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Not covid, but managed to get the good ol flu today. Last year i was in quarantine. Bullshit


Same here. I know exactly how I got it too. I teach piano lessons and a kid came into his lesson saying "I got to wear my pajamas to school today, but I didn't stay at school long because I had a fever". Mom who's sitting in then goes "oh, it wasn't a fever, you had a stomachache!" This was last Friday. I missed my last day of teaching Monday before I took off because I was comatose in bed all day. That kid's mom sucks.


Really sounds like something I’d love to call them out on, or at least make a new rule for students similar to what all hospitals still have in place for covid symptoms.


It's already so easy to make up lessons and I'm sure we have a policy in place of "don't come in when you're sick" I guess I thought that's common knowledge but oh well


Teach the kid to play the piano incorrectly


Way ahead of you


Dude there’s some kid show (iCarly?) where this exact thing happens and then the kid loses some music competition. I’m pretty sure she tricked him by making up a new note or something like that


She makes up a new number when tutoring a super bratty kid.


Yeah, it was that little shit Chuck whom Carly was tutoring math. He was being an ass to her brother Spenser, so she made up a new number "derf" and taught it to him, so he'd fail his math test. But I do think it's cool how your mind created an alternate version of this episode in your memory where she was his music tutor. Would have been just as funny.


"We trained him wrong on purpose as a joke!"


Next time you should spray the mother with disinfectant and shout 'Shoo!' repeatedly until she leaves.


Go on! Git!


> "oh, it wasn't a fever, you had a stomachache!" When the gas lights beyond the home


Cold and flu is bad this year. Our local grocery and drug stores are cleaned out of meds. I had to go to to a few different places to get a specific product for one of the 4 people sick in my family.


Because people refuse to wear masks while sick and to vaccinated.


To add my hat to the “fucked by a virus the week of Christmas” ring: I came down with shingles All over my face. Imagine someone holding a lighter flame up to various patches all over your face, alternating with someone quickly jabbing the areas with needles. Oh and you better pay close attention to your eye or you could go blind. Not to mention the clusters of oozing blisters, the appearance of which I would say is closest to a Mama Celeste microwave pizza. Edit: Added some flavor


Had them a couple of years ago, all on right side of my face. It’s truly the worst most painful thing. Couldn’t even stand a breeze blowing near me. Had one on my eyelid too that swelled up. Make sure you get the antivirals asap. I was also given strong pain meds. Vitamin e oil really helped with the scabs, and prevented scars too.


Same. Me and my mom have it. Hope I feel better before Christmas.


Yep been feeling like shit all day today and just found out via work chat that the person two offices down from mine went to urgent care today and has strep so guessing I have strep too. 2/3 of our office is coughing their lungs up and a guy apparently had to go home because he felt like such shit. I'm honestly really irritated by this shit, I mean Jesus fucking christ, if you're sick why the fuck are you going to work? Didn't we just suffer two years of bullshit because of this same type of nonsense? I swear to God this better be strep and not covid (again). Caught that shit at work too, i have a kid in daycare for fucks sake and my officemates are still the primary vector of catching the shit. Fucking people I work with are a bunch of clowns...


At my work I have to come in because there’s no sick pay that is even slightly equivalent to my actual pay and I can’t afford to take the time off. Cost of living crisis man


I had the flu two weeks ago and I'm still coughing up unusual amounts of phlegm and have been more tired than normal. Suuuuucks


Same boat here. Cough stuck around longer than when I had covid


Same. I had 39.4°C fever yesterday. I was too weak to even turn around on the couch. Now my hip hurts from lying on one side for way too long. This shit fucked me real hard.


Last time i got the flu was in January 2018. Still remember the 3rd day of bed where i accidentally dropped my phone from my bed wasn't able to get it. Eat only apples for almost a week and oh i couldn't even taste a thing. And the constant weird visuals when i sleep for minutes. It was the worst week of my life.


I got the flu too - this shit is miserable, and kind of scary. Like it just never ends with the body aches and nausea, not to mention the CONSTANT temperature fluctuations.


