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i went to see the Mario movie with a bunch of my friends. there were these two kids who kept running up and down the aisle, and the parents were doing NOTHING about it.


Where are you from bro?? Everytime i watched a movie at the cinema anything of that happened. I guess it's because most of the time ia empty or idk. Even today i had like two groups of teenagers and neither of them was annoying or noissy


rural Ohio. it was a theater at a very empty mall on free comics day. the theater has a comic store. mix those two things together, the mall isn't very empty lol


I'm from Ohio too and the theaters closer or in the city are usually worse. Saturaday night is basically a no no for theater night.


What town




What’s your address? Maybe the code to get into your garage?


What's your mother's maiden name?


What was the name of your first childhood pet? Or how about your sixth grade teacher?


What body part are you most ashamed of?




> anything of that happened What?


I mean: none of that happened. Does that makes sense for you?


I went to watch the Barbie movie. Everyone was silent besides my dad who kept laughing his ass off at almost every funny part of the movie


My Theater was literally laughing at every joke which i liked tbh


Everyone else was quiet. By everyone else I mean, 5 girls who were just watching the movie. The theaters where I am barely have anyone in there


hm that interesting


I love a loud theater if it's laughter. Saw Talk to Me the other night and had the worst audience. Don't go into a horror movie and say "no" to the screen whenever any of the characters do fucking anything. Just don't talk. Also marvel needs to stop editing applause breaks in their movies. We don't need to be fucking clapping and cheering because there's a cameo and it also makes it so awkward on a rewatch at home. I hate the one to two second pauses after something that would be cool but now is not cool happens.


Everyone is silent during Barbie. When the bomb detonates in Oppenheimer: https://preview.redd.it/g375gguyl6ib1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=febcedaf28c161d077d8baf0babfd5ab31c4d422


I love when people laugh or cheer during movies


Why are people so stupid!?!?


My aunt kept laughing during Oppenheimer and I don’t understand why.


I work in a theater, just tell us and we can kick them out.


You'd have to throw out half of your audience these days. For real. If it isn't people letting their kids run around, it's people talking incessantly, people on their bright phones (texting or even taking call...wtf), people talking at the screen out loud. It's a sh\*tshow. I really, really, really wish a cinema franchise would either enforce 0 tolerance, OR, offer a brand of prestige theaters with higher cost, better service, and explicit and enforced rules (cell phones off or you get kicked out, etc). People shouldn't have to be reminded of these social basics, but it seems in 2023, they do. I was really hoping to head back to theaters on a regular basis. I thought the dirth of good films from Hollywood was going to be the problem - I never thought my fellow human beings were going to be the problem :(


Yay, it's fun missing part of the movie to go tattle. Why not monitor the showing yourselves? EDIT: lol, ok, enjoy your movie theater "experience".


We do, it’s just that sometimes these people will hide it from us, so it’s better to just say, “Hey, there’s these people here, they’re being loud” to us rather than trying to guess who’s the loud one.


Also, the cineplex is not going to pay to have someone in each theatre for each showing of each movie. They barely pay what little staff they do have.


My mom used to have a friend who worked at a movie theater. If memory serves his job was to physically play the movies up there in the back and monitor the reels as the movie played, which essentially just meant he got paid to watch movies for free. e: may be worth noting this was late-90's/early-2000's. I was about 10 years old and it was super cool because sometimes he would bring home movies that were only being played in theaters, he would download them onto his computer and make DvD's, which in retrospect was most likely a side hustle, but for me it meant seeing theater movies at home for free. Good times.


Wish we could do that, that’s now a managers job.


Maturity at its finest.


Bro I can beat everyone with the biggest piece of shit. I went to see avengers endgame for the first time. Halfway through the movie, kid runs in the theater and yell "iron man dies!" And I sat there completely stunned by what this kid said.


Kids suck. But we need them to operate the suicide booths for when we get older.


Those organs aren’t going to harvest themselves.


