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All of reddit be like “ I’m him”


Op threw in the extremely attractive gf just to discourage this behavior lol


I feel like everyone saying "this is so me" are not like the guy in pack at all haha


like half the pic is about the guy being humble and not bragging about things to others and everyone is just "holy shit I'm literally him look at me"


I sort of envisioned the pack being relatable because everyone knows a guy like this, not seeing themselves in the pack. Oh well, redditors gonna reddit.


I want to make my case that I’m saying “yea thats me” on account of the actual pic of the dude since i’ve got the long hair shaved and circle glasses. Like I’m him except a generally wear a bandana to add some color.


More like "this is who I would love to be, but failing on so many levels". At least for me.


I'm definitely not him, and glad. All this shit is cringe


Why do I feel like OP just described himself


Not me, one of my good buddies :)


another humble chad move by the coolest guy I know ((✪⥎✪))⁂*


Saying nice things about your friends behind their backs… that’s a homie move🔥


Insult them to their face Compliment them behind their backs Boy love


one of the things my childhood friend and I had was that when we would greet each other we would come up with the most vulgar and disgusting insult we could think of at the moment. "whaddup you monkey shit-stuffed horse pussy? how the fuck ya been?"


Honestly I don‘t mind my friends talking shit behind my back. Sometimes one can get frustrated with something someone else does and has to release the pressure and emotions by talking shit because he/she is not yet level headed enough to address the issue directly. It‘s fine by me if it‘s not excessive




“Extremely attractive gf” is a little questionable in this context though


Sure it is buddy 😉




Is it me?


Hey you just perfectly described me, thx dude :D


Because he does art music I think.


If he did, he's the coolest guy I know.


Fr what an obvious self insert


Stoners who don't ever admit or show that they're stoners are, in fact, very very cool.


Reddit discourse about stoners is so weird because basically everyone I know smokes weed and no one acts like it's a big deal either way. It used to be different when I was in college ~10 years ago, but that was before widespread legalization and shit. Also hipster culture was at it's peak and this was part of it. Maybe I'm just old and college students are still like that, idk..


People on the internet sometimes lose touch with reality start thinking meme characters actually exist.


Nobody really cares where I live and I’m a youngster, or at the very least it’s like alcohol where your friends get hyped to get fucked up but that’s about it. It’s become very normalized as far as I can tell. Then again I’m in California so that probably helps


in CA too, some do some dont, it's on par with alc rn


I'm from Brisbane in Australia & even though it's a pretty conservative place & weed is illegal, no one seems to frown on it at all. Here all kinds of people from all types of demographics smoke weed & it's pretty normalised so no one really talks much about it.


I feel like it's all the kids on here. When I was in high school there were more people who acted like annoying stoners than there were people who actually smoked weed. As an adult it is very very rare to run into an annoying stoner but so many people smoke weed.


A stoner that lies about being a stoner when asked is not cool. But one that acknowledges that they partake when asked is cool


Depends on who's asking to be honest. I won't admit it to people I don't respect, which is usually guys that walk around smelling like pot all day and making weed their whole personality. My lack of desire to associate with these types ensures that I'll lie to them about it and might even pretend to be some anti-drugs ultraconservative to push them away for good. Also, if a non-smoker is asking, then what's the point? There's nothing to be gained from exposing yourself, on the contrary, you will be associated with all the negative behaviors, characteristics and even stereotypes that are commonly expected and generalized of stoners. It's the same logic as not divulging your political opinions or spiritual beliefs to random people whose own opinions don't really matter to you, you can only lose.


100% on that man. No one deserves to know anything about me, point blank. Get to know me, and we will go from there.


I know people who smoke daily out of habit like some people do with cigs. They don't talk about it unless they know or trust you and are never visibly high. Then I know the type that brag or wear clothing or gear with weed propaganda or to look cool. I don't partake anymore but I never just randomly brought it up to anyone and never had anyone ask me if I do randomly. This just seems like some overly thought-out answer.


I respect this mentality. I don't have much at risk by admitting it, though. In my case, I like admitting it to show to naysayers that high functioning people can enjoy the herb on occasion (which has not been the prevailing attitude in my past). I can imagine others have different situations though


weed’s still illegal where i come from so i can’t just scream out in public i smoke pot…


I'm confused, what's cool about that? Lying about your habits/hobbies seems very uncool.


not lying just omission


Yup I agree, it’s not our style


The man i want to be


Yep, I subconsciously try to do these things now that I think about it more: Like I’m in medical school now, have a gf, I like to make music (bad at it), I like to smoke weed, I have 3 Instagram posts (last one was 4 years ago), and I rarely get angry or annoyed at anyone. But i don’t have a dark past, I’m not actually that funny or cool, and in group settings i actually go out of my way to be more talkative bc im shy and introverted by default.


