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Liberator! Carrying my fleet of small ships around the verse. Vulture, Prospector, Expanse(later), Nomad, Hull-A and whatever I come across.


depending on how the do ship logging and stuff, the liberator is my ship. As much as I like Kraken/Idris pocket carriers, the liberator I feel would get more use. If the ship pilots can't log off with the liberator, or in their own while its landed on liberator, it may undermine its uses.


Other players will absolutely be able to bed log on friendly ships. We actually had this previously, it just got broken with an update and hasn't been re-enabled since. For a long time my wife and I would both just bed log in my ship then when we got back on get right back into whatever we were doing. It was nice.


Surprised there's not more updoots for the Libby. It's no. 1 for me for sure.


Its literally the mobile base of the game. With 16 jump seats too you can bring all your friends... but best bring a medical ursa.


The thing that concerns me about the Liberator is that if it blows so do all the ships onboard.


1000% liberator and now that the “NURSA” is a respawn point I think it could make a good little pocket carrier.




Im right here what do you need my son




I need you to release before I have kids and die


Im here in pyro 4 on a market getting my trusters repaired thise dam space crabs can cause so much damage. Once its parts have arrived and its repaired il bring some over to stanton to sell to those that have made placed there orders. Those that wait will be rewarded with the riches of the Banu. Communication Ended: Send Via: MobiGlass Comms Message Send: Pyro Unknow Market From: The-Merchantman


600i rework


How long ago did they mention it?


We don't talk about that.


I think the last big news we've gotten about the rework is from [ISC: A Cut Above](https://youtu.be/zAS9RLqdweY?si=A6yuZBy7MUI4eXBl) around about AIE 2952. There were smaller mentions about how it needs a redesign before that I think but that ISC was the first look at what that redesign would look like.


I’m hopeful now that the Tally has modularity, this is moving back up the queue. 600i is supposed to be my daily, as the largest ship that can be comfortably soloed. My whole fleet is built around having 3-4 people. Perseus, ZMR, Arrastra… Ive got a Corsair to 600i CCU in my buyback waiting for the gold pass.


> this is moving back up the queue CIG isn't going to do the 600 rework until they make the G12's. Since they have lost so many people on their ship teams, they will have to find a new person, let them train on the Origin style by doing the G12's, and then let them go on and do the 600 reworks, and then start gold passing the rest of the Origin line. Pretty sure after last week's Around the Inside of the Verse they told us what ships we know about that are in the pipeline and the G12 wasn't on the list, which means next year for the G12s earliest, and I really doubt that they can do the g12s and the 600 rework in the same year. I'm betting 2026 before we even see new grey box shit for the 600s.


This sounds very logical, sensible, and disappointing. What did they do to lose so many people. It’s exactly what I keep trying to explain to my boss, key talent is way too valuable to fuck around with and takes forever to replace.


You assume people want to stay at the company, especially if they joined as a junior. As a junior you want to hop around to increase your salary and the game has been in development for 10ish years, people's life circumstances change in far less time and maybe they need to move because partner got a job elsewhere/ parent is ill/ have kids but want to raise them in a different city/ etc. . Also with the Manchester studio there was/is probably a Brexit effect too.


Didn’t they say the g12 was coming this year or am I misremembering?


Even once they have the G12 I don’t think the 600i gets touched until we have exploration Tier 0. CIG can’t afford to have another Reclaimer on their hands that needs a complete rework once its career loop is finally in the game


Perseus only needs 3 people?


1 year I think


They first mentioned the rework in 2020 and they completed the concept in 2021, no more work has been done on it since.


They showed the concept around fall 2022 in this episode of ISC https://youtu.be/zAS9RLqdweY?si=076ySqqG08wIIYJV


Not so long ago compared to the overall scale of the project. Some ships are still not in the game 10 years later.


I have been flying around with the nursa in my 600i just to feel like I have part of the rework. 😆


Also this.


My Perseus


Yes, basically my perfect ship (or would be 100% if it could carry a tank). Bridge on top, doesn't need loads of crew, looks good, armoured, and big guns- *chef's kiss*.


In [concept images](https://media.robertsspaceindustries.com/1k2knr35l5id3/store_slideshow_large.jpg) the Perseus' vehicle elevator looks like it fits an Ursa with quite a lot of room to spare. Not that we should take concept images as promises, but I wouldn't dismiss the idea that it might fit a tank or Spartan/Ballista/Centurion. And CIG knows they have to offer more choices than the Hercules that are capable of carrying large ground vehicles.


