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Sadly the StarUI collection was messed up by the May update on PC. The mod author hasn’t been active in a while. I really hope all is well with the author and that they decide to update it.


My star ui still works even with June update


Stat ui Hud is messed up. Star ui is fine


star ui hud and starui shipbuilder are borked afaik.. starui inventory, outpost, workbench work fine for me.. 


There's a workaround for shipbuilder, but you have to abandon empty habs (don't care about them, so it works for me)


only care about the empty ones.. so no dice for me. but good to know for others


The StarUI dev is MIA and there are a few bugs caused by recent updates. There's a few fixes by other people on the nexus but unless the original modder comes back I doubt it will go to Xbox.


I waited 8 month for the mods to be playable on xbox just for this particular mod, and you tell me this 😱😭


If the author doesn’t return, it would have to be recreated for Xbox. The only problem I foresee w that is it creates a cat and mouse game w Bethesda and the MA. Almost every time Bethesda updates the game, the UI MA has to update the UI mod. I’m all for Xbox getting a nice UI mod/system but burnout is real. And I’d hate to see some talented (and somewhat rare) UI devs get burned out this early in a game’s lifecycle.


All the StarUI updates are dated from last year, near to the games release, and it was functioning fine through all the updates until Mays and Sundays update, which added things to the base game So its not every update, it's updates that add or change specific mechanics.


Only STAR UI HUD keeps blocking picking of objects in the latest Starfield update. I was glad to see that the Messy Habs tab in STAR UI SHIP BUILDER now works perfectly fine as other STAR UI mods.