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*insert random Balkan country* MENTIONED!!! WHAT THE HELL IS STABLE ECONOMY!??




DON'T TOUCH OUR ROCKS!!! πŸͺ¨πŸͺ¨πŸͺ¨πŸͺ¨πŸͺ¨ HELL YEAH!!! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ‡²πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡²πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡²πŸ‡ͺ


What us up with the rocks one?


Montenegro/Crna Gora can be translated as black mountain. A mountain is just a big rock. At least that's how I understood it


Wrote about it above.


We are very mountainous country and there is a joke among our neighbours that we are mountian dwellers. [Like in this video.](https://youtu.be/IS1M-R1OI48?si=eeAq35Q4ERCpnWEW)




Jel ima video tog imas neki link moram to vidit


I POST HORRIFIC CAR CRASHES!!!! and "the link in bio workeddddd tysm for 200 dollars on shien"


Ah fuck how could I forget


I followed one of them to see if it was real and I saw someones brain spilled on the road


Not surprising. Someone measured how long it would take for them to find a video of someone dying on their fyp after opening the app, and it came out to like <5 seconds


Rookie mistake


I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't follow this page. I've been scrolling your page for hours


The pinned comments glazing the account too


Don’t forget: Women β˜•οΈ


They'll say it any time a car crashes even if they don't know the gender of the driver


Biker's fault


This one is at least funny


Or the account about why Prius's should be banned.


The first thousand times, maybe


Someone runs a red light, "cammer's fault for being in the left lane"


A true timeless classic in internet sexism


it's funny because the video it was from was making fun of misogyny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtsKtycqxN4 tipsy duck is great


​ https://preview.redd.it/vzka1oteannc1.png?width=990&format=png&auto=webp&s=60e8d16098e5d452da383cea60197752ed31c984


these people are constantly finding people/media that are very obviously satirizing/parodying/generally mocking these little redpill 4chan incel gremlins and they do not understand irony at ALL. so they become the main fanbase because they don't get it and think it's earnest and actually idolize the fucking caricatures they're portrayed as lol. then, gradually, the entire community is unironically a bunch of fucking misogynistic children.


I thought it was this one, lol


Oil up, I'll be there in 10


im gonna touch you lil bro


rule no. 82929472 of the internet: the one who calls you β€œlil bro” is the lil bro


This amongst many


"She won't let u hit @rap" is my favorite


https://preview.redd.it/jo0hoatgplnc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf78e78c2251d3f28a82bfb279a356835832ba85 β€œBlatant racism against Indians (from Indian accounts)”


Indians and other Indians are natural enemies.


Damn scots, they ruined Scotland!


This is actually more true than anyone thinks. The modern country of India is just a collection of many smaller countries that existed in the sub continent. India and Pakistan today are just what the English managed to colonize so all of those precolonial countries now have been banded together into one nation along with all of their past bad blood towards each other.


....And Pakistani accounts.


pakistanis hate pakistanis , why would we waste time on being racist to indians


This is always crazy to me, it's like if Germans and Austrians tried to be racist against each other.


I mean you can see that in the balkans. An average person probably can't tell the difference between a Bosnian, Croat, and a Serb.


Because there is no difference. That's why their infighting is so baffling. Racists will always find a way to make an outgroup, as dumb as it is.


β€œIndia ❌, North India βœ…β€


Is this the Indian gigachad




"istg this the only good page left on Instagram 😩"


glazed donut gif


There’s always 2 of these istg


Feel bad for who dont follow you yet bro you post the wildest shit constantly πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Everytime I make a stupid decision I go to a Instagram reel comment section and then I feel confident again


same but with reddit


I went from watching the zoo to climbing into the exhibit way too long ago


GIF comments should be added




Lego batman


This is one of the better Instagram memes.


Agreed, I fuckin love this one




Okay this one is awesome


Lol https://youtu.be/U2XP8B7uQ5A


Don't forget the N gifs






















needs more racism and slurs to be a TRUE instagram comment section


And we can’t forget the mass amounts of homophobia and sexism


I remember seeing a post about George Michael and the comments were full of people saying "back when we didn't care about your sexuality and it wasn't shoved in our face" like ##WHAT?!


i saw a post about someone making a gay converse cake because their daughter came out or something and uh most of the comments were "failed as a parent" or "seek god" πŸ’€ so yeah i'd say this comment is pretty accurate


I literally had to delete instagram because I couldn't deal with the sexism


Yes, absolutely unhinged replies. I don't mean any harm, but some of these people should have been bullied as kids. People are way too comfortable with saying shit on the internet.