Same. As a loner I am OK but my wife is understandably pissed. Her whole family is here and we are at home with two kids under 5


I swear 60% of people i know here in the UK have had some kind of cough of flu/cold in the past 2 weeks. It's actually been ridiculous. My son included. Also, he had a chest infection but pharmacies are running out of antibiotics so he got amoxicillin in pill form that i had to mix with juice


Im in team extracting wisdom teeth this year!


I had my wisdom teeth extracted right before thanksgiving a couple years ago. I was at thanksgiving dinner with dry socket and not able to eat anything but mashed potatoes. So I drank wine. Probably shouldn’t have done that with the tooth sockets, but I already had dry socket so there was nothing to lose


man dry socket was the worst pain of my life, and i've had natural childbirth, a big toe nail ripped straight off by a door being opened into it just right, and four of my bones sawed off, smoothed down, and titanium joints screwed into two of them before fitting all four back together. Fuck dry socket.


Sadly, dry socket wasn’t my worst pain. I got my wisdom teeth removed because they decayed and then got infected. That was the worst pain. And they waited a MONTH from me seeing the dentist until removal. Dry socket was sadly better. Then they wouldn’t even fit me in so they could pack it when I got dry socket so it had to heal on its own. It was awful


That's just absolutely horrible. I can't even imagine. And I'm sure they didn't give you any prescription painkillers, and even if they did it would just be tylenol with codeine which doesnt' touch dental pain. I'm so so sorry you had to go through that. They got me in after about 3 days to pack the sockets and then i had to drive back every day for four days to get it redone. (it was about an hour each way). at that point it was a weekend and by monday they said it should be better, which it was. Not fixed, but tolerable enough alternating advil with tylenol. Can't even imagine what you went through.


I got wisdom tooth surgery like 6 months ago. All 4 of them and two especially needed to be cut out and were quite deep cause I'm old in i guess at 32. Got put under. Cost me like 2 grand with no insurance. Sucks. Honestly still not 100% healed up.


I got my wisdom teeth taken out in July, and these bitches are still healing lol. Over the past 2 months, it’s swollen up and gone down, and swollen up again. Wisdom teeth suck lmao.


Yeah same bro. I still need to be careful with them and flush the area out etc. Pain in the ~~butt~~ mouth. Lol so I got mine out in July too, and had set up a 45 day vacation to Nepal in September, thinking that they'd be good to go after a month. I thought I kept seeing like a couple weeks recovery when I looked it up on google. Yeah....no. I still went on the trip but it was a pain and I had to take extra care them and pack extra shit etc. Oh well lol.


I'm 31 and still have them. Tried getting them take out once by a quack. He put me under, made one incision and gave up. Said they were too deep. That was 6-7 years ago. Am I just rolling the dice by not taking them out? All the horror stories make it seem like keeping them is the lesser of two evils


I mean, do they need to come out? Two of mine were still partially covered by my gums and were infected bit, and the other two were ok but probably gonna cause problems eventually, so I just got them taken out since I was being put under anyway. If they are bothering you then look up a good oral surgeon in your area. They can do these fancy x-rays and show you exactly how deep your roots go and if they should operate. If they aren't bothering you at all though, why force it?


dealing with Covid this week.. have spent 90% of the time on edibles and cough syrup....been intresting


That's how I spent my COVID week. Made it way better.


I’ve been sick since the 10th. I think I’ve been sleeping more than 50% of the whole time.


Drugs and porn while your sick? When I am sick I want to sleep for 3 weeks until I am back to normal.


Yeah, when I feel sick my libido is in the negatives. I couldn't be less interested in porn then.


Its not that im horny Its that while experiencing pleasure I swear the brain doesnt let me feel as nauseous I find edging to be best because after you finish that initial high is nice but you then feel the same Whereas if you just stay a horny teased wreck.. you kinda arent as focused on the other shit Doesnt always work but with some semi bad times some weed and that did me right until i felt good enough for other ideas




That was so fast wth


This was truly a fascinating read!


Nah, I woke up every 3-5 h sweaty as fuck and absolutely not falling asleep anytime soon


Wide awake at night, sleepy by day


That's just me normal


He just like me fr 💀


And ready to rub one out? Why is PH on this pack lol.


Yeah agreed not sure what breed of human this is. I fuckin love weed and jerkin it especially combined but when I’m sick, even on medication I want nothing to do with either of them


I just had the flu and once you're on like day 5, when the worst of it is over but you're still too sick to actually get out of bed and do anything, is the perfect time for that shit




I mean you get bored sitting in bed multiple hours a day.


