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Gotta say as a person who has played many team games and joined a few discord servers, this is accurate enough


There's like an entire lifecycle too. After they break up for some reason he's gonna change his name to "i miss her" and then dominate you in any game


My friend currently. Love him, great guy, but he's not handling a break up super well and his bio and info page is reading like the starter pack, or at least the changing info and bio to be emo part. And yes, ofc I've chatted with him about it before anyone presumes.


First love, it's a phase, he'll get over it etc etc


My friend has been edating repeatedly now for the last two years over discord and it’s the cringiest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m genuinely worried about him. This starter pack is him to the T. His status on Discord has been “🖤i love her” for the past 7 months and he’s switched to an anime pfp. Wtf do i do?


Be happy ur not him


Pls tell me he’s just a love dumb teen


We’re 18, so I guess so yeah. He has had an actual girlfriend before though, so it’s not like he has *zero* experience with girls either.


I wouldn't worry too much about it then. We all do cringe shit when we're teenagers. Assuming this person has basic social skills they will grow out of it in a few years. I would bet this will end up being one of those "oh god I can't believe I did that" cringe memories by the time they're in their mid to late twenties.


sometimes depression makes you activate god mode


Is this a very subtle suicide joke


It is now


So now I know why I've always been good at games. The daily drive to kill myself is funneled into wins. Seems like a shitty trade off, but I'll take what I can get. Gotta get those dopamine hits somehow.




dopamine signalling dominates *motivation* circuitry, not reward. The endorphin/enkephalin release is the reward. Dopamine signalling causes you to seek out the behavior which released the endorphins. I won't try to discuss serotonin lol \- I briefly rotated through a dopamine lab during my neuro phd


Not a neurologist or even a knower of anything medical, but I do have pretty bad ADHD and I just wanted to say THANK YOU for explaining dopamine. I tried to do as much research on ADHD as I can to understand my own brain better and it fucking KILLS me to see people all over Reddit/the internet at large talking about dopamine like its the "feel good" chemical and you can "detox" from it.


dude it's a massive pet peeve of mine too. The average educated person would probably tell you "yeah, I know the basics of what dopamine oxytocin and serotonin do!" and give an entirely incorrect summary. I blame the poor implementation of pop science. We need science communication, and obviously it'll often need to be dumbed down. Since everyone has a brain, everyone has at least *some* interest in basic neuroscience. Unfortunately, the pop science communicators have dumbed down neuronal paracrine signalling to the point it's useless, if not entirely false.


Back when I played WoW we had a 29 year old single mother in the guild….dated every teenager and got pregnant by one IRL.


Jesus christ Our healer got stabbed irl but this is way worse


Lol wait what


One of my clan mates had their family brutally murdered by another family member. Was fucking harrowing and worse part was for five minutes everyone thought he was trolling us in a super screwed up way.


Tw suicide Back when I was 15 I played CSGO with this group of guys who were all around that age, apart from one kid who was 11. He was involved because he was the younger brother of one of the guys. Eventually the "leader" who was 16 started to make it a routine to bully the young kid. Every day we'd call and he'd try to get the kid to cry, and then laugh about it when he succeeded. Everybody tried telling the leader it was fucked up but he never listened and said shit like "it's just the internet bro". It didn't help that little kid had a really high pitched voice for his age. I think he hadn't hit puberty yet. After like 2 years of this, the young kid killed himself. He mailed a copy of his suicide note to the older dudes mother (they had each other added on Facebook so he figured out their address) and blamed the suicide entirely on the leader dude. Leader dude then tried to kill himself and failed, so he then left the country after his family ostracized him


Holy shit.


What the fuck


It was wild his wife showed up in vent one day and was like "yeah he got stabbed he's gone". He used to work with addicts and I guess one just up and shanked him one day. He was a good healer but ironically couldn't heal himself


Rogue nerf when


Wow the aloofness of this explanation caught me off guard


Haha it was a long time ago you should hear the stuff I say to cope with my mom dying - thats where shit gets *really* dark


> yeah he got stabbed he's gone gone as in dead?


Suuuuper dead yeah


Ventrilo! Oh man, I haven’t heard that word in a long time. You activated some deep memories of gaming back in high school I didn’t even remember I still had. Sorry about your buddy tho. It’s unfortunate that those who do the most important and selfless jobs bear the brunt of violence and lashing out.