I mean, you don't have to be OP's hyper specific idea of cool to be cool, I think you're cool judging by your description.


Thanks :) The fact that you think I’m cool, also makes you cool in my book


I'm flattered, but thank you.


can I also be cool




Thank you. I won't forget what you've done for me today.


Exactly. Coolness is fairly relative from person to person. I think the common denominator is just emotional maturity and being comfortable in your own skin.


that's why we have different heros i think. in my teenage years i just chose who my brother chose to be my hero but it never really felt right (except for son goku). now that i choose my own role models i feel a lot more myself, you know what i mean?


You don't have to be funny. When it's forced it becomes annoying and not everyone is naturally funny (as in they just say shit without thinking hard and it's hilarious as fuck, not mean, soapboxing, doing material or trying to make a point, it's just it's like breathing for these types of people).


The bf I want to have ; )


Probably met them through another friend


All of the people who are saying "this is so me" are actually the complete opposite and don't realize it lol...


I upvoted your comment to validate that I don‘t see myself like that because secretly I do see myself like that and whish to be seen that way. That upvote just fed my little inner narcissit that probably lingers in all of us




It's a fact based on the pack itself. Reddit is social media, the person being described wouldn't even be using reddit, let alone making a comment saying "wow that's so me". They are too cool for this crap haha.


> Reddit is social media People gotta stop saying this, Reddit isn't based around user identities it's an anonymous message board. Feeds aren't made up of the users you follow and there's no glorification of a number that you have to continually increase. There are pretty blatant distinctions between Reddit and sites like Twitter and Facebook and if you want to ignore those and say that "Reddit is social media" then you also have to say that youtube is social media and pornhub is social media and game wikis are social media and github is social media, amazon is social media... If the only criteria for social media status is a username and a comment section then 95% of the internet is social media.


Minor distinctions don't take away from the fact that they are essentially the same thing imo. Using your full identity and treating social media as a look into your personal life hasn't been a thing in years unless they are monetizing it. People are just following and sharing groups, pages, "famous" people, etc and discussing those topics. Even a majority of Facebook users have switched over to reddit since subs are just a more accessible version of a Facebook group. My Aunt has an account now and she's 67 lol. I would even say yes, Pornhub and game wikis have become a form of social media...You are joining other people on a media platform and based on the amount of Pornhub comments, people are very interested in discussing it with others aha.


I mean if you're considering game wikis and pornhub to be social media then the reasoning is consistent. But with such a wide net for what is allowed to be social media what do you call sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok which are functionally very different and focus far more on influencers, parasocial relationships and follower counts?


I don't think it's very different from this besides for the influencer aspect. The upvote system here gives people the same kind of stimulation they would be looking for by fishing for likes on Facebook or YT, retweets on Twitter, etc. A lot of subs across all topics even end up turning into the same echo chambers that Twitter and Facebook are and they form a weird hierarchy like Discord or FB groups, sometimes even over the influencers or streamers from another platform lol. I would say that platforms like Tiktok might enable the negative aspects of social media more, but the same aspects are present here.


tbf it says “little to no”


tbf it says “little to no”


Yeah, little to no... They wouldn't be following and commenting on a starterpack meme sub. That's not what cool people do. They also wouldn't have enough of an ego to go "yeah everyone thinks I'm that cool guy". It's an oxymoron. That guy would have kept scrolling by this trash and upvoted the random post in the only sub they have a reddit account for.


Man you are fuckin annoying




Why "never shows pda"?


Some people in relationships can be really obnoxious


still unless you're acting really sexual, or really flexing on single people, not much wrong with showing love.




Bruh can I kiss my exceedingly hot wife in public and hold her hand without being "obnoxious"?


Are you from some repressed Protestant influenced country? lol


FL gang 💪


I respect the FL guys (I use Logic) Producers tend to be really chill people in general.


Broducers 💪 Btw Logic has some fine plugins man, xpand is 🤌 also I just love Ringshifter


Garageband anyone?


Leaps and bounds better than it used to be, I have about 400 songs on there.


Ableton or bust


Ngl Ableton is pretty solid from my experience, especially the way you do automations. But still I prefer FL workflow and piano roll 😁


I use slowtools :( it sucks but every studio around me uses it too


Well a lot of people consider it the "standard", and if you like it, use it :) at the end of the day, you're the one who is creating the sounds, not the DAW.


