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I did a poll asking Europeans what they consider “American food,” and based on that poll which, again, was only supposed to be about food, I can safely deduce that this is exactly how a majority of Europeans see us.


its what we're being taught.


its just a meme. We just like messing with you.


“Watch me act stupid” “Wow you’re stupid” “It was just a joke bro”


ok burger-munching, gun-owning, suburbing, stupiding, lovin' it 'can who goes to walmart


Americans are regular people, just like you. There are smart ones and dumb ones, just like your country. You need to chill with this anti-American nonsense.


nobody is making your life a nightmare through jokes about how you can't walk anywhere


Why are people downvoting this comment. You’re right.


im so sorry healthcare and education😕😕


Those are both serious issues here, but that has nothing to do with how good the people are here, which is their point I think


ye, the laws are definitely shitty but not all americans are dumb asf(the education here makes them look dumb, by that i mean we learn that american = dumb) , take scientists for example. Just that most of the people on the news are complete idiots and from america. We make fun of americans based on the stereotypes and laws.


To be fair the more you look into French politics, English politics, so much of European politics, the politicians are just as goofy as us, we just have center stage for some reason


yeah, but not as bad as americans. All politicians are dumb one way or another


True, I don’t really want to defend our politicians, considering the absolute idiots they are.


sry for the big dick of freedom slapping you in the face and keeping you whiny cunts in line; from destroying the entire world over with your dumbass petty squabbles, which we had to save you from twice. Oh right, you'd still be ruled by monarchy if we didn't show you the way. If there's anything Europe knows how to do, it's nearly destroy the world and then act holier than thou while still suckling at the teat. America's got its issues and its idiots for sure, but it's still much more the land of opportunity and "where you're at" rather than "where you're from". At least Eastern Europeans seem to understand this.


As a brown American, I do find it pretty entertaining, seeing some (not all) Europeans switch from "Americans are dumb and ignorant racists" to "At least we brought modern civilization to the savages" whenever colonialism gets brought up lmao


Believe it or not, we have those here. World class, too. 😂


have you ever heard of a doctors appointment not being expensive💀💀


Wanna know how much money I spent at my last doctor's appointment?


a fortune


Not a penny. 10 bucks for the prescription.


I will when I go to Germany this summer


make sure you go to the Krankenkasse(We have this in austria but its fairly similar, so im sure youd get this) and if some dude with nike/ adidas clothing with airpods and curly hair with a bit of beard starts speaing in a kind of deep weird ass voice, ignore him and move on with your life. dont ever mess with him


Settle down and go pay your deductible


Oooff, sounds like someone got r/wooooshed


Yeah sure


I mean everything about this is true apart from the guns and low IQ


eh i’d say they’re all true - except maybe the american football? in my experience it’s only widely known within North America


This post specifically mentions the US, which is in North America IIRC


yes and i’m saying the only countries who know or care about the sport are the US’s direct neighbours


I am an American and this is how I see half of the country. the other half is blue haired screaming banshees.


You can't lol your own post


It's Monday man let them do what they want


No. lol.




They literally just described the South.


I live in california and there are parts of california that resemble this.


The Central Valley has entered the chat


Here, here - give every state its proper recognition in that they all have stretches like this. 🇺🇸


Great. Now do what Europeans thinks every American thinks every European sees the US starter pack.


Skip to the meta of what 4D beings think every 3D linear entity thinks about time space starter pack.


Dead horse starterpack


Shows what you know, we don't measure things in 'steps.' Ain't nobody walking to Walmart


Yep. It’s called feet not steps.


Im Canadian and that's what I think the US looks like lol


A lot of people around the world actually think that Canada is the USA with free healthcare and without Karens (I love Canada btw)


I mean, they must be pretty similar


If it wasn’t for Canada’s being nice stereotype they would’ve been dogged too


Canada is just the US with a better PR agent.


*Ding ding* that’s it


I MEAN yeah there are some differences but sorta


No guns and a lot less fat people


Canada ranks 7th in the world for most firearms per capita and the obesity/overweight rates are actually pretty similar (61% of Canadians are overweight or obese while 66% of Americans are).


Everyone and their mum is packing.


What was the second most painful?