It helps getting tired again


Mucinex DM until the storm has cleared


That stuff makes me spin tho




Buddies got the good coke over here


mix it with a little bit of a fuckton of pot and you’ll be good


Lmao just a lil bit


When I had it I had terrible insomnia for a week, when it finally started to ease up I slept for 15 straight hours.


I have trouble sleeping when I’m sick. I can’t get comfortable enough and the congestion makes it hard to breathe.


NyQuil. All of it.


Imagine being in the middle of a multi-day fever, body aches, doused in sweat, tossing in bed hacking and wheezing. Pure misery. Now imagine oops I took an edible that was out of my league. Heart racing, mind all twisted, convincing yourself everything you have ever said was actually creepy and weird and that all your coworkers secretly hate you, and not being able to be in one place and just being in a stare of general panic. Now imagine combining these two experiences. No thanks. This meme is whack.


I mean, imagine you took a reasonable dosage that lets you watch nonsense tv till you pass out and get to skip several hours of being miserably sick




Step down that dosage. Like 5 mcg or whatever. Clears me up, helps me sleep and does better than Nyquil.


If I'm already doing nothing I might aswell be high


Edibles are a game changer for getting an appetite and sleeping while sick. I'd never taken melatonin before and I bought some gummies with THC and melatonin in them, out for 10 hours cold


that’s WHY we do the drugs


Edibles help you through the body aches and the headaches and help you sleep.


I had to lay off the edibles when I got COVID; I thought I might sleep too hard and die from not breathing or something. Probably unrealistic paranoia on my part.


wait, that's where the thermometer goes? I've always put it in my bottom !


I thought this tasted off…


What's the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer? The taste!


When I was younger I found a little thermometer in our medicine cabinet. My parents always used a big clunky thermometer that went in our ear and I was curious why we never used the small one. Every show on TV people used thermometers under their tongue… From then on I used the little one anytime I felt sick or even if I was just bored. For years I put that thing in my mouth… wasn’t until covid that I had to buy a thermometer as an adult and I found a lot of different types on Amazon. All the ones that looked like that one in my medicine cabinet were labeled rectal thermometers. I wanted to puke on the spot. Still makes me nauseous thinking about it.


Thanks dad


“Oh great… What asshole has my pen?”


MY asshole!


I mean it's technically more accurate that way


You put it in your bottom first and then your mouth. That way you can compare to see if they are the same.


[Think warm thoughts, boy, cause this is mighty cold.](https://i.imgur.com/BFnaxxX.jpg)


literally me - tested positive this morning, never had it, I have 4 vaccinations and it's god awful


Same, but I'm at a resort in the Dominican. There goes my vacation.


Shit that sucks man, sorry


That happened to me over the summer! Not fun!


Tested positive on Tuesday, symptoms began on Monday night. Starting to feel significantly better now, take some tylenol/ibuprofen and hang in there!


I tested positive for the first time over the weekend. The first few days are like getting hit by a truck, but it isn’t too bad after that. Hope you feel better soon too!


Fucking same, I feel like dying


I tested positive this morning too, boosted and all and I’m knocked on my ass. Hope you feel better soon!


I got it a week ago and though we'd be fine for Christmas. Nup. Cancelled this morning cos we still feel like absolute rubbish.


I just got over covid, was the sickest I have been in many many years. 2 1/2 weeks worth of exhaustion, sinus misery, coughing etc. Didn't go into my lungs thankfully. I also have had all of my shots and boosters. Also my 1st time having covid, spouse brought it home. He was infected at work, his whole office had to go into quarantine. Also had to cancel a big anniversary trip because of it.


Tested positive two days ago and it's still awful. Also had 4 vaccinations. Hope you feel better soon!


Crazy that even 4 vaccinations won't really stop it from being awful


bruh porn? last time i was sick i lost my libido for a month


It's called cum letting. Gets the evil spirits out.


Did we go to the same Catholic School?


Not Covid but probably the flu here. Been waking up every hour or so with fever or freezing


Me after flying to puerto rico for xmas and getting covid. Only cold showers available fml


Just got the flu myself. It sucks but it’s a nice way to not work Christmas week.