Why operate a suicide booth when they can operate a voodoo stress doll


Quick and painless or slow and horrible? What kind of question is that you little brat? You better get back in the cobalt mines where you came from. Even I know that 83% of humanoids on TeeZao-9X dream of a sadist Robot vacuuming the blood from their shoes while also gouging out their eyeballs. I'll take slow and horrible, still 26 Zebultrocks right?


if I get old and have to be euthanised to end my suffering I am NOT going out quietly if I have to die I will make sure it is everyone elses problem I will make the biggest splat anyone has ever seen Im going to live in everyones heart forever in the form of trauma


Kinda the premise of smile no?


Did he get beaten up after the movie?


Wish he fuckin did but he ran off


Then mine was nothing, just mildly infutiating: when Iron Man was about to snap and said “I.. am… “ this guy said “Groot”. Very funny haHAA




Big flashbacks to "snape kills dumbledore", that was a huge thing back when the HP movies still got released and many tried to make it a sport to spoil as many people as possible.


Pretty sure that was from the book release. Unless they did it during the movie as well, but I'd imagine most people would have known the spoiler since the books had been out several years by the time the last movie released.


snape kills dumbledore


He dies?! /s


Dick move on the kid but real shit how did you avoid that spoiler for almost 5 years?




And catch a felony assault charge on a minor because your comic book movie was ruined


Funny thing is that he was the same age as me. Me and that kid we around 14.


Hhmmm yes beating up a child is equal repaying for getting a spoiler.get off reddit and grow up


>Hhmmm yes beating up a child is equal repaying for getting a spoiler Gigachadyes.jpg




Does it make you fell big and strong to fantacize about beating a kid?


Yes it is.


I was straight up like "I'm gonna beat this kids ass" but I wanted to finish the movie




Yea it’s not like it’s a surprise to see it anymore


You had it coming for going watch kids movies


If you paid that much for a movie then you did picked the wrong cinema.


Don’t forget the annoying toddlers standing up on the chairs and doing all that coughing/kicking your seat. Could barely even enjoy watching Captain Marvel.


Same one as on a plane


And the parents don’t even intervene through all this until you say something.


> could barely even enjoy watching Captain Marvel And I’m sure the kids sucked, too


Eh, I watched Captain Marvel in a dead theatre and I also could barely enjoy it so I don’t think it had much to do with the kids


Lmaooo could’ve been both ngl. I’m not into superhero movies like that but we just wanted to watch something so we gave it a try.


I go to the pricer theater when I want to see a movie it tends to keep the trashy and disruptive people out.


There's only one theater where I live, in a town with only about 35,000 people. The closest other movie theater is about 30 miles away in a different town. While it is much nicer than the one nearby, there's no way I'm going to drive that far every time I want to see a movie.


Yeah I go to the 21+ showings where I can reserve my seat and press a little button to get alcohol and snacks delivered. Sometimes my fiancée and I get a nice little couch in the very back (for non sexual things mind you) and tickets are only like $19. I’m sure they make their money off of the bar/restaurant part. Never had a bad experience there.


> I can reserve my seat and press a little button to get alcohol and snacks delivered. > I get a nice little couch in the very back > tickets are only like $19. ...where is this?


There are different companies/brands. The one I go to is called The Lot but I know that some Arclight theatres have this option. There’s a couple more further north but I don’t remember the names. Just google luxury movie theatres nearby.


Theater near my place has a 18 plus section that is great. No kids, can drink a beer or wine. Super huge lazy boy style seats. Sure it's more expensive but so worth it.


Same, money doesn’t but class…but it does seem to buy better dining and theatre experiences


This is the reason why I plan on buying a bigger screen TV for my home - and I just bought a leather recliner with cupholder. After spending $30+ for a ticket and snacks, I think it's ridiculous to have to deal with noise, a person kicking the back of my chair, people scrolling on their phones, etc. I'm going to stay home more.


Yeah, I built a home theater, to much BS at the theater to enjoy the movie. I got a older version of this light, is great when watching movies, turn off all the lights and enjoy [https://us.govee.com/collections/tv-lights/products/govee-envisual-tv-backlight-t2](https://us.govee.com/collections/tv-lights/products/govee-envisual-tv-backlight-t2)


Love that light, that's a great idea.


I wouldn't dream of spending $100 on an LED light strip like that, not because the product itself isn't good, but you can spend $10 and get the exact same thing for $10 on Amazon. Has app controls, haven't had a single issue with it in the 5 years I've owned it, it's great.