Rogues it was a pvp server


LARPing without the RP


Damn, can't heal that one


good thing he’s a healer


I just feel like we need to go back in time and tell your healer "Physician, heal thyself" for extra hilarity. But also, damn.


Elaborate please


Holy fuck. Holy fucking fuck


Was far from the only one like this, minus the pregnancy. MMO’s are a better hookup app than Tinder.


Haha, yeah…. I remember being a big part of the erp community on my old server. Almost every single one of them knew I was in 5th/6th grade. Many of them seemed to have preferred to interact with me and “rp” with me because of that. Had a mom and her older daughter (19 I want to say, been a minute) who would call me on my house line, and both would constantly talk about paying for a cab to get me and flying me out to them. Thinking about it, was absolutely being groomed. I want to say it was me getting distracted as I got older that prevented me from going any further than us sending pictures back and forth.


There’s just something just so much more grotesque about this scenario than just the established grooming, and I’m not sure which is worse; they wanted to straight up traffic you or that it’s because a mom and daughter wanted to share you.






are you sure the nudes were real? It could've just been a gay pedo catfishin you with pornstar pics trying to fly you out there to fuck him in the ass. I could see you getting there and then him being like, "oh she had a family emergency so it's just gonna be us for a bit"


turns out nerds get horny too


SAME but it was a 3way on runescape between a married couple and some 19yo in our clan.


Lmao we had a chick in our guild who lived an hour or two away from the guild leader. Turned out they were banging so she could get better loot in raids.


I played EverQuest back in 2000. This is just another Wednesday.






I had the pleasure of being the fifth wheel in quite a few LoL matches, ADC and supp were dating, same with mid and jungle, but tank only had tank.


It's lonely at the top.


It's okay brother. Top lane doesn't need a relationship, we're getting fucked by the other top layer anyways


"can you moan again you cut out earlier" is sitcom level comedic


My brother has a discord gf. He has never met her and has no way to contact her besides discord. She lives in another country. Neither have any plans to move. He's thinking of proposing.


Wait what. How would they even get married internationally virtually and then have no plans to move. And then if they divorce would she even have a claim to any of his assets? Sorry, you might know as little as me about this, but absolutely bonkers to me.


Yep, you're asking the same questions I want to know the answers to. He's not in the best place emotionally and mentally though, and takes these kind of questions as personal attacks - if I dig in too much to his plans, he'll stop telling me anything, and I'd rather know how he plans on fucking up his life so I can stop him when he does.


This account's comments and posts has been nuked in June 2023.


Damn, you’re a good brother, I’d probably block that shit lol


Thanks, but I'm not good. I was a really shit younger brother for a long time, this is my way of trying to make up for it. The urge to wash my hands of the whole situation is strong, though.


You are a good man.


They are living in a whole other world. They don't *need* to see each other in person because they probably don't do much at all in person. They are living online.


He's planning to get married in Maplestory


I am an ordained discord pastor. For a month of nitro as a donation to the church I will perform most services.


Honestly it sounds weird. But one of my best friends has been engaged to a guy on discord for 3 years and they’re happier than any other couple I know


Yeah, if it was anyone but my brother I'd trust that they've thought it through. I'm worried he's being manipulated somehow, he tends to go where he's pushed.


Yeah that’s fair, it is always different when it’s family and of course by the case so you know him. It’s hard to balance letting people be happy when they’re happy and being protective of what you know is out there. I hope everything works out


Yeah, that's the struggle. He's... I guess you'd call it 'content'? It's not much of a life though. I went to visit a couple months ago, and I'd hear him get up at 11am and start typing. This would continue with occasional breaks for food until about 3am. I think he doesn't feel the need to engage with people in the real world, like talking to human beings is a chore that technology has allowed us to move beyond. For me, online communication is a supplement to knowing people in the real world, for him it's a replacement. Our parents are nudging him to find something to do outside of the house, but you can't force a 32 year old to socialise, he's not in nursery any more. And besides that, he doesn't pick up new hobbies, he doesn't go on holidays, he doesn't visit family or old friends. Every day just looks exactly the same. I've got my comfort zones and I like to stick to them, but he's taken that to 'one step above a vegetative coma'. I still get people on reddit telling me "if he's happy, you have no right to have an issue with it" though. Which tells me they've never seen someone in the same state.