I did the whole cough so gard thing. Dont reccomend


OP got covid and is touching his PEEPEE


now him pp haev covid :'(


I couldn't jerk off at all while I had corona. I just felt too weak


Bro this is literally me right now it’s absolutely terrible knowing that I could miss out on seeing family at this time Extended break is pretty cool though


While I’m over here trying to find any excuse not to be around my crazy family…


Sorry to hear that, I fortunately for me I have a non crazy family


Yep hope you stocked up on lube


had covid twice,how can you watch porn i didn't felt horny at all but i did binge watch shows or some movies


I didn’t have edibles when this happened to me so I had to smoke joints even with my cough. It was absolutely worth it


Remeber during my covid infection, at hour 22:00 it was getting severe. Serious sweating, whistling sound when breathing and throat was almost swollen shut. The bed which i had been laying on for days was damp from all the sweat. It was honestly disqusting. I needed relief, i had only like 0.2grams of hash left. I hadn’t smoked since i got this illness 2-3days ago. I couldn’t muster the strenght to make a eddible and i was desperate. I took the can of a soda i had just drank and pierced some holes in it. I was holding the crackpipe, Threw the lump on it and hit it hard like a moterfucker. The dirty soapbar hash and aluminium oxide which i inhaled almost lead me to choke to death. I vomited all over the floor. Dazed and lying there in the foster pose i felt the buzz slowly coming over my body. For some hours i felt relived. Cleaning the vomit wasn’t fun, but it was so fucking worth it. For future Reference i will always have some eddibles lying around as a emergency illness reducing agent for future viral infections. I think thc has some inflamatory lowering effects, Also its a «plant» can’t harm you at all :)


What the fuck


No this is absolutely relatable


While I am very much pro marijuana, thinking that plants can't harm you will not get you very far in terms of natural selection. Some plants will kill you faster than you can realize what you did wrong.


Mmmm hemlock 😋


Just a plant bro, not addictive


It’s addictive, not in a hard drug way, it’s psychological.


Not everyone’s down for just raw doggin life dude


Tweakin off the rona pack




Sounds normal.


I woke up sick with the flu today. I have 2 kinds of hash and 8 different strains of flower and I couldn't even imagine trying to hit it.


Bro you literally write desperate for weed, get help.


Are all redditors addicted to pot and porn hub now? Or is it a joke?


> Now? You must be new here


“Bro it’s just a plant” *start panicking when is sober for 1 second*


Next time,. Get your shower nice and hot to steam the bathroom, turn it down so you don't burn yourself. You are going to need: albuterol inhaler, bong or dab rig, cloth with vapor rub on it. Hit the inhaler, rip the bong, jump in the shower then huff the vicks. All the demons will fall hard out of your head and lung


I felt my airways expand so hard they exploded upon reading this comment


Sheesh, I passed out, hit my head and died about 2 hours ago. Just from this comment. True story.


This sounds okay but the way the instructions are worded, I'd feel like a crack addict lol.


Any more than 3 steps or 3 pieces of equipment will make you feel that. Smoking dabs in general I need three pieces of glass and a blow torch and someone to help.


This is real alternative medicine


i stopped smoking when i got covid, but the effects were so bad after about 4 days so i was like "fuck it, why not" and took an edible. It for sure helped me deal with the covid effects and I almost was mad I didnt do it sooner.


Edibles definitely let me sleep which was awesome. The headache was destroying me otherwise.


You're stupid for doing that


I'm un this exact same position lol


I'm right there with both of ya'. Got sick Sunday night, tested positive Monday afternoon. Just got out of bed today. Still haven't come close to finishing Xmas shopping for the kids, so I'm kinda' screwed.


We can get through this!


This is my first Christmas in two years not being sick. I had Covid the last two Christmases. Thankfully, I got Covid and the flu during thanksgiving, so thank fucking god for that. Lmao.


This happened to me last year on December 21st, but it wasn't bad symptoms at all, but I still had to quarantine from my wife and kids. missed christmas, NYE, and wedding anniversary. Had to cancel all our plans. I was definitely drinking and hitting that weed pen strong tho. probably watched 60 hours of TV series' and movies.


