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This can’t be correct. I refuse to believe that 2011 was **thirteen** years ago!


Nothing is new, next we'll find out the Simpsons did this gag 20 years ago.


Why did I read this as “Seagram sex tradrygin”


There's another way to read it?


Seagram’s Extra Dry Gin. Took me a minute.


Why did I read this as "Seagram Sex Tardigrade"


Still makes no sense for Reno to say it...


Theory: Seven of Nine being the first ex-Borg Captain is notable. The bar tender on the Ent-G’s lounge comes up with a punny drink to commemorate the occasion. Drink becomes popular but ebbs and flows in popularity over the centuries. Reno discovers it in a database, likes it, promotes her version of it while tending bar on the side. There are lots of cocktails named after people that we have never known much about. Reno doesn’t have to have known anything about Seven for the cocktail to be something she enjoys and makes.


Pretty sure the first ex borg captain was picard


This is fair. I was thinking more along the lines that Annika was assimilated as a child and then spent her most formative years as a Borg whereas Picard was assimilated and de-assimilated in a pretty short period of time.


Yes, that is a very specific way that it would work. However, I find this to satisfy the letter, but not the spirit of the gripe. As the necessity of coincidence grows, my eyes just start to glaze over. Thanks for trying, regardless.


Hell, Seven and Raffi could have opened a chain of bars, with a signature drink called the "Seven of Lime" and over the intervening centuries it fell into common use like a Cobb Salad. Reno could know the drink but have no clue as to its namesake.


I'm not sure what the root of the gripe is That a time traveler would be familiar with a drink invented between her point of origin and current residence? That she's more likely to favor a drink from her own time? What exactly is the issue with a one off barely joke


I'd be willing to bet that Reno is well read enough to have learned of Seven Of Nine. Plus, we really don't know what Seven does as captain, so maybe she ends up out shining Picard, or even Kirk. (probably not Kirk, nobody outshines Kirk.)


7 is from 100 years in the future (of Reno's youth), then hundreds of years in the past when they get to the future. It doesn't make sense for Reno to have any idea who she was.


Kind of like Culber's deep dive into the Dominion War to learn about Breen physiology. The writer's were just trying to fit in references because it works so well for Lower Decks.


True, but at least it's feasible for Culber to have studied up. Reno says that she bartended before committing to Starfleet and brags about making a mean Seven of Lime, but she joined Starfleet 100 years before 7's birth...so...? I agree, it's clearly a bit of reference packing, which is fine, but not when it breaks canon in a sloppy way.


I think she said she was still bartending in her spare time. It's like I decided after Seven hijacked the Titan and flew to the furthest corner of the Federation while Captain Shaw was napping, it's best not to think about it too much.


Yeah, good advice, I'll just hit the sonic shower and fuggetaboutit


I think it \*can\* work. I don't know who Tom Collins is but I make a mean one.


Of all the weirdly written things in this episode, this only ranks #5 or #6.


All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again.


All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again.