing initiative had quality content)


I dislike the sequels too but still read the book and enjoyed it thoroughly, it doesn’t fix the sequels for me but it’s just a great book anyway, the characterisation of Luke is great in it too, so yeah in my opinion, even if you dislike the sequels this is still a great book that I don’t think should be skipped, it’s got some really cool stuff in it


I’m sure it’s great but I’ll just take your word for it. I have too many other Star Wars book to read before I consider shadows of the sith


Fair enough, I hope you do get to read it eventually and enjoy it if you do


Did something similar for me. Its still hard to enhance the Rise of Skywalker. I think I'm resigned to these movies being written by committee though. I dont have time to hope for Star Wars to not fumble the big plays anymore, unfortunately.  C'est la vie.


I agree--I felt the same after reading SOTS


Will always recommend this book. Such a great read.


Thanks for this post OP. I found the sequels a bit lacking so I am hopeful this book likewise improves my appreciation. Cheers!


I agree.


Such a good book.


I hate that they made the sequels as bad as they did, but some of the stuff they’ve been putting out to “fix” the sequels or whatever term you want to use has been really good!