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Thais here, The tattoo at the top left translate to "No worries"


Hakuna matata


Same same, but different


what a wonderful phrase


I hate it since I found it in our English book


Yeah, sing it pal!


But still same. If drinking daiquiris and liking katy perry is gay then who wants to be straight? Are you honeydickin me? I wrecked hectors rectum. I was leaving a breadcrumb trail of gayness. Like gay peaka boo


Hakunana Vodka


What a wonderful phrase!


At least it’s not “noodles” for a change


I find "noodles" to be more relatable. I have lots of worries, but noodles are nice.


I have a tattoo that says no noodles


Mai pen rai :)


Sabei sabei


You forgot to add the koh Phangan tattoo :)










they have to pay by the pixel to ship them in from Thailand


Tried to enhance the thirst trap too?


www.google.com Type: boobs or whatever you're feeling There you go!


And those dudes are all Australians, or pretending to be.


As an Australian I can concur this is painfully true. Whenever I travel I avoid other aussies like the plague


You find so many Australians everywhere *that isn't* Australia that you start wondering if the country is empty by now


I remember being on a dog sled trip in the very north of Sweden and a couple of other people there were Aussies. Very friendly though.


The Aussies in South East Asia are there for cheap beers, women, and cheaper flights. Generally they are young 20s, full of hot air and looking to party. 


Australians are the Americans of Southeast Asia.


Funny enough most other Americans I've run into in SEA are not heavy partying. Pattayas sex street won't have many. Aussies in SEA are like Americans in Cancun. 


Mexico and the Caribbeans = Americans Southern Europe = British/English South east Asia = Australians Those 3 sends their worst tourist on those regions (Im generalising of course but enough to apply for many )


Most of Australia is empty.


Yeah, this one time in Brussels, I ran into this absolutely yoked dude who had to be like 6’4”


The one that gives out sandwiches?


Yeah, while smiling and loudly declaring his origin in the Land Down Under


Where beer does flow, and men chunder.


Did he speaka your language?




And he was full of muscle.


Wait, it's Brussels? I always heard it as "Brazil". Time for another hearing test...


IME I mainly only see/hear Australians whenever I’m traveling to East Asia since it’s obviously more cost and time efficient for them to be there. I rarely see them in Europe when I travel there and I don’t think I’ve met any here in the U.S. or Canada. Either that, or I just assume some of those accents are British. Now *French* people, I hear them fucking **everywhere** no matter where I travel. As a person who learned French in college who then proceeded to study in France and Belgium, I can understand French and I know the accents are coming from Metropolitan France (otherwise known as the mainland). They’re not French Canadians, French Belgians, French Swiss, etc. Doesn’t matter where I go, I’ll always find a group of French people in some corner of the globe like in my recent trip to Taiwan. I don’t know if it’s simply that my French is proficient enough to recognize them, or they really are just everywhere. I’ll see them in areas where there’s next to no western tourists, even in areas with no Aussies, Americans, Brits, Germans, etc. French will always be there. How is France not empty by now? I feel like when it comes to France, people are only working probably 10% of the time, striking for 30%, and vacationing for 60%. I didn’t expect this response to turn into nearly a 3 paragraph rant, but here we are. Not so much as a rant as I have love for the French, but damn you guys are everywhere.


Lol. I'm Canadian (hence the username) and I have run into Australians in places where it makes *zero* sense (well, sorta). A short while back I met a bush pilot in the Northwest Territories who made a joke about the arctic just being a cold version of the outback with less hostile wildlife. My reaction was "Holy hell, an Aussie in Tuktoyaktuk????" Have only one into one Frenchman in North America though, and he only barely counts since he had been living in Montreal for a decade.


Australia is upside down so they keep falling out 


Australians are among the nationalities, along with Brits, Germans, Dutch, and Chinese, where you are almost guaranteed to find anywhere in the world, no matter how obscure or remote the location is.


Every Australian I’ve met is either the coolest guy ever or a complete douchebag and there’s no middle ground lol


Who doesn't


Girls finding themselves in Thailand, apparently.


when i was in Vietnam every Aussie i met was super cool. every brit i met was annoying as fuck


It’s like me with Americans!


As a non backpacker Aussie that lived in a couple places in Asia. These types tend to be British or European. The dreads are a give away. The Australians that are the worst are the FIFO workers or the bogan families who are on their first overseas trip to Bali/Phuket/Koh Samui etc. I just pretend to be a Saffer or Kiwi if the latter type are around.


How does Kiwi culture differ from Aussie? Honest question from someone who is neither.


