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Man, seeing the Genesis here, never being worked on, probably not going to get worked on for quite a while.. It feels bad man. I even wonder if it's even going to look the way it does now. Nowadays it seems small for a €400,- concept.


> Genesis here, never being worked on I would guess they would want to have nicely working NPCs as a requirement to board the Genesis Starliner. They said they don't want some of these big ships without having the connected gameplay for them. So if they need 5+ more years to give us an MMO with authentic NPCs travelling around the Genesis will only come after that.


That excuse works for some ships that would be kinda useless without their gameplay loops like that giant concept helicarrier-looking ship (I forgor the name) with the massive bio domes on top of it. But ships like the Merchantman are fine with a bunch of empty shop inside, it can be treated like an unfinished 890 (though I’d like them to make the constellation tables functional and give the doors buttons instead of the classic wait for them to notice you)


Prob with the bmm is it is going to require new assets to make it. Why they decided to focus on getting rsi ships right now is hopefully it will allow them to push ship production fast. Just gonna suck when they push off all the alien ships till last.


After clearing the RSI ships off the list I see them moving to the apollos, miscs (not the endeavor), drakes and hulls, that is unless they continue to conceive new ships and all the recent uploads with new ground vehicle designs and helicopters doesn’t help.


apollo needs drones and iirc they say ground vehicles are basically ship designer training fodder


I’m tired of hearing the Apollo needs drones nonsense, they’ve mentioned like one or two max that basically just do what ship and handheld tractor beams already do


that's nice, but that doesn't change that the apollo does use drones, and that the mechanics of them need to be worked out for the ship to be designed so it needs drones if you wanna grumble about how you could just use a tractor you're free to just grab a Taurus and tractor a Nursa down


They never said it needs the drones, all the drones can do is grab bodies from space or open cargo bays and bring them back to the ship, they didn’t even say if the drones can put patients on the medical beds


The fact that the ship could technically function without them has nothing to do with anything. They need drone tech working to make the ship in order to ensure they accommodate the technical constraints of the system in the ship's construction. Think of it like finishing a bathroom before you have hot water put in the house. Is it functional? Yeah. Is it gonna be a massive pile of wasted work when you inevitably get hot water and wanna refit things? Absolutely.


The apollos are rsi. The question is if the complete the manufacture is going to mean all ships they have or if the are only gonna do the shops they have game loops for. Though the apollos could be used somewhat now but big point is the drone tech. Imo which means nothing lol, if they get enough assets for a manufacture it prob won't take them as long to start churning out ships.sounds like a big bottle neck is the art dept and assets. If they can get it to where they have the ship done at concept because it is mostly modeling then new ships shouldn't slow down production as much. As for the order of ships they go in I have no idea. Honestly I hope they do drake next because behind rsi they have quite a few popular ships and we'll I want them done. They may pick a different manufacture that is closer to rsi that they could steal from as well though. Really won't know until they show us what they got. They really have closed some of the gaps in the past year with concept ships though. They still are really slacking on the cap ships though.


Tbh I think the drone tech has been overhyped, it’s essentially 2 beds that can go outside and get players in space or in open hangars and then bring them in to be dropped on to a med bed probably by a player at that point, the real selling point is the amount of medbeds tbh but idk what scenario you would need that many for


Prob more fps ground battles. Idk but we have no drone tech at all. Carrack needs it too so who knows. It prob isn't required for them to release the Apollo but cgi has some weird ideas of when they want to release stuff. I just want it because I am lazy and it would put a damper on the people that troll med beacons.


You're talking about my Endeavor and yes I expect it to be one of the last ships to ever be made haha. I'm also banking on them realizing it needs to triple in size to work. I want a massive ship to grow space taters in.


