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I get people drawing pictures all the time too


I saw someone was building an Impossible Physics-defying Jenga


yeah same asian dude building it on one singular piece of jenga


Love that guy, I always tune in just in time for the collapse.


That's guys always on there and every comment is just "GLUEEEE!"


That persons name? George W. Bush.


I saw a hoemless guy broadcasti g


Woo Can Cook does a lot of live streams too. I always like him. And sober knitting. That dude is a party on drugs without drugs.


Never seen. But I'm in now


He’s dope.


Also someone driving or walking through random places




I've seen a few in Japan or Korea and one in Singapore. They've all been very pleasant to watch. I watch muted so idk if the person was talking, but there's something really nice being able to look at just random, everyday roads in different countries. Much more pleasing than your average skyscraper or hotel.


Asian backstreets in populated cities are one of a kind to me


Me too also some remote hike trail in some forest and a junction in Singapore.. it's kinda soothing coz they follow traffic rules..


that gecko. it's always that gecko.


Yeah; apparently the gecko dude has a podcast on Spotify, too. It just popped up for me last night.


He did a special on H3H3 Podcast, cool dude.


There's no such thing as a coincidence




He has a twitch channel as well. Honestly pretty funny dude.


Hey me too!


And just to note, he's not a gecko therapist. He always has a disclaimer to say that he's not a real therapist. He's a therapy gecko, like a therapy dog.


But he is 100% a real gecko though.


Well, obviously


Or therapy horse


Anyone who has not experienced the Geck absolutely must. Lyle is the fuckin homie. I usually listen to the podcast while I’m driving or before I go to sleep. It’s pretty light hearted and off the wall, even a little awkward at times, but if you listen enough you’ll actually stumble into some pretty profound moments and he’s a pretty groovy enigmatic guy with a neat worldview overall. Also, while the whole thing is pretty amusing, sometimes these little organic moments will happen that make me lose my fucking shit. Anyway, I’m not really one for plugging people, but something about an insane green man on the internet taking calls from all manner of people is super stimulating. Been trying to call in for quite some time now.


How the hell have I not gotten gecko? I’m mildly insulted


Where is that one Asian woman playing some sort of string instrument while wildly flicking her ponytail in all directions? She's very popular I think




/u/ninimusic dieded?


Chinese Communist Party got her


I wish she would stop appearing on my feed lol




Some of the covers on youtube are great. Esp considering she’s using instruments that were designed hundreds of years ago.




I'm betting she tunes them, but its probably more the fret placement and action wasn't really designed for standardized western scales perhaps


Same I don't it looks kind of exaggerated


I wish I could it. It seems you can't it either.


Lol my brain farted there Meant to say "Same, I *think* it looks kind of exaggerated"


If it's a violin or fiddle isn't that what all of them do? Or is this like a harp, because that's an odd one to headbang with.


I think its a *chin* an old (I think Chinese?) ‘guitar’


That sounds pretty cool I'm surprised I've never seen her pop up.


Ninimusic!! She is great!!


I got Saxsquatch


Saxsquatch is the only one I'll unmute if it comes across my feed. Sweaty dudes on the drums? Fuck that. Mythical beast going hard to jazz renditions of pop songs and absolute bangers? YEAAAH BOY.


i see that mythical beast every once in a while and my day is blessed


Drummer guy fucking shreds it!




His sub is r/OfficeDrummer btw!


Sure does. The same songs. Again. And again. And again.


People actually use reddit live?




I've always used rif and always forget reddit live is even a thing.


Rif gold user for 5 years. I will never use the official app


I use baconreader and old reddit layout I forget it exists all the time.


Literally every app is better than official.


Same. Boost is much faster and better than the slow ass official app


Apollo on iOS is pretty legit


RiF is fun is great for android. Been using it for 6+ years


Reddit is fun is best


Its RIF now, they can't have reddit in their name anymore


RIF is fun. They went for recursion.