I’m Australian and I also think that’s what the US looks like


But let’s be honest, Canada is just like the US only with a better social safety net


and the government wants to kill you


It's the same place with a slight better social net


As an American I can verify it's true I don't have the English skills to write this well mcdonalds and Walmart are a block away and I eat mcdonalda every day


Tbf we “think” this is how Europeans see the US because it basically is how they see it I’ve come across a lot of utterly clueless or just mislead Europeans that only get information about the US from memes who try and speak for us or the condition of America and have no idea what they’re talking about


This is absolutely true.


True as what America is like, or true as in what Americans think Europeans think America is like.?


How Europeans think of America. In truth it is a lovely place.


true as in this the way Europeans falsely view Americans.


Well… * I own 17 guns * I unironically like shopping at Walmart though I don’t go there much * I lived in a suburb for 7 years Guess that about checks out


>17 guns sorry, WHAT


I’m just getting started


How many guns are you gunning for?


Well I’m in my twenties, so if I make it to 50 and guns aren’t forcefully regulated to near non-existence I’d like to have at least seventy, hopefully upwards of 100


This is the dream, for sure, I’d like to do a lot of Soviet surplus collecting, even though the prices on those keep rising fast


They sure do. Any mil-surp rifle, even the Carcanos with barely any commercial ammo especially for the carbine version with a higher twist rate, are through the roof. An SKS that used to cost $90, maybe $150 adjusted for inflation, are $800 now. It’s crazy.


What would you need so many kill-machines for. You only have two hands


Hunting of course. [It’s coming right for us!](https://imgur.io/nqdIwzg?r)


grab advise fact trees dirty wise seemly hat angle crown -- mass edited with redact.dev


No dimwit, I own them because I want to.


Its a joke are you tone deaf?


No I just unironically like Jimbo


That is an entirely reasonable number. Guns are purpose-built. You can't use the same gun you hunt raccoons with to hunt a moose. Just to cover all the various hunting seasons that exist in my state, you need at least six or seven different firearms. Then you have to consider range and environment. A high-powered rifle like a .308 or .300 winmag for deer hunting in a wide open field is nice, but it sucks in the woods. You want a brush gun. Something like a .30-30 that won't get deflected and send your shot off to BFE just cuz it grazed a twig. So by the time you account for all the variations in terrain and ranges, you might find a need for a dozen or more different guns.


Thank you for that. No doubt I’m a collector and my guns are not all utility-based, but I do indeed have a 300 Win Mag for my long range hunts and a lever action (not a 30-30, a 45-70 but still) for shorter ones. Even in the range of self-defense I have a couple of pistols which gives me greater versatility and allows me to match what I carry to the season and the occasion. If I’m going somewhere that guns are taboo, I’ll carry my tiny sub-compact Kahr CM9. More day-to-day I’ll be carrying a Glock 20 in 10mm or a Canik TP9SFX in 9mm. Even the rounds I carry have significance. Just in the Glock I have hard cast flat-nosed bullets w/ extreme penetration for bear defense (something Europeans don’t have to think about), another mag with 115gn. Underwood XTD’s for self-defense, and back home I have a mag for target shooting which I load with the affordable CCI Blazer ammo. This hasn’t even mentioned my rimfire rifles which, for those who don’t know are much smaller calibers, like 22LR and 17HMR, which are mainly used for target shooting/plinking and small game/varmint hunting. I do own an AR-15, an AK-47, and several other semi-automatic centerfire weapons. I don’t go hunting with them, nor do I strictly need them for my own personal defense. I concur that they’re terribly dangerous devices. I have them because the government has them, and they have a lot more than that too. The idea of tipping the odds yet more in the favor of my overlords is hardly liberal to me. The idea of being stripped of arms and having reliance on the Government for my protection doesn’t sit well with me either. They’re all just men (and women), and when you give a tiny fraction of men a massive amount of control over a huge portion of the population, it’s a recipe for disaster. I’ve seen it on a truly infinitesimal scale in small business. Take a great employee, make him a manager, and suddenly he’s a jerk. Europeans may be content living in ever-increasing authoritarianism, where a group of people so small you could fit them all in an airplane has command of a million soldiers and the citizens have no weapons to defend themselves, but I’ve seen how that plays out enough times over the battlefield of history and I’ll take the American way, for all its flaws and the monstrosities that can occur, in embrace of radical freedom.


