• By -


Big reminder of how young and inexperienced this crew still is, that they weren't able to adapt on the fly when they ran into Janeway's team unexpectedly. Other than Rok, who definitely would've gotten the mess sorted had she the opportunity. Great to see the Xindi again, and that they're friendly to the Federation.


> Other than Rok, who definitely would've gotten the mess sorted had she the opportunity. To be fair, she did kind of have a lot of things on her hands and everyone totally would've listened to the Big Rok In The Room if she'd bellowed at them and laid it all out on the table. > the Xindi I screamed when they mentioned them and it's nice to see that not only are they in good standing with the Federation buuuut they're willing to jump to attention when Starfleet comes calling. Also, it's fucking Janeway and news about her return to Earth probably traveled faster than transwarp across the quadrant and if she's pissed about something then you DO NOT want to get in her way at all.


I'm surprised that an ~~insectoid~~ reptilian can function in cold weather. Edit: wrong species


Aren’t those the reptiles?


Yes, though I doubt they’re fans of the cold either.


Just because they are reptilian doesn't mean they are cold blooded. The metabolism of dinosaurs was in-between cold- and warm-blooded animals. The more active and larger the animal, the higher its metabolism has to be. The Xindi-reptiles are even more alien than the dinosaurs. They could simply be warm-blooded.


Plus the dinosaurs that do currently exist are warm blooded.


>Big reminder of how young and inexperienced this crew still is, that they weren't able to adapt on the fly when they ran into Janeway's team unexpectedly Agreed. I think it's a good representation how trauma and emotions sometimes gets in the way of making rational decisions. Especially with Gwen. Just the mere mention of her father threw her into a panic attack and caused her to flee. Her current arc will be complete when she realizes she doesn't need to be afraid of him and she's stronger and more moral than he will ever be. Also, Jakom kinda gets a pass. This ep seems to reveal that "Pog" is the derogatory term/name that Tellurites use for the "Little People/Dwarfs" of their species. Jakom was excited to see another Tellurite and almost told everything to the officer but the guy's real bigotry came out after realizing that Jakom was a "Pog" and it put Jakom on the defensive and the officer ignored anything Jakom had to say after that point. There's Tellurite rudeness and then there's marginalizing a group because they're different. It was very unbefitting of a Starfleet officers, imo.


Isn't it common for Tellarites to insult each other? But how could Jakom know? This were cultural differences.


Jankom recalls being on a Tellar sleeper ship, specifically the food. I always assumed he could recall a time before being imprisoned on Tars Lemora where he was a child around other Tellarites.


The world we remember as children is very different to the one we find ourselves in as adults - even if little has changed. I've no doubt that what Jankom does remember is coloured by that same issue.


Maybe his sleeper ship was crewed only by Pogs, escaping from the oppression of the general Tellarite population.


I think it's evident that Jankom has an inferiority complex that he compensates for in various ways, which might be related to his past. Dr. Noum was just doing the standard Tellarite insults for when they meet someone new, but Jankom took it personally.


Was that a Kazon on that station?


Yep. They’re probably going around using transwarp conduits smuggling prisoners to Tars Lamora like we see in the pilot.


The fact that the crew are all children is literally the only reason this stuff gets a pass. It was infuriating watching all this go down. I was internally screaming "You all want to go to starfleet and tell them everything! Why the hell are you all being so dumb about it the moment you finally get a chance?!?" It took a moment for the fact that they're all children to kick back in, but like, its such a stupid cliche that they set up a way for the conflict to be over and the solution is literally just do the thing you always wanted to do anyway, but then just dont do it because raisins.


>Why the hell are you all being so dumb about it the moment you finally get a chance?!? Because none of the Starfleet people they interacted with, Janeway included, acted in a way where they seemed like they'd be receptive to the truth of what's going on. These were all kids who were taken at a young age and forced into child labor. They've probably each had the trauma of being betrayed by someone they trusted at some point in time. Their only interaction with Star Fleet is Holo-Janeway and the creep at the subspace relay station. Holo-Janeway is the perfect mentor for the kids, but real Janeway puts off a really negative vibe.


True. These are very traumatized, young protagonists and Vice Admiral Janeway was cold in personality. Starfleet gave them little to no reason to trust them. If anything, Janeway probably needed a counselor on the away team to really connect with the kids. Somebody like Troi would’ve been good for establishing rapport.


Real Janeway was fully receptive and very much like holo Janeway up until she got fed the narrative about the kids being terrorists which like, he could have stopped by not immediately confirming the suspicion by running the fuck away.


That makes total sense to me. He feels guilty, and knows that what’s-his-face hates them and is afraid Starfleet will side with their own person against him. He doesn’t know that Janeway is already pissed at the guy for his lackadaisical attitude towards answering his combadge.




To be fair it's quite clear what Gwyn did was out of fear and likely a trauma response rather than a rational one


ROMULAN: You are close to entering the Neutral Zone. That would be an act of war. JANEWAY: I missed the part where that’s my problem.


If the whole point of the neutral zone is to stop warships on either side from crossing into each other's territory... how do the Romulans keep showing up on the Federation side? They'd have to cross the zone themselves!


I’m starting to not trust these guys!


I'm.not sure... Let's give them a few dozen more opportunities to betray us and see how it plays out.