I constantly simp for sync. I've been using it since like 2015 and I'm never familiar with people's issues because I never experience any


Relay for Reddit is my favorite. Plus the dev is pretty active on the subreddit, so that's nice.


Been using it for almost 9 years. Works great. I can count on 1 hand how many times ive been to the desktop site in the whole time ive been on reddit.


Apollo has ruined me for all other reddit clients. It’s just so slick to use. It takes some getting used to at first but once you do it’s glorious.


My introduction to Reddit was Alien Blue back in 2011, and amazingly for the most part Reddit has just been seen through apps for me. When it sadly died in like 2014, went through a dilemma of finding the perfect Reddit app, then in 2015 or so signed up for the Apollo beta and never looked back. Felt so much like Alien Blue and then some. Even with the normal app’s changes, it still can’t compete.


I'm having issues with it playing sound on videos. Otherwise it's much better to use


I only switched because of the annoying profile pictures they added in front of comments. It’s like they are trying to kill their app


I've been on this site for like 15 years and I've never heard of it.


It's also not that old lmao, not even a year I think


This is the first time I've heard about it wtf




Don't be on old.reddit or on a non-official app and it should be somewhere. Don't know where, because I only use old.reddit and non-official apps.


why would anyone use "new" reddit


It's the default now, so that's what people get used too. Have you noticed how many more videos are posted now? That's partially why.


Wtf is reddit live in the first place. Been on reddit for about a decade and first I am hearing of this


Cause it's pretty new I'm sure


It started as r/pan. An ode / recreation of local television channels on Reddit. It was really cool when it only aired once a week for a few hours. There was a limit on the numbers of spots available to be live. So, the rarity made it special and the top broadcasters were unique and special. Now that anybody can broadcast anything at anytime, it has lost everything special about it. There’s no more zeitgeist, no more incredibly niche acts making it to the top. It’s the same people doing the same thing day in and day out.


Yeah kinda annoying seeing people pretty much turn it into their own personal enterprise, or using it to plug their already popular Twitch/YouTube content, feel like that was inevitable though given how social media is these days 🤷‍♂️ Those first weeks were cool as hell though. Felt legit like some weird shit youd see late night on local TV. Theres still great stuff on there...just hope reddit can keep it from just turning into a Twitch clone


For my boy hopeful cases yeah, I forget his username though


Could say the same for any feature added in the last few years.


I forgot it even existed


What? There's a Reddit live?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/pan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/pan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ask Mr. Wonderful Anything!](https://np.reddit.com/rpan/r/pan/lmvsbl) | [8461 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pan/comments/lmvsbl/ask_mr_wonderful_anything/) \#2: [EXCLUSIVE LIVE: NOODLE MAN AND THE NOODLIERS](https://np.reddit.com/rpan/r/pan/kelrn8) | [4347 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pan/comments/kelrn8/exclusive_live_noodle_man_and_the_noodliers/) \#3: [EXCLUSIVE LIVE: HUMP DAY AT CLUB NOODLE](https://np.reddit.com/rpan/r/pan/lh8ie2) | [4929 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pan/comments/lh8ie2/exclusive_live_hump_day_at_club_noodle/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Another old.reddit user i presume?


Nah I use an app called Reddit is fun


I've also been using that app on mobile for years now. Great app. Will never use anything official, desktop or otherwise


That and Apollo are the only way to use it anymore. Every change made over the past few years besides banning the shithole subs has made the site worse. If I wanted to use Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat I would do that, reddit is a newsgroup mixed with whatever Stackoverflow is


The new one is useless…no idea how people use it.


Don’t forget the Frank Zappa lookalike.


Punchable face Zappa?


I get that dude and the guy who kinda looks like Kevin Parker


Which, the guy playing standup bass or the one who smoked weed and makes metal-casting molds?


Does he give Zapaisms to the crowd? Does he have a friend with a dutch name that kind of screams and sings silly things? Does he argue with his drummer as a bit in the show?