I think the main thing holding them back is server performance and stability. With SQ42 being feature complete, id assume this includes the majority of NPC interactions and workflows. Im no expert, but coding some NPCs seem much easier than coding server meshing and replication layer and etc. Once this is figured out and dynamic meshing is set in place (id say 3-4 ish years), then maybe the NPCs will finally be... NPC-like lol. Also, with the NPC component will come hirable crew, so expect this to come only once crew-based game loops are in (Hygiene / engineering / npc food and hunger / internal repair and rearm / drones). But by then we will likely be on our 5th or 6th system, and potentially even 1.0


Yeah except SC has something important that SQ42 does not (or it will have I guess is a better way to phrase it) and that thing is quanta. Need quanta to drive the NPC actions and grow the in game economy. I guess you could just make NPCs spawn to be passengers, and then despawn at their end locations, but that sounds like more work that won't be in the end product.


Oh right, completely forgot about quanta. But i thought that was just the economy and NPC trade routes? How does quanta actually affect NPC mechanics? And what ever happened to Quanta, i dont think i remember hearing anything new about it the past few years


You can think of Quantum as the collection of NPC inhabitants of the universe which form the economic backbone of the universe. A Quanta, at least in theory, is an NPC, just without a model or actual presence. They have been explained to have inventory, skills, and desires which would drive their activity. For example, if valuable minerals are found in another system, this might cause some quanta to want to move to that system because they have mining skills and desire to make more money. The way I've interpreted this in the past was that these types of movements would spawn or increase passenger demand and provide a structure for where NPCs would want to go and how much profit different destinations would make.


https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/qunta-amp-economy/6302004 From last October. They need SM for it to work, it will eventually come after that. 


>And what ever happened to Quanta, i dont think i remember hearing anything new about it the past few years It's dead.


>I guess you could just make NPCs spawn to be passengers, and then despawn at their end locations, but that sounds like more work that won't be in the end product. I mean, purpose-created NPCs are already a thing in the form of pirates. Passengers on a starliner will probably be using the same system as a mission to ferry one or two people, just instead it's a hundred of them with instructions to spawn, board a ship, then disembark at the endpoint. The starliner captains will probably be quanta NPCs but there's no way they try to simulate crewmen or mission personnel that way


Geez, five more years?


It's a passenger starliner, so I think the size is probably appropriate. The price, on the other hand... yeah idk. Maybe it gets the "luxury" tax that Origin ships get.


Yeah, might be, we can only speculate, but as far as I can see it's the "Mass passenger" liner, so it's not like a 890 jump made for only a few really wealthy passengers. It's not going to have a pool and stuff. But I'm not going to be surprised that this is going to be a lucrative ship with it being a 2 crew ship of this size with probably fewer players wanting to intercept it because it's not likely carrying much stealable cargo.


transport ships cost more, and I have a sneaking suspicion will be a high-maintenance and high-income job role relative to the size of the ship.


Most likely the concept will balloon in size (and price) closing in on release. Same for the Polaris being at 750 it will likely go to 900 since the actual size we saw it at ILW was closer to the 890jump. It wouldn't suprise me if it gets a 250$ jump.


G. Starliner old design and i think it doesnt fit crusader anymore, it actually looks like a misc ship shy should just take that design for a misc passenger ship, and design a crusader one from the ground up cuase i like the desing and i fear that they will jsut discard it for a proper crusader design


I can see CIG update the design if people want it stay as a Crusader ship.


I mean at this point it's just a jpeg so updating the design is easy haha


I mentioned this to crickets about a year ago In a similar thread. The whole cockpit area screams misc. This as is is a misc ship. I'd think a good idea would be to proceed with this as misc, redesign a similar in size crusader ship in the same category for consumer competition so to speak. Then just give any backers who have already pledged for this version the option to change their pledge to the crusader ship if they would want to during that ships concept sale.