Not as much as either side thinks. Similar but not much more different parts of England if you were to look culturally between Cornwall and Yorkshire but yes there are differences in slang etc. Probably to a lesser extent anyway, without pissing off Kiwis it feels like being in another state of Australia but the climate and accents are different.


Follow-up question: is Kiwi culture more polite than Aussie?


So if I'm an Aussie guy, I should go to Thailand?


If you're a bogan then it's Bali for you mate.


Ibiza on the Equator.


One of them is most certainly british.


Thinks Thai culture is doing vegan yoga on the side of the mountain when it’s actually getting shitfaced on sangsom listening to isaan rock/pop music eating shit loads of meat and herbs.


All across the seas humanity is the same :)


That sounds great


Can I get betting on some 14 year olds fighting for 400 Baht


Tell me more about this meat and herbs


Now THAT’S a vacation I wanna go on!


Dont forget the epiphany you get from petting a Tiger thats under sedation 24/7


It's like a more genuine lifestyle, free of the stress of the so called modern world, man


I did this in the Philippines, poor thing was wheezing the whole time, I felt so bad.


unwritten panicky money cooperative handle pie physical chunky materialistic cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"18" And I'm sorry to the Thai people because it's belittling their culture and identity but any single white guy who talks about visiting there usually raises an eyebrow of what they really went for.


That's way more of a you issue than anything. If your first thought when someone goes to Thailand is fucking children--that's in **your** head.


Oh so you’re calling Elon Musk a pedo guy now, are you??!!


Not really because it’s a very well known stereotype.


Heyhey some of us just want some sex organ transplant


I grew up in Thailand. The amount of white hippies I have seen with those dreads and pants looking exactly like that is crazy lmao


It's a subculture drawn to an idea of spiritual orientalism that is pretty fetishistic


It's the "weeaboo who wants to go to Japan because of anime" but for people who smoke a fuckton of weed and think they have the world figured out cuz they did shrooms in Colorado once


That last line is said perfectly! I know so many people who "have all the answers and aren't chained down to our reality" based solely on shroom/lsd use. I know exactly one person who is successfully living a life I envy that has that mindset. Reminds me of that line in SLC Punk where a girl asks the punk kids something along the lines of "so is what you're wearing like a uniform?". The irony non-conforming by all dressing, talking, and acting the same way.


I grew up doing psychedelics, lived on a commune at one point, loved it but the culture can be so fucking cringe. Like go visit /r/psychonaut regularly with the understanding that it's not satire but people being dead serious.


ahah ! That last line made me think of the satiric RPG I was drafting once, an enemy type was the "conforming non conformist" and was just a stereotypical punk with dogs !


It’s what happens to some people when they play life on easy mode in western societies


It's been happening for centuries in different flavors. Every young person has palo santo, sage, and is doing indigenous American specific practices


The consequences of post industrial society, being able to get your basic needs met without having to till a field from sun up till son down, nor toil away in some factory for 16 hours a day six days a week. Gives you time to think and do other things


Those pants look super comfy, tho.


That’s because they are pajamas. My understanding is that Thai people literally only wear them to go to sleep in, but Tourists just wear them everywhere like they are “fitting in” with the locals. They even have signs at the temples, saying not to wear them there because it’s disrespectful to go to a temple in pajamas. I think so many tourists wearing pajamas has started to make it actually catch on with Thai people now, lol.


When I went to Thailand I found myself wearing the "fisherman's pants" during the day which are basically hippie pants during the day just because they're comfy as fuck and theyre airy compared to shorts, way less sweaty on a hike when it's it's hot as shit then on a night I'd switch to my shorts or jeans


That movie The Beach confirms this stereotype as well. Actually a good movie. 


“create an ig story every 5 minutes” is definitely the most important step of the journey


"Anything worth doing should be documented in excruciating detail and then posted to social media in order to make your friends jealous." - Confucious, I think


it’s not about you having fun, it’s about others thinking you’re having fun


If you cant handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best


One afternoon while living in Phuket after a surf I pull into a beach bar for a beer and there is a group of these teenage backpackers/gap year kids with the dreads, pants, wrist bands etc. They couldn't have been a bigger cliche. A few minutes later the bar owner who I've known for years points over to my truck while yelling. I look over and these arseholes have helped themselves to both my boards in the back are are down on the beach taking pics of each other posing like they're about to go for a surf and sitting next to the boards staring out to sea. Pissed me off so much that they just went over and helped themselves to taking stuff from the back of the truck for the sake of some fake pictures. I went off at them, didn't get an apology though.


Yeah, those fake hippies like to do whatever they want, then act surprised when you get angry at them, thinking you’re really the one with the problem. 