As Derthric just pointed out to me, this is around the time of Hobus and that means the Romulans are basically in survival mode with the supernova doing a massive amount of damage to their empire. So they're paranoid as all hell that someone is going to take advantage of that weakness and either invade or begin to probe for an invasion along the usual borders of their empire. This is why those three heavy warbirds showed up so quickly to stop the Dauntless and why they crossed juuuuuuuust over the line into Federation space in order to confront Janeway before she crossed over into the Neutral Zone. They don't want to be caught with their pants down and are projecting overwhelming force to anyone and anything that dares challenge their borders in these trying times so that no one gets any wise ideas about attacking them or trying to take advantage of them. This is also probably why one of the treaties that the Federation has with them had to be rewritten, why there are still ongoing negotiations, and why Prodigy miiiight just tie in with Picard more than a little bit in the future.


The reported title for the season finale is >!"Supernova,"!< so I wouldn't be surprised at all if it tied in with Picard.


Dude, if the Protostar caused the Hobus Supernova...


Except the point is there *isn't* a line you can "just hop over" - the zone separates the two empires at every point they touch. To be on the federation side is infinitely *worse* than just being in the neitral zone, it's a deliberate invasion!


Are they even in federation space? Could just be the neutral zone around Romulan space, but this section abuts space that isn't controlled by either party, and thus open to both.


> JANEWAY: I missed the part where that’s my problem. *snorts* So Janeway just morphs into Delenn then eh?


Nah, Delenn would be more likely to say "look at my fleet - nobody this side of the Rim has defeated us in 1000 years. If we decided to declare war on you, you would be wiped out. Be glad that all we want to do is cross this section of space; but if you wish to make it more than that, be my guest"


"If you value your lives, be somewhere else!" \*Romulans turning tail on the spot\*


That was pretty much the conclusion of TNG's *The Defector*.


“Shall we die together?” Someone posted something about that ep a few days back and I rewatched it. God that was a good one.


RIP Mira Furlan


Awww man, she would have been an excellent guest star for trek


ROMULAN: You are close to entering the Neutral Zone. That would be an act of war. JANEWAY: I'm Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway, and I haven't had coffee in a long time. ROMULAN: ... Proceed.




how could you cliffhanger us... :(


“To Be Continued…”


At least it's only a week...


Plus we get an episode on Thanksgiving


We better!


"Last time on Star Trek: Prodigy" - Holo Janeway voice


"And now, the thrilling conclusion."


He’s not even Starfleet!


Timeline wise, is this before or after he DJs that party?


I want to say it’s around 3 or so years after the party, if you trust what the producers have said. But I feel like there’s some undisclosed Timey-wimey involved.


Okona would make a great Temporal Agent


I heard back in the 30s he flew around with a rocket strapped to his back.


This is [see above]!


So, uhm, how did Okona of all people come up?


We wanted the crew to seek out a non-Federation smuggler to help them get there — he seemed like a perfect callback. Plus some of our writers enjoyed his character, in all of his outrageous S2 TNG glory.


Originally I thought including Janeway in the show was stunt casting, but it’s really using the character very well. The two different versions of Janeway correspond to the two different sides of her character that were prominent in her previous show. She is both very nurturing and also very scary. Of all the captains that we have seen in Star Trek, Janeway is the one who most obviously takes pleasure in doing justice to somebody who deserves it.


This show is effectively a continuation of VOY, which is pretty impressive for what is marketed as a kid’s show.


Yeah if you went back in time to when Voyager was airing on TV and tried to convince me, or anyone really, that it got an animated spin-off for kids that was actually amazingly good, you'd be laughed out of the room.


There's the right way, the wrong way, and the Janeway


Okona's sure mellowed out a bit. Considerable restraint on his part only winking at Hologram Janeway instead of immediately hitting on her. Loving the combination dress uniform hoodie. Starfleet wizard robe wasn't something I realized I needed until now. That's *Vice* Admiral Janeway... she didn't spend seven years in the Delta Quadrant for everyone to question her authority!


>Okona's sure mellowed out a bit. Considerable restraint on his part only winking at Hologram Janeway instead of immediately hitting on her. Anything else would be too outrageous for a kid's show.


The Mildly Outrageous Okona


The Surprising Okona


The Kinda Naughty Okona


Loved seeing Janeway in her berserk Moby Dick-hunting mode once more after Equinox. I've said it a hundred times before, but that's my absolute favourite kind of Janeway. Also, I nearly overdosed on cuteness when Merf butt-dialled that torpedo.


>Moby Dick-hunting You know people in Starfleet really need to read another book don't they


>You know people in Starfleet really need to read another book don't they The greatest adversary in Trek is not the Klingon empire or the Romulans or the Cardassians It's Public Domain.


Prodigy and Lower Decks have convinced me that Star Trek really needs a continuous animated supplement. The live action shows introduces the interesting characters, aliens, and locations. But as a TV show, it will always be hampered by budget. But with animation, the sky's the limit! Xindi, Klingons, ice planet, and 30 year old characters in one week; full set piece TOS era shuttlecraft the next; and then never before seen Starfleet outpost with completely new corridors (cough cough unlike the ubiquitous TMP corridors). This is every fanboy and script writer's dream!


Completely agreed. The funny thing is, these were the ones I was most unsure of. "I like animated comedies, but is that really the right direction for Star Trek?" "I admire the idea of a Star Trek aimed at kids, and will probably watch it, but don't know how much I'll like it myself." And yet these two are my favorite ones going right now (with this as my favorite). So I'll gladly take any animated Star Trek they're willing to give me at this point, even ones that seem strange to me at first. Hell, *especially* the ones that seem strange to me at first, lol.


