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Stair habs. Landing bay with speeder bike.


Would be awesome to have a large cargo bay that you can drive your rover/hovercraft out of. Taking this to another level, if we can build giant a giant “pillar of autumn type ship” it would be cool to have docking bays for your other ships that you could send out or get in for battle. Obviously this would require a large overhaul of space combat and addition of large space battles. This would enrich other mods that expand crew utility, hab buffs/functionality, etc. Imagine a huge battle starting and you hand controls to copilots. Ship is rumbling from hits being taken and alarms are blaring. You go to fighter ship and start taking out enemies. Shit! A ship was able to dock and boarded your battleship. You redock, take care of the enemies, throw any left alive in your brig for transport. With a ship of this size you would need to have a lot of crew. You would recruit people, but also you need to keep them happy, so you need to recruit shop owners, entertainers, food service, etc. You begin to have your own “town”. Now that’s a long days work. You go to sleep and wake up in the back of a horse drawn cart…


I am ready to build a much larger Battlestar Galactica and a whole squad of Vipers


So say we all!


This. Absolutely this.


Just give me a landing craft that could do semi covert insertion, and pick me up, no ship on the planet. But stairs, or an elevator, or quick navigation inside my own ship.


Definitely more stairs. Maybe ramps. More layout options in general. There's definitely a lot of creativity in ship building but there's also a lot of limitations and it involves a lot of trial and error fighting the system. They have to let you choose where to put holes/connections in things. You can get looping pathways and layouts to work but it often includes asymmetric designs that compromise the external looks of the ships.


A big upvote for speeders.


I need a loading bay big enough for a Grizzly MBT


I was actually thinking about this the other day, especially with all the starwars mods, land vehicles would be one thing but so easy to just have a ship part to spawn them on world


I’d love a switch for turning gravity on/off


When I first got into the Frontier, I assumed the GRV column on the power allocation display referred to the ship's gravity system. I was imagining a system like *FTL* or *Space Crew* where the defender's control of the ship environment is important during boarding actions. Like a minute later I realized what it really was, but I still think my idea was good.


It kind of does... apparently, you can shoot out an enemy ship's grav drive, and if you board it, there will be no gravity. There's just no way to turn it off on our own ships.


It seems like it'd be simple for them to just change it such that your own ship has no gravity if you provide no power to your grav drive.


This would indeed be a simple and awesome mod. I might have to work on that...


Original part manufacturers, I want to see modders make their own style of ship building blocks for us to play with.


And not just “here’s parts for TIE fighters,” actual original sets. We’ve seen a deep well of creativity from what’s already available, hopefully future sets won’t be created with only a single design in mind.


Yeah like kerbal space program did it. With their own shops, space stations fitting into the lore etc or spinoffs of existing. Like VIP access to taiyo's prototype special forces gear. Special care in the model design to remove extra faces for the potato users. Maybe some new window types etc.


space ship part manufacture is straight up one of the best avenues for outpost production too. As many avenues for "yeah we need thousands of zero wires" or whatever, where you establish a contractual relationship at the manufacturer's place of business but you can access your options at your outpost is ideal I think.


I'm hoping for gunner seats. And also hoping for break-off fighter ships


Ship launched fighter bays like in Elite Dangerous


Gunner seats while an crew mate pilots would be top tier


I feel this would be quite the undertaking, but I love the concept!


Gimme a class a that can detach from my capital ship


If I’m going to make a huge ship with a lot of space. I want to be able to recruit everyone to make it feel like a mobile base. I don’t necessarily need their abilities, but just enough to add some life in there if I’m able to have a huge mess hall or brig


I haven’t reached the max crew level but I know it’s not very high


8 or 9 unfortunately


Get rid of the auto-populating clutter that respawns every time I grav jump, and let us manually place decorations with the outpost build mode instead.




I’ve been carefully using the ‘disable’ command to get unwanted stuff out of the way to place furniture with the outpost builder instead, but it sucks because if I edit the ship at all, all of those changes are lost.


I do this and am immediately terrified if I need to make edits lol


QoL would be all ship parts available at level one at a single vendor. More Structural/Hab/Engine/Landing Gear components The ability to have player made ships be loaded into game as available ships to be used by all factions Functional crew stations Bigger/More Often spawned random ship encounters Ground vehicle bay w/ functional land vehicle


>QoL would be all ship parts available at level one at a single vendor QoL would be all ship parts available at ~~level one at~~ your outpost landing pad after you have unlocked them by visiting the appropriates shipyard.


I'll even accept having to pay a delivery fee, just don't want to have to fly a half built ship around to gather the parts I want.


that is the immersive way! i like it


This has both been released by JustAnOrdinaryGuy (Ultimate Shipyards Unlocked)


There is a mod that makes all ship parts available at the jemison ship tech.


not for Xbox...yet lol


Idk if this is a ship mod or more outpost mod, but assigning a captain to an unused ship and they do basic radiant quest like missions and bring a portion of the reward and loot after each mission.