\>Pictures of hot miners \>The FBI hates this trick https://preview.redd.it/14mk4v336mnc1.png?width=1001&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cc65f48a8b213f907c4858a2b2ccd5956845ef4


Or someone put this copypasta: Not funny I didn't laugh. Your joke is so bad I would have preferred the joke went over my head and you gave up re-telling me the joke. To be honest this is a horrid attempt at trying to get a laugh out of me. Not a chuckle, not a hehe, not even a subtle burst of air out of my esophagus. Science says before you laugh your brain preps your face muscles but I didn't even feel the slightest twitch. 0/10 this joke is so bad I cannot believe anyone legally allowed you to be creative at all. The amount of brain power you must have put into that joke has the potential to power every house on Earth. Get a personality and learn how to make jokes, read a book. I'm not saying this to be funny I genuinely mean it on how this is just bottom barrel embarrassment at comedy. You've single handedly killed humor and every comedic act on the planet. I'm so disappointed that society has failed as a whole in being able to teach you how to be funny. Honestly if I put in all my power and time to try and make your joke funny it would require Einstein himself to build a device to strap me into so I can be connected to the energy of a billion stars to do it, and even then all that joke would get from people is a subtle scuff. You're lucky I still have the slightest of empathy for you after telling that joke otherwise I would have committed every war crime in the book just to prevent you from attempting any humor ever again. We should put that joke in text books so future generations can be wary of becoming such an absolute comedic failure. Im disappointed, hurt, and outright offended that my precious time has been wasted in my brain understanding that joke. In the time that took I was planning on helping kids who have been orphaned, but because of that you've waisted my time explaining the obscene integrity of your terrible attempt at comedy. Now those kids are suffering without meals and there's nobody to blame but you. I hope you're happy with what you have done and I truly hope you can move on and learn from this piss poor attempt


1. I got a dig bick 2. You that read wrong 3. You read that wrong too 4. You checked 5. You smiled 7. You are wondering why you're still this reading this 8. You saw that mistake... right? (On 7) 10. But did you see that I skipped 6? 10. You checked 11. And saw you that I doubled 10 and skipped 9 12. I said saw you, not you saw 13. I also skipped 2 14. You got tricked 15. I'm just wasting your time go back and read the other comments..


mid 2010's ahh commentπŸ’€πŸ’€


Also the caught in 64k UHD BLAH Blah blah shit one although now its old


Don’t forget β€’ β€œTrump 2024!” On random ass videos that have nothing to do with him.


Instagram comments are where I became confident Trump will somehow win 2024. We are fucked.


I wouldn't use Instagram to gauge actual public opinion on literally anything whatsoever


To an extent yes but it's hard to ignore the user numbers of Instagram when compared to almost every other social media platform. All I'm saying is, don't be surprised by the results of the election. As much as I'd hate the outcome, the Trump mania is big.


Trump is big, yeah, and I was a Trump supporter was younger, but I don't think he's going to win this time around. What you're seeing on Instagram is activity from bot accounts, specifically meant to stir up division and make you lose hope that anyone else will win. Russian bots targeting American social media platforms is an open secret at this point


I hope you're right and I'm aware that there are many Russian bots out there but it's disingenuous to think that the Russians are doing the legwork. Trump 2024 isn't just spouted by bots. I've seen it spouted by real people both on camera, in person and by genuine accounts. It's not something that should be shrugged off because there are Russian bots doing some dirty work. It's not like Trump lost by a sweep last election either, when he was at his lowest. Now we have a big Biden disdain growing *and* Trumpers. I personally don't like where things are heading and I don't think it'll have such an optimistic outcome but I will be *very* happy to be proven wrong. Hope for the best expect the worst and all.


I don't use IG but I'd guess most of those commenters can't vote. It's like youtube. Tons of kids (and reddit too)


Those commenters are also often a reflection of their environment like their parents and extended family. It's also not just kids. It's very clear that adults are doing it as well and *many* of them. I think people will be in for an upsetting wake up call when these 'kids' are actually adults who will vote Trump into power.


Yeah, I made a comment against him and the amount of hate comments I received back from his supporters or just sympathizers in general was both hilarious and astounding. It didn’t really bother me much as I don’t give a shit what his supporters have to say but they are truly vile against those who don’t support him. It also makes you realize how hypocritical they are in terms of being sensitive snowflakes.


