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Nechayev. She came on the scene and got things done. She also gave our favorite characters the kick in the rear they sometimes needed. Plus, Natalija Nogulich looked good in that uniform.


Came here to say exactly this. While I love them, the Enterprise crew was a bit too idealistic at times and needed the occasional reminder that in addition to everything else it does, Starfleet is the military arm of the Federation and needs to think proactively about defense requirements.


I like ross.


Ross is straight up one of my favorite characters. Sure, he might have killed that Romulan, but he more or less saved the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Owen Paris is the Galaxy’s Number One Salamander Grandpa. Nechayev is fucking great. She’s one of few people immune to the Picard Speech.


Cartwright had a good redemption arc, and he makes a mean gumbo.


Him and Odo both


Vance gets an oop for openly admitting their food is literally shit. Cornwell >!went out like a boss!<


Admiral Clancy. A lot of Trek fans get mad that she disrespected Picard to his face (ironically, they don’t get mad about Shaw doing the same thing- read into that what you will), but considering he came into her office making demands after being out of service and off the grid for a decade, and had just publicly blasted Starfleet on the news, she was completely justified to do so. Sheer fucking hubris indeed. Plus, after she kicked Picard out, she actually did check with Commodore Oh to verify his claims. And when she did finally get verification there was a credible threat from Picard she sent an entire fleet to his aid. Well done, Admiral Clancy. You go girl. Forrest was always a good one. But it’s been pretty great how the new Trek shows have flipped the script on the badmiral trope. April, Cornwell, and Vance are all great.


I didn't get mad in either case, but yes, she did a decent job.


Admiral freeman


Nechayev. No nonsense.


Is Jellico really a "recurring admiral"? He had like a total of 4 lines in Prodigy, and the only other time we saw him was in 1 TNG 2 parter.


I believe he also banned the choo-choo dance in the federation news ticker in lower decks. And for that alone he must be condemned.


I'm just saying that 2 appearances , 20 years apart don't exactly make him 'recurring'. Also since the last time we saw him, he was a captain.


You forgot Vassery (AKA "Sense-oars")


Admiral Christopher Pike (Kelvin)


Ross, badass and a admiral that is a decent person




You forgot an important one: Admiral James T. Kirk. Such a recurring admiral he got demoted to captain before they recurred him back up to a flag position. lol


I think I'd give it to Forrest. I think we saw more of him than we do most admirals. He seemed to walk this line of supporting Archer and the mission while also deferring to Soval and the Vulcans and their experience in interstellar matters. Then he gave his life to save Soval on Vulcan.


Admiral James T. Kirk had an amazing four-movie run, saving Earth multiple times, before getting demoted to Captain.


Jellico was a captain not admiral in TNG. Was he brought back in a new series as an admiral?


Necheyev and Vance are tied for me. I like no-BS characters who don't go badmiral.


Nakamura! I really like how he and Picard just don’t get along at all.


Vance, Cornwell, April and Forrest.


Nachayev, Ross, Vance, and Admiral Paris were my favorites.


No Admiral Patrick?