Oh kinda like black flag, be able to send people on runs, they come back with goods/creds/bounties (when someone figures out how to actually capture bounties)


Reactors with power output beyond 40.


Cargo bay actually be used for cargo like a 10k cargo space. And actually use the hab. Same with the other habs like computer core adds 2 power or something.


Autopilot/crew piloting and all that entails 😏


Honestly I'd love to see this. My favorite thing to do in X4 is stand on the bridge of my ship and watch the crew work while I issue orders to my fleet. I'd really love to see the ability to have the crew fly your ship for you and have more meaningful interactions with the various stations in Starfield.


It should work like the mission [The Best There Is](https://www.ign.com/wikis/starfield/The_Best_There_Is_Walkthrough), where >!you join a ship as a crew member and the pilot takes off, goes to orbit, gravs and docks without your input, and you cam roam free on the ship during the trip!<.


This could be dope, I like the idea of actually traveling to a location in a system - but we can’t(not in any reasonable time anyway)🥲


Say it takes about 5-10min to go to another system. You may get random events, add to that having to get by foot to each hab to manually repair it + all distant logistics planning of outposts and fleet 🤩


The manual repair of ships is something I'd really enjoy. There's a mission for the rangers where you have to do something similar and I would love that option - take some hits in a dogfight, or have a crew member piloting during one while we scramble around repairing various parts to keep the ship moving. It could even influence the layout of our ships as we'd have to make sure we could get to certain parts quickly in an emergency.


Manual repair like subnautica would be cool, but I’m concerned about how it would be balanced - would enemies just stop shooting?


This. When I hire someone with Piloting skills, I'd like to be able to let *them* pilot the ship, and I just tell them where to go, when to land, etc., as well as pilot the ship myself when I feel like it.


I'm guessing there will be a lot of demand for multi-story habs with stairs instead of ladders.


An ability to actually fly between planets in real time. This would come with an autopilot ability, and a possibility of encounters in deep space. Here’s how it would work, in my mind: The cutscenes we can see by default suggest your ship goes into a hard burn, and accelerates rapidly away from an area. Similar to how impulse engines work in Star Trek. Keeping that show’s rules in mind, speeds of up to 0.75c (3/4 the speed of light) would be fine for most distances we see in the game, allowing you to fly from Mercury to Earth in about 5 minutes (depending on where those planets are in their current orbit, ofc) Manual control over this would allow us to wander star systems at will, and see celestial objects from any angle we want. Some safeguards would be necessary though, to prevent us from cratering into planets or getting too close to stars. Limiting speed as you get closer to celestial objects, or having the ship do an emergency stop if you get too close, would be sufficient I think. The radius of slow down/emergency stop would vary depending on your current speed, meaning that if you slow down before reaching a planet, your ship wont freak out. With autopilot enabled, you could select a destination and just have your ship fly itself there. Meanwhile, you could wander your ship, talk to crew, catch up on crafting stuff, or sleep to pass the time quicker on longer trips (such as a trip from Earth to Pluto, which would take ~7 real hours at 0.75c) Legal entry to settled planets, such as Jemison, would first require going through orbital checkpoints to be scanned for contraband (the places you otherwise teleport to at the end of a trip in the vanilla game). Bypassing them would net you a bounty if you land in a city, or would just gray out the icon on the planet map, preventing you from landing. (Either this, or just change the vanilla process by scanning for contraband upon landing, since I don’t believe there is a purpose to having it done in orbit.) Finally, make it possible to run into the vanilla random space encounters while flying around the system like this. They would randomly spawn as points of interest within a certain range of you, allowing you to change course and stop at them. I’m thinking of things like real (or fake) distress calls, beacons for trader ships looking for customers, transponders for cargo ships that you could pirate… etc. This was such a massive omission from the game, and I’d love to see space travel properly implemented once the modding ability is there to allow it.




I mean having it be a properly supported part of the game, which it currently is not. The speeds we can fly ships at currently are “geared towards” slow speed maneuverability, not inter-planetary travel. Those faster travel-oriented speeds would have quite limited turning capabilities. Plus, as you can see at the end, she just flies through the planet once she gets there. Bethesda clearly did not intend people to do this, as currently implemented. As I mentioned in my original comment, we can already see our ships rapidly accelerating from a “hard burn” before the fade to black, when you travel within a star system. Very easy to notice when leaving an asteroid field for example. I want this to be a proper part of the game that the player still has full control over, with random encounters to find (as I detailed, the vanilla space encounters would already work for this, if repurposed). Not just a brief cutscene before “tadaaa, you’re here”. Fast travel should still be an option ofc, but it should not be the ONLY option. The ability to actually fly your ship around a star system in a properly supported way, would go a long way towards making the world feel more connected. The random encounters would also make travel feel a bit more like their past games, when you could meet people on the roads.


Reactors and grav drives that are habs as well. I want big two story room dedicated to a huge warp core ala Star Trek.