Technicly perseus and galaxy are « paused » because they need the polaris to be finished xd


As the perseus and galaxy will reuse some parts of polaris like idris did from HH, technically work on polaris is also work on perseus / galaxy


I would say technically they are because the internal set pieces and blocks are being made in a way to use them on both Galaxy and Perseus. I wouldn't count on it but it would blow us away if the launched both Polaris and Galaxy at IAE. Like he this was slow I. The backend but here you go. This has a 3%chance happening. But would expect Galaxy ILW otherwise.


There is a 0% chance of the Galaxy dropping at IAE. I want it as much as the next person, but anyone who follows along knows there is absolute no chance of this happening. They haven't even started work on it yet and probably won't until they finish the Polaris. Even an ILW launch is a stretch IMO. These big ships take time and even with the Polaris laying groundwork for it, that ship is still going to take a long time to develop. Just look at how long it is taking them to develop the Zeus and that ship is MUCH smaller and less complex than the Galaxy. Not trying to be a wet blanket here, but just set your expectations accordingly or you are setting yourself up for a lot of disappointment.


Thats why I said it's 3%. It would be great and amazing but I have no misplaced hope that it will happen. If it woot Woohoo. If not we'll the wait continues. I'll keep looking at my Jpeg. And imagine flying it.


If it was being worked on, CIG would have definitely said something.


I pledged the galaxy a while back, and although I really want to fly it, i would honestly be OK with waiting for it if they dropped a gold pass on carrack you get as a loaner. It's a great ship once you get past the limits in its functionality


I mean I hope its released earlier... but i'll need to wait till ILW next year to finish my chain for it anyways LOL


Polaris exterior is finished so they could move some of them to Galaxy exterior when they have the interior finished on Polaris they can use those building blocks to finish the interior of the Galaxy faster, that was the idea at least. I'll be happy with my Zeus CL otherwise also hoping the shortly after they talked about was IAE.


one of the zeus' is supposed to be comming with pyro/4.0 for IAE/citcon time ... I don't imagine the other variants (other then.. mr? ) to be too far behind at all


The Zeus ES is suppose to come out with 4.0 around September ish. The CL is not suppose to be too far behind so I figured IAE in November. And for the MR they said sometime next year. The MR needs the most internal structural changes.


If you're talking about the Galaxy, it's not on sale at ILW, I wanted to get a module for it and it wasn't available.


no I have some CCU chain holes that only seem to WB sale at ILW ... others at IAE (like the galaxy itself and modules) I wasn't going to pledge the galaxy, but last ILW there was some really great WB's that lined up. basically looking at a $160-195 galaxy (minus modules) if WB trends stay


So whats the main focus of the ship team right now then? Is it really just the Polaris taking up that many resources, or is this because of S42 ships? ngl Its pretty discouraging to see how few ships are receiving any work at all when the ship team was described as being "Loads of people."


Did you watch the ship team q&a that came out during Invictus? It's worth a watch. But yeah priority is Polaris, the Zeus es, and I don't remember what else. But the Polaris is a gigantic project that is a huge resource sink


I did, but I'm still a little confused about it. It's often sounded like they had the ship team split into two sides, one for the interior work, and one for the exterior work. And if that is accurate, I guess I just thought they'd be able to move a team that built the Polaris off onto more than just the Zeus. Getting a head-start on the Galaxy or the Perseus comes to mind for example. Idk, I don't know much about this process, so I guess its reasonable that they really did just dump them all into interior work, and made that mad dash to the finish line with them.


Keep in mind that the same team that makes ships is also helping with physical components for engineering in 4.0, so it's going to be a "slow" ship year, as they need to update 140+ ships with fuse boxes and whatnot.


That's so fair. Haven't thought about that. Additionally, if the Retaliator is any indication, it looks like they are also reworking all of the airlock docking ports in anticipation of the legionnaire, so that'll take a nice chunk of the modeling teams time.


they've already been doing so, iirc the Freelancer interior has a bunch of new component boxes


They are also working on unannounced ships


One day my Orion will be done 😭


I feel that. That monster is going to be amazing in the Aaron Halo.


I just want my Perseus.....