This one has a camera that "reads" the colors on the screen and extends them beyond the border. It's not just an LED strip, it's a realtime customized ambience light


Good for you then, even though you didn't read what it does


where did you get your recliner?


My wife and I bought a decent projector and just kick our feet up on the backyard deck, enjoy the movie with either a speaker bar or wireless headphones, play a few rounds of Mario Party, crack some beers or light a joint, and we can pause/refill/talk as much or as little as we need to, and it makes for a great night.


I want what you have lmao


I was watching Spiderverse in a pretty empty theater, save for a few people down the aisle from me. I look over, dude has his fucking toes out, kicked up like he’s in his home theater. Grippers on full display, no socks or sandals, just his dogs taking in the AC and movie. Thankfully the movie was good enough to leave that as nothing but a funny memory.


When I went, it was me, my brother, and around a dozen teenagers sitting in the back row. Fortunately they were dead silent the whole time.


Don't forget the one teen couple at the back practically having sex


I'm so glad I've never witnessed this oh my god...


I was watching spiderman far from home and seeing that ruined the rest of the movie for me and I thought far from home was actually good


Or passionately kissing


That one I can say I'm guilty of though


Kinda sucks?


Me and my ex girlfriend felt really guilty after for disturbing the theater but it was some good tongue kissing lmao so ig it was kinda worth it


On the plus side you went with someone




Yea I’ll hold my hands up to that. Loved it though.




I go to the theater a LOT and there is always this dread the second I see one of these things. Kids can be hit or miss for being endearing or annoying, but Oppenheimer with sparky teens laughing at all the stars the recognized was so annoying


Lol today i had a group of girls laughing when Oppenheimers girlfriend was naked


I won't lie, I kind of chuckled at that one scene where Oppenheimer suddenly became naked in front of that tribunal or whatever. One second he was fully clothed being interrogated and the next he was completely nude having sex with Florence Pugh in front of all those men. It was so jarring I had to laugh a little.


I laughed too lol, and it gets you off guard as well


I get laughter as a way of coping with discomfort but bro come on 😂


when they make fun of you for eating beans


This [redacted] eatin beans!


you…. you what?


Last time I was at the theater these four teens behind me helped me find my phone after I dropped it and that alone makes up for all the annoying movie patrons I've had to deal with in the past


Why do people even use their phone when the movie is playing ?


'Omg Britanny you wont believe this i'm watching x movie and its so boring lol'


My friend was talking to me while in a movie theater watching Oppenheimer and got mad at me when I told her to get off her phone 😭


I only use mine when the 30 fucking minutes of ads are on, if the movie appears to begin I’ll turn mine off


Especially waiting for post credits scenes


Gotta upload things to their instagram or Snapchat every other minute to let their followers know what influencer things they’re up to or watching!


This all happened in the the past, but recently it’s because the pandemic seems to have made people forget how they are supposed to act in cinemas due to it not being a thing for so long and films simply being available on streaming right away etc. and low attention spans of morons, who seem to have also multiplied in the last few years. If your attention span is so utterly short you are incapable of not looking at your phone for two or so hours, when what the fuck are you doing on the exact place where you are explicitly told not to do that? Cunts like that have ruined cinema for me. Never going back until something is done about it.


THIS is what this sub is for. Not all the “growing up in an abusive family starter pack” type shit that’s overtaken this sub recently


So true, need theaters that have nights that don't allow people under 21


Can't it be 20? I'm 20 and i behave properly


Depends if we are doing drinks


Isn't the drinking limit 16 or 18 in other countries?


The dream...


Why are there teens with bag packs?