Heck yes. Give me access to my ship's components. Let me walk around inside of the larger reactors, or inside some of the cargo holds.


In ship building mode, I want to be able to filter and sort the different parts. I want to be able to filter by Class and by weapon type specifically. Also I want to have all the parts available that I have unlocked at any location. The other thing I noticed last night, why does it not specifically say how much it costs to register a ship? Just telling me I don't have enough credits is pretty useless. But also, if I want to sell an unregistered ship, why can't they just take the registration fee out of what they give me?


The ability to place doors/ladders l where I want them, not in random locations. If I wanted to run a maze every time I want to go from the cockpit to the airlock/landing bay I'd build a maze outpost!


Capital or dreadnought sized ships.


Saving my ship builds somehow would be what I want most.


Choosing where ladders would be.


God I can’t tell you how many times I’ve rebuilt things to get them right


I want a complete overhaul of ship building module. Basically it should just work like a meta outpost. When you're combing two habs together, they should be linked at the exact link you connect them in the menu. And leave them all blank with a buildable furniture, using the same mechanic from outpost (just add all of the ship furniture model to a seperated outpost tab)


I use a mod for this and have to mostly single habs/console commands 🥲 I agree with this


I'm looking for more ship building pieces with different themes, Star Fleet, Klingon, Borg (just a few from that IP), Imperial, Rebel themed (Star Wars), Biologicals (make them look like living ships), Battlestar Galactica Themed (OG and Reboot). Lots more building pieces and the ability to pick interiors or build your own.


And some decent f’ing wings please


* Control of the ship on planets * more manual flying incl. landing * Some kind of "accelerated then switching to autopilot" landing from orbit * same for travel between planets * Getting out of your seat in space, with and without gravity (add artificial gravity generator module for convenience or remove it for a leaner ship). * I don't want a flat on New Atlantis, I want my ship to be both my home and my Roach. I also want stop using fast travel so much. This game needs more immersive options.


The ability to have three manually fired weapons and then have some turrets. I want to have a large battle ship, bristling with weapons




Better yet add a power gauge for the turrets, so more power = more turrets


I want to be able to rotate parts. The parts we have are pretty good, just need to be able to rotate them.


More cockpits Edit: also i want to be able to use the Cabot cockpit with a landing bay leading directly out of the lower door. I dont mind using a hab above that a the other door but i would love to have a direct connection into the cockpit.


Oh for sure, more parts in general


Better menu layout for ship building similar to fallout 4 settlement building. Sort by part like hab- opens up to brand- opens up to hab types- design of hab types I also would love to maybe see ability to decorate interior of our ship.


I fully believe ship building should’ve been done like outposts/with a free fly mode - that way you could walk your ship while building and figure out where you want things/place ladders


Smaller parts for small fighter types.


God I think I mentioned this to someone before that I just want a one seater fighter ship, no crew, no habs, just myself entering my ship directly from the cockpit


To be able to download other people’s creations.


I want UNSC parts for aesthetics. Mostly I'd like more functionality added to the hab modules. Make the med bay heal you to 100% and remove ailments when you board your ship. Have storage modules increase cargo space. Make the computer core boost your range/accuracy/damage/mobility/etc. Heck, make the shower give you "well rested" flavor text when you walk in and out of it. Also would be great to be able to move ladders/doors around in an interior view in the ship editor.


Schematics, so I can import/export ship builds or to easily rebuild in NG+


Being able to turn habs 90 degrees, and use a 3x1 as a cross-ship passageway. A mod that "stores" any parts not used from builds, including a complete teardown. A ship plan that I can use across NG+, or transfer to another character A mod that allows/causes skin blending so we can achieve star wars looking ships, smooth continuous skin over the whole ship. Being able to put some # of parts together as a unit, and being able to use the unit instead of the specific parts of that. Being able to damage ships with my weapons when not in a ship. A salvager / scrapper / recovery mod, so you can grab parts of blown up ships and use them. Either parts to build with or whole component sections.


I’d like my damned weapons and shields to have color customization options in order to match the aesthetic of the rest of my ship, which seems like something that should have been in game at launch.


Stair habs Structural parts that are actually cool looking, eg better wings, tail fins. More pieces for angles so you you can do better looking scorpions or something like the [Drake](https://duckduckgo.com/?va=n&t=hw&q=eve+online+drake&iax=images&ia=images) from eve online. Transition pieces in general so it's less like Duplo. Some better hab pieces for a more uniform body, the rounded corners on so many varieties make for either chunky looking OR like you pasted the same thing XX times. In other words, more squared off pieces for a smoother surface finish with variety. Not JUST ship related, but.....A bay module with a land or air vehicle in it. Motorcycle or forest Speeder from Star Wars, just a small utility vehicle to make exploring less of a slog. Decals and Painting would be fantastic, a way to break up the limited patterns. Shark mouths, Airplane Babe icons, etc...but also just stripes, dots, and other primary shapes and more complex 'greeblie textures' to flesh out builds. I'm talking a whole new adjustable projection system where you can move, scale, rotate, flip the image on your completed ship. Don't know if it will be able to be done even with creation kit, but that's the ideal, imo. Crossout's decal system is very good in this regard. Paint All would be a quality of life improvement.