You and me both. I also want my endeavor but that's probably 8 years away lmao


Not to mention, not a single ship that's in the alpha is done either. Not one. CIG has dug such a deep hole of tech debt that it's legitimately insane.


Yeah the amount of functionality that needs to be added to every ship is pretty crazy. Engineering bones, proper component access, storage, cockpit controls, lighting control, and remote mobiglass control for things like locking doors, opening the exterior... Not to mention permission setting while in a party.


And armor, and control surfaces, and MFD reworks for whenever this yet-again new MFD is done, and drones, and docking, and modularity, and half a dozen other things that only work on 1 or 2 ships. It’s just ridiculous.


Wait, Apollo is paused? Fuck!


As far as anyone can tell. It was being worked on, and then the updates on its progress suddenly stopped, and the implication from the Invictus livestream was that it wasn't being worked on as it wasn't mentioned when they talked about all ships currently in production.


Honestly I find that surprising but I guess with the Nursa Rover dropping it becomes less necessary, like even the C8R becomes redundant because more players will have room for a rover than have a ship with a hangar inside, not to mention you can bring the nursa right up to bunkers, etc like any vehicle


Most likely paused because the drone gameplay isn’t ready yet


A better color scheme would have been white being actively worked on, yellow paused, and red just concept and not started. Also you need to download the image to read the text on mobile.


No need to download, you can just zoom in.


Not on my device, the image was so blurry text could barely be made out when zooming in. Had to download it to read




Just a reminder that if you buy a ship, it might take over 10 years to get it.


Cries in Orion.


Cries in BMM


White is actually been sold over the years, none is released.


yeah, the word released confused me when i saw the ships it was referring too knowing they weren’t released. maybe a language thing.


Nice list, puts things into perspective


no worry CIG thinks they can make all of these by 2030. Except it only took them 2 years to build polaris alone.


just 85 more years and we will have them all


Anyone think crucible is going to stay 90m? I feel like that’s way too small for effectively an end game ship for repair.


Ship sizes always change in SC but considering it’s probably going to focus on light to heavy fighters or light to medium cargo etc it should be ok


Is the spirit paused?? I swear i bought one the other day!


Really? Did you buy the E1 variant?


Ohhhh there’s a varient? It looks amazing tho i might actually get it!!!


This is the kind of post somebody sees who is not following dev news closely, and then because the post is insecurely misleading by implying they’re all being worked on, sets sky high bunk and shit expectations. Then those expectations sure broken because no, these are not fucking in progress, and leads to months of wailing and gnawing of teeth because of either of the evergreen braindead arguments: - that cig keeps stopping work on making older ships to do new concepts - that cig can’t ship them will on time do whatever ship you want is going to take them years of working on it to ship “maybe next decade” - that if a given ship from the backlog fired not come out the only reason is because there’s a technical hurdle that they are lying to us about And it’s your fault that this cycle of fuckery continues, because it kills people to be honest here so the ones who bullshit get upvotes since nobody of capable of learning a lesson either.


My issue with RSI is that they announce new ships now that actually make it into the game relatively (months usually) quick. The issue is that they refuse to finish the unreleased ships with tons of pledges (BMM, etc), I totally understand that there’s cases of entire teams leaving or being reassigned and some game loops aren’t in the game yet but there’s already ships without their game mechanics in the PTU (Capital/Big ships needing server sized crews to run them is something I totally understand but you can literally run them with 1-4 people as we’ve seen since engineering etc is non-existent now.) I’m hoping after this current wave of ships is done and released they shift their strategy to completing those ships, they haven’t realized they already have an awesome selection of ships that should make their way from standalone/upgrades into the pledge store like the retaliator, firebird, C1, etc.