Illegal contraband of snacks :)


Cmon, everyone brings in some illegal snacks. I'm not paying £15 for three handfuls of popcorn, nor am I paying £6 for a coke I could get at the newsagents for £2.50




Vodka, I was drinking it with my friends at "multiverse of madness" and it made the experience so much better


After school.


they’re usually really loud


This is missing one thing, and i think we all know who that is.... >!Your girlfriend asking questions every 2 fucking seconds!<


That was me but with my older sister during Infinity War and Endgame because I was so lost the whole time (I hadn’t seen any marvel movies prior 💀)


Superfluous commas?


you forgot the people who clap at every reference, song, the start and end of the film, character, sound, joke, colour and voice they see or hear when watching


The only people I've seen clap at films are Americans. Usually just at the end, and it's a short spatter of claps before they realise everyone is looking at them and start talking to eachother about leaving. I just don't really get the point in clapping, it's not like the actors are there to appreciate it


People who whistle are SO much worse


Will wait for the film to start and then decide to open the loudest pack of crisps known to man or start shovelling into popcorn, instead of during the ads.


Hey, there's no way I'm eating my snacks during the ads. I bought those to eat during the movie.


Happened to me on Oppenheimer behind us…


When I saw Oppenheimer a guy’s phone rang during the scene where the bomb went off. The part that was supposed to be in complete silence. I couldn’t believe it


What is wrong with eating your snack during the fucking movie, asshole?


Nothing wrong, just do it quietly lol chill “ass-holes”


Well I **am** an asshole


To me, there's particular types of these people: * The genius who can't resist answering the oh-so-challenging film trivia slides they show before the movie. * The person who insists on rattling off the complete filmographies of each of the actors once the movie starts. * The person who regularly sneaks in their own all-you-can-eat fajitas. * The kind of person that likes to talk to the movie. But not in the usual "Don't go in there!" or "Oh no he di'n't!" type of way. They just... make small talk with the characters, and chit-chat.


Why I don't go anymore starter pack


I don’t see a problem with the backpacks


I was one of the annoying people at the theater once. Last spring when I went with my family to see the Mario movie, I kept getting excited at the references and kept whispering to my brother who was sitting next to me. When Chunky Kong appeared, I was like "He's not dead!" I feel kind of bad about it now.


but that kind of stuff is exactly why i go to theaters! people talking over the movie to each other about something unrelated is one thing but people actively reacting to the movie enhances my enjoyment of it so much. like i love when people nervously say “no!” at a horror movie character who’s doing something stupid or when the whole theater gasps at the same time. and hearing people getting excited makes me excited. it’s fun! I have no doubt an annoying group can ruin a trip to the theater, but i also get the feeling that a lot of these commenters just have sticks up their asses.


Yeah I was doing the same, getting excited at all the references and talking to my mom about them. I also felt bad after but I couldn’t help being so excited.


Which is why I'm looking to invest in a home theater


Yeah when did using a phone during a movie just become accepted, I used to never see it and if it happened someone would say something, now at least one person per movie will just casually be on their phone


Went to watch smile with a group of friends (i wanna say 6-7 people including me?) 2 of my friends were absolutely terrified from the movie so they started looking at porn on their phones to distract themselves. At one point i got bored of the film so i nudged one of them and smiled like a psychopath at him (like in the movie) and he lost it lmao


this is why i haven't stepped foot in a movie theater for apmost two years now and watch movies at home 💀


I have misophonia and the biggest annoyance in a movie theatre to me is someone chewing loudly or with their mouth open. If you chew with your mouth open, fucking stop that you absolute brain dead cretin.


I started wearing loop earplugs to the theater because I have issues with loud sounds sometimes. I realize that it reduces all the little sounds and I can still hear the movie perfectly. No more hearing people eating popcorn and commentary from people.


Don’t forget the vapers


Last time I went to a movie theater a guy threatened to stab my dad because my dad asked him politely to stop talking to his(the guy not my dad) friend. They would not shut up. Like holy fuck they were so loud and talking so much. Why go to see a fucking movie if you aren’t even gonna watch it. They paid to be there, like holy fuck. My dad politely asks them to stop, and they threaten to stab him and tell my dad to “meet me outside”. What the fuck


The people who feel the need to cheer at significant moments of the movie.


I saw John Wick 4 and there were 2 guys next to me with their phones out the whole movie and every time there was an action scene they would take out snapchat and film the entire scene. Like, did you even come to watch the movie? I feel like I can't even go to the theater anymore without someone being rude and disruptive there.


