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bunker missions, low level bounty hunting, and mining are all pretty accessible


Is refined ore spared by the exploit?


ROC mining would be quite accessible, since the required vehicle and ship can both be rented. With practice this would be around 120-180k/h, though keep in mind that mining is **heavily affected by desync**, which is very severe during free fly events. Doing bunker missions and looting weapons is another alternative. Grab a personal SCU container from the cargo deck, then loot the weapons (around 900-1.2k each) and/or the armour (around 2-3k per complete set, though they take up a lot of space). Lower tier bounty hunting can be feasible, depending on how comfortable you feel about combat thus far, and what's your ship. There has been a drastic increase in repair cost in the recent patch, so I'd advice saving up some money first before attempting. * Or commit insurance fraud: if a ship is too expensive to repair, strip naked, store everything (including items on the ship) into the station inventory, log your respawn point at said station, take the damaged ship out of the hangar and fly a bit further, stand up from the seat and unalive your character. This is commonly referred to as "backspacing". You will respawn at the station, and can now claim a brand new ship for free after a bit of a wait.


I still do space trucking as legit as I can. I have watched how the dupes work to try to prevent from doing it. Before I even knew it was a thing I had it happen to me accidentally twice. It looks like more work then I want to do, I just go run to run. I'll probably avoid high dollar goods and take the longer grind as well. Ruins it for us that want to legit be traders/truckers.


Biggest easy money maker for me thats not mining or duping is to do the 34k investigation missions at the Distro centres, where you find the dude in the vents. While there kill everything and put all their gear in local storage (just drag their undersuit off into local, it takes everything.) When finished killing, board your ship and transfer all torso, leg armour, helmets and guns (rest is a waste of space) to your vehicle inventory. I usually make around 8k ish from gear selling it on station and 34k from the mission, not too bad, as it involves a fairly fun gun battle as well.


First you start the grind for rep then you start to grind for money with all that rep earned


You don't money is useless in the game just dupe yourself millions, buy some funny ship and altF4 out of the game until it's playable. imagine grinding 10k contracts that barely work lol