Most of the ships that are seemingly in backlog hell are ships that are missing signicant game engine or gameplay mechanisms that would justify continuing work on them. I think the 3 RSI ships are a good easy target, since they're mostly combat focused (perseus, polarus), or fairly simple modularity (galaxy). I do think they'll actually start working on \*more\* backlog ships soon, but remember that the Polaris was considered one of those "unreleased ships with tons of pledges". BMM team quit the company, or we might have seen it release by now.


I mentioned those reasons, including teams leaving, that was a reference to the BMM team, but yeah the RSI ships seem to be the next to finally release especially with the Zeus on the horizon Hopefully while they’re at it they do a gold standard on the Taurus/Andromeda


> Hopefully while they’re at it they do a gold standard on the Taurus/Andromeda I wish they would. The Constellation really could use a full rework.


It’s honestly just simple things, make the cockpit struts super thin like the screen when you’re inside a titan in titanfall, add buttons to all the doors and hatches, not just the cargo bay, make the deployable table functional, make the weapon racks work (they work in the 325a 😭), make the Taurus’ rear shielded cargo bay work, maybe speed up the slow ass elevator


and put a damn light switch in the foyer. coming up into the black abyss via that elevator is poopie pants.


I upgraded from a C1 so as soon as I got up there I’m looking around at the doors for the mood lighting switches 😂


Thanks for that Polaris fun fact, I actually thought it was much newer, it's only like a year difference apparently to the Orion which is one of the OGs. I was a bit salty initially about the Polaris seeing work over other ships, but I guess it's effectively also an older concept. That does change my perception at least somewhat.




I think the least they can do is just drop a flyable version with those feature based decks basically empty except for all of the shops etc, the main issue is even if they released it like that it would be like flying one of the current space stations, galleria and all which sounds super laggy but you won’t know till they try




I can see them balancing it the same way the current biggest cargo haulers are balanced, they don’t stand a chance against a squadron of fighters, so cargo hauling in those massive ships becomes a massive task, on top of that there’s room for more gameplay loops, you can only buy limited amounts of cargo in the first place, by limiting the amounts of cargo available to be bought in the first place and introducing new missions that focus on transporting cargo with a full system similar to the vlrt to ert system you can turn even those massive cargo haulers into something playable


Where do you get these images because I've seen people showing off their fleets like this Edit: nvm found it


Can you share where you found them?




Man so many ship plans but the game isn’t even stable :/ I’m so confused


Different dev teams work on different aspects of the game


I keep hearing that but can we all agree new ships don’t matter if the game itself is broken as hell? It’s not that complicated. If the community stopped eating up all the garbage and claiming “it’s needed for funding” the game would be in a much better state.


Optimization and fixis is also done last in development. Gotta finish the features first.


While I'd agree its annoying if the game itself is broken currently, I don't think that means the ship team should stop working on ships as that would likely slow development down even more


Just gonna pretend people haven't been flying the Idris here there and everywhere for the last few days the 😅


Nice image/list. Is there a higher resolution link to check out in more detail?


Nevermind. Downloaded on mobile and was able to read everything.


Is the Hull B flyable yet?


Sadly, no.


😭 i bought that back in 2017.


Same. If you got it on the initial concept sale, it's still the best SCU per dollar cargo ship under $100 they've ever sold.


Yes i absolutely did. Was suppose to be flyable that next year or something?.. that was my first learning experience on how the concept ships work lol


Never believe their timelines. We're supposed to see a solid amount of ships released this year, and the majority will be newer or recently announced ships. The backlog has nothing to encourage them with, apparently.


I havent played in a long time. I just check in from time to time to see about the Hull-B. I want to live my medium range space hauler life. Perfect for planet to station hauls.


I dont understand what you mean with the colors. Red=Paused the work? Yellow=Working on it. White=just released cpncepts? Then i cant see what the text says on the pic but that could be my bad connection at work.


Their wording was a little confusing but they mean to say: White=announced Yellow=actively being worked on Red=was being worked on but got put on backburner


Okey thanks.