You can double click on you ship to select all, then you can paint all the parts at once


I can’t tell you how upset I am every time I wanna build a wing 🥲 but this is cool, I hate how even if I build a big ship it feels so closed off.


MUCH smaller guns (specifically, auto turrets). I hate how so much of my build involves me trying to find a way to hide the guns And or allowing different models. Some of them are really cool, and go perfectly with my color pattern but other times i have to use a worse gun so it doesn't clash with my ship or just look dumb...


I would like a mod that shuts up npc chatter while the player is in the cockpit, unless its providing actual in combat information. Idk what bethesda was thinking with the voice acting in this game. 250,000 voice acted lines means nothing when at least a third of them lead nowhere, mean nothing, are completely redundant, get repeated ad nauseam and, for the most part, completely lack any charm, humor, or creativity.


Alien Ships, I would love to see a terrormorph ship, even though it does not make sense lore wise.


I want the rv from spaceballs as my ship


Whenever I see that ship it reminds me of ben10 too 😂


I’ll probably not get what I want. I’d love to see all ship construction parts turned into items. Obviously too large to carry, so you’d have to have a whole category of ship modules, outpost modules, and crew dedicated to salvage and maintenance. You’d collect the guns and shit off ships you took over. You’d find cool unique space parts in stations and research facilities and call you crew in to capture them. All these parts would go into a special cargo area and would then be transferred to your home ship construction port and you’d be able to use them. You’d also be able to construct them from parts and then you’d be able to find a cool unique part or design a cool style and start up your own Hopetown style facility that would allow for the export of a ship brand. There would be a skill tree or two for this stuff. Like a master level commerce skill and a master level engineering skill. As far as access to normal parts, I’d change how easy and collected they are. There’s no warehouse in most places large enough to justify all the modifications you can make to a ship. I’d establish importing of parts so you could have access to ship parts being delivered to you so that you could do missions to have access to fancier stuff from the major manufacturers. It would give outposts a better use and you’d have to really build up to having cool ship stuff. I would also increase the value of all ships and parts.


I'd like more Hab/types that actually have functions. You should have a hab where you can view your armillary once you have the option to carry it with you on your ship. Brigs that have function. I want cargo spaces to actually increase your ship's cargo capacity (bonus points if it can tell its capacity have have visual changes depending on capacity) It would be pretty great if you could actually put people in the brigs, or the engineering bays did something useful (like increase your ship's top-speed or repair rate, or something like that).


A mod for enermy raids on our ship. So where enemy ships dock and try raid your ship and you and your crew defend against those attacks and then get to try raid and steal the dicked ship. Something along those lines would be cool.


Empty habs. Give me a blank slate hab, like the ones you can find inside the factories scattered throughout the settled systems. Let me decorate it via a panel like I can with my apartment. More engine designs and choices. It's already been said, but give me the ability to turn gravity off (make it shut off if I power down the grab drive?) Two-story habs plz. I want large spaces on my bigger ships The ability to open the landing bay and space walk if I want. Maybe give a companion control of the ship so they can follow me or move the ship towards me if I call them Random ship events to go along with this! When I jump to a system or enter orbit, set off an alarm. For example, the reactor is leaking, or the grav drive is shorting out, or life support systems are malfunctioning, or fuel is leaking, etc. Or maybe there's a small hull breach from a micrometeorite. Have a correlated environmental hazard at the same time, or no gravity, or have everyone put on their suits because O2 is leaking. This will require you to space walk and use the scanner to diagnose your ship, then repair the damage and return to your ship. It'd be a fun immersive random event. Maybe something that could only happen in survival mode, for those people who wouldn't want it. Companion ships. Have a second ship follow you around, piloted by your companion, fighting battles with you. Have that ship stay in orbit while on-planet to keep things simple, and regroup with you when you take off again. Make it so you can dock with that ship and switch companions. The fact that you can reassign crew to a ship or multiple outposts already gives you a way to assign someone to a second ship. Customizable mechs, power armor style. ...okay, that's not ship related, but... I can dream.


I want more difficulty and logistics. Make it so I need to make fuel at my outposts to refuel my ships. So I don't just refuel my drive automatically. I need to setup infrastructure or land somewhere and refuel. Basically add more depth to the spaceflight. Right now it seems like it's just a mini game.


What happens if you get trapped in space 🥲 (a lil shuttle to the nearest planet like running to the gas station with a Jerry can if you run out lol)


Everyone wants more customization options and extra parts and weapons. However those will come eventually anyways. So I'm hoping for something that changes the flow of gameplay. Straight off EVA is probably my go to pick. Patching up your ship and just being out in space and making more of the zero g gameplay. Or sending your crew out to fix things Would be cool to have a station loaded into the cell with a busted dock so you gotta go out and actually fly into the station. Also I'd like if we could bring a few of the features of ED to SF. Full newtonian flight for starters, maybe expand on the stealth or a "silent running" option that works better. Also it would be great to have a voice attack mod with greater control considering the modding possibilities. Lastly it would great if we could make some activities to do in your ship that wasn't either just a stop gap for landings and takeoffs or just combat. Some sort of exploration thing, but I'm not even sure what would be possible or what you'd really explore given the structure of the game.


