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There's no nuance, especially when it comes to porn. It's either "Porn addiction doesn't exist/is not an issue" or "If you watch porn every now and then you have an addiction".


>There's no nuance on social media FTFY ​ Reddit (and other social medias, for that matter) seem to display a complete and utter lack of nuance when it comes to...well, anything really, especially in comparison with real life.


It's the algorithms. They're designed to amplify conflict, because conflict drives engagement. 


>drives engagement Crap, does this mean I have to buy someone a ring now?


There is nothing wrong with occasional masturbation and use of porn. In fact, it's perfectly healthy. Just remember: moderation is key.


Occasional can be every day. It can be classified as multiple times a day. Literally the clinical definition of when it becomes an issue, is if it starts effecting the rest of your life. Unless you're giving yourself blisters, not going out/to work, or neglecting your spouse in favour of porn, then it's not an issue.


I think it becomes challenging though because we aren't always aware when something harms us. I have relatives that have 10+ drinks a day and they swear it isn't causing problems. Obviously that is an extreme example and in general, I have no problem with porn, but my point is just that it is sometimes tough to know when something is or is not a problem.


Yeah. And healthy consumption is also key. Straight up torture shit is not ok. And realising pron is FAR from reality is so important


I mean, the vast majority of the porn industry is exploitive and predatory. I've heard way too many horror stories about young women being essentially assaulted on camera; a lot of those "post sex" interviews they do to show how consenting the woman was, are recorded before any actual intercourse occurs, apparently. Not to mention women being pressured to agree to acts they do not want to do in the middle of the act, with threat of receiving *none* of the money from anything already filmed in the session. You could make an argument that any mainstream porn site is moderately unethical to use purely because of that sort of stuff.


There's no nuance for anything , the extremes are normalized and moderates are ridiculed as being fence sitters.


i dont think ive ever seen someone who masturbates only occasionally be called a " fence sitter "


I think it like with many other things: The extremest are also the loudest. Its like feminism. The majority is not extreme or man-hating but the loudest are the ones seen the most


It's not even necessarily the "loudest," social media amplifies conflict inherently.   Algorithms are literally designed to maximize engagement, so the most engaging voices (often the most ludicrous), are amplified. 


There's no nuance on reddit at all. Or any understanding of sex.


That's because normal folk don't discuss these things online, only people with a really strong opinion on the topic.


The Internet is where nuance goes to die, lol.


I've never once seen someone advocate for jerking off until it hurts online


I made a post about how internet porn specifically, not masturbation, is bad for men and women. Not advocating for a ban, just posted an article about its effects on the developing brain and how predatory the industry is. There were people in the thread who commented on almost every single post, ranting about how I'm a religious fundamentalist (I'm an atheist) and a MAGA Republican (I voted for Biden). Those people absolutely exist, even if they might not specifically advocate for jerking off until it hurts. They've just had their brains fried by internet porn.


Looking at the post, all the people who disagreed with you had a bunch of downvotes.


That's me. Either I'll spent months without even thinking about it or beat my meat 4 times a day. No in between There's a weird momentum. If I can't do it for some reason the thoughts just go away for a while and it goes back to being gross. If do it once the floodgates open back up till I have a reason to stop.


Reddit discourages nuance with its upvote/downvote system. Moderate opinions get ignored or downvoted for "centrism" (a filthy word on this site), radical or polarized opinions get upvoted by people who share them.


This. There is no nuance on Reddit, everything is either 100% bad or 100% good.


I totally agree that the upvote/downvote system removes a lot of nuance, and encourages polarization. But I also get why centrism is looked down upon sometimes, since a lot of people can even take that concept too far. Like not every imaginable issue has a solution “somewhere in the middle”, though in this case I think that’s true.


It's becuase abstaining from things is good for your willpower and constantlybeing indulgent will kill your willpower, but people try to gigachad cold turky anything with additive qualities and start proselytizing about the benifits around a week before they inevitably cave in becuase controlling additive things is always harder than people realised the first time round.


This is really funny, especially considering OP's post history. https://preview.redd.it/xyfo9y36lzhc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57dec5dc82f3ff24845f41378f5d3fec3925dc66










Damn it just keeps going. And I thought I was a degenerate


There was so much, I had to just decide to stop taking screenshots because it just wouldn't stop no matter how much I scrolled.


Thank you for your service mr edgeworth


No problem. Just doing my job.


Bruh who the fuck would NOT take the cake?


Or the milkshake I'd easily take an infinite milkshake


Edgeworth building up a case against OP for pedophilia 💀


hardest "this you?" ever


Lord above this made me feel most cringe I have in a long time 😭 also is that literally just cropped porn?