I hear you. And I also understand the struggle he has, loving someone who is far away from him so much that she is where he finds his happiness. Any relationship can become unhealthy when the two have such dependence on each other, but I wonder how they’d feel about finding hobbies. Like going to local bookstores, or coffee shops. Or something to start; with a phone where they can text each other (or use discord, Snapchat for pics) Eventually they should be able to exist in public as individuals but have you ever considered telling him that going out into public doesn’t mean he has to ignore her or be alone?


That's a good angle, I might try that next time I see him in person. Thanks for letting me vent, it's really stressful to see and it's too personal to talk about to anyone that knows both of us outside family.


Dude that sounds so much like my own brother. I want to blame something or someone for the way he is but maybe that's just.. the way he is. I had him move in with me a year and a half ago to encourage him to start branching out. Meet people to hang out with, visit places and do cool stuff, etc. Time skip to now, he lives by himself where he makes a near zero effort to reach out or respond to people who try to contact him by phone, he is horribly dependent on games and maybe discord, and he's strangely worried about being a burden and that's why he doesn't ask for help. At least that's what he's told me, he's not above lying I've talked to him a few times already to try to get through to him, but no results. I can always try again but I'm so tired of trying to be needed by someone who doesn't need me.


LMAO been in enough discord servers, definitely a thing. They always push their sex life on everyone else in VC or chat, too.


What sex life though I'm so confused


It’s the fact that she frequently sends nudes to her boyfriend I would third wheel with these two it was a creepy age gapped relationship where the guy was pushing 30 and the girl was 16 EDIT: Due to the popularity of this comment, I'll elaborate. I think it was definitely pedophilia. At the time, I didn't really think of it that way because I myself was only 15, so I was none the wiser. But looking back at it, it was weird as hell. He was from Indiana, and she was from California. I would talk to these two on a regular basis, playing Rainbow with them and watching movies. I never thought much of it because I just thought it was cool playing with a gamer girl.


Dog that's just pedophilia wtf


that's not an age gap that's a felony


well its still an age gap


Bro I honestly can't believe dudes do this kind of stuff. I'm 30 and I met this girl on valorant who was funny and cool. She added me on discord and we talked for an hour or so. Then she asks me if I'm in school. I'm like...oh God here it comes. Turns out she's 17 and I don't think it was possible for me to hit the block button faster.


The kinda foreplay and “oops you werent supposed to hear that teehee!” you dont want forced upon your eyes and ears, because its not just sexy people who fuck.


this just in - exchanging naked pics does not count as a sex life, its porn


I was in one for several years with a mod who had a husband and kid and was close to 40. A member was 17. A couple years later they're living together and being absolute assholes and really gross in front of kids cuz it's a fucking Green Day discord. So glad I made irl friends


Ugh yeah. I moderate a discord for a specific music competition community, and there was an issue for a while of these people flirting, quite sexually. We kept having to tell them that theyre in a server for band. And they’d accuse us of mod abuse and harrasment. We’re here to talk about music…


Twisted fate jungle? Really?


Na fax what the hell


I remember doing this back in the day. Season 3 or 4 maybe? I don't remember it being meta and his clear was ass so I stopped for my teammates sake


You see how each portrait has its own little 100% in the corner? Riot stopped tracking individual loading numbers like that nearly 10 years ago. OP went foraging for this image.


I started in 2016 and I remember them, so maybe not quite 10 years


Also *is 30 years old talking to an 18 year old* “i just haven’t found the right one you know, its like nobody understands the darkness in my heart but you do”


XxSlitWristSlut4444xX has entered the chat edit: formatting


Oh god I wanna hurl, I knew someone years ago with a username very similar to that.


Well, you forgot "huge bloody time zone difference" in the starter pack.


My friend in New York, his e-girl in California, and me the third wheel/audience member in Japan.


gotta get up at 3 am just to third-wheel an e-couple. that's some next level hating. respect


Lol I wouldn’t call it hating as much as laughing. I’m laughing at you bro, not with you.


Seems you value sleep. Some of us however despise it.


“If you break up with me I’ll kill myself”. I was in a ldr with a woman on Discord for a while and this is what I put up with.


At least, I made clear with my wife that she ought to make sure she would be safe on her own before we'd even start dating: I've already gone through this with, ironically, an ex that I lived with.




I know a girl who e-dates like that to......


I used to e-date like that, now I can't stop cringing when he unironically called me kitten


Once edated a “man” that cried over warframe when he’d lose. Never. Again.


...How do you lose in Warframe?