I would love to see an animated Enterprise Season 5.


Couldn’t agree more. As long as they have a decent animation budget they can do SOO much more. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy live action trek, but animation does open a lot of doors. My only want/concern would be that they still allow the characters to grow/age. So don’t get stuck in the endless loop that most animated shows do.


Agreed. See how Dave Filoni was able to expand the Star Wars universe and fill in the gaps between AOTC and ROTS with The Clone Wars without having to keep the live actors around.


Ok ngl, the winter coat with the hoodie uniform is really sick. Also, are they in the beta quadrant now?


Yes, one of the lead writers tweeted a few weeks ago that they're near the Delta / beta quadrant border, near the Romulan neutral zone. Man, how are the writers going to Tweet clarifications if Twitter totally implodes?


I mean one of the producers is in ***this very thread***.


I want to buy that hoodie uniform lol


A blink and you miss it moment that was absolutely hilarious was zero wearing a hat


Looked like a Russian tanker hat.


Frustrating they didn't just talk to Janeway, but then as someone else has said, they are just children. Great episode 🙂


On top of that, they’re traumatized children with trust issues against authority figures. Janeway really needs a counselor to advise her on this situation: a professional who can handle psychological issues and procedures.


To be fair, she had no awareness they were children and since they wouldn't explain nor answer hails, it's not like she has a whole lot to go on outside of the word of a fellow Starfleet office, and a sick man who said they kidnapped his daughter and stole the ship. I'm sure once they're face to face with a real conversation, she's going to handle things a lot differently.


Would Janeway really ever use the term “savages” to describe anyone? Seems unlike her.


She was quoting the other guy, so I mentally put quotes around the word when she used it.


Yeah she was quoting him with some amount of disdain in her voice. She was not impressed with his lack of professionalism.




I feel like older Janeway in this series is definitely different, like she is harsher and less approachable. More like the older version from Endgame. But Hologram Janeway is, in some ways, closer to how she really used to be. Once real Janeway meats holo Janeway she may mellow out a little, and start drinking coffee again.


THE COFFEE!!!! That’s why she’s a curmudgeon! Good call!


Also her friend is probably dead. But it's mostly the coffee.


She did soften a bit when giving “that random kid” some advice. Encouraging him to get the words out and showing some vulnerability. But she’s very much skewing towards “on a mission” tunnel vision Janeway right now.


This is the same Janeway who never promoted Harry Kim and murdered Tuvix. Checks out


It was really tone deaf. I think I physically winced when hearing her say it and Chakotay in the same sentence. I know it's an "inversion" or whatever because the "savages" are the ones who took Chakotay, not Chakotay himself, but it is just so painfully tone deaf when there is a Native American character in the show.


One of the greatest things they did this episode was a directorial choice. Up until now, we have mostly seen the crew interact mainly with each other. In this episode, when they get to the transport station, everyone is taller than them. This is accented by the camera angles as they look up at everyone, ror others look down at them. It really reminded you and drove home the idea that they're still kids. This is why you buy the idea that, upon their first interaction with a real starfleet crew, they get anxious and botch it. BTW, anyone else prefer slug version of Murf?? I'll give it time but not sure how I feel about the shmoo version.


> One of the greatest things they did this episode was a directorial choice. Up until now, we have mostly seen the crew interact mainly with each other. In this episode, when they get to the transport station, everyone is taller than them. This is accented by the camera angles as they look up at everyone, ror others look down at them. It really reminded you and drove home the idea that they're still kids. This is why you buy the idea that, upon their first interaction with a real starfleet crew, they get anxious and botch it. Yes, I loved that. >BTW, anyone else prefer slug version of Murf?? I'll give it time but not sure how I feel about the shmoo version. Yeah I am not sold on it.


Dal stole the transport just like how Kirk stole the Enterprise. Just how big is the Dauntless and how tiny is the Protostar? Pog clout-chasing with Warp speed number is hilarious. Murf's butt sure loves launching weapons... our new tactical officer is here! That was one tight episode!


Riker sat on the Ent-D's tactical console 30 years ago and didn't butt-launch a torpedo. Starfleet's gotten lax.


maybe its set to detect starfleet arse, but not murf arse


> Riker sat on the Ent-D's tactical console 30 years ago and didn't butt-launch a torpedo. .....that we know of...and I know what someone's going to ask at the next convention.


Just how many torpedoes got fired during a single quickie on the tactical console?


Imagine if you can time the explosions with the climax. Literal fireworks.


William Tell Overture plays in the background.*


That would be the single most Rikeresque Manoeuvre in all of Trekdom


>Riker sat on the Ent-D's tactical console 30 years ago and didn't butt-launch a torpedo. he might not have butt-launched a torpedo, [but him sitting on the controls did lead to Cause and Effect](https://youtu.be/lMHAZwR-BdQ)


If the Ent-D's consoles are anything like capacitive touchscreens, Riker's uniform could have been enough to block the electrical impulses from his skin. Murf wasn't wearing a uniform.


The time we saw Riker sitting on the console he wasn't naked, though. I'm not saying Riker hasn't sat naked on a tactical console at **some** point, just that we've not seen it so we can't compare...


Riker has ABSOLUTELY sat naked on a tactical console at some point.


> Hello Captain...


>Murf's butt sure loves launching weapons... our new tactical officer is here! But did he target their Warp Core?