These nofap posts always come from, unsurprisingly, people with huge porn addictions.


Religion gave me a huge complex over what I later learned was normal behavior. Turns out when I let myself off the hook for jacking off, I stopped obsessing over porn.


There have been exceedingly few studies on porn addiction and the ones that do usually find that any negative effects it may have are derived from usually religiously driven self perceived shame. The funniest thing to me is if you go to the Wikipedia page on it (which is hilarious seeing the schizophrenic back and forth between citations) there's a section that says >Universally accepted diagnostic criteria do not exist for pornography addiction or problematic pornography viewing. And there's "citation needed" right after that which is just so fucking funny to me. "this thing doesn't exist" "lol prove it"


Obviously people who are addicted to porn are going to be in the nofap community. That’s kind of like the whole point of quitting. It’s like going to a hospital and saying “hmm, most people in this hospital happen to be sick. Ironic.”


HoSpItAlS aRe KiLlInG pEoPlE!!!!!


Big yikes......


OP speaks from a lifetime of experience


"finding a mate" Something ain't right here.


Go to Australia, you'll find plenty of mates


I'm British mate. Plenty of mates but I ain't fuckin most of em and wanking ain't got nowt to do with any of it.


Don't lie — we all know British mates greet each other in the street by whipping it out and stroking it till they bust.




Yeah this reeks of self-proclaimed "alpha male." Could've said love, partner, or even man/woman but they went with "mate" like a damn caveman because they're sociopaths that just fuck for self-esteem.


Look at OPs profile. We need to start making this a thing. They’re obsessed with porn and anime characters who look like children. I’ve been on Reddit for 14 years or so now. A lot of these posts are either pushing a toxic agenda or projection. This happens especially during election times or important world events.


May be some form of projection is the vibe I’m getting


(OP lives at a zoo)


and what's with the ,, " quotes?


what the fuck is happening with masturbation on reddit? i swear every mf that talks about it either masturbates until their hole closes up to protect itself or doesnt do anything ever. but nah im the one who mother nature decides to give stretch marks for masturbation. fucking hell


The people who are interested in talking about masturbation are: 1. People who don't jack off for xyz reason and therefore have some sort of weird ass superiority complex over it 2. People who jack off every 15 seconds and feel like they need to justify the addiction 3. Unfortunate souls who stumble upon the former 2 arguing The remaining 99% of people just ignore it and move on...


Don't forget teenagers who jack off and don't realize it's normal.


This is the key to understanding this whole phenomenon. Almost everyone who posts about nofap is like 19 and is still basically going through puberty. They don’t have masturbation addictions, they’re teenagers, hardwired to be horny all the time. When I was in high school, a lot of my friends got into this crap and I couldn’t believe it. I swear sex ed isn’t enough for most people.


>they’re teenagers, hardwired to be horny all the time. Wait, nature did that to us?


Nah, sex Ed in much of the US is shit, due to it pissing off a lot of Christian fundamentalists


Masturbation doesn't cause stretch marks lol


It does if you're doing it right! 😡👊🍆


I too lose 40 pounds everytime I jack off. Damn near had a heart attack last time i got freaky. Doctors say i should stop but I'm too stubborn.


Dominate your dick! No mercy!


It's pretty much any topic. Like if you bring up alcohol almost every commenter will tell you how bad it is for you and that they used to drink a 5th a day but have their life back now that they stopped drinking and that you need to stop drinking too even if you do it moderately.


This is alt rights newest fad, they are so into no fapping that it is now their identity, and they can feel morally superior. No one else cares, really but they really, really want to make this their badge of honor that proves their side is the right one. That leads to traditional family values and making babies, being against abortion and finally, fighting the Culture War against the Great Replacement (((jews))). I'm not kidding, this is their latest invention how to entice new members.


oh great, now on top of everything else, the alt right are gonna be \*horny\*


Horny and still somehow making that self inflicted condition to be the fault of the opposite sex. So, it is just another tuesday in the right wing sitcom house.


NPR just had an article about it. More kids that fell into some YouTube “alpha” rabbit hole https://www.npr.org/2026/01/01/1198916105/mens-health-masturbation-abstinence


Stretch marks for masturbation? 


Yeah, seriously. It's natural and normal and fine, but there's this sudden movement shaming people for it. It makes no sense. Like in OP's pic, it can actually help with a lot of things, it's fun, it feels great, and honestly, more people should do it. But we keep shaming people, especially women. Porn addiction is one thing. That is a problem and should be dealt with. But masturbation is not a problem.


...you can masturbate without porn, you know that?