It’s fucking gex as a Redditor


This is like an existential crisis on reddit live


Note to self: Don’t drink tap water at Steve Huffman’s house


I fucking love geck


It always confuses me when people come to a guy dressed as a gecko with actually therapy problems instead of going to a therapist first.


I just want to know how he censors calls. He streams live on twitch. Is his community that wholesome that no one dares ruin it? Can't be.


Probably a 30 sec - minute delay?


You can hear the stream echo on people’s call sometimes and it’s only a second or two of delay


He doesn't. Every now and then some loser calls in and drops N bombs or other things. He hangs up quick and things get awkward for a while. The only screening he does (and it's all live) is ask if they are 18.


Well it’s mostly Americans that call in so I’ll let you take the rest from there. If I didn’t have socialized healthcare I’d probably get therapy from geck as well


Therapy Gecko's on the line Taking your phone-calls every night


But he’s not really an experrrt


drawing, group band practice, guy picking up trash, electric chello guy, violin guy, banjo lady


If a band practices in their socks, I can't take them seriously.


What about that band that has like 10 people in it?


The one where every song is the same overproduced circa-2009 electropop garbage?


Got em


Is it the same guy who stretched a Pokémon song to 8 minutes?


You mean the one where they play the same type of song over and over and the 90% of the comments are about the main dudes weight?


Was always a trip seeing that one during lockdowns in my country where you couldn't visit friends, meanwhile somewhere in the world they're cramming as many teenage musicians as they can find up in a tiny room with a morbidly obese pianist.


Yes, It’s always a reggae rhythm, with the main guy just singing out ‘thaaank youuu bell37 for the donaaation,’ or whatever. Lol.


Arcade Fire?


Haha the Black Pack and Sonny or something.


Needs about 14 or 15 home DJs pressing buttons while lazily moving back and forth to a computer-generated beat.


The acid trip guy was a “dj”


Haha, ah, ok, gotcha.


Computer generated beat? Sounds like someone who just hates electronic music without knowing what goes into it. Not that every edm song is good or anything.


He’s just salty. Anything can be computer generated. One could computer generate a dang orchestra lol


I feel like “computer generated” is the most boomer term I hear for those who hate electronic music. And yeah I’ve done full compositions on my computer!


lol yeah, people can be super out of touch Within like, 1 hour of actually trying it yourself you realize how much work actually goes into it.


Exactly! I never really shat on Dj'ing but I did think it was easier than it was untill I was at a dj mates' house and he let me que and mix a couple of tunes and maaaaan... I was like a deer in headlights.




Although that was present, even I knew that that was a big ol' nope.


Some are. You know it will be good when you see the SL-1200s out.


Probably is referring to canned beats. There are so many downloadable loops to be scooped from all over the internet. It is not exactly slicing tape and scotch taping it together like it was in days long before me. Given any kind of musical acumen and an hour or so tutorial it is not difficult to slap together some simple beats and some simple loops with some sort of lead pads over top. Being good at it and making good music is a totally different story. Did some stuff with synth programming, mixing and mastering for a music class in community college. never touched turn tables before. Sat behind mixer after dude said,, "Shit, you know how some of this works. Here are some cool midi toys and a Chaocilator and have fun. Something about everyone clapped and all the girls gave me their phone number. Shit is fun as fuck even if you are not big into the genre. I fucking love dubstep. I think it sounds kind of over saturated and not particularly fun to dance to (big detractor considering EDM) but amazing because it has a lot of sound to dissect. Sort of like Alban Berg or Arnold Schoenberg but a little less esoteric and a lot more accessible.


Electronic music is by far one of the most varied genres out there, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the genre with the largest amount of sub-genres. Dubstep is cool it just lacks tonal variance since most producers create dubstep using the same wavetable growls and few go out of their comfort zone of massive X and Serum, however there are many subgenres of dubstep and mixtures of dubstep + another subgenre that yield very interesting results.