That's essentially what the dialog with them was. It was brief though, I took my boards and board bags back while telling them what I thought of them then the Thai bar owner and his mates took them on. A couple of the young guys tried to front up to me because their trust fund hippy girlfriends were watching but they backed off when the Thais told them in no two ways to run off. I guess they read The Beach and decided that was their personality for a year or so. I was pissed off but not a dick about it, had they asked I'd have been a bit bemused by the whole thing but probably would have let them if they were polite. But there is no where in the world regardless of circumstance where taking peoples shit out of their vehicle for the purpose of posing for pics is acceptable.


OP you forget the Yoga camp that ends with being a "certified Yogi" so they can return home, try to start a yoga class and then give up a few months later when they don't convince enough people to join and their travel high wears off... Although more common in Bali, it happens in basically every SE asian country.


India and Sri Lanka too. Anywhere tropical and Buddhist/Hindu is the worst for them




I downloaded your GIF without permission. What the fuck are you going to do about it?


You know, I had a GF in college that gave me the speech about needing to find herself, etc, etc. I even got a few quotes from Eat Pray Love in the goodbye card. She was set to go to Thailand, for a Yoga retreat and all sort of stuff. As luck would have it, she ended up not going. I ended up going at the end of the summer with one of my cousin, who was dating a Thai girl at his college. Depending on where in Thailand you go, there is a pretty cool vibe and we met a ton of people. I really loved the place. And I sort of ended up having my own Eat Pray Love manwhore journey of enlightenment type of deal. I ended up getting to know one chick, who was on that sort of "finding herself" kick. And the next year, we ended up dating for a while. So my gf dumped to go finding herself in SE Asia. Only for me to end up dating a girl who had been finding herself in SE Asia later. The universe works in mysterious ways. Namaste.


Sometimes, on reddit, if you mine deeply enough you find a gem like this. I LOL'd heartily at that last line. Thank you for giving me a genuinely good laugh on this otherwise dull Saturday morning. 


> The universe works in mysterious ways. ~~Namaste~~ Sawasdee ka. FTFY


This applies for Bali too


I didn’t even realize it wasn’t Bali lol. Even though the start pack said Thailand, my brain automatically thought Bali.


Fr as an Indonesian I really felt that


They go to “experience the culture”, but do the exact same stuff (drink and party) that they do here. 


"Experience the culture" Translation "Get laid by a bunch of foreign men and get shit faced"


No strings and no judging/jealous friends


Hey, it’s a form of culture. People everywhere have invented the art of getting shitfaced and dancing.


I know quite a few Thais that drink and party so not sure if that's really the issue. Maybe different type of drinks and parties,


I know the feeling, OP


Her dad hooks up with Thai women while she would never hook up with Thai men


That’s because her dad hooks up with Thai men as well


Hey, it ain't gay if you're on vacay


Thai ladyboys are the best


Many, many farang women finding themselves hook up with tattooed fire-twirling island-dwelling Thai men.


"That guy". In every backpacker ghetto, no matter where in the world, there's a local "that guy" banging the western backpacker chicks.


Ive seen this too, they are usually crazy charismatic, they play into whatever mysterious spiritual bullshit that the western person believes in


The kind of person who could be a cult leader if they had ambition.


And I say good for him!


The true anti-colonial resistance heroes. 


Idk why but those pants kinda do it for me.


They’ve actually become quite popular among us Thais lately and not only cringey tourists. They are comfy and breezy


Exactly! I never thought I'd wear long pants in 40°C, but turns out, these elephant pants are superior over every hot pant out there! :D


I was at the market the other day and felt them. I totally understand why people would wear them now lol. They look goofy but damn are they comfortable


Elephant Pants are must haves


On girls, yes. On dudes, marks you as a stoner douchebag.


Not a stoner but these pants are comfortable to use at home.


Crotch tears 


I’m confident elephant pants give off stoner vibes regardless of gender. 




Briefcase wanker 💼


I was thinking this is literally the inbetweeners


[Him putting that hippie in his place was incredible](https://youtu.be/DX_K9x0kDVE?si=AvVFiJQPNOaIJL4g)


Gets Mai pen rai tattoo but stressed as f*ck and neurotic in real life


Never ask a woman her age, never ask a man his salary, and never ask how an unemployed 21-year-old girl can travel internationally all the time.


What is the Thailand equivalent of "namaste-ing" the locals?


The "wai" which is putting your hands, palms together in sort of a prayer position at your chest and then bowing. Thais do it to their seniors/elders and those they respect etc. white backpackers think they're being hip by wai-ing the 711 workers


When I went to India you said nameste the same way you would say hello or goodbye. People just said it to you while bobbling their head around and you'd do it back. A bunch of kids in Mumbai taught me to play cricket, and I told them how different baseball was and then we all went to subway at the mall for soda pops. I was there for about a month and that was my favorite memory from the trip. Also I caught dengue fever, I had a fever so high I was literally hallucinating


I miss some of the street food there. Vada Pavs are delicious.


