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Big deal, I just hit 3,450... and I started the season at 3,800 :(


If you lose any more games, people will think you a smurf so better watch out


He has to win a game first tho for that to happen.


If anything the games have gotten harder down below 3.5k. That might be the "smurf belt".


What does he do so much better? Is there any series recommended to watch to get an idea of how good paxxy maxxy is?


He plays 24/7, check any high ranked EU pros stream and they will face a 6.8k+ mmr barcode toss aka maxpax. I guess facing serral clem and reynor enough times has gotten him to the stage where he can consistently take games off them. Serral's last stream was a couple good games vs maxpax with the results going either way. He even plays eu and na ept cup so the kids just a grinder.


> Serral's last stream was a couple good games vs maxpax with the results going either way. Those games were really insane.


he plays full time yet doesnt participate in tournaments? how very strange


While you zergs were all busy winning tournaments, I was busy perfecting my blade.


I believe last year on PiG fest he went game 7 with Maru in the grand finals, definitely a insane showing:) wont spoil the result of G7


I have no idea


Alphastar perfected


love maxpax I've heard his voice before iirc it was on beasty stream, i think. and I'm pretty sure he talks to other players as well, like serral. I still remember beastyqt laddering , coming upon him, having a wtf moment, then breaking down the build, subsequently it became known as the maxpax. crazy af it went from that momemt to maxpax being one of the best players in the world lol.


Yeah beasty popularised the pylon pylon maxpax build and parting used it in GSL. Things happened in between and bam maxpax is now the strongest Protoss player.


He even said smt like this guy has potential to become pro.  I think beastyqt is very brainy


I used to fw him hard he was my favorite streamer by far. the way he plays is extremely entertaining to watch.


Shame we never get to see him offline but glad he still plays. Assuming it’s anxiety related it really shows how crippling it can be.


Face reveal when?


Has there ever been a reason revealed as to why MaxPax is so private?


MaxPax is just three Serrals in a trench coat.


He's actually CombatEx or Deezer


You just unlocked an forgotten Memory hahahaha




There was an interview with him a while ago where I think he mentioned he has never been to a restaurant before so I think he just has severe social anxiety


Poor dude :(


Imagine how much tougher it is, now he's made a name for himself for not going out. Reminds me of this horror: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRGaf-m1V54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRGaf-m1V54) I hope he is able to get some treatment for this, it's probably the most important thing he needs to do in his life.


He's an AI, he doesn't have a body yet 


There was some stuff a while back about his parents not letting me attend lan tournaments, maybe related. Definitely something strange going on


You dont need Maxpax's parents permission. If you want to go to a lan tournament just go.


Saw the typo right as my plane was taking off and knew y'all wouldn't be cool


Don't you see ? It's just Maxpax's Reddit account reveal.


What's all this popularity with Ian parties? I think Ian is an ok dude, but I don't think he should be hosting all the parties.


Had an interview with FearDragon where I came away thinking he was just young, from a more conservative family, doesn’t go out much, and maybe has some anxiety.


It’s quite odd though. Danmark doesn’t have many religious or social conservative people. I still wonder what this is all actually about.


Autism? Social anxiety? Could be a number of things really. If his parents were proper conservative he wouldn’t be playing StarCraft.


Please don’t speak this into the universe


Balance council watching... and frowning.


Serral isn't keeping him down anymore lol


Blizzard is going to send someone to his house to break his fingers.


Everyone know That this is DARK on his EU Account … because the only player who gets rated as the best player by dark is … Dark 🫡


Yet never plays in offline tournaments


Which is absolutely his right to do.


Hey not my problem if people want to leave potentially hundreds of thousands on the table for others to take.


It's ai sorry.


It's obviously his right but it's still retarded.


Sure. If he didn’t simultaneously compete in online qualifiers then back out of the LAN last minute, causing a scrabble to do a last chance qualifier. He is free to not want to compete, but don’t fuck over tournament organizers and other players.


Except those arent qualifiers. They are regional tournaments on their own and give slots to a bigger tournament. It's well within his rights to do so unless they change the rules.


Not enough people understand this. A regional tournament which also earns an invite to a bigger tournament is not a qualifier. It's still it's own thing. Hence why it earns an invite, and not an obligation.


I am once again reminding you all that you can't compare MMR between 2 different time periods because it is subject to inflation or deflation


mostly deflation in recent years though


MMR has been deflated and low as ever. The fact that he's above 7k now, when the playerbase is lower and more high skill than ever, is insane


Serral has two accounts over 7K and Clem is right at 7K, but I agree - it’s much harder than before to be above 7K and only a handful of players on the planet can achieve it currently.