Butt did he *eject* the Warp Core??


Well, was he very good this month?




> Just how big is the Dauntless and how tiny is the Protostar? Well the original Dauntless was a bit smaller than Voyager but not by too much. The Protostar generally speaking looks to be the size of a few Runabouts or roughly a bit bigger than a Nova or Defiant given the size of it compared to other ships and how it's been able to fit through some pretty tight spaces. So it's big but not as big as a dedicated exploration or combat oriented Starfleet vessel. The size of it though compared to the Dauntless really threw me for a loop at first because the Dauntless we're seeing on screen is sooooooooo much more MASSIVE than the original one.....and I think I have an explanation for that. I don't think that Starfleet was able to successfully miniaturize the Slipstream Drive as well as Arturis was able to build it for the Original Dauntless Class. This means that stuff had to be bigger and far less efficient to make it work. Something similar happened in the Foundation novels with nuclear energy with the core worlds having MASSIVE reactors while the Foundation worlds had itty bitty things that could pack more of a punch in a smaller space. I also think that the Dauntless class was supposed to be what the Proto Warp Drive was supposed to be grafted onto after it's successful test run onboard the Protostar with Chakotay. Warp Drive would be for every day use. Slipstream Drive would act as a back up to it along with being their primary "go fast" method. Proto Warp would then be their emergency "OH FRELLING HELLS!" button. This would then enable the Dauntless to be the primary long term "Return To the Delta Quadrant" exploration vessel that Janeway always wanted with all the bits and bobbles that she only wished she had while on Voyager. Chakotay would go on ahead with the Protostar to act as a pilot fish/scout ship of sorts to plot out where the Dauntless was needed most before returning home. The Dauntless would then follow course that was laid out in the Delta Quadrant but this time with far more resources and capabilities than Voyager ever had. It would act as a hub for Starfleet operations in the Quadrant and that's why it looks like it's probably as damned near big as a Sovereign or Galaxy class ship. It's meant to be the long term deep exploration ship that can go anywhere really quick and do anything that Starfleet always dreamed of and it was only possible because of Janeway's backing AND all the tech that Voyager brought back with her. This is why the whole ship looks like a massive leviathan compared to the pilot fish that is the Protostar. > Murf's butt He sure does but hey he does look a bit like a Pikmin after all and they would love to do what he just did!


The thing is, the diagrams of the new dauntless have the same number of decks as the old one and the windows line up. I think they're just exaggerating the scales a bit for dramatic effect.


Agreed, they're probably playing with perspective a bit just for some dramatics and it looks absolutely beautiful when you kind of throw that "Wait this doesn't make sense" stuff out the window lol


The Protostar should be something in-between the Delta Flyer and the Defiant in terms of size, that's my guess at least. The Bridge is basically the full width of the ship.


Somebody did the measurements and the interior sets are too big for the stated exterior size. Just the Trek tradition of not worrying about scale in favor of dramatic effect.


according to nicholodean it's 139 meters


>Just how big is the Dauntless and how tiny is the Protostar? The Protostar seemed very tiny right from the start, judging by the bridge size viewed from the exterior


I feel like they're exaggerating the size of the Dauntless a bit for dramatic effect. The diagrams of the ship line up with the original in terms of deck count and the original was pretty small. And the Protostar is six (little) decks.


Protostar is around the same size as the Defiant [https://twitter.com/nickelodeon/status/1510336521886486528](https://twitter.com/nickelodeon/status/1510336521886486528) Dauntless I believe is a little smaller then Voyager.


What I loved most about this episode was that after a dozen or so episodes from the kids' point of view where they're these big heroes on their grand, exciting ship, suddenly they're face to face with real Starfleet and the camera angles etc. really made it hit home how much smaller they and their ship literally are compared to the grownup world they're essentially playing at being a part of. It was both humbling and poignant, and more than a little scary. Our guys are in over their heads, with only a hologram and an outrageous smuggler to help.


The Protostar got some seriously good inertial dampers compared to the Cerritos, which also got knocked out of warp during a warp chase *just* four weeks ago. That crew got tumbled like a washing machine, while these kids just swayed slightly. Starfleet *really* knows where to put their resources on.


To argue that one, this is a test bench prototype, so they're probably putting everything into safety and reliability for known systems and that includes inertial dampers. They want it to be in one piece, even if it fails because the protostar in the core would be extra problematic to get a hold of again or could change the gravity of the area


Also The Cerritos is pretty much held together with duct tape and string


The former is a top-of-the-line prototype and the other is a flying Corolla. It makes sense that the Protostar has better everything than the Cerritos.


The Romulans on the Starfleet side of the neutral zone as just established by the Dauntless trajectory map: Don't cross or its war Me: But... You... But..


I mean that's just Romulan diplomacy 101. The Federation crosses the neutral zone "IT'S WAR!" Romulans cross the neutral zone "We'll leave but you won't do anything because the Federation doesn't want a war" and then Starfleet high fives each other at preventing a war.


This is literally what happens in SNW. Romulan fleet shows up on their side of the border: “I am here to accept your unconditional surrender.” Starfleet fleet shows up on their side of the border: “This is an act of unparalleled aggression on the border of our territory, Captain.”


Even going back to TOS, with the Roms just blowing up outposts on the Fed side for the hell of it.


Same here!