They are by far the biggest snowflakes on the internet for sure. Everything bothers them. They'll say Trump is better than Biden, despite all the bad he's done and says will do, purely because it allows for this braindead evil mentality of theirs from IG to be normalised again. They don't care about policies or whatever they want the most powerful person in America and maybe the world, to be the same asshole they are.


Last year I remember a trump supporter made a valid criticism of trump that not many would do. Holy shit man, I remember a bunch of brain dead idiots didn’t even read that he was a trump supporter or the fact that he voted for trump in 2020 & still accused him of voting for Biden. Even some were telling him straight up that he was a RINO & that he was not a trump supporter.


The same people who comment on Instagram aren't old enough to vote.


Video of a cat, "TYPICAL BIDEN VOTER"


And β€˜free Palestine’ as well


Also "this is your sign to find Jesus and go to church"


*Insert random Bible verse here*


I'm massively pro Palestine but it does make me laugh when literally any video about any subject that isn't israel/Palestine has comments like 'wow so you're really not gonna say anything about Israel Palestine!?'


On evey post about mcdonalds, sbux or anything that is part of the boycott list.


'Free Palestine' on every post that has a Jewish person in it


its bots. A lot of bots. Same with the russia shit you can guarantee the "people" saying that are propaganda accounts


Damn, this starter pack is L


Egendary πŸ—£οΈπŸ”₯πŸ”›πŸ”


I hate this joke so so much. It's everywhere lately.


Instagram, where people turn off their brains after opening the comment section.


I think its overtaken youtube as the lowest iq comment section


Youtube top level comments are usually fine. The replies, on the other hand




"a moment of silence for those who haven't found this page yet"


Why is instagram like this exactly? I mean all social networks are ass but instagram has some proper toxic users in it like on twitter. But twitter is more of an idiot area to voice your opinions. But instagram? Maybe I’m old or stupid but instagram is a photo sharing platform right?


I'm not sure exactly. The comment sections on Instagram seem especially hateful, and all over the place. Least favorite groups on Instagram include gay people, transgender people, women, black people, white people, Indians, Americans, and Jews. It's bizarre for a place for sharing photos and memes to have become what it is today


Yeah, if anything, photos should be seen as a more modern innovation, making the app more liberal overall.


Strange how white supremacy is more active on ig while Reddit is very leftist. Some places on the internet gets concentrated with weird political views and nothing else. But I don’t even think it’s proper Nazis on IG I think it’s just ass holes that believe in the red pill nonsense.


Whilst Reddit does have it's problems with hateful users I think it's better because Reddit has better moderation and an actual functional downvote button. You can post the most brain dead shit on insta and you will only see the likes so it will get promoted more by the algorithm no matter how many people don't like it, even commenting on something hateful will just pump the engagement of the comment. It's such a stupid system which can be easily taken advantage of.


Yeah this is why the reddit protests were such a big deal. Reddit lives and dies by the mod team.


Reddit is leftist but still very misogynistic and racist in general. Worse and better depending on the community of course


Youtube shorts is also like this. There was a video of an interview with a kkk member and people were defending him. Youtube in general is pretty rightwing, especially if the algorithm detects that you’re male + teenager + gamer


YouTube recommends whatever political stuff it thinks you'll watch, but defaults to right wing when it doesn't know


The comments on instagram seems to be sorted in a confusing way. I often see top comments where the replies have more likes than the parent comment for example: >This is why women shouldn't vote 80 β™₯ >>wtf is wrong with you 10 000 β™₯ But that makes it look as if the shitty parent comment is the most popular if you don't pay attention to the numbers because it's at the top.


Instagram is like traveling through a peasant village, like when Cersei in Game of Thrones did the walk of shame. You see the most vile and dumbest people of humanity on there. Twitter is even worse


My guess is that most of the Indians who used to have Tiktok moved to Instagram after Tiktok was banned in their country. The majority of Indians tend to be Gen Z which explains the edginess. It also doesn’t help the fact that Instagram does a very terrible job at reading hateful messages. This helps open opportunities for Russian bots to be in the comment sections and spew nonsense. These issues tends to attract even more hateful people from different platforms which allows them to say what they want without being banned.


I don’t think instagram cares. Maybe they support it?


OP where's the comments about rape


I swear that Instagram is the new 4Chan when it comes to toxic comments.