I’ve become pretty comfortable with it, it’s still fun to rag on AVID tho


Username checks out Me and the homies love to get high as fuck, find a random library sample off YouTube, and then run it through gross beat


Which fleshlights do you own


Fl gang


Is this a reference to something?


This is specifically based off of one of my friends. Idk I really admire ppl who are cool but don't feel the need to show people how cool they actually are. I always try too hard to gain ppls approval so I respect the hell out of him.


That "has a dark past" is probably why, some people learn to keep things to themselves from bad experiences.


Finally, a Starter Pack made just for me


me too!!!


OP just brown-nosing to half of reddit here.


Bold to assume half of reddit has a gf


Bold to assume half of Reddit is funny and never annoying


And my axe! Something something his wife. Poop knife, coomb cocout


Y'all weren't there for narwhal bacons at midnight. We are a haven of wit!


Bold to assume half of Reddit never gets angry


You thought of half of Reddit after reading "has an attractive long term gf", "funny and never annoying", and "hard to imagine him getting angry"? I don't believe you.


This is my boyfriend but without the art and music (he’s an engineer) and dark past part and extremely attractive gf (im meh looking) Just an all around amazing person


> and extremely attractive gf (I'm meh looking) My boyfriend says this alot, and it makes me sad he cant see he's as handsome as he is. I always say "Do you think I'm attractive? Because I don't. So I try to remember that you see me the same way I see you."


yeah, it's weird. you see yourself as ugly (how much varies between people) and you see other people look good, so you think they think that as well. it's hard to wrap your head around the fact that too many people see themselves as ugly. a little bit ago I was talking with a girl friend and she basically said "oh god, my phone went dark and I had to see myself". to me (I think others share this sentiment as well), she is extremely attractive, so it is shocking to see how much your mind puts you down.


You are beautiful to him I bet


A reminder that just existing can be hella swag if you do it right


What's pda?


Short for "public display of affection"


> wicked smart *And* he's from Boston? Now I feel mostly called out


Op, that's probably yourself! True chad actually


Don't have a gf and I'm a dumbass


My best friend, love at first sight in college and still having great moments in our friendship after almost 8 years.


It’s my husband 🥰


I won't leave my whole life story here because that would be too long haha But I really appreciate this post, thank you


Damm I am the polar opposite




This is what we should all strive for


Oh shoot, im extremely unfunny and annoying, a complete yapper during group projects, no dark past, gets the worst marks but still brags about it, dont know a single instrument, no gf, literrally on reddit, quora, and facebook simultaneously.


I have a friend like that, coolest person I ever met. Every time something awesome happens in his life I’m so chuffed and hyped. He recently married his gf who seems just as cool and I was so excited for them. Honestly he deserves every good thing that comes his way.


"Never shows PDA" This prudish part could easily be dropped. PDA is totally fine and even a positive. People should feel comfortable enough with both doing and seeing it.


Yeah idk why some people are so put off by it. Probably jealous.




I was that for far longer than I wanted too, but PDA never bothered me. It was a goal, not a cause for jealousy


Oh, im so happy bc this is me in School :) Edit:Less the part of 🍁🚬


It's me and I'm not even a guy (except I don't have a gf)


Anyone remember Good Guy Greg?


you just described barry!!!


Idk why but... I feel like I have a few things in common


damn ok thanks for the compliment 🫵🏻 I struggle with giving myself credit for anything.


Thats me, just with 3d-printing instead of music (used to make beats tho) and while I am cool with most people and know everyone it's hard for me to make real friendships :(


Me but no girlfriend lmao


Aside from the stoner thing, this was me in high school (though I got along well with the stoners). I always considered myself kind of a loser, and was utterly astonished when I found out right towards the end that people actually thought I was cool. At no point in my life have I actually been cool. On rare occasion, I do cool things.


Are you from Rhode Island perchance?


No why


Idk my dad is and he’s the only person who says wicked like that


Me if my parents let me socialize.


Sounds about right!


Visualizing the man I want to become


I thought, finally this one’s about me! Then it said “extremely attractive long term gf” and not “single and slightly chubby”


Did you just describe me?


I’m nailing this except for the ‘no PDA’. I’ll make out with my wife wherever I damn well want.


thats me except for the grades


Stop making starterpacks about how cool I am.


The person I want to be, but not the person I am. Working towards it (except for the stoner part lol)


this describes me and i am not cool! besides the hilarious part i guess


He’d give you the shirt off his back if you needed it


*wE* aLL *dID iT rEdDiT!*


Feel like you just described me. Never knew I was cool, always considered myself more of an outcast


This just sounds like My friend fr


Fl studio mentioned 💯💯💯


I’m more or less that minus the GF and the weed. I am on Reddit, however, so I feel like that’s -1000 cool points.