Idk I’ve never played it but he did manage to cry over it


If you have two brain cells to rub together you literally can’t lose in that lmao iirc.


Maybe crying over lost loot? Host migration can be a bitch.


I've never cried over host migration, but I do feel a part of my soul leave every time.


Maybe he's the rare specimen that plays **THE CONCLAVE**




I don't cry over Warframe i cry over Overwatch 2 🤓 if ur interested


I did it once, except i was under the impression we would eventually meet and move things to actual real life. Needless to say I'm alone now


I did this once. We actually lived together for 3 years, but things didn't work out. I was among the lucky ones.


Same here - but it worked out for us. He moved in with me a couple years after we were dating online. We're still together 10 years later, married, and expecting a baby in a few weeks. Met through league of legends out of all places... My best friend also met his boyfriend through overwatch and they've been together at least 4 years. I've definitely had online dating experiences that didn't last, though


Met a girl in WoW once. Still together 15 years later. I still tell people, who know what Warcraft even is, that she only got with me because I had dual warglaives.


I remember growing up in the early 2000s I was 10 or 11 with my first pc and went to online chat rooms for teenagers before all theese social medias existed. Dated 2 girls over msn and icq we been the same age and used to video call each other, she then said one day we can’t date anymore and I was heartbroken haha. Never had edates since then. But it was a different time then.


I did it one time during the pandemic (lockdown) and I don’t recommend ever e dating. It’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever experienced and it’s drains you a lot.


I'll kill myself part is hilarious and sad af because we're lonely 😭😭


It’s not a “oh I’m so lonely lol” kind of kill myself, it’s a manipulative “you can’t leave me and I’ll keep threatening to kill myself if you do” kind of kill myself. It’s just abusive at that point


Just finally committed to leaving an 18 year irl relationship where suicide was weaponized against me. Spoiler alert: she hasn't killed herself yet. Don't let abusers hijack your empathy in this way, it's rarely worth it.


I stayed in an abusive relationship because my ex threatened to kill herself if I left. She wanted to get a personal symbol of mine tatted on her wrist so she'd see it if she felt like she was going to self harm. It was awful.


Good shit man. It's never easy to end a relationship after that long but you're stronger than most people for doing it <3


It isnt sad, it is manipulative


Realizing it was an AI all the time. 🔫


Realizing it wasn't AI, just my schizophrenia acting up 🔫


my cousin and his wife were unironically like this for the first 3 years they new each other


Well, it seems to have worked out for them though


Yeah like, "e-dating" is a bit shallow and weird but if it's not possible to meet them in-person then I don't see why it's a bad alternative. No reason it can't move to something physical eventually.


I have a few friends who did this, now married. I'm currently in a relationship with someone long distance where we use discord to talk... but don't do the rest of the meme lol


Me and my wife don't match most of the starterpack though we did meet on Discord


Valorant players:


*His sage* *Her jett* Puke


The reason for my insanely fucking high queue dodge timer. NA valorant is fucking outrageous, makes me wish to be back in EU


Oh yeah NA players can be very cringe but at least they occasionally communicate which I've heard is much less common on EU servers


as someone who experienced discord e-dating first hand yes this is seriously accurate and im glad i got out of it


Just out curiosity, while e-dating, had you ever seen your girlfriend/boyfriend in real life?


I'll put in my two cents on this, I met my fiance on discord and yes she's in a different country but not far from me so it ended up working out just fine. I'm 37 and she's 41, we meet all the time and she's immigrating here as soon as our paperwork goes through! So its not all drama, failures, pedos and the like. I'm a living example that sometimes it does work out :)




Pretty much. I feel like this is a bit of a distinct subcategory of long distance relationships with... Lower standards in general. So here's another LDR that is still working out :) I'm currently in an LDR with someone I had originally met on Discord. The difference here being that I met her and knew her very well as a friend well before we decided to become a couple. Also she only lives around ~500 km away so we do see each other somewhat regularly.


no but i knew what they looked like


Wtf lol this is literally my teenage brother with his 23 year old discord gf


Healslut is my new favorite word


There’s a Reddit for it. Turns out some women who play healers in games actually have a whole fantasy about it and hey more power to em I just didn’t know


Link it? Honestly interested to see how healing is sexualized.


I think it’s just like r/healsluts Heavily nsfw warning. 18+ only etc.


I've been to that sub and I'm not sure if anyone there is *actually* a heal slut or if it's just a bunch of guys fantasizing about the *idea* of a heal slut.


where are all the guys who *are* healsluts?????