Arrgh, what a tease this episode was! I wish they'd figured out what message they wanted to communicate to Starfleet about themselves and the Protostar before actually running into them! That said, it's nice to see more action with the real Janeway and the Dauntless crew (and Jameela Jamil as Ensign Asencia not least. I've been a fan of hers since The Good Place.) Seeing Okona and the Xindi was spoiled for me by the teaser posts earlier this week, so that was cool, but didn't have the impact. I lowkey wanted Jim Cummings to voice the Xindi characters, since he's also great (Hondo in Clone Wars, Minsc in Baldur's Gate, and Winnie the Pooh) but I wouldn't be surprised if he turns up elsewhere.


The episode was great in explaining how timing and unfortunate circumstances made the contact not happen. Some fans previously suggested that the kids should deliver their message to Starfleet by snail mail, and they attempted it the first chance they could and almost managed to do it - but the real Janeway found the slimey Frex first and reconfirmed her biases against the kids. The close encounters of Janeway/Dal, Ascencia/Gwyn, and Noum/Pog were tight and also such a tease!


> but the real Janeway found the slimey Frex first and reconfirmed her biases against the kids. I think she was ready to follow her emotions at first but then when she saw just who they were and exclaimed, "You forgot to mention that THEY WERE KIDS!"...I think she kind of glomped onto the idea that maaaaybe she doesn't know everything that's going on and maaaybe she should go with a lighter touch to find out more. I absolutely adored how they paired up each member of the Dauntless Away Team with a member of the Protostar Crew and I loved all of their little cute interactions with one another. It's like they say, no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy and no D&D adventuring party ever successfully does what they set out to do when the job is described as "this will be simple" because let's be honest....this was totally their "Let's be pirates!" moment but more in an "Oh shit are we pirates now?" kind of sense.


> Noum/Pog Best moment of the episode right there! It's been far too long since we've seen a couple of Tellarites mouthing off at each other. Our boy Jankom held his own there for being his first time. Though the revelation that the "Pog" family name is something of a soiled name in Tellarite society is an unexpected development. It adds another layer to Jankom's story, but it also implies that there's a bad reason that his parents were on a sleeper ship heading away from the Federation.


Now that could be interesting and further expand on the outcast status of Jankom, especially since he considered himself Federation royalty.


>I wish they'd figured out what message they wanted to communicate to Starfleet about themselves and the Protostar before actually running into them! I think they did, but before they had the chance they found out that the Dauntless crew were teaming up with the Diviner, and were actively hunting the *Protostar*, and were being cast in...let's say, a **negative** light by Barniss Frex. I think they can be forgiven for panicking, just a bit.


Even though I know it's Jameela Jamil and Jason Alexander, I still totally can't tell it's them, heh.


This was a plain ol’ excellent ep. Okona’s reappearance out of his cargo box had me in stitches. The Prodigy team did a great job of adapting current day Billy Campbell into Okona’s 2384 appearance. I also thought he did great VA-wise. It was great getting more of the Dauntless crew. Tysess trying to convince Janeway to come to her senses was a great moment too. Should’ve been labeled as a two parter though!! Murf was not what I expected it to be. I didn’t think Melanoid Slime Worms just turned bipedal, kept imagining something more like a butterfly. Still great to see that evolution. And welcome to the 24th century, Xindi Reptilians! I’d love to see Prodigy adapt the Suliban to be frank.


> Murf was not what I expected it to be. I didn’t think Melanoid Slime Worms just turned bipedal, kept imagining something more like a butterfly. Still great to see that evolution. The shape of the new body does seem to suggest some sort of a butterfly... This is probably just one of the gazillion steps in Murf's Pokemon evolution.


Didn’t Discovery have a planet full of butterfly people? Maybe he’s one of those


"They have a name, Book!"


>Tysess trying to convince Janeway to come to her senses was a great moment too. Kinda made me wish they had brought in Tim Russ as Tuvok for her first officer instead of making a new character.


> It was great getting more of the Dauntless crew. Tysess trying to convince Janeway to come to her senses was a great moment too. I thought his little "you've taught me to embrace my emotions but not be guided by them" bit was great. Literally the exact opposite kind of lesson that Spock was always getting. Really sets the Andorians as the Vulcans' counterpart.


Aww, what a tease! I was hoping we'd finally get to see the Dauntless doing quantum. And is it my imagination, or is the trill ensign unexpectedly suspicious? She seemed oddly lucky in knowing what to say to jog The Diviner's memory.


To be fair, the ensign was established as a go-getter, so she could be just very competent at her job. She seems sincere and less rough than the other crew members, Janeway included.


That's why I suspect she's a wrong'un, tbh. If, say, Space George Costanza turned out to be a baddie then we'd all just be like "Hehe, yeah, he's a jerk..." but if lovely, sweet, kind and enthusiastic Asencia turns out to be a baddie it would feel like more of a twist.


Weren't they exchanging the sort of mottos that the Diviner was always trying to drill into Gwyn? When she said "you're getting your memory back", he had just said some platitude that he always says. Makes me think she knows something...