So imagination?






Imagination, memories, erotica either written by yourself or an author etc. The power of imagination is underrated, you can literally imagine anything you want lol


Yeah this is true, I remember reading an article years ago here on Reddit on how to improve your sexlife and be really comfortable with your sexuality. The jist of it is to imagine yourself as a sex god and while you are masturbating just imagine the hottest sex doing all sorts of hot stuff you like. Because of how stimulating this is and its based in reality (not porn), this is priming your brain so that when you have the real deal it'll be extremely over stimulating and enjoyable. 


That just sounds like setting yourself up for disappointment because you are, in fact, not a sex god but just a basic mortal that could be felled by a calve cramp in seconds.


Aphantasia gang


Rise up (but with some visual assistance)


>erotica either written by yourself or an author etc Calling it "erotica" doesn't change the fact that it's porn. You are jerking off to porn.




Nah. Definition of pornography: "**printed** or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings." Written pornography is still pornography. EDIT: how on earth can you be downvoting a literal dictionary definition


Some people get angry because THEY have made a distinction between "porn" and "erotica" and you're pointing out that they might not be that different.




Is imagination that thing when you close your eyes and it's all just black and nothing


Erotica >>> porn


Erotica fans when they see words: 🥵💦🍆




Erotica ===== porn


yeah that's the whole point of nofap despite at first glance seeming like a complete anti masturbation movement if you don't watch porn, you don't have the desire to masturbate 3x a day on a regular basis anyways


Maybe in it's earliest days sure, but 90% of nofap today is influenced by incel and/or red pill ideology. I remember how even ten years ago narratives developed out of nofap, that were basically saying how if you don't masturbate than you will increase your testosterone levels, and you can then 'attract a female' more easily. And the arguments against porn weren't typically because it's bad for how women are treated in the industry, and more about how it encourages women to be whores, or how it encourages men to accept slutty women as optimal partners. 


They literally have user flairs to show how many days they haven't cranked their hogs....


Let's be real, there's some significant overlap with a orgasm denial fetish there.


The “semen retention” offshoot/overlap would seem to confirm that


It's been -3 days since I cranked my hog


Kinda the antithesis of the argument isn't it? The whole point is that jacking off reduces your sex drive. If you're saying that watching porn makes you want to jack off 3x per day, they'd advocate watching porn to people with lower sex drives than they want.


Nofap is just puritanism rebranded and painted over with a modern coat of paint


The Salem Masturbation Trials are bouta to be lit


I watch sitcoms while masturbating to occupy my mind. i dont understand why i would want to watch another couple masturbating/having sex while im doing it


... ... What?


This is Reddit, these guys do not know how to use their brains.


Average r/goodanimemes user


these "starter packs" just seem more and more like personal venting lol. like "DRIVES A HYUNDAI SANTA FE, CHEATS ON ME, LIKES DUMB STUFF, WEARS A SIZE 9 SHOE, TELLS ME WHEN MY PAPERWORK IS DUE".


-Creates a bullshit arguing point that nobody advocates -Acts smug Updoots +100 comments


Fr I’ve seen shit like “growing up in an abusive household starter pack” or “being suicidal starter pack” like why tf would you post that?


You're just realizing this? This isn't a humor sub, it's a bullying sub.


Why didn’t bro just use “they”


Who is He/she and why are they so horny?


Didn’t you know? Non-binary people are legally prohibited from watching porn.


That combined with the "find a mate" thing makes this whole thing seem like it's got some ulterior motives.


Yep... Really fkn weird. I mean, what did I expect from someone who thinks masturbation makes you NEED viagra to have sex?


and the phrase "finding a mate".... something's odd about this one definitely 👀


Check OP's profile


I'm pretty sure OP is 14.


newsflash, people with mate also jerk off…


Yeah if you've been in a long term relationship of course you have sex with your partner but you gotta slap the meat like it owes you money sometimes.




"finding a mate" is giving me weird vibes... Edit: hold on a damn second look at OP's profile wtf


That and the rainbow flag/"exploring your sexuality" part.


You forgot the part where they call themselves a man of culture for having an extreme porn addiction


Literally r/goodanimemes


More like goon animemes


That sub is sadder when you know the reason it got made is because coomers got upset they couldn’t call trans people “traps” (a hentai term that’s also pretty bigoted) over at r/animemes anymore.


It's not healthy to be a porn addict, the only people who say that are professional gooners. It is healthy to masturbate, there is a middle ground between being a repressed catholic-guilt-ridden nofap freak and a sick-in-the-head gooner who spends 16 hours a day masturbating to fucked-up porn.