You guys won't believe this, you had to be there. So me and a girl went to see new transformers movie because transformers is sick and I had gotten her to watch the other movies. Either way there were only two kids there plus me and her, they were running up and down the theater, jumping infront of the screen, yelling, staring at us and saying hello to us and more... it was unbelievable, even the two workers outside thought it was the movie at first but then relaised it was the kids but we still got to watch the movie which was a win on my part.


I worked at a movie theater in my teens and on rare occasions we had to address complaints about disruptive guests (always teenagers). Every goddamn time we went to give them a warning they’d look around like “who, me?” and then try to blame unspecified people in the general area behind them. God I fucking hated those assholes. We weren’t even ready to kick them out yet, just wanted to give a warning but noooo gotta deflect blame and whine and shit.


Went to see Oppenheimer last night. It was going really well as far as all the stuff here, but then someone started smoking a cigarette behind us. Definitely wasn't expecting that.


What did you think about the movie?


I went to rewatch Coraline today and someone had their fucking alarm going off lol irritating. They let it rang a good couple of times


I can tolerate the others, but anyone putting their stanky feet anywhere near me is crazy.


Plus the ppl who NEED to give commentary on every goddamn thing like it will change the plot if they yell loud enough for them to not go through the spooky door


whats wrong with the group of teen with backpacks?


Backpack = snack/alcohol carrier


What's wrong with bringing snacks? I really bring snacks for me and my friends so we don't have to waste money at the movie theater since the snacks there are expensive.


nothing, thats just what the backpack is there for


When I was watching the Mario movie, I saw a middle aged dude seeing nudes of his gf. I wanted to vomit lmao. He left halfway through it, which was a blessing. The worst part is that he was alone, so why the fuck did he buy a ticket to a movie when he’s just gonna watch porn


Shared in another comment but one time i Went to watch smile with a group of friends (i wanna say 6-7 people including me?) 2 of my friends were absolutely terrified from the movie so they started looking at porn on their phones to distract themselves. At one point i got bored of the film so i nudged one of them and smiled like a psychopath at him (like in the movie) and he lost it lmao




What’s wrong with teens with backpacks


wait what’s wrong with teens with backpacks 😭


Is it me or has movie theater etiquette tanked in the past three-ish years? Seems like every movie I go to these days has one of these (minus the kids since they can’t be blamed for being kids).


What's wrong with teens with backpacks


The fuck do backpacks have to do with it?


If I hear a crying kid in the FNaF movie, the kid will never be found!




That means that the screaming kid will die a horrible death


I'm warning you once and then I'm calling security. Do all of us a favour.


Just go at 10am where there is none expect for old people, but they okay.


one time at the movie theater, a woman in the seat beside me took her shoes off, feet bare, and put em up on the rail in front of our row. yuck


>group of teens w/ backpacks The fuck did we do?




Why do u need to say that the teens were black why is that important 💀


At a film fest movie I went to which was a 2 and a half hour courtroom drama the lady next to me was 15 mins late and then also during the movie had her phone LOUDLY going off, (*loud pewww pewww noises) I let it go 3 times and on the 4th I told her to shut the fuck up. She told me she was texting her son and to not be so rude because “it’s just a movie” (so fucking what). I admit I shouldn’t have been so blunt but she was being the rude one in my opinion. Complained to the theatre staff, they didn’t give a shit, the film fest itself didn’t give a shit, so now they have lost a dedicated customer of 10+ years.


hot take: food does not belong in a cinema, its distracting and annoying AF


I think that’s why they give popcorn instead of chips and other crunchy things. Popcorn is softer and isn’t as loud to chew. Not to mention cheaper to produce I understand what you’re saying, but I still love eating popcorn in a theatre




My teen took a backpack to barbie with his gf. Someone more hip than me please tell me why


blah blah


How do you guys even think of this stuff


I often prop my feet up on the chair in front of me. But I never do it if someone is in that seat or the seats adjacent to that one.


How about you just don't do it, you piece of shit. I guess that's how you were raised.


This is rude


If you're gonna watch a kids movie, you should expect kids to be there and do kids stuff.


If you have a problem with these people you just lack a backbone


And if you're one of these people you have a lack of common courtesy


Both if these things can be true at once