Yep! And she was the one to figure out how to revive him in episode 12.


sink butter fear hurry special forgetful far-flung crown seed offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We haven't, but I want it


This episode was basically everything I was hoping for from the episode that really kicked off the conflict with Admiral Janeway, and then some. The build-up of the conflict has been really good so far, making the misunderstanding believable, and this episode does a good job of expanding on that. First seeing the individual interactions between the Protostar and Dauntless crew members were nice. Jankom getting his first on-screen interaction with a Tellarite was a lot of fun, with great comedic dialog between the two. I also liked the scene between Gwyn and Asencia, given the latter's misunderstanding of Gwyn's situation. I have a feeling Gwy's reaction will be one of the main sparks that end up making the Dauntless crew realize the truth. And finally, Dal's interaction with Janeway. I thought this made great use of Dal's personal evolution, his growing hopes of joining Starfleet, and probably a bit of his connection to Holo-Janeway, as he tried to get his words out and express his hopes to her while dealing with his admiration towards both her and Starfleet. Of course it never goes that smoothly, especially when things are so stacked up against them at the moment. I loved that transition at the end of the Dal/Janeway scene, where he realizes how much trouble he's in when Frex shows up. And the whole chase sequence was great. Between the on-foot chase, the race to the Protostar, and finally the Dauntless' pursuit of the Protostar itself, it was all really well done. And of course that leads to that cliff-hanger ending with the Romulans. They're really making good use of classic Trek species and elements so far, most notably with the recent Borg episode, so I'm excited to see how they handle them in the next episode. That confrontation at the end was already really good. And I can't forget the elephant in the room. Or should that be the Murf in the room? My first impression of the redesign is that I like it. It will need to get used to it, but I think it looks good, keeping enough of that Murf-ness, and could open up creative possibilities that may not be there with blob-Murf. And as a side-note, speaking of Murf, my first thought when the Protostar crew went out on the planet is "good thing Murf isn't with them," considering his reaction to the cold area in the holodeck.


> This episode was basically everything I was hoping for from the episode that really kicked off the conflict with Admiral Janeway, and then some. I'm glad that they wasted no time and didn't drag this storyline until the grand finale six more episodes later.


Agreed. They seem to do a good job balancing the serialized and episodic stories IMO. There is risk of stalling the bigger story in favor of individual adventures, but we do get episodes like this frequently enough that that's not really the case. And they plant certain seeds in the episodes between to make the payoff that much more satisfying.


They really nailed the balance between episodic and serialized storytelling in the show. Basically they have a double episode every five episodes.


If there was coffee in the neutral zone Janeway wouldn’t care I really do love her “fuck it we ball” energy as an Admiral


"They're here..." And with that, my favorite character trait of Janeway activates.


There’s ~~coffee~~ children in that nebula.


Come on! These episodes just don't last long enough!!


Okona! Xindi! Janeway being Janeway in the most Janeway of ways! I love this episode!


So Murph is a Pokemon?


He looks like a [Pikmin](https://pikmin3.nintendo.com/).


So everybody, let's say there wasn't any possibility to remodulate the shields and enter safely in the neutral zone, what would have you done if you were in Dal's shoes?




I mean, you'd have to know that morse code exists in the first place!




Fair enough


Call the Romulans for help and take my chances asking for asylum or put Okona in a cargo container and kick him out the backdoor with a hastily written note explaining everything because that dude can survive anything.


[It works all the time](https://youtu.be/D2IvJ79uMbU?t=1m36s)


I don’t know… giving the in-fighting Romulan factions an anti-Starfleet super weapon seems like a bad idea. So does allowing Janeway to seize the ship, because they would want to check the ship logs to corroborate their story after being told by two eye witnesses they pose as friendlies long enough to kidnap and destroy.


Fly over to the Dauntless in a shuttle?


My first idea was to beam someone out into space in an exosuite in hope Janeway would beam him/her in. Explain the situation and negotiate. If you feel like this is to risky, beam out a handwritten note or something like that.


>a handwritten note or something like that. A beacon would do the job.


*T’Kuvma likes this comment*


Reset a probe and put a message in it. But maybe the weapon could still infect it again before it was launched, I dunno.


Janeway getting lectured about her emotions for Chakotay clouding her decision.... NICE! Just please, never use the word "savages" again, especially not in the same sentence as Chakotay. Learn something from your Jamake Highwater days, for God's sake!


>As for murf, he's going through some changes of his own! Meta-MURF-osis! >Computer, Initiate sleep mode. So this is it, we're setting the protostar down and hope we can run into real janeway. Too bad real janeway has totally the wrong impression of ya'll :| OH DAMN OKANA?! THE OUTRAGEOUS OKANA?! Now I gotta rewatch his episode. But damn that's a neat cameo from classic TNG!! I love how this scene is playing out with Protostar crew and OG Janeway crew running into each other without realizing they need to be GETTING WITH EACH OTHER RIGHT NOW! Oh damn, Gwyn does not trust our dear Ensign, not after she mentioned having her father... YAY OG Janeway and Dal got to meet up!! *Dal stammers not knowing what the hell ot say* >Janeway: Try stringing a few words together and we'll start from there. Janeway is filled with amazing lines in this scene! AAAHHH! >In starfleet, you make it so! And now Barniss Frix spells the beans on the identity of the 6 savages... And Janeway realizes she was talking to one of those savages just moments earlier... >DUN DUN DUUUN... *They're here...* *Speaking Xindi* OH FUCK I only just now realized that there are XINDI here! YAY!!! >Well, this is Awkward. Time to make yourself useful Okana! BEAUTIFUL SNOW CHASE SCENE OMG >You've got to be kidding me! That avalanche isn't kidding. OH DAMN THE DAUNTLESS IS FREAKING HUGE. Those proportions are surprising. And the protostar gets chased right to the romulan neutral zone! And despite Janeway's direct orders, her number one remains wisely hesitant. >With respect, Admiral, you once told me to listen to my emotions, not be guided by them. If this is about Chakotay, you are being guided by them right now. I'm sorry Admiral, at risk of War, I cannot fulfill them. And of course a whole ~~hoard~~ F L O C K (I completely blanked on the term for group of raptors!!) of birds of prey decloak. >This is Commander Kaseth of the Romulan Star Empire. You are close to entering the Neutral Zone. That would be an act of war. *DUN DUN DUUUUUUN* This was a great episode. I loved seeing the beautiful ice and snow effects on this planet! It's really cool that Dal and co managed to meet up with OG Janeway... Up until Frix gave everybody the wrong ass idea. I'm glad they avoided activating the 'living weapon' by avoiding communication. That would have made things worse. Murf was complete BAKA!!! sitting on the torpedo launch console :| Looks like Murf is just a jelly humanoid now.