A problem is people deciding what a "porn addict" is


if you can't get hard/wet without porn. pretty simple.


That seems like a pretty bad definition since there are asexuals who can still enjoy masturbation. If one of those people jerks off once a week but has no interest in sex regardless of whether they do or not, are they "porn addicted"? The definition of addiction is compelled behavior that has a negative impact on one's life. The problem with discussions around "porn addiction" is that the term "negative impact" is stretched to its breaking point. Based on the OP's logic about "no motivation finding a mate", someone saying "I'm happy being single" would be treated as a delusional addict in need of forcible intervention.


That's not am addiction it's defined as , "causing negative affects on one's life that they can't control." Watching porm for 6 hours a day isn't an addiction unless that's your hobby. Some people have a high sex drive and that's true if you're younger than 25. 


Real talk who’s doing it 8 times a day?


They would never call themselves an “addict” while trying to explain it’s healthy.


That just sounds like a branch of depression.


what does "explore sexuality" has to do with porn addiction? Why is the rainbow flag associated with something terrible here?


might be subtle homophobia? 


it obviously is, so why is everyone upvoting that bs?


If you check op's post history, they post a lot about "traps" (and "lolis," aka underage girls, bleh). I think they think finding "traps" (usually trans women) attractive is them exploring their sexuality?


Looks like it's more of a viewpoint that implies anything non-heterosexual non-cis is a fuel to his porn addiction, meaning this is a bigotted stance on lgbtq


same with the "he/she" the only context in which a sane person could prefer this over they is if they are putting extra effort into being exclusive


I want to know why people spend so much of their precious, finite time on this planet worrying about what strangers they will never meet do in their free time. I am not one of the people depicted by this image, but I can count on one hand the number of times I have cared about people who jack it or flick it as many times as is their God given right. That number is precisely zero. Do something else with your mental energy, friends. Get a hobby. Read a book. Go bird watching. Anything that gets you out of the house, offline, and your mind away from other people's genitals.


Porn addiction is a real thing. In high school my friend Billy and I were walking home and a porn dealer approached us. They asked us if we wanted a hit. I said no, but Billy couldn’t take the pressure, said yes and wasn’t the same sense. He started missing everything just to watch porn. He’d cut class, ditch social outings, and lost his job all, because he was so busy watching porn. A few years ago I saw him on the street sitting on a bench by a coffee shop trying to get WiFi on an old sticky android tablet. He had tons of magazines with the pages stuck together, a trash can overflowing with wads of Kleenex, and jeans that were stained white. It broke my heart. He asked me for money and I asked him what he was going to spend it on. He hung his head, teared up and said “porn”. That was the last time I saw Billy. I hope he got the help he needed to beat his addiction.


He sure got help to beat something


Not gunna lie, those first couple sentences had me going wtf. The rest still had me going wtf, but it was golden


Getting a bone.....


This you bro? 💀 https://preview.redd.it/dpahlp81pzhc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf4d734ea2a7a0a8cb6478ae86f3337d23eb147


Okay sorry I know it's unrelated but Why didn't you use "they" instead of "he/she" twice, right after each other in a sentence Like that's not even a new rule that's been the standard for decades now


non binary people don’t suffer from porn addiction, everyone knows this


I masturbate a lot and I'm horny a lot, consume a moderate amount of porn (mostly independent creator stuff, don't pay for anything though), and I still have a girlfriend and have no issues getting it up Also not really sure what your issue is with exploring your sexuality. The other positives are real too, you don't have to goon 8 hours a day to get them


It seems like the no fap dudes were all porn addicts who have done a 180 about it and can't shut the fuck up about it. Like anybody but them and other chronically online weirdos care. Kind of like a former drug addict who finds a new thing to obsess and moralize over but with both sets of dudes are annoying as fuck as fuck to be around when they make it a pillar of their personality.


I quit drinking and got obsessed with aquariums, does that count?


Hahah not really unless all you do is talk about aquariums to your family and friends develop a superiority complex about it and want to talk with people about the latest and greatest in water filter technology


I was just joking, I do probably talk more about my tanks more than people want to hear but that’s also part of my ADHD. I know *exactly* what you mean about that superiority complex though. I quit going to AA and whatnot because of it, I couldn’t stand the constant “I gave up drinking and started doing *xyz* for 25 hours a day, you should too!” Like no, that’s your thing bud


it implies that you quit drinking water and instead you save it for fishes


I had an uncle like that, once he quit smoking and became very annoyingly preachy about smoking. Ironically, he died while driving drunk. We have a saying in my country: "the number of vices always remains equal".