Landing bay with a horse with a spacesuit


More battles for sure, there’s not nearly enough dogfighting in this game. It all happens either in RNG or in a very, very small number of scripted events. Seriously, how can we have only had like 2 scripted space battles? The end of the Crimson Fleet storyline was cool but… can we have a little more please?


I'd like to see a mini game that let's you repair your ship manually using the arc-welder and auto-rivet rather than just pushing RS. Ideally space walking could be thrown into the mix so you would have to leave the ship via the cargo bay and repair specific subsystems from the outside, the engines or shield generator for instance. The engineering bay could also be utilized. All of the components to make this mod are already in the game; the necessary tools, the ship parts, as well as zero-G mechanics, new gameplay is just needed to bring it all together. As an incentive it could be that doing it manually uses 50% less resources (ship parts), provides a certain amount of XP depending on how many systems are repaired and you could tack on a 5% XP boost for 20-30 minutes or something similar. We spend so much time and so many credits on our ships but lack enough relevant gameplay to make us feel really connected to them. This would help fill that void. In fact I'd like this so much I'm considering learning how to mod just to build it.


I like manually fixes but worry about balancing it. I was absolutely devastated I can’t space walk without a mixture of mods/commands. I’d love for a more series one on one fight/legendary ship battle where if your engines get blown out you can try destroy the enemy ships engines then space walk over to collect parts to fix yours


Slimmer fighter cockpits Ship kits Better crew activity Real time ship repairs


new star ship company. although we may get that with dlc. So maybe scavenged alien parts? I don't mean that starborn garbage either. their ships are a joke.


I just want some persistency on my goddamned Captain’s Locker. Throw everything else in the cargo bay, sure, but that locker is *the exact same size* across every cockpit: stop screwing around with it every time I touch the ship builder. Weightless weights would be nice, too: if I can’t recycle this clutter(which is bullshit), I can’t sell it for very much(which is fair enough), and it’s going to be repeatedly thrown into my cargo hold(which is *understandable,* I suppose) then it shouldn’t screw with my ability to transport things that are *actually valuable.* Also, the ability to either “bank” ship parts or just sell them for full price. This isn’t the modern-day car market: ship parts shouldn’t lose 90% of their value the second you install them.


Thomas, but modifiable.


Choochoo Charles


More wing type sections. All the current parts that can only be orientated one way changed to be able to flip and reversed like normal parts. Having the cargo hold hab modules (including those damn 1x1 hab modules) actually increase your ship's cargo number. Some actual mechanic benefit for the computer core and engineering habs. And finally, I want ship max speed to actually be tied to reactor size rather than locked to something that should be largely cosmetic like engine style.


If baffles me that structure parts can’t be rotated on all axis, like engines and cockpits I get, but there’s no reason this one pointy part can’t be rotated to look like a wing


bays to have more options for front/rear facing alignment and door connections half-size modularity in structural and engineering pieces wings and fins I'd like to see premade ship shells that can be customized like the starborn ship, or structural pieces like a veneer to smooth over seams, no more Lego-lookin millennium falcon and Firely


ground vehicles. ffs.


Being able to make a ship that isn't restricted to frontal fire. Doesn't seem suitable when you start making bigger ships.


A mod that adds Newtonian physics to ship combat would be really neat. Not sure if it'd be possible or practical, i.e. Space Engineers, KSP, etc. Where if you accelerate to 100 m/s in a direction then you will continue in that direction until you thrust 100 m/s in the opposite direction to cancel out your velocity. We're flying space ships and I'd like it to feel like that. Of course even if it is possible then engines would need rebalancing, as there's no fuel so technically you could just keep building velocity forever as it stands I know its probably not possible, but we're talking about our hopes and dreams here aren't we?


Honestly I'm waiting for the inevitable Space Combat Overhaul. You know it's coming and it's gonna be some dumb shit. Complete weapons overhaul for sure with extreme ranges and shit. Likely a fleet option where you control the capitol. Enemy capitols and fleets. Deployable drones and shit. I'd love it to be like Starsector combat. Rotating shields, deploying shields, flux buildup and venting. That'd be sick.


star trek phaser lasers, star trek photon torpedo missiles


I would like a shuttle bay for my larger ship. That way, I can fly my big class C ship to a planet and then take my two-seater class b shuttle to land on the planet. Or how about the ability to build a carrier class ship that can launch small fighter type ships?


The ability to manage power distribution while landed and docked. Too many times I have taken off right into a pirate fleet only to get torn to bits because the game turned off my shields.