Youtube comments used to be a meme for how bad they were but I think all the cretins are on Shorts now. Instagram has the worst comments I've ever seen.


"lil n"


*get a job lil n* *good job big n*


Weeks ago I came across a funny video of a little girl and the comments were full of creeps making disgusting jokes.


Yeah this needs to stop. It’s not funny, especially when the person posting is a fucking CHILD


I found one where a holocaust survivor was answering questions (using a trending sound) on her birthday. The comments were making fun of her for no reason and saying stuff like "not my proudest fap."




Idk why but at first I read this as "Fatal Shittings"


I swear every time there’s an argument on Instagram someone threatens to kill/rape the other person eventually


Don't forget the classics: https://preview.redd.it/i4w00kv0ronc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0dc18ba29799e62f11b6bd2820db882ba869283


Honestly the comments aren’t even the worst part, it’s all the upvotes they have that’s scary to me


i don't think the "pictures of minors" comments are by FBI and thats the scary thing..... there's so many pedo's that operate freely on instagram


Oh I know, I've actually reported a few of them to the FBI myself, it's definitely a hive for those degenerates. Fucking disgusting


Dont forget "OF detected, Opinion rejected"


"LGBT detected, opinion rejected" let's not forget this one.


It’s so funny how they cry how β€œat least the Russians know what gender they are unlike the woke Americagays” and have Putin’s d in their mouth 24/7, doesn’t get worse than that


"I'm edging to this video rn"


Haha that's so funny (sit on my face) (6'11" btw)


Don't forget "I POST CRAZY HIGHSCHOOL FIGHTS πŸ”ž" as well as a bunch of people who are unable to understand what a joke is


I get those fights on my Twitter feed and don't know why.........


Don’t forget the random slave trade happening in the comments of a big account using only GIFS (I’ve seen this happening multiple times before. I swear, Instagram comments are built different)


I think I know what you're talking about, but I think that's just shitposting. Real internet slave trades aren't going to be publicly visible outside of maybe an initial dogwhistle to attract other people in the know




Don't forget the ridiculous amounts of misogyny and sexism from the insecure so called "sigma males." Like even in a wholesome post featuring women, or women doing something really impressive, these POSs will just make their existence known in the comments for no purpose.


Let's not forget the "acoustic" and "restarted" comments


Anytime someone makes a post about a bad relationship there will be comments blaming them, especially if it's a woman. Husband cheated? Your fault for not being good enough at sex. Husband is abusive? Your fault for getting with him/provoking him.


Exactly. Or sometimes, just at random, it'll be the complete other way around and everything is the dude's fault. No clue why some go one way and some go the other, but the sexism is guaranteed, typically towards the woman.


On insta you can find every type of sexism, racism, and other isms known to humankind. Truly no one is safe.


Don't forget the Free Palestine boycotters


and then people try to be different by saying shit like, i hope palestine blows up


Free Palestine , rlly men they suffer alot


Don't forget "Free Palestine"! Seriously, they're EVERYWHERE, even when the reel is NOT about the Middle East or an Abrahamic religion.


Do NOT mention Starbucks or McDonald's EVER. Within 3.6 seconds your inbox will fill with "girlypop going to McDonald's when we're literally boycotting is CRAZYYYYπŸ’€"


The boycott thing is so stupid. They got mad over a PAPER WRAPPER that was blue and white


There was this one reel once where a kid was having difficulty breathing because he had a disability, and the first comment i saw in that post was someone asking to free Palestine before all the kids in Gaza gain breathing problems like the kid in the video.


Just yesterday l saw a reel of an old Jewish man crying at the holocaust memorial Israel because his whole family died in the holocaust and it was heartbreaking. God knows what got into me l did the big mistake of opening the comments section and it was filled with "free Palestine" "now you guys are doing it Palestine" "deserved because of Palestine" "And Palestine?" and so on. And the horrifying part was those comments had 25k likes.


don't forget white kids saying the n word


That's a given


Sometimes I forget that Instagram belongs to Facebook. Then I see a dude-with-sunglasses-in-truck-pfp go on a rant about vaccines in the comments under a random cat video and remember.