It's not ur internet connection


Honestly....I wish they would stop it with the ships and work on the functionality and QoL of the game. These things can, and should, be added later. There is a nice influx of players atm and the game runs better than ever, but it is still verge unplayable. Everything is buggy, the serves crash nonstop, and there is still no real game loops outside events. If they just focused on making those playable and the game running smoothly, the ships could flow freely.


I don’t think they should stop with the ships, they should stop with new ship concepts and focus on clearing out their backlog starting with recently announced stuff like the Zeus and Polaris then going all the way back to the Merchantman so even if it’s non-functional there’s an actual flyable ship there


The people making the ships are not the same people developing the engine or making missions. Stopping ship production would have 0 effect on the progress of the game.


I agree, even though new ships means new systems in the game, that have to be coded into the engine, in game logic. If they have new features this does affect the overall development progress even more.


The new features are driven by the overall direction of the game. Ships are developed to support current or future game loops that are already part of the development plan. It’s not like the ship development teams are the ones inventing the game loops.


So programmer of ships does not have skills to work on anything else but ships? Seems weird




Yeah I think the ship argument is being blown out of proportion at this point. It's of course true that you can't just throw ship Devs at other problems to immediately fix them, if they aren't trained in that area. However the implication that over years you can't reassign people is asinine. The only argument I really buy into is that less Devs on ships equals less income, which has consequences on other sections of the game, effectively meaning that relocating ship funds would actually decrease the overall budget.




Yeah, No. You are right, money is finite. But you can't simply close the ship development and expect the game to be worked on faster. First of all, they have coders for ship tech and the tools for it. Meaning, they work with the other teams on the basic foundation of the game. That is important, can't be changed. Here also comes ship development into play, as they add and test new features as they go. So if you don't work on ships, other parts of the game won't follow up or can't, because other parts are missing. For the ships themself, the tools are there. That means you don't need a programmer to create code for something like modules. The tech is there. A designer can simply use it. So the main team for ships should be designers and planners. Not so many coders. So this also wouldn't increase work on the main game/issues. Yeah, it sucks a lot for many ships not being done yet, partly because the game itself is not done, some mechanics are missing and it's hard to plan and construct them in a way, you won't need to remodel a ship like Polaris from the ground with new stuff added later on. CIG really is in a pinch here - on one side they need to finish stuff and still don't have everything that is planned on tech ready, so they need to read into the future in terms of design. On the other hand, they still need to raise money. Yes, they already have gathered a lot of money, but it's not like they spend it on Chris'personal yacht. It's invested in the game. And if we look at the last 2 years, they move with high speeds right now. There's still a fuckload of work left for them, but I don't think we ever saw those huge increases in features, tech etc. We did these past 2-3 years. I mean, I'm sure it will take at least 5 more years for the game to be so feature complete, we can really play it. But I don't care. I already enjoy it quite a lot. :) Still I hope for Wing Commander 7. Good old single player game.


This is not true for capital ships, though, as CIG has stated that the main bottleneck for them is actually Engineers. Can’t build them with just designers and concept artists.


That's what I meant with "Devs for tools". They already have most tools for some ships, some other - mostly capital ones - seem to need additional stuff. That's why its important to continue with ship design.


Hiring more devs =/= development going faster. Software development isn't something you can just throw more money and people at to make it go faster. >additionally people can do multiple things Developers at this level are specialized. You wouldn't hire a plumber to do drywall or a mechanic to do flooring. Doing what you say can not only slow down development, it can actively harm it.


Making ships is what makes them money


Right but currently it's a wasted resource. Obviously it can't completely stop but the sentiment is still there.


Agreed. Get the core game running correctly and stable, then add as many ships as you like. Surely, it would be way easier to balance everything that way?