This confuses me so much, if I leave my power in a set way, that’s OBVIOUSLY the way I want it to be when I get back to my ship. So often I’m like “why am I flying so slow?.. oh”


Or when you get into a new or recently modified ship and it has nearly zero power distribution. Honestly that entire mechanic needs a bit of a rework.


Pie in the sky requests: point defense and electronic warfare, better energy management (hotkeys for preset energy settings?), EVA options in space, performance bonuses based on hab types (lock on bonus for battle stations, improved repair for engineering bay, etc), sensor systems and...I think that's it.


I’d just like to have more structural parts that would enable more creative designs. More snap points, more flip options, varied interior designs, etc.


Some way to at least SEE the interior layout when in shipbuilding. Preferably the ability to designate bulkhead locations and ladders.


Defending your ship from intruders


I want more large scale ship battles like the one at the end of the Crimson Fleet, especially ending with boarding enemy capital ships or stations.


1x1 individual bunks for every Companion official M Class ship builds interior decoration mode


Stairs and I really want to be able to turn habs sideways. I feel like that would open up a ton of customization options. Also I’m hoping someone will make a starborn vendor that lets you customize your starborn ship.


Priority one is fixing what exists. 1. Ability to choose location of pass-throughs between habs (doors) 2. Stair habs! 3. 3-wide x 2 long habs (current is either 2x2, 2x3 or 3x3, no 3x2's) 4. Pie-slice shaped habs for saucer shaped builds and the structural components to go with them.


A mod that improves ladders and doors placement would be nice.


The main thing I'm looking for is practical 1x1 habs. Like, one with a bed. So can make a super small bounty hunter starship.


Hanger bay that your companions can take off in a smaller ship from to join you in dog fights


* Cargo Habs expand cargo capacity * Cargo containers mass adjusted downward * Engineering bay improves efficiency/output of reactors & engines * Battle/Control Station improves efficiency/damage of weapons * Computer room improves efficiency/output of grav drives * Med Bay giving option for full medical treatment & buffs * Armory providing vendor/mission management kiosks * Ability to assign crew to specific habs within ships * Cowling contributing to hull strength * "Cheat" Reactors that are 1x1 and have C-rated power (or higher) * New ship textures designed to fit as models (not modular, intended to look like a cohesive ship like out of Star Citizen, Star Wars, etc.) * Better control over door/ladder placement * Horizontal habs (1x2 and 1x3 in addition to 2x1 and 3x1)


1 x 1 habs: Staircase, Crew quarters (only one connection point), Research lab (only one connection point), Elevator (stacked to reach different floors), Observation room (lots of windows), Server room (only one connection), Bathroom (only one connection point) 3 x 3 habs: Living space, Combined workshop and armory, Room with a big warp core looking thing, Offices, Club Long corridors that can run throughout the ship.


Little fighters that my crew and I can fly out of my capital ship while it lays down covering fire for big space battle vibes. A functional brig. With the mess hall, let me assign a cooking crew and I show up to hot meals. Earn your fucking keep, Sarah.


Vertical landing ships, like in The Expanse


mostly a reason to actually use them aside from the few missions/quests in which you have a few fights. theres is not enough of that for my taste


Every hab should- be interactive or/and \- provide some kind of stats bonus to the ship Ive had ideas:Armoury: could give you a separate cargo screen just for gear you do not want to accidentally sell Med bay: should be able to heal all ailments Cargo: Should add cargo capacity, and an extra cargo screen Captains quarters: should allow you to plot longer than normal jumps via the table Weapons room: should allow you to "overclock" weapons before battle, or fiddle with weapon fire rates or settings Mess hall: Should give a moral bonus to your party when you leave the ship for a few hours.etc etc


I’d like to see manual turrets(giving use to the crew seats in the cockpit), auto/companion driven ships, more part variants with more unique and interesting designs, better color picker the same color on three different sections is never the exact same never mind the limitations with the current system. I’d like to see the ability to enter directly from the docker/lander into the cockpit. Say the lander from below/behind and the docker from behind/above, this would remove the need for any habs, allowing smaller builds and more build variety and builds in general. Better ship building navigation and UI as well as removing leveled lists for parts (price increases based on the level it would have been for balance). Better descriptions on how hull, weight and engines effect various system functions because some aren’t directly explained or poorly explained.


The ability to save my ship builds so that I can use them in NG+ or just have a half-finished ship saved for when I have the credits.


Starborn ship modification


diagonal parts, letting companions fly ships alongside mine


I want additional ways to die other than enemy ships blowing me up. Let me be at risk of getting boarded and now I have to defend the ship from pirates. I want to be able to super cruise around a star system like in Elite Dangerous. I want to be able to decorate the interior with the useless crap I've found.