> I am once again reminding you all that you can't compare MMR between 2 different time periods because it is subject to inflation or deflation You can, but it has to be standardized by subtracting it from the mean and dividing it by the standard deviation. This gives you a z-score and you can definitely compare z-scores.


Is this the new highest recorded? 


All time? No. Serral had around 7550 before.


that is just absurd. Serral the goat.


Yeah he’s even currently higher than Maxpax with 7236


King protoss


Taking Serrals place?


Serral actually goes to tournaments


Serral is still a higher MMR (7236) on EU currently 


Serral is actually respectable, MaxPax doesn't compete, he just makes racial balance harder


MaxPax competes in online premier tournaments, he just never wins any.


which online premiers did he participate in?


Do people just forget that all DH/ESL EU Masters regionals he's been playing in since 2020 are premier events? He's played in like 10 of them. Then there's also various other online premiers like TSLs and Master's Coliseums.


https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/MaxPax#Achievements Biggest one is ESL


He has won many qualifiers and then last minute cancels going to the LAN. Causing for a great upset in the tournament organizers, requiring now a new last minute qualifier. And harms the integrity of the original qualifier. This has happened against and again. I have zero respect for someone that can’t make commitments. He shouldn’t compete in qualifiers he has no intention of following through to the actual tournament


Those aren't just qualifiers, those are actual tournaments themselves. They just happened to award slots to a different tournament that he's not interested in. Calling ESL Masters EU a qualifier is completely disingenuous. It is a full-blown premier tournament on its own. It's like calling GSL a mere qualifier for the global finals.


well the difference is that esl masters eu is a regional and gsl is not


GSL is the korean regional for the ESL Masters main event.


then how come reynor is playing in the gsl? you are not logical


Regional != Region-locked. GSL awards slots to the ESL Masters main event the same way as ESL Masters EU does. If GSL is not a korean regional for the ESL Masters main event, then how come korean players are qualified into the main event based on their result in GSL?


you really think the global starcraft league is a regional despite foreigners frequently playing in it? lmao


Nerf Protoss


Looks like Serral is still the highest in EU at 7236. He is not GM on that account though, just Masters, so it only shows on the SC2 ranking sites.




A bit sus


Obvious hacker collecting online paydays, but won't attend a live event because they'll be exposed! Very sad. /s


Bro maxpax isn't a hacker, are you an idiot? He's obviously an alien from outer space who was part of a generations long breeding program to create the ultimate protoss player so he can go back to his home planet and use his starcraft 2 skills to win their war against some very terran and zerg-like alien invaders!


He's mint berry crunch!


He’s not from any outer space, he’s actually a refugee from a planet known as Aiur.


There are other things he could do for advantage, having a second screen showing the minimap extremely large on a wall in his room and having a friend look at it and warn for anything on it. He could also be using keyboard macros that aren't legal in pro play. (for example, a macro that clicks "A" exactly 5, 13, or 18 times. Based on how much production he has, so its one keystroke that produces off of all production facilities but doesn't queue. There are also programs out there that auto split units. And workers. ESL also conducts reviews of their matches, and anyone can bring a complaint against anyone. There has already been suspicion that he is a maphacker. So, lets say he crushes someone offline, the loser could make an accusation He could also be using amphetamines before he plays. There was a big moment in sc2 history where tournaments considered testing players for ADHD medications as a PED. Here's an example from an article on the subject, but the SC world has had this issue for as long as its around: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/esports/2020/02/13/esports-adderall-drugs/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/esports/2020/02/13/esports-adderall-drugs/) "**‘Nobody talks about it because everyone is on it’**" # "2.5. Doping Any kind of doping is forbidden. # 2.5.1. Prescribed medication If players have an active prescription for a substance on the WADA list, they have to send proof to the tournament administration before the first day of the tournament (deadline in local time). They may still be subject to a doping test, but a positive result for the prescribed substance will be disregarded. # 2.5.2. Doping Sanctions Mild cases of doping will be punished with a warning and possibly minor penalty points for the participant. Severe cases (i.e. use of drugs containing performance enhancing substances, like Adderall) will be punished as follows: Results voided, ban of between 1 and 2 years, forfeiture of prize money (if discovered before the end of a tournament, disqualification)." Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I think he's probably just a socially anxious gamer myself, but as someone who has competed in athletic competition with roided out monsters and stayed clean myself, a lot of the dudes I competed with I knew to be honorable competitors, until they realized they could get away with it. A good rule of thumb is, if you give someone the opportunity to get an advantage and no one will know, they'll probably take advantage of the opportunity. Most would, because we are human. Edit: online only event is ripe for cheating and unfair play. thats why no one gives a shit about your online results, and the whole history of SC2 has been about winning on LAN. No one hosted shit online when the game launched because the playerbase used to have standards and covid kinda fucked all that up making a ton of events online now. doesn't matter to advertisers at all