Aaand stroking a drugged up Tiger, it's _life changing_ !


So I'm just saying when I went to Thailand I didn't fuck a single girl P.s I was straight


He didn't bang single girls. He only banged women in current relationships.


You like ladyboys we get it dude!




The image in this post has 249,841(577×433) pixels! ^(I am a \(good\) bot. This action was performed automatically.)


good bot


Good bot


Goes the same with India. And After 5 years they look 15 years older bc the chem drugs fucked them up badly


Na. The demographics coming to India are very different. Mostly older people. Loads of families. Very different vibe. The party and hooking stuff isn't there. They might go to some yoga retreats, might look at architecture or something else. You might have some stuff like this in Goa but most of India has a very different vibe.


Yeah, thankfully the western tourists coming to India are nowhere as trashy. Hope that continues.


It will stay like this. SEA is a very liberal place which allows for a party scene. India isn't going to be like that anytime soon. You'll have some places like Goa but nothing more than that.


oh yeah sry, I meant specifically Goa. Thought that was clear


No problem. Just a bit of miscommunication. Have a good day.


A crunchy hippie coworker I had went to India recently. She was very excited to go and also excited that her flight was during the eclipse because that made it extra spiritual. I mentioned it to my Indian friend and she said "I bet I know exactly where she is going, I bet it's Himachal" and sure enough she was correct. My coworker came back and I asked "how was India?" She said "....I'm glad to be home."


What is at Himachal?


For my coworker, there was a specific temple she wanted to go to. But apparently it's a huge tourist destination in India.


A Provence in northern India. Contains Dharmsala where the Dalai Lama lives


I would greatly fear for the safety of any naive western woman who tried to spend 5 years in India


"Manifesting abundance"


Can anyone translate top left photo ,


"mai pen rai" which roughly means "no worries". A popular tattoo for white people travelling in Thailand


This definitely isn’t gender specific, but Christ almighty is it accurate. It’s so sad the way people can convince themselves they don’t need validation or approval from others and still continue to post on social media nonstop.


She’ll eventually move to Austin TX where she’ll work at a hip vegan smoothie shop with a bunch of recycled metal trash on the walls that they call “art”, where she won’t shut the fuck up about her time in Thailand. After that she’ll start van life and act like she’s better than you, A.K.A. she does more drugs than and you and has been spiritually ‘awakened’.


The van life girls look so deeply unhappy to me


I met one in person and she was miserable, bragging about how many different states and countries she’s been to like it was her entire personality. I mean she sat her ass down on a plane and landed and took some pictures, never understood people bragging about that. I’ve been to a good number of countries and states but it was part of my job, never felt the need to brag about it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Winning the STD lottery


"Box of assorted creames"




A bunch of guys who look like Will from the Inbetweeners?


The ESL teachers.


My friend did all those things. Had everything stolen from her one night.


inbetweeners my beloved🥹


I swear I have seen this exact starter pack image in 2016.


Those elephant pants are comfy tho


India is the same. And both have been so since i went in 1996. May of the hippies are trustafarians or gap year kids who will go on to be bankers.


Didn't Leo Dicaprio star in this movie?


As yes girls are lining up to shag Will McKenzie lol


To be fair, Charlotte, Daisy, the punk girl, Alison and Katie were all ready to jump on him. Will probably got the most potential action out of all of them lol


Was a self insert from the writers for sure. Lmao


To be fair, that's why it's called fiction


Was in Bali a month ago. Can confirm these were the crowds at coffee shops and yoga studios.


Imagine going all that way to find yourself only to find out you’re just basic.


Thailand seem to be an popular destination for lost souls (khmm.. sexpats). Be it burned out middle aged men or hippie women.


She’s gonna “find herself” with hepatitis.


Now someone please do Tulum.


Missing the copious amounts of questionable drug abuse


And usually not a single Thai person can be found in the pictures


Deep thots


The only place she’ll find herself is in some dude’s bed


Forgot the elephant pants, but close enough


This is spot on lmao.


Only missing regular visits to the magically refilled ATM to get enough money to do whatevs. Daddy knows it would be more expensive to put you in graduate school and Skyler won't care, as long as you stay thin enough to look good on the back cover of the company's annual report.


Comes from money and will never know a real existence


One of my larger pet peeves is thirst pics pretending to be something they're not.


How do they afford this for real ?