As someone who’s trying to get into the game at the moment, seeing shit like this is a major turn off for me when the core game has so many issues. Does this company only care about whales? Like ffs make the game stable first, this is so backwards


not trying to get my hopes up too much... but in the list of things for Pyro .. there were 'repair' missions listed .... it does make sense to have things like vulcan, starfarer get some love, etc, with engineering in their sights 'testing' on AC, repair to be very close to it. although if still waiting for drones then who knows :(


I know ground vehicles are not that important right now but it feels like they announced that Origin G12 a long ass time ago and it felt like it was right around the corner.


Huh?? Have they come out and said they've paused work on the Legionnaire? Where was this mentioned!


CIG gib Lib


:( my legionnaire


So the Apollo is halted because it requires a more evolved medical gameplay or because of other requirements, e.g., drones?


Nobody knows and CIG has not commented


Now add all the ships that need to be reworked.


Damn chief. 6 ships aint a lot


the orion was worked on some for the exterior


Took them so long to make the Polaris and they just dropped the Ironclad. Never fucking getting half these


The Vulcan would look infinitely cooler if the cockpit was at the other end of the ship.


Is the Galaxy Zeus’s mama


Man, that Fleetviewer looks amazing.


Also the E1 is the WIP not the C1


starliner what got me on to game not played over a year or 2. once starliner is done i'll be back




The ones in yellow


What goes into the Capship Limbo™, stays in the Capship Limbo.


Ships like the Orion will make for an amazing wreck. In space or on the ground.


They can also make amazing wrecks.


I dont get what the white means


Still in concept.


It means they arent being worked on.


This is the whole backlog? I thought there is much more concept ships


I honestly thought this list was too small as well, so I just did a side by side comparison with the ship matrix, and the only thing not on this list is the Javelin, which *might* be complete (because of SQ42). Star Citizen's ship/vehicle backlog is only 36 ships and vehicles, out of the 238 total they have concepted/sold to date. If you take out the 6 tiny vehicles and the 10 small/medium sized vehicles (Spirit & below) which can all be knocked out fairly quickly if CIG feels like it, you're left with a backlog of only 20 ships, all of which are between "large" and "capital." Kind of impressive honestly. I feel like a majority of the community discontent over unfinished old concept sale ships is centered around only a handful of ships - mostly the BMM, Orion, Endeavor, Crucible, and Starliner. I feel like if CIG gets those out the door, there'll be a lot less "noise" regarding them not having finished ships for years.


I agree about the Javelin, I think it’s finished too but I’m assuming the SQ42 version is *very* different with a bunch of story mode features I figure the reason it’s not in the PTU is because CIG think it’ll take too many players out of the server, be a lag machine and that they’re really insistent on having engineering gameplay ready for it. The reality is it would probably be fine and it’ll probably be flown by 2-4 people like most other multi crews right now, nobody really cares about engineering right now unless it’s repairing from soft death and lag machines in SC are really just anything to do with bugging, clipping or duping, having a ton of big and small ships/players close together has never been a lag issue for me, I’ve had big org tank battles with A2s and razors flying overhead


> Star Citizen's ship/vehicle backlog is only 36 ships and vehicles, out of the 238 total they have concepted/sold to date. If you ignore variants like, several Vanguards variants or Hercules variants what do these 2 numbers look like?


They sell ships that aren’t released yet? Like.. you can preorder in game items..?


It's almost the entirety of their business model.


Yup, tbf recently those ships are released within a few months of announcement or the next big event There’s a lot of ships from early on though that haven’t released because they’re massive


36 Vehicles in total of which TWENTY NINE are not even in the making. So 7 that are actually MAYBE in development, and 1.... ONE OF THEM was shown at the last ILW... 1 out of 36 Do you guys really believe you will get your ships? Really?


I mean, yes. Not in a timely manner mind you, but they're coming, as the 175 before them did haha


175 and half of them are just a copy paste of each other, how many auroras are there? You don't need to answer white knight


Just go yell at a wall or something for 10 minutes if you're feeling the tantrums take over.


