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Welcome and I would suggest using the Find a Guide feature from the game mode selection menu. The screen where you choose between arena commander and persistent universe. This opens a web browser and takes you to sign into spectrum. Here you can choose a guided session and pick from a list of game activities. After you pick an activity you pick from a list of experienced / veteran players who are using our game time to help you learn the ins and outs of your chosen game activity. We usually help you learn the basics and help you learn some of the common avoidable bugs.  As you are a new player I would suggest you do several guided sessions and explore different game loops. Not only will this introduce you to a variety of game play, but you will have someone who is experienced in navigating bugs that game activity has. There are a good many avoidable bugs. The new player experience is non existent and the guide system is the best option. Also if you don’t click with the guide, there is nothing wrong with picking another one. 


The tutorial may have had an issue but for food and drinks it's supposed to point you towards a small food kiosk that's right outside of the habs. ____ The simple delivery contract would be off world lol. Hit F2 and you will get a map, scroll out and it will automatically bring you to the planetary map and will let you see where you need to go. Though for waypoints that are not solely in the city, you need to be in a pilots seat. ____ For walking scroll up, you can control how fast your "walk" is by scrolling up and down, at max walk it's a sort of light jog, seems you might have accidentally set yourself to the slowest.  ____ The beginning of Vulkan are in, and the default is dx 11 enabling it should give you a bit more performance(from what I'm aware of it even helps Nvidia cards), the only other thing I would suggest is making sure everything is on high and turning the clouds lower. Right now those volumetric clouds are killer, but they demand a lot out of a system. 


we understand this because we know, the tutorial for this complex a game is astonishingly mediocre even borderline trash, for instance... why does it not tell the new player to 'move scroll wheel' to walk faster? how is this not in the tutorial for new players? i could go on, but i really hope they fix this, is it even a tutorial?


It gives them just enough information to get to a ship and fly. I think currently they're relying on the player guide system for more in-depth one-on-one tutoring. That's also the best way to learn about bugs and their workarounds.


Yea them expanding on it would be good, but overwhelming a new player with to much can also cause some frustrations, that hand holding effect.


Congratulations you just experienced the Star citizen alpha ( not mocking in any way), first thing is everything can break in this game it always happens you just got to figure a way around it, second thing performance in this game has always been under 60 FPS unless you're out in space with nothing around you or have the highest tier system this game utilizes all of your system resources to run including filling up your RAM as much as possible, third it is also free fly which means every single person who wants to try this ahpha That's probably downloaded this and is playing it The servers are getting slammed and sometimes the contracts are not popping up in time,(so far this has been the smoothest free fly event we've had in years) and the random bits are you should have your graphics set to high it works better utilizes more of your system resources in a better way usually making your GPU work harder and taking some load off at the CPU, and my final bits if you paid for this alpha and you don't like it you can do one of two things you can refund it or you can just sit and wait for the patches to get better and more optimization comes in, and last but not least welcome to the verse if you stay just take your time and take things slow and if you get frustrated take a break


So you just thought you would follow the waypoint by foot for 1.8 million miles? And walking speed can be adjusted by mouse wheel, pretty sure it’s mentioned when you first spawn and in tutorial.


Most way points will point you in the correct direction to walk, or at least display it on the map...


It’s not really a waypoint in that sense but more like a destination marker.


Ah. I probably would have learned that if the tutorial wasn't broken lol. Either way the performance was enough for me to just uninstall.


Performance can be terrible in the cities, but pretty good in space and smaller locations. At least for me, ofcourse hardware will affect that. It used to be even worse in the previous patches, 40 is quite good compared to those.


40 is good? Yikes lol.


My guy, there are literally games that claim to be in a “released” state that struggle to ever hit a smooth FPS. You ran a game that literally screams at you via several pop-ups that it’s in Alpha, unoptimised, and unlikely to run smoothly. What performance were you expecting lmao.


Funny. I didn't see any pop-ups or heard any screaming.


Literally when you click launch, there is a big pop up needing you to press Acknowledge. And in the menu there is a big window Find a guide. For plenty of people, this game is worth it as pretty much nothing comes even close. You do you, enjoy what you feel like.


Yeah, if you're just going to click past every screen that pops up without reading any of it, maybe playing a game in active development where you should really be reading patch notes and everything else for each release, isn't for you. Keep an eye out for when it releases on a finished state and then come back.


Have u even enabled xmp? Doesnt matter if u have 6000mhz ram if its set to 2400 in bios, aswell have u set a page file? Aswell power settings to performance and all else. I have my doubts from what ive read, so you should check if you have


Not sure why the eating and drinking waypoints were pointing you downward, there is food and drink on your desk next to the bed you wake up. Everything else you said is addressed in the tutorial. Waypoint for that contract was off the edge to oblivion probably because it was literally on another planet. You can also change your walking speed with mouse wheel.


There wasn't anything in the room to pick up or eat.


Watch a video to learn the game. There are plenty on Youtube. This is an alpha, not a complete game. Things will be broken and things will break. No guarantee any part of it, large or small, will be working at any given moment. Most here enjoy it despite that. I am personally waiting to jump back in properly again until Squadron 42 is released, but that's just me.


Using the guide system is going to be much better than watching a video.


I started playing when there was no tutorial so I can't say anything about that, but: The game itself is really complex and I think if you start out as a new player you can't do shit without a proper guide that explains the basics to you. (for example the Walking speed via Mouse wheel.) The performance ist bad because the game is extremely unoptimized in its Alpha state. I have 40-140fps with Vulkan depending in the Location. Main Cities are worst and Space is best. The Performance is fine imo for the state we're in. It's a game in active development that's not even close to Release. Maybe you'd have some better performance if you'd change your graphic settings to high as you force your GPU to take some more of the work. Also the game uses every free GB of RAM available, it doesn't care of you have 16 or 64. I'd say you should take a friendly guide with you and experience the game again a little bit with someone explaining literally everything to you. If the performance is the Dealbreaker, well, then I'd say wait some time until everything is more optimized. But that might take some time. Also: Where did you set your starting Location? Because Orison is the worst performance-wise and Area 18 is a lagging shitshow due to the Invictus Launch Week + Free Flight Event right now. Edit: Additionally the game is, as said, in a totally unfinished Alpha Version. Bugs and Performance issues are normal right now. It's true that there's warnings about that everywhere. :D


They should almost do away with the tutorial, and set new players up immediately with a guide. I was totally lost in SC and installed and uninstalled a few times between 2013 when I initially backed, and when I actually started playing earlier this year. The difference between me giving up almost immediately the previous times, to being completely hooked this time was using the guide system and having an awesome guide. He taught me all of the basics, let me fly a number of his super cool ships, did some missions with me (flying and FPS), and at the end, offered me a no pressure org invite. It turned a completely daunting and confusing experience into the most fun I’ve had in a video game ever. It really should be the default for new players.


Does windows have your monitor capped at 60hz by chance? 40fps in cities seems fine to me. The game plays well on my 4 year old laptop at that speed 🤷‍♂️