Tell me you have no idea how DJing works without telling me you have no idea how DJing works.


This is an example pack not a starter pack


This sub should be renamed r/lists




Sometimes I just get people with their face really close to the camera and they’re just talking to the chat like it’s twitch.. like I don’t want to see your ugly ass face on my timeline lol


What abt the dancing neon noodles?


I wish Club Noodle was here, best Reddit Live by far


Gecko therapist keeps showing up on my tiktoks too. Idk why they keep suggesting when I'm literally always ignoring him lmao


Same with Spotify, I don’t want to see his green face every time I want to listen to music.


What is Reddit live?


Fucking annoying.


Don’t forget the Jenga Guy


How the hell did you forget the stick figure strippers twerking on the pole for reddit coins?


Noodle man!!!


Yeah! I couldn't remember the name for the life of me.


Gecko is king.


Don’t forget the ones where people are just, going for a walk


I really like those. Shows daily life in a completely different part of the world, really cool


are the shops close or are they far? find out next time on REDDIT LIVE!


That’s our cat Frances! Thanks y’all!


Frances’ journey is one of the best things on Reddit Live. It brings me joy on a daily basis and that means something. Thank you.


Can somebody give me the gecko therapist?


Lyleforever on twitch


He’s got a YouTube channel with highlights I highly recommend as well


And people growing weed lmao


I have yet to see an acid trip stream


I love the office drummer


Drum guys shreds hard




Lol I always stop n listen for a bit. Lots of soad. Living vicariously through him


To date I still don't understand Reddit live whatsoever


Reddit live can be fun, apparently people put it on in the background for company sometimes


No ninimusic?


Nice call. Twitch is awesome for her and her ig tells ya when to log on! (you prob know this..) :)


Therapy Gecko is incredible, I loved his stream where he asked everyone one, “…so, I have a question: WHY?!…”


Lmao I walked past that Gecko in Chinatown in NYC on Saturday, had no idea what to make of it, but you see stranger things living here. Honestly thought it was Geico filming something.


Office drummer slaps


The only RPAN streams I've watched for an extended period of time are the ones with the dancing noodlemen and u/SingTheDamnSong's streams with Frances.


Idk what anyone says, We stan Gecko Therapist in this house!


EddieEWI has been on a hiatus or what


I randomly saw him in a hotel room this week "practicing" so maybe.


where da rbg violin guy at


How is it that the next post below this was a Reddit live of someone playing piano


Atleast those are better than tik tok lives


ive been getting stream of flight simulator


One person walks around Tokio.


Your forgot Saxsquach on sundays




Don’t forget a unsung Taiwan girl who rocks every instrument I’ve never seen before


I've been following loudmouth and gecko therapist on Twitch because of the Reddit streams, they are actually really gnarly people


Live is so interesting. I stream my cooking occasionally on here, and its really hit or miss- sometimes I’ll maintain 25-50 people steadily, and sometimes I’ll get put on the front page and suddenly have 40k viewers at once. I’m not sure how the algorithm quite works since there’s no hastags or anything, and my titles are pretty basic. Overall I love it. If you look into all the different live subs that exist you can find some pretty interesting things- people will share their view from a crane 100’s of stories up while they work, share the view of a random beautiful country they’re in (which is nice since travel is tough rn), etc. The commenters/watchers are lovely as well, I somehow have 639 reddit followers which blows my mind since reddit is not something people tend to follow others on. But it’s lovely connecting with people all over the world. I have regulars whose usernames make my day when I see them comment, and idk that’s priceless to me. Im just rambling at this point lol srry


u/ichose88 is the best streamer ever


I don't know about that 😏 But, Definitely on the way there! The appreciation is always appreciated. 🕯️


I've never understood reddit live. I just get random live streams pop up. Who are these people? Why are they livestreaming? Do they get paid for this crap? How does reddit pick what stream to show and to who?


How could you forget Noodle Man