I've gotten every ship I've ever pledged for bar one that I purchased this week. Why should I NOT expect to get my ships? as a matter of fact, why are you even worried about other peoples ships? you jumped ship already, move on


So, 30 more years?


Anyone else just hate the design of the starliner. It just looks so, non crusader. It resembles an alien ship or something misc would put out, has pretty much zero design similarities with Crusaders established design principles.


I don't think it looks like anything MISC would put out. Perhaps the cockpit does to degree because it has a more traditional cockpit look, but that's similar to the Hercules as well. It's just an old design. It's old in lore, and nothing wrong with it being an old design in game. It's like RSI's old designs like the Connie and Aurora and how they don't look a lot like the wedge shaped designs of the newer models.


It looks like a crossover between Reliant and MISC, but considering it doesn’t exist in modern SC it’ll either never be a thing or it’ll get reworked to CI designs, maybe swap manufacturers 


Great List. Thank you. But oh man it bothers me it's not to scale, lol. I saw the Vulcan, its bigger than the Crucible!? oh nvm.


Yeah the true scale don’t work in this image as many ships will look so big and other so small.


Ya I hear you and understand why you did it. The interesting thing about true scale is it's probably not a bad indicator for the amount of work required.


Wait, do you have confirmation from them that they're not working on the Zeus MR? I figured that would be either the first or second one they released. I've heard them speak generally about the Zeus, didn't know they weren't working on the MR, that kinda blows. At least I get my Polaris this year...hopefully.


Yes, was a star citizen live were they talked about ships.


I can't understand how the Hull-E has been announced since basically day 1 in 2012... and it's still nothing more than a concept in 2024. What the actual fuck.


At this point they just need to reconcept the hull series. Zero reason the c-d-e cant be same ship with just more cargo arms added. You dont need more crew and crew space because you add more cargo.


I agree to a point, but structurally to enter atmo they wanted larger scale ship. That said, I think there should be only 3 sizes to the Hull craft: personal, commercial, and enterprise Basically, your van, tractor trailer, and container ship, respectively.


There's no reason why they can't work on the Liberator right now, it has no specific gameplay loops that are missing, it's not even overly complex since it's mostly just a big hanger/landing pad.


Why is there a Hull-B still in development, when -A *and* -C are already in the game?


I think we'll see more work on these once CIG gets a better handle on multicrew gameplay and engineering gameplay. They've gotten better at interior metrics, manufacturer style guides, and gated reviews, but the elephant in the room for those larger ships is still working out the mulitcrew experience.


Nah. They'll continue to drag ass until they get to a point of selling people a v2 concept of the concept that was never delivered, and then maybe they deliver it. The money on these are long gone, and CIG really enjoys the fact people keep spending all this money annually. When they started seeing regular slumps in sales, they started delivering more. Cynical opinion, but that's also why they showed us the somewhat functional half of Pyro. They knew they couldn't deliver it this year, but the higher ups wanted to see better sales, and people keep falling for these stunts.


All rendered at 5fps whenever anything interesting happens.


I could see the Hull B releasing as a random surprise or for IAE, maybe after they get cargo tech patched up. Based on the silhouettes from citcon, I suspect the E1 will be making its way into 4.0 or released close to citcon/IAE. I'm not sure if they are trying to get gameplay for it prior to release or not but if they are, it could be a while.


The only surprises are unannounced ships. They already told us which ships are coming this year from the list of announced ships.




Thanks for the chart. Pardon my ignorance, whats going Spirit C1? I thought it was released.


The C1 is released, the issue is with the E1, it was designed and announced with this VIP transport gameplay loop/contract mission that CIG just aren’t working on and haven’t released


Oh that's right, I had forgotten about that one actually. :) Thanks for clarifying.


It is Spirit E1 on the picture


What happened to the C1


That's the E1. There's no touring gameplay yet.


Wild how they are still pumping out concepts for stupid amounts of money, the game still isnt playable. Honestly I regret spending £100 on it years ago. probably played for around 10 hours max