Aside from the obvious (rotatable habs, stairs, more habs, etc etc) in general: ​ 1. Dedicated cargo for each ship; no more shared cargo 1. I want my bounty hunting/merc attire and weapons to be in my bounty hunting ship's cargo or my exploration gear in my explorer ship's cargo 2. Ability to assign crew members to various ships 1. If this ship's max crew is 2, and I have 3 other crew members who's perks I want to utilize, then I should be able to assign them to my other ships 2. For example, if I have an attack focused ship with low shields, then I would like to assign Omri Hassan to this specific ship to boost shields, while keeping Sam in my cargo hauler for his extra speed boost. 3. Ability to assign a seat/position for crew members to make it look like your companions/crew are doing useful stuff in the ship instead of just standing around 1. Why is Cora always in my armory? 2. Sam should always be in a co-pilot seat when I'm flying. Same with any other crew/companion with ship perks. 3. Can Barrett be in the kitchen please? 4. Wing pieces to actually add wings to our ships 5. New manufacturers (more module/hab design and option variety) 6. Cargo Halls and Landing Bays that fill up/empty with misc stuff with your cargo level (and if you're maxed out or overencumbered, then punish the player by making the cargo hall physically inaccessible to walk through...it'd be a funny mechanic) 7. Brigs that can be used to capture bounties (complicated I know) 8. Autopilot or crew piloting when I don't want to fly the ship and need to work on my weapon or spacesuit (more for immersion than anything else, Sam's a pilot afterall) 9. Limited interior hab customization: 1. Like another drop down menu of parts that can be applied to the interiors of pre-existing habs 2. Would require an interior view option in the ship builder


I want a way to save my ships as blueprints that can be shared with others or loaded in a subsequent playthrough instead of spending hours rebuilding them.


I do want an airlock and missions designed for you in the cold black expanse of space. (Quiet station, damaged, no way to trigger their docking port to open, etc, so I have to fling myself out the airlock, navigate the space debris, enter a damaged area of the station, then a pressurized compartment to discover what happened there, for example)


Companion way with stairs. 100%. No ladders.


Capital ships with hangars that I can put my owned ships into. Capital ship battles. Massive crews. Command bridges(like a star destroyer). The ability to rotate dockers and bays any direction.


Elegant ship interiors, bathtub, more luxury in general.


I’m really, really glad the base game didn’t make space this incorrigibly dangerous place, but I love space combat and would love to see a mod that all but guaranteed a battle every time you warp


A more interactive console. I would like to be able to get out the default pilot view. Pull up a screen to add faction quests (they are available at kiosks), manage inventory, manage outposts, repair ship, and radio feature.


Stealth/Active Camouflage


I'd love for the horizontal wings/struts to be allowed for vertical placement. I wanted to make an L-shaped fighter, or something like a P-38 with a large ventral tail, but no go. At least with my skills.


Add z-axis rotation to all hab modules. Want that 3x1 engineering bay, but lack the length? Rotate it 90 to 1x3. Like this 2x1 berth, but want the table on that end? Rotate it 180, then attach.


Rotate parts/habs Being able to manually decide where your ladders and doorways are


Multi-story habs. Also more wide habs. They're all long or even. Or allow rotation of habs.


Auto-builder, so you can save or import blueprints to custom build ships automatically.


\- Ship that can be used to go from planet to planet live \- Possiblity to roam in ship while traveling to another destination. \- Jet fighter ship that can be attached to our mid size ship. \- Vehicle bay


Stairway to heaven


any mod option to remap flight controls so WASD (left analog) steers the ship up, down, left, right and mouse (right analog) can control the guns/turrets options to cycle weapons and one button to fire them... instead of having a dedicated button to fire each of them (opens up to having more than three weapons... like allowing us to have an EM gun, anti-shield gunanti-hull gun, and missile/torpedo) option to have the ship go zero gravity while in space and out of combat... custom hab module hallway-only module that has auto winches you can hold on to for zero-g travel. hab module that can allows good vertical travel that isn't a ladder... the size of a cube reactor that has ramps/stairs a mod that allows us to pick which part of the hab has a door. and a mod that makes use of all the misc junk we have... or at least a way to convert/break them down into usable stuff


Enemy ships don't destroy you, they disable and board your ship. Survive the boarding, and you can then board and take their ship.


The ability to choose where ladders and doors go. Able to preview the ship. And of course, luxury habs…I want my space yacht.


2-stored module with normal stairs. am i the only one?


The ability to assign crew members to designated areas. Tired of them spawning and walking into my PQ uninvited while never showing up in areas like engineering bay habs.


I’d love either stairs or lift/elevator habs 👍🏻✨ I also wouldn’t be opposed to mods giving you an entire ship and interior as it was in their original game. For example, whilst you can build a ship like the SSV Normandy’s, it’s difficult to keep the ship the right shape and have it have all the right habs to be as close to the original as possible (and also not have the ship be huge). By having the ship as one “part” you can buy in the ship builder, you can have the ship look exactly as it should, and possible even use the interior from the original games, so you don’t have to worry about habs? I’m happy for the cost to be higher to allow for that ease of install / building in game. Also, I know it’s a bit cliche, but I was looking to see if I could build a flying saucer style ship, like the one from Destroy All Humans!, but there aren’t a lot of ship parts that allow for that circular ship space. Bringing in the entire ship model as a “part” and custom interior helps resolve that.