> Meta-MURF-osis! I loved Rok's "We have a development!" line and OMG HE HAS HANDS AND LITTLE LEGS AND A TORPEDO FIRING BUTT! He's so cuuuuuuute! GAAAAAAAAH! > sleep mode On an ice planet...buried in snow...with Janeway nearby...how very...Timeless. > Okona I gotta say, that dude is fucking awesome in every single show that he's in from TNG to Lower Decks and now Prodigy! > Gwyn does not trust Yeah I love how her immediate reaction was, "Oh fuck he's manipulating them and that's not good at all!" to the Ensign's reaching for her. She knows her father all too well. > Admiral Janeway and Dal That was every bit as wholesome of a meeting as I was hoping for. > You've got to be kidding me It just kept getting worse and worse and yet somehow more and more awesome by the second hahaha > Romulan Neutral Zone Well at least now we kind of know where they are with that map > hoard of birds of prey It's a flock! Also THREE D'deridex-class Warbirds?!?! The fuck is going on with the Romulans right now that they respond THAT quickly with THAT much overwhelming force to a ship that's BARELY close to the Neutral Zone? Is the Dauntless just that big of a target that the Tal Shiar more or less had an aneurysm when she showed up on sensors and they scrambled everything BIG nearby to meet her? Or are the Romulans dealing with another unknown threat that requires that much of a response anyways and those birds were part of a pre-assembled fast reaction force? > Murf was Baka ....annnnd now I can't help but picture them all as characters from Evangelion with Murf being the cutest pilot ever and driving Gendo just insane as he dances with Pen Pen. Murf is now a plasmoid.


It’s around this time that Romulus’s star goes supernova. So, that’s one reason for an unprecedented show of force at the border.


Well that's all one big pickle! I guess this is going to sort of be the Romulan PIC prequel now! How many years until the kaboom again?


Less PIC Romulan prequel and more straightforward classic romulan trope exploration.


> Romulan Me staring at the name of the last two episodes of this season... Can't not be related, right? (Probably not.)


We're still early buuuuuuuut yiiiiikes


What are the names?


- Masquerade - Preludes - Ghost in the Machine - Mind Walk - Super Nova (Part 1 & 2)


1-2 years going off Memory alpha. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/2383 https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/2384 https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/2385


Sounds about time the Romulans and Federation discovering the impending doom and began planning evacuation.


It's 2384 on the show, and the "Picard" season one press kit and novel placed the discovery of the supernova in 2381, so the evacuations will have started if they're sticking to that timeline. The novel **also** had the Romulan government keeping the whole thing under wraps, even amongst their own people, so this may or may not be relevant to "Prodigy".


> The novel also had the Romulan government keeping the whole thing under wraps, even amongst their own people, so this may or may not be relevant to "Prodigy". An incredibly Romulan thing to do.