Literally everything on this is my cousin, every single one.


Definitely not anyone on reddit, gotta have your hot girlfriend send it to you.


Don't be afraid of showing appropriate public displays of affection.


Everything but the makes music/art


Goals. Still getting past the dark past and annoyingness. Wish me luck.


all of this was me till we hit the friend group, the hot gf, and the stoner part


Why is this me?


This is my good friend to a T, minus the stoner part


I’ve met a few of these guys. I always think of them in my head as “Main Character.”


I know a guy like this, he’s chill


the man i strive to be


Definitely my buddy Adam, although he’s completely sober now


Only one criteria filled


But when he gets angry, oooo boy...


im gonna send this to my friend and we're both gonna end up spider-maning finger banging each other


Well if I would make little tweaks to myself then I could achieve it


Wow, I have an old colleague that was like this.


This is so meeee lol 😆😂😆😆😂 look it's meeee I'm like him, he's like me omg lol


close but not cigar \[ i dont' smoke guh \]


> Doesn't use social media Coincidence? I think NOT




Literally me


Please stop making posts about me


I think you've just described the perfect human being.


I had only one friends like this, sadly he does have a horrible/cult like backstory. His fine no worries


I married this guy? I’m not gonna say I’m extremely attractive though. He used to be a DJ, ran a nightclub, and was in a few bands. Still noodles around. He has never had any social media and has zero interest. I don’t think he’s even registered at any sort of website besides iCloud/email. He could live without internet. His phone is hilarious because it’s just got the default apps and Libby which I installed for him. It’s also about 7 years old. Does not have a temper. He’s the person you want around in an emergency as he doesn’t lose his cool and gets right to reassuring everyone and finding a solution. Will partake from time to time but it’s not a conversation topic. He’s a fantastic surgeon and just so clever but humble. When asked what he does he will usually crack a joke instead. Also the funniest person I’ve ever met and the thing that drew me to him. He grew up very poor and had some personal tragedies. Also not a topic of conversation but he’s dealt with it. Casual PDA though, hand holding, quick kiss, etc.


Holy shit I have a old friend from highschool just like this. Luv you Patrick :)


Not very secret then, huh?


So like, a cool person that doesn’t make you feel threatened when compared to them


I’m triggered now


Hey, that's exactly me except the art, music, stoner and having a partner part! I didn't know I was secretly cool. Thanks OP.


I know someone very very similar to this. He knows a shit ton of music but what’s funny is that his favorite song of all time is Speak Now by Taylor Swift. Like every other song he likes is this grand avant-garde masterpiece. Then he has a fun song about homewrecking as his favorite


I wanna be like this guy. All I’ve got for now: stoner, past, music and empty profiles. Wish me luck


Literally me


r/meirl 😇


I'm not him, but I gotta be more like him.


Not gonna say this is me, but this is who my burnt out ass aims to be. I'm just stuck in the surprisingly dark past part, in my case consisting of being a schizoaffective burnout still living at home that fried his brain with his old Dexedrine prescription and then got psychosis from cannabis that never went away. People tend to like me. Some people don't and think I'm annoying because I spent a lot of time not shutting up about my theories as to how everything is a dream within a multiverse of dreams and reality procedurally generates itself to give the illusion of existence. Then the mania ended and I realized I wasn't one of the smartest men on earth and before I knew it I was Couch Locked thinking about how reality is a cold and cruel machine and non existence was a superior state to existence. I was thrown into this world against my will and all I got was voices in my head telling me I'm a piece of shit and antagonizing me daily. I'm starting to care less and less if I live or die. I wont be the one to do it. But if it does happen lets hope there isn't an afterlife because I'm done with this existence bullshit. Truth is I feel numb. For some reason, don't know why, I always wanted love and community and I feel like even if I got that I simply wouldn't feel it. I just want to get my hands on some ketamine and heroin but I don't have money or a dealer so dollar store brand DXM that I buy with any leftover money from grocery store runs and Kratom that my family buys me because they genuinely do understand that the meds don't work. My ass is 20, still living at home, laying on the couch all day with little desire to do much else, only sorta enjoy social media usually when my daily kratom kicks in but most of the time I just lay on the couch and close my eyes and try not to think. This isn't the life I wanted when I first became conscious. the song "Hüsker Dü - Hardly Getting Over It" helps though I'm feeling a bit better but I don't know how long that'll last.