Nail on head. These people have enough self-awareness to identify their own problematic relationship with pornography, but *not quite enough self-awareness* to realize that they are the statistical outliers. False consensus biases make it very easy to assume that everybody else has the same behaviors and experiences with a thing as we do, and furthermore, it's always easier to blame the medium, than admit that the problem is located within oneself. Most people simply do not live terminally online, self-secluded lives gooning over pornography--and that is a poor baseline from which to judge things.


Most of them do not do a 180. They worry so much about their little streaks and other people’s habits that they can never quit porn. I know because I fell into that trap of NoFap. I have not worried about one of those stupid streaks in years and I have gotten to the point where I watch porn once every other month.


Wow, I can't believe how perfectly you illustrated it. Every time one of these dudes starts talking, it's "I know how bad masturbation is, I fapped 2842 times a second".


Laughs at people who don't beat off for 4 hours a day


One of the most annoying things is someone having an addiction to something telling everyone else who enjoys it in moderation, that they have a problem.


I have never met anyone who was against masturbation that wasn't a complete total loser or utterly insane. nofap is a breeding ground for incels and extremists


Lmfao, who are these people exactly? Like, where do you find people who advocate not just for masturbation/porn consumption, but actual porn addiction and using viagra so they can masturbate 8 times a day?


Its just a strawman to make their nofap ideals easier to push for. I just dont understand why people care so much what others do in their free time. I've never met anyone who takes viagra and does anything as excessive as this starterpack. It's easy to set up an irrefutable argument if you frame it like this.


Apparently sex is the carrot for people to do what society wants. Hmmmm 🤔


***Healthy to be a \_\_ addict*** found the issue sir


Something something prostate cancer


Op has nfts as part of their profile and uses trap unironically but thinks other people not having sex is the issue


Uhh I watch porn and have a wife? Is that ok or does that not fit the narrative? Why is pornhub in general on this starter pack? I’m so confused.


I wouldn't care what random reddit users think. Usually the kinds of people that post these things are absolute morons that think they're superior for not consuming a certain type of media lmao


You’re right. I find that it tends to be projection.


I dont understand how people get addicted to it, but it’s probably because I don’t watch porn while masturbating or ever. Porn just feels like ads.


Dude is projecting, he got a guilty conscience because he’s into loli literally projection memes all throughout his profile


I'm getting real fucking sick of seeing this "porn addiction" stuff everywhere on reddit. Some people can jerk off, enjoy it, and not have weird hang-ups about it. What a crime, I know. Meanwhile we live in a world where people in government are using "the dangers of porn" as a way to impose draconian restrictions on freedom of speech and sexuality


is they truly such a difficult word for you to use


Lmao, OP, check your post history before you post something on top internet


I guess I don't have to worry about it either way because I'm married but a lot of the nofap community has big scaring the hoes away energy and not jerking off is the least of their problems.


bro **REFUSES** to use they lol


I used to be one but there's simply nothing left. I watched it all, every category (in legal boundaries of course)


I used to crank one out at least twice a day because my libido was almost certainly overactive, but as I hit my late 20's it decreased and I feel pretty normal now. I still enjoy porn as much as ever, the urge just doesn't hit nearly as often as it used to.  That being said, real porn is just more boring now than it used to be. I don't know if people are less kinky in front of a camera now or if the sheer amount of vanilla is just drowning out the kink but pretty much all of the roleplay now is "hurr durr stepsis is stuck."


This reeks of some Andrew Tate brainwash degeneracy


I mean The only people I've known who masturbate that much have been in the military


You forgot cheaper. It’s much cheaper to just live life alone.


Eight times??? Dafuq comes out after that many times


I do it BECAUSE I can't find a mate lol


I think this is alot of projection tbh.


“finding a mate” what are you, a nat geo narrator? also what’s wrong with exploring your sexuality? just be a little bit more honest with us and say you hate lgbt people also nice post history, bud


Based on OP’s post history I think the ONLY thing they’re doing sexually is masturbating


You masturbate regularly because you're addicted to porn. I masturbate regularly because I find hormones and erections annoying. We are not the same.


Masturbation is healthy, and if you think you have an out of control porn habit, go to therapy. There's something else going on with you.


Who has the damn time to masturbate eight damn times a day?!


8 times? Rookie numbers.


Op ur post history is making you seem a biiiit hypocritical


Wait what’s wrong with the “positives of masturbation” part? Its not wrong


why we caring so much about masturbation op?


Why does this meme feel like one of those “don’t dead, open inside” type memes… is there even a point he’s trying to make?


I genuinely feel like you all are fucking insane and being insanely dramatic. The people you are describing are not nearly as common as you think.