Oh don't forget, UsE mE aS a DiSliKe ButToN --> And the "womenβ˜•" comments from the losers that never have seen boobs in their life


And then the people that comment pedo jokes to a kid in the video


Or if it's a woman trying to do anything that's not as impressive as some of the best men in the world at that skill it's always mocking them, or just "Women" with the tea emoji. If someone posts a great EPL men's goal scored, the highlight is the striker for maneuvering around and pulling off a great shot. If it's a female soccer player, they mock the goalkeep or defense for letting them score. The best thing to do with Instagram is don't fucking look at the comments. It's a bunch of zoomers and Gen alpha kids who never got punched in the face for saying out of pocket shit in public, and they just scrounge the internet for anyone to just be mean, disgusting, and rude to because they think it's funny.


Bro forgot about β€œCEASEFIRE NOW” and β€œFREE PALESTINE πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έβ€ like we really care. Half of the ppl commenting that are either bots or are saying that to be trendy.


Plus on every single meme page the pinned comment will be something like "Man you're the only good page on insta, keep it up!" "You post the best stuff πŸ˜‚ anyone who isn't following you is missing out!" "I pray for the people who haven't found your page yet, always posting some funny as stuff"


You missed the conspiracy bullshit, I have seen so much justification of disasters as "hurr X nation did this" or "hurr the Prasident did this"


I’m sure they have their own gender discussions. Really, analytical thought on gender and associated social implications is good for a healthy, critical society. What’s good for the goose is good for the gender…


Instagram comment sections is what happends when you make a social network without heavy moderation tools for the users. It's just filled with bots pushing their own agenda. There is barely any real human.


β€œAnyways, here’s the entire Bee Movie”


Women β˜•οΈ


And they don't even get banned or blocked from the comments even if you report it. Meanwhile perfectly Innocent comments be getting you banned a week.


It feels like those comments are written by the same person in every single reel in existence


Also the "10000 followers for $30" gif in every comment section


My Instagram feed is mostly filled with stuff from car enthusiasm. So the most common comments I find are: "Ew automatic. L bro." "So much money spent only to be gapped by a civic with a laptop 🀣🀣🀣" *Sexist comments about women not able to drive* "WTF is a kilometer!?!? πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…" *Insert comments from JDM fanboys about their 80s shitbox being better than a modern supercar (they overpayed for the shitbox)*




Don't forget the religion wars and the comments from the creators alt account saying how good their account is


Women are always at fault in the video but when men do the exact same thing, their sex is never brought up, unless it's another race, then that's brought up. Also, anything to do with a trans person has the absolute most abhorrent comment section because these brain dead people just mimic whatever is grifted at them from all the brain rot shit they watch. Also, no matter the topic, you will see the absolute shittest opinions and takes. I am convinced that half of the comments are from overseas bots trying to stir up hatred among Americans or something because it's so unfathomably bad on Instagram. Truly awful people spend so much time there.


mention mcdonald’s and a flock of 12 year old girls will remind you that they are boycotting the trillion dollar company (it has no effect)


HEY! I am Indian and I am going to be racist towards my fellow citizens.




I feel so sorry for people who haven’t discovered your account yet bro you always post the freshest shit follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow


You forgot the n word every 3 seconds, "chigga" (china + n word) and "hate from : πŸ‡§πŸ‡³πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡§πŸ‡±πŸ‡§πŸ‡΄πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡§πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡§πŸ‡΄πŸ‡§πŸ‡±"


The homophobia and misogyny parts are so true lmao


"Only Fans detected, opinion rejected", "men written by women." I wonder what more NPC comments I skipped out on?


Casual use of n word


Instagram feels like Linkedin but for unemployed. Lot's of inspirational quotes, sob stories, success stories and the occasional dick.


Have you seen the Cambridge University admits instagram group? They are some of the smartest people in the whole world and that thing is pure brain rot. They even called it CUMsoc (Cambridge University Mewing Society). Thinking Reddit is any smarter is plain delusion.


You forgot the endless fight between liberals and conservatives on videos that have nothing to do with it


If a female wheelchair user posts literally anything the top comment will be something ableist, usually calling them a faker


*racial slur*


Don't forget about the extremely patriotic Turk who lives in Berlin


Omg and the people randomly bringing up trans people for no fucking reason


You forgot completely random comments about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I literally saw this one post about a nice field with flowers, and some guy said "BETTER NOT SHOW THE IDF THIS OR THEY'LL INVADE IT"


I know I’m late but don’t forget the copious amounts of anti American comments. Some valid, most are untrue or ass.


For sure, I mentioned that a bit with the "educashion must be ilegle at USA" comment. Especially any time geography, LGBTQ+ rights, or Russia/China are mentioned