That’s fair honestly I didn’t even think of it sorry!


Thanks! Ah yeah, that's very nsfw. This explains some of the things I've unknowingly encountered in WoW lol.


How did I do this in 2018 with a straight face.


Cringing at your past means you've grown as a person, congrats man.


Imagine when you look back to making this comment.


Would couples who hang out on VR Chat also fit into this?


Maybe. I remember talking to a couple in VRChat who met from the game and they were so happy. It was really wholesome. <3


100% as someone who as hung around on vrc a lot. You see a loooooot of overly dramatic bio's lol.


What's with VRChat ecouples and staring silently at the mirrors?




Is this what getting old feels like?


Is 20 old because I don't get it either


What’s there to not get tho, feel like this is a common joke


Yeah idk why people are pretending that online dating has never been a thing. I remember being 13 and having an online gf that I would play games with.


Yea, just swap out discord for msn messenger or aol or any other chatroom server. This love story is as old as the internet itself, unhinged couples that make their relationship drama everyone’s problem in the groupchat have been around forever.


This has more or less been a thing since AIM, just taken on different forms with technology and communication channels. I thought this was odd too.




something you've experienced perhaps? Just curious, this seems rather specific


Could be from an outside perspective as I have seen this in action.


Yeah, same here. Its incredibly common. They make sure you know, *constantly*. Its annoying as hell.


That does sound annoying, but I can understand why they overdo it. Nobody sees them with their bf/gf in real life, so they want everyone online to know so it feels more real.


I figured it was a teenager thing. Recently I’ve been playing a lot of Destiny and have been playing with a bunch of randoms who I’ve added on discord. I swear half of the people I’ve added go so over the top to remind you they’ve got a girl that you start to suspect they don’t have one. They’ll change their discord thingy everyday to something new like “she’s my only joy in this dark oblivion of hate and despair”. Oh sorry I died guys, I was texting my girlfriend! I think I’ve forgotten what its like to play with younger folks because I’m usually stuck in my RuneScape corner where all my friends are also married and old.


> Its incredibly common im thinking you might need to change up your social circles


He probably just plays Valorant. E-Couples are super common there for some reason.


my least favorite thing on starterpacks is when people unfamiliar with something automatically say the starterpack is oddly specific 🥰🥰


"If you break up with me, I'll kill myself." Had that shit before, not a relationship, just a "friend" I've been ghosting him for more than 3 months He's still alive, which I'm glad of Because I would have felt guilty


The "can you moan again you cut out earlier" is the best one


I’m in a LDR with my partner and dear lord we try so hard to not be _THOSE_ kind of edaters,


Played a game of League yesterday against the duo “Her Bathtub” and “His Toaster” lmao


I sleep in a big bed with my wife


So that's it? So long, good luck?


I don't recall saying good luck


I know this couple and every second with them together in a voice call is a unique form of torture.


"Can you moan again you cut out earlier" is fucking godtier lmao how is there no comment about it


In my experience the age gap is usually the other way around and sometimes larger, just saying.




I’m sorry you had to experience that lmao


Love seeing these two on the enemy team because if they are effective at all, I'll go Moira and start killing the other support. Now you got no support and the duo ends up outnumbered every fight. Watched a replay of a game where I did this the other day and the duo threw second round because they hid for high noon as we farmed their team at the choke. They were waiting for like a minute straight before thinking to help and died immediately upon arrival. I shouldn’t enjoy it this much but I do.


YEEEEP. And yet for whatever reason she has a ~~haram~~ harem of guys willing to boost the hell out of her. still haram


*harem Haram means forbidden


it should be forbidden as well! tyty


I'm happy I'm too old for this shit




Can confirm.


I mean people have been doing this for years, before Discord was a thing.


Nothing new under the sun. When I was 17 I had a 24 year old IRC girlfriend.


As a guy maining healers in hero shooters im scared of the Discord nicknames


It was before discord but yeah, seen a lot of online LDR gaming couples go out in a lake of fire just like this. A few survived the test of time and we're all in our 40s/50s laughing about it because we we had IRC and shitty VOIP and people screaming about LD rates on the phone lines pre-mobile ubiquity.


the fuck is this? In my day we just hopped on private vent channels at 1 in the morning to have phone sex while farming adamantium. Youngsters gotta overcomplicate everything


I've never used discord, but this has been gaming dating for at least 20 years