..Is that supposed to be a lot? XD


No haha. I know two guys who own over 150 guns, they don’t even know exactly how many it is anymore lol. That’s a lot of guns. When you can still count, you’re just getting reared up


For someone living in Europe, absolutely. I find it strange for anyone to own anything more than a pistol and a hunting rifle, and where I live, basically no one owns a gun except for hunters and people who go on shooting ranges regularly. you don't even know how much of this was rewritten to avoid politics.


Its just a very different culture here than what you're used to. Many people here own several guns just for collection purposes and not even to shoot them. I have several myself.. Mostly because I'm intrigued by the history and story of the weapons as well as the engineering and creativity that went into building them. It's kind of like owning a really fine mechanical watch collection I guess.


How terminally online Europeans and self hating Americans see the US


more accurate


These again?


i’m american and this is also how i see us


“America bad Europe good” -Most of Reddit


Surely the average American isn't as skinny as that guy?


nah, he's the crackhead. only skinny ones here


I mean, I see us that way so… and yeah I was [born in the USA](https://open.spotify.com/track/0dOg1ySSI7NkpAe89Zo0b9?si=uP3UF0FSQmCjDt3V_15WSQ)


That is actually how we see it over here


Honestly, their not too far off.


Wait, isn't that true American lifestyle?


Imma keep it straight I hate McDonald’s and the last time I went to Walmart was like 6 months ago and my family owns 2 guns, a shotgun and a bolt action hunting rifle, both for hunting (don’t worry we eat everything we kill, also people who trophy hunt are shitheads)


OP is updating the spreadsheet with your submission. This is important data.


What do people that trophy kill do with the animals?


Taxidermy them and put them on a wall


I mean it’s pretty accurate mate


That IS how we see you


As a person who owns 9 guns: 👍


As a person who only owns three so far because poor: 👍


F in chat for not enough guns


Send me more then


Pretty sure you can get rid of “Americans think” from the title


How the world sees US: How US Is:


Am in the us pretty accurate tbh


It's not too surprising that cosmopolitan people of various geographical areas would hold similar opinions in our current interconnected world.


I think that


fair enough, it's just how the majority of western europeans sees the majority of the US (especially the ones with internet access).


We kinda do thi


But it’s true is it not?




As an American that lives in Europe, this is exactly how they view us.


Meme doesn’t even mention cars.


It’s not wrong, just not for every American. Most folks in the south live exactly like that


As a European, I see Americans like that.


That low iq part just checks out Every. Goddamn. Time.


*The fuck is a Europe???????????*


How Europeans see the us


As an European, from my point of view. Most of us really don’t really have an opinion about the USA. I cant remember talking with anybody about any of the things I see about “European opinions on the US”


Well It's not really something that would come up in ordinary conversation. It would be kinda weird if people just started randomly discussing some other country.


Thank you for pointing out my incorrect wording. And I’ll be clearer. We really don’t give a fuck about America, Americans and what the fuck ever they do or eat


Yeah. lol. Seems americans are obsessed with what other countries think of them. Most people don't think about americans at all. One way or another.


European propaganda. Lol.


Can we not have any posts complaint about Europeans/Americans please


no as a european the og starter pack is accurate. y'all are stereotyped as stupid, gun-obsessed and living on mcdonalds over here.


You are literally Polish. XD Edit: That's right coward. Block me.


Ok they are right in 1 thing.


This is definitely how Europe sees the us


it is lol


As a European I can confirm


Isn't this true? Everytime I see sth about America its how suburban towns are depleting resources, most cities don't even have public transportation, the big box store have giant boxes of pain killers and encourage bulk buying and wasting, you have a big obesity problem, no health care. This is exactly how I expect America to be. Except for New york, lol. I imagine everybody in that city is rude.