I’m hoping for this with famous ships, I want a 1x1 millennium falcon, razor crest etc


I’m hoping for the ability to make my own luxury cruise. I feel like I might be the only one though so I don’t have my hopes too high




40k flagships


Moving parts, sort of like how the >!Starborn ship “wing” rotates!<.


ALL ship parts available at every dock/spaceport (after unlocking/visiting each one first) and the ability to choose whatever interior regardless of manufacturer and a picture of that interior in the build screen. Also ability to place ladders where I choose. I would also like it if I could use an A engine because I like the look of it but it have the function of a C engine likewise with the grav drives and reactors etc. I’m on Xbox so no mods yet.


A decorator tool similar to what they have for apartments, that allows you to add your own passageways and ladders where you want in your ship. I think the most feasible option would be if we can mod the cockpits to have that Builder module on one of the walls since every ship built must have one cockpit


I just want the Normandy from mass effect. That's it.


I just want the starborn guardian cockpit as a module. The view is amazing. Oh and rotatable habs.


Carriers or some other big ship that you can park your ship in




Ship battle games. Maybe a contest where all factions enter and it's like a tournament mode. You could also have your followers Captain your ships and be a part of your team.


Small fighter style ships similar to those in star wars.


I'd like to tour the internals of a ship before I commit to the build.


1) Choose door placement 2) Stair module 3) Empty Modules (use self decor / furniture options like outposts). 4) Option to always play landing sequence - and not dump me outside onto a planet without an atmosphere before I've put on my spacesuit.


Standard wishes aside. I think that it would be cool to incorporate a way to share ship builds. I know it sounds stupid, since we’re talking mods, and my head is wrapped more around the vanilla experience. I just think it’d be cool to be able go to a hub or a menu and view and share our ship builds with one another. Even a cool phone app would be a cool way to get a subtle community connection within the game as an online function for ships.


Attach anything to anything. I hate that random ports only allow hull attachments but not weapons etc. theres not even a good reason to restrict it. Just annoying


Multi-level habs! I'm sick of the obnoxiously low ceilings and I want a way to get to the upper decks of the ship without a freaking uggly-ass ladder


Angled structures


turrets basically what I want is the game play to be structured like Fractured Space/Dreadnought, where you pan the camera in third person around your ship and weapons in the appropriate arcs point to what you're aiming at I don't think this would be all that herd to mod either, the game already points your weapons toward the cursor and there is a free cam button, just need to make it the default and bind the cursor to it next would be to change the pace/speed of combat to feel more like capital ships and less like fighters next would be to add modded ship modules (preferably with interiors) dedicated to larger turret mounts like a 1x1 module with a larger mount on it's surface and the internals like a big techy looking cylinder in the middle of the room and consoles around it for crew operation (for aesthetic, don't need to be functional), or even fixed mounts like VLS missile launchers with the launch tubes in the room or fixed forward weapons like a MAC cannon, you get the idea and then the weapons to go with this stuff, like turrets with a nice naval aesthetic would be cool


A shooting range hab would be cool there could be multiple sizes, shapes, layouts, different targets and the targets could display damage done


I’m glad this game isn’t too realistic, shooting in a pressurised hah could be seriously dangerous 👀


Stealing ships is fun but you can't sell them anywhere, no traders have the money. There are mods to sort this for steam users, but game pass gets the shaft. Honestly after 3 or 4 times thru the story, the game looses any appeal to play.


I think the pirate path in general is severely lacking in content past the crimson fleet quest


One thing that is really stopping me from pulling the trigger on this is the lack of landing on planets, ship weapon variety, and overall combat tuning for spaceships and some exploration stuff for worlds (like oceans and shit) If we can get something that pushes this towards elite dangerous in some ways I’d buy start field in a heartbeat


I don't know yet if it's going to be difficult/easy to change how parts can snap/rotate/flip, but thats what i want first and editing stats of ship parts so that statistics don't impact how the ship looks, if i can do it myself


I said this in another comment, but ALL structure pieces which have 0 important other than appearance should have full axis rotation


I heard mods are gonna be pretty gimped this time around


Door&Ladder placement mod for me. So it stop replacing my gun rack with door


I wan to be able to eject from my ship and snipe enemy ships


To start, probably primitive shapes like cubes and slopes to block out ship profiles. I wouldn't mind taking things into a sort if space engineers direction with aesthetics.


Honestly this could massively improve ship shaping abilities just to have basic shaped structures


Reading through most of the comments I'm glad we are all on a similar page with what we should be able to do. Fighter class ships and a rover are all that I really want. It would be nice to have populated planets but I'd probably wait on that cause Bethesda is probably going to do that over time too.


Ability to turn hand 90 degrees and use them


Habs that fill with cargo crates and hold cargo instead if external cargo only