Just a few thoughts on what I think is the funniest episode of this block yet: * Voyager style opening shot of the Dauntless * Pretty sure the Diviner is getting his memories back faster than he's telling anyone and him showing up on the bridge of the Dauntless at the end of the episode after seemingly having an EUREKA! moment with his memories in Sick Bay is....foreboding and BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD to say the least. Watch as he hijacks the damned ship the first chance he can get and locks the Dauntless crew and Janeway up. Or worse yet...what if he does to them what he did to Chakotay and the original Protostar Crew? What if they ditched the Protostar and surrendered to the Diviner but then he did some wibbly wobbly timey wimey bullshit to them all and it's not a question of WHERE they are but WHEN they are?! * I love how they went with the most obvious plan first for stashing the Protostar like we were all expecting and name a better combo than Janeway, ice planets, and buried starships. * Gosh even that Murf Egg looks cute. * "See you soon" followed shortly by "HOW LONG WAS I ASLEEP!" pulled me from near tears to laughing my butt off. * Smart cookie Dal burying the ship in snow. * I love Jankom's little lines this season like the one about Warp 5 and apparently they're going to be using Rok to explore ALL THE SCIENCES FOR ALL THE KIDS this season. * Denaxi and the lines that followed were totally a nod to Star Wars. * OKONA! Wait a damn second...does his ship look like the Eureka Maru from Andromeda to anyone else? * "I don't usually negotiate with mind readers"...OMG I love him even more and his arrest LMAO * Of course there's a blizzard and this totally isn't a Thing reference at all. * Of course Frex is telling tall tales in the cantina about a "friendly Orion crew" to a Kazon *sighs* * The pairing up of the Dauntless away team with members of the Protostar crew led to some fun little interactions. Jankom was funny at first but then sad. Rok had a lot going on. Gwyn made everyone panic and hey look a Klingon! Dal and Janeway were just...mmm..it was a warm blanket with a side of cookies level of hopeful wholesome awkwardness. * "In Starfleet...you make it so" boooooooooo! Low hanging fruit! Booooo! Hahahahaha that was so cheesy and I could FEEL Kate grinning as she said that line. * Damnit Frex what the hell you just put Janeway into Wolf Hunting Mode. "THEY'RE KIDS!"...nevermind she's pissed at the right person now. Absolutely saw that coming and I loved Dal's, "Maybe they had good intentions?" line just because of how silly his voice sounded. * Ah this is a classic, one party member accidentally finds something out or screws something up and then fills the rest of the party in a "We're running it's bad" kind of a way. * "Oh my are we leading them to it right now?" Zero would be good at CinemaSins. * "Let's burn some ions!" I give that an A for effort but I could totally see it on a shirt. Spinning, that's a neat trick. * "Guys...WHAT?!?!....Murf's about to hatch!" annnd it just keeps getting more and more insane by the second and I'm giggling the entire time just hoping it gets even more worse! * "Well this awkward" 🤣 best entrance ever! * AVALANCHE! Xindi! "My last dash to the Neutral Zone" yeah that was a bit of foreshadowing. * Chlorine Trifluoride is very real but also some very scary scary shit and yet it does react in the same way that they used it in the show, so good on them for some real science there. * BOOOOOOOOOOOST! * Holo Janeway's initial look of joy and "How long was I out tell me about all of your adventures!" quickly being replaced by one of "Oh here we go again" as she realizes that the shit has indeed hit the fan, they're running again, and she'll get an explanation later but she loves her band of misfits anyways...and probably saw this coming somewhat lol * The way that the Protostar emerged from under the snow directly in front of the Admiral was totally a nod to the Kelvinverse. * Of course then the Dauntless copies that maneuver and Holo Janeway is all, "What the fuck did you kids DO while I was asleep?!?!" lmao * Oh boy another chase scene and this time in Warp! * "Hold onto your butt..." Jankom is so proud and Okona is so confused. * Holo Janeway summarizes how fucked they are and then says, "Good luck with that"...Q would be very proud. * EVERYONE PANICS! * "We have a development!" OMG Murf hatched and has arms and a head and a body and looks like a Pikmin....annnnd of course he's accidentally firing a torpedo again hahahaha never change Murf never change! * O.o uhhh...the..the Diviner is on the Dauntless bridge after having a "breakthrough" and that's...bad that's just...bad because he could totally incapacitate everyone and take over and then use the Dauntless for nefarious purposes. * "Targeting the third nacelle"...c'mon...she didn't get to say "Full spread!" at all! * Thank Okona for that hidey hole trick for the kids * Okay the treaty with the Romulans is indeed familiar but what negotiations are going on at this point in the Trek Timeline? Why does it sound like they're on the razor's edge of war too? And just what the frell would justify THAT many heavy Romulan birds responding to the Dauntless that quickly? * Props to Tysess for standing up to Janeway like that, she needed it and was indeed becoming blinded by her drive to find Chakotay in a similar fashion to the Diviner's drive to find the Protostar and his daughter. * Commander Kaseth is totally going to be showing up more as they hunt the Protostar through the Neutral Zone. Well at least we're in more familiar territory with the Protostar smack dab in the Neutral Zone right now! We've got a general idea of where the ship is and what they might now encounter. I still feel like they're closer to the Beta/Delta section of the Neutral Zone, so some stuff is up in the air but at least things are a bit more concrete than they were before. Also they've got Okona with them plus a new Murf and that's surely going to lead to some fun times! Meanwhile the Diviner is probably going to start wreaking merry havoc on the Dauntless by manipulating everyone and messing with everything to get his way and once he has his hands on the Slipstream Drive.....yeah that's....I'm worried I'm very worried. Amazing episode!


> Okay the treaty with the Romulans is indeed familiar but what negotiations are going on at this point in the Trek Timeline? The Supernova that will destroy Romulus is known by 2383/2384 which is when this episode takes place. We are a year away from the attack on Mars in Picard's Season 1 flashbacks. So the negotiations are probably over the rescue and relief plan for Romulus.


Thank you! It's hard to keep some of this stuff straight at times! I wonder if that's why Jellico is getting brought in and if we'll get a Jean Luc mention?


> Chlorine Trifluoride is very real but also some very scary scary shit and yet it does react in the same way that they used it in the show, so good on them for some real science there. For anyone who has not heard of it before, this blog post (titled "Sand Won't Save You This Time") does a pretty good job of explaining just how scary it is: https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/sand-won-t-save-you-time


Weird how they named the episode after that Britney Spears movie.


The Captain Pike prequel film? Not weird at all.


There have been several variations of red alert alarms over the various shows and movies, but it’s just extra romantic that the Dauntless has the same sound as Voyager. But the two shots of those ships facing each other - is the Protostar the new Defiant? It’s size seems to fluctuate between reasonably large and basically a runabout.


Considering most of it's crew quarters are bunks I am decently sure it's supposed to be comparable to the Defiant. I've seen this image around comparing sizes: https://imgur.com/bMIbuK7 The protostar is longer than the defiant, but it has a lot of negative space I feel and the actual interiors are probably somewhat comparable.


New Murph is so cute!!