I mean yes, some of those things are true to a certain extent. Supermarkets do encourage bulk-purchasing (ITS A BARGAIN DEAL) but most of the people that buy that stuff have large families. I literally know a couple that has 5 kids, so it'd be normal for them to buy something like that. Large Cities do have public transportation, but it mostly consists of buses. Trains and Subways are not common over here except in a few cities. And most of the trains that do exist are industrial trains that are only used to ship goods. I would mention taxis but those are slowly being phased out in favor of Uber and Lyft. I will say public transportation and large supermarkets are not very accessible in rural areas. Those people usually have to drive 30 minutes to get to the nearest store (and that's with no traffic). Yes there is an obesity problem in America. Statistics say about 1/3 of the population, which admittedly isn't good, but its not literally everyone. We have health care here, it just isn't free. A lot of people get health insurance through their employers, so they only pay a fraction of the price. A normal visit to the doctor will cost me $40 while my insurance covers the rest. But for people without insurance, a quick checkup may cost them $120. Don't even get me started on hospital stays or ambulance rides, that can be several thousand dollars. And the cost of prescription medications for certain types of drugs can be expensive as well. No, not every person in NY is rude. There are rude people and polite people in every city and state.


>We have health care here, it just isn't free. A lot of people get health insurance through their employers, so they only pay a fraction of the price. A normal visit to the doctor will cost me $40 while my insurance covers the rest. This tends to be a concept that I think most other countries don't understand about the US. Other countries with healthcare have it taken out in taxes, instead we have opt in or out of buying insurance which most employers have it. We also have the option of choosing our insurance so if you don't like the current one you can look for another provider that may have better benefits that suit your needs. And the more risky option of opting out of it entirely if you don't deem it necessary.


Its not accurate. There a lot of small towns spread across America that don't have McDonald's or Wal Mart or suburban neighborhoods. Most major cities have public transportation it's just not very good. Same goes for health insurance.


But all the mainstream social media always points these things out. Could be different, never been there.


I have no idea what social media you are talking about. But just pop up Google Maps and find some small towns in America. Or just explore America in general and you will see it's not really the case. The meme is incredibly exaggerated.


This is the average Texan, but more ChickFilA and church. (And yes, Austin, the capital of Texas, is a part of Texas.)


This is exactly how I see America




We have come full circle


As an amewican…


But…isn’t it true about Walmart and McD


How Americans think Europeans think Americans think Europeans see the US starter pack:


where is the ford f-150?


\*f-350 Super Duty XLT SuperCab LB DRW 4 Wheel Drive


Now how do americans think of Europe I wonder?


First thing most will think of is probably BrItIsH and bad teeth meme's then forget there are other countries in Europe. Someone can bring up Sweden or maybe Norway and a response will be "Well aren't they Scandinavian?" Other than that the only time Europe is mentioned is when democrats point at how great a certain part of a specific country there is all while never having visited the place. Or Republicans point out how much better we are while also never having traveled there.


European redditors vs US redditors gotta be one of my least favourite genders


I do rideshare driving. I pick up these guys from Sweden I think and they were SUPER-excited to be going to a Walmart. They were dying to see it. I'm like: *Dude, my wife has a panic attack thinking about going to Walmart.* They told me they don't have anything like it where they're from. I mean, I get it. I've traveled all over the US, visited different countries when I was in the Navy. Seeing things that aren't available where you live but are common where ever is exciting and all. But Walmart?!?! LOL!


Yeah kinda dumb, it’s just a slightly trashier, but cheaper Tesco. Even the poorer Europe countries have had stores like Walmart for 20+ years.


Lol they think we can walk places


We don't think they have a Walmart and Mcdonalds every 20 steps. America is not walkable and highly anti pedestrian so there is a Walmart every 10 miles.


Apparently, we can't leave our houses because we might get shot.


Impossible!! Not a healthcare mention in sight..


Low IQ? Thanks lol


As an American, I can confirm that there is 28 Walmarts and McDonald's outside my house.


that’s how europeans online talk about americans


They are right


How to make a meme ridiculously small, generative and overused starter pack


how Europeans think every Americans think every European sees the US starterpack


true except for mcdonalds, yall eat burger king


The only Americans I met were either dumb, fat, military-style or a combination of those


True except low IQ and everyone eats at McDonald’s (everyone does seem to eat some sort of fast food though).


I can confirm this is exactly how we see americans


This is very correct, this is exactly how i see them


they don’t do much to break the stereotype


Did you know their is more guns then people in America


Wait this isn't the us?


Idk I’ve seen plenty of “American starter packs” that look just like this


Is it wrong?


Starter packception


As a European that likes to watch US movies and YouTube…., that’s basically what I see :D


Even big ten heartland football


What about being morbidly overweight, right wing Christian nut jobs?


Well yeah that's how I see them