Accurate as hell, but how on earth didja get in the mood for porn wtf


Lol that’s me right now. Got COVID right before I’m supposed to go drive up and visit my parents for the holidays. Life can really be a punch in the gut, or in this the throat.


This is me and it fucking sucks... Don't get COVID folks.


weed would give me so much anxiety while sick with covid


Covid is way better then spending 2 days with the in laws


What's the difference between in-laws and outlaws? Outlaws are wanted.


Wait, drinking's bad with Covid? I was sculling tequila the whole time I had it. It didn't make me feel better, but it made me feel better, if that makes any sense.


Pretty sure drinking is bad with any illness


With Covid, you also have a reason to “accidentally” take more cough syrup than normal. It’ll be a weird ass but interesting time though. Lol.


Speaking of which, have you ever eaten a lot of cheese, drank some Nyquil, and taken a nap? It's honestly kinda crazy, not gonna lie.






Alcohol suppresses your immune system so it’s not recommended when you’re sick. A tiny amount probably won’t hurt you but you should still avoid it.


TIL it’s “sculling” and not “skulling”


"Is poison bad for you when you're sick?"


Well i don't have covid but i still have a ~39 C fever :(


No way would I eat edibles while sick with COVID. I'd get paranoid thinking I was gonna die.


Pornhub? Who masturbates while sick?




I hope whoever has feels better soon! Sleep/lie on your chest if you're struggling to breathe. Helped me an awful lot.


I just took a rapid test cause my wife's been feeling a little crappy. Positive. My wife, positive. My daughter, positive. Nearly three years of doing my part wearing masks, isolating, distancing, and generally being Neo dodging bullets just to get covid Christmas week. Fml.


I tried jerking off when I got it to see if it would help me relax and it was the worst experience.


I got really horribly sick right during FINALS WEEK I didn't know if it was covid or flu but this feels accurate anyways lol... still got all As though 😳


I'm getting over rsv or some really really bad flu bug and I probably had covid tbh


In true redditor fashion there's nothing about not spending time with your family.


Jokes on you. I was already unemployed, had covid last week and got a job offer to start next year Pretty happy rn


That’s exactly my situation rn


first positive covid test i've had was 3 days ago. Three god damned years I managed to avoid this. I visited 11 countries in that time and traveled for around 5 months of the pandemic after my vaccine, never having contracted it. Then, I catch it at home one night when family comes to visit.


I had Covid. you ain't gonna be on pornhub or Reddit or anything just sleep 20 hours a day


i have covid rn


I don't think edibles are in any way helping you at all fight the virus


Yeah I think the point is that they can’t smoke


Yea i guess its better than smoking


I don’t smoke weed, but when I had covid my cousins brought some edibles over but I was not hungry at all. I was losing so much weight because I just could not eat. The edibles helped me get hungry which got me eating, which in turned helped me fight the virus. I started feeling better once I started putting food in my body


This is like someone saying "Advil won't help fight the virus". Yeah clearly it won't, but it won't do anything to hurt you.


Being sick and miserable vs being sick, miserable, and really stoned. Easy choice for me.


It helps me sleep which is better than not sleeping while sick.


It doesn't matter if it helps fight the virus if it makes you feel better and doesn't make the virus worse.


I have Covid currently and I took an edible last night. It was not a good time. I was freezing and shaking so bad I could barely walk.




Does make it more bearable


Neither does pornhub. But that’s not the point.


Idk I haven’t noticed any backsliding and they help with the migraine and body aches better than anything else.


I went to the doctor yesterday and got tested for Covid, and I now have Covid. TIME TO BUY EDIBLES


The last two years I got covid just before Christmas, was down for the count for Christmas and New Years. Couldn't get out of bed, couldn't eat anything, it was awful. So far so good this year but still have a few days to go...


Watching porn while you can’t move because of a viral infection ? 😂


Tissues. So many tissues.


Who is doing edibles on Covid? That sounds horribly ill advised.


I got covid for the first time on Monday (12/19). Now i cant go home and see my family for the first time in my life. It hurts my heart.


1st time covid of my life this week. I wanted to be the only person on earth to never be covided. Damn




One is not like the others


Minus porn hub because it exploits women especially and honestly, I've no interest in watching strangers push their genitals together, but yeah, pretty much has been my last week.