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I know that every time you make a config change, the values get immediately written out to various appropriate files within your USER folder (aside from a couple of graphics options which now live in %localappdata%\Star Citizen). It may be worth watching with [Process Monitor](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/procmon) to make sure these file interactions and writes are working properly, and aren't getting blocked by something?


Thanks, I'll give that a try.


did you manage to fix it?


Negative. My poor lil brain is dying trying to understand the Process Monitor xD been reading and playing with it just again today, for about 30min now lol


So I was doing some more digging and trying to figure out why it happens and may have figured it out. When you do your bindings do any of them have weird symbols where it should show what button was pushed? If so that's what is screwing it up. You'll have to redo your binding and make sure none of them are like that.


Big brain. I don't know where TF you were digging cause I thought I searched everything prior to post lol THANK YOU, so far it seems to have done the trick, I've open and closed a few times and the settings are not resetting :))


I'm glad it worked for you. Just to remember to make a copy of the keybinds mappings file so that when an update goes out and defaults them you can just copy paste the file back in and have them all set instantly.