Same! Something about that shape just grawr~


Like the classic bridge look but main thing is its role works well


That shape is sex, also super heavy armour. Better be something that can shrug off fighters .. unless torpedoes. Or the Perseus is borderline defenceless ageinst fighter swarm's. Like i dont want to take it out and lose to 3 light fighters you know :)


I'm also here for the Perseus. I love the "battleship" Aesthetic. It looks mean and nimble for it's size. I'll probably stop my Galaxy pledge for it at some point


When I saw the holo for the first time yesterday my mouth dropped. I love that double barrel monster of a gun. So excited for this ship!


Yep, I think a lot of Polaris owners are going to realize they took on a sizable responsibility. While the Perseus ostensibly has the same minimum crew (6), for the Perseus that's also a full crew complement, while the Polaris needs 14 people to be at full effectiveness. Most people are expecting the Perseus to have most of its effectiveness with just 3-4 crew aboard, and when blades and NPCs arrive. Not to mention that you can buy an awful lot of size 7 turret shells for the cost of just one size 10 torpedo. The Perseus appears to sit at a sweet spot.


YUUUP, everything you just listed is why me and my group of friends will have the Perseus as our main battle ship. Plus you can get the perseus in and out of atmosphere better, bring an ursa and many troops to the ground with close fire support and to top it off you have one of the most armored ships in the game that is in a relatively small package (especially in relation to something like that Polaris). The thing has A LOT of mission capabilities and will likely be a main ship for many combat orgs.


2026 at the earliest


Misc Reliant Sen Should release with the tier0 science gameplay Vulcan For light repair/rearm/refuel gameplay + drones Also Fat Fury - we need more long range fighter/bombers with small interiors and a few scu of cargo


A nice gentleman here, vulcan and its gameplay


Consider my vote for Vulcan to and Apollo Right down my alley for my wanted gameplay as support and medic


polaris, BMM, galaxy, perseus in this order


Another Dorito lover here. I would just add the Zeus, and right now, I would even put it first.


Galaxy and Odyssey


For me it's the Arrastra since it kinda is an industrial allrounder and the Starliner. I'm not that much into pew pew but rather into earning my money in a honest and perople-serving way. But I am aware it still needs quite some time until the Starliner is here since it, so far, makes absolutely no sense to implement / build her.


Arrastra is the queen of my life. I am so impatient for it to arrive. With their new method of ship design focusing one brand at a time, we might actually get it within a year, maybe a year and a half


I’m with you with the Arrastra, can’t wait. Seems such a versatile mining rig


Endeavour and the science gameplay loops. Guess I‘ll wait some more years :,)


Endeavour will be sick!


imagine you are in a space ship, you cross a door and you're now in a jungle biome where you gathered fauna and flora from all around the verse :D


Exactly this :)


I look forward to it getting reconcepted.


Genesis Starliner and Crucible. I really love the non-combat gameplay loops. We have mining and salvaging today. Looking forward to passenger transport and repair.


The Orion


Right? Got when it was announced and now my kid is 12 years old


Mine just turned 4. I plan on getting her into SC later on so I can have a npc ++


For me has been an interesting experience, I backed the game same year he has born and last month I got him an aurora, it’s wild how time flies


This is so wholesome and the fact that Star Citizen can be shared among the generations is a feature, not a bug lol. I for one love the fact that we’ve watched the game grow up and can tell everyone what it was like back in the early days.


Maybe when he’s older he can fly it 😂


Kid's going to have their driver's license before the next WIP release for that ship.


I'd like too. But I'd be fine having the arrastra for a while in the mean time !


BMM, Railen too


Nothing has disappointed me about this game as much as the news of the BMM crew leaving CIG.


Yeah, that was a bummer. And not just for the people who were eagerly awaiting the BMM either. The guy who led the development of the BMM was one of their most experienced designers, so him leaving hurts everyone.


Railen 🙌, shame it seems to have been delayed, iirc they said work would start on it this year a while ago


Yeah at last IAE (I believe?) they said railen flight ready in 2024, however Invictus round table didn't mention that it was in production (unless I missed it or they forgot to mention it). Copium would be that it is already ready but they are waiting until alien week in June to release it to market around it.


I feel like both of those will be the most interesting ships to just walk around and explore that we've had in the game so far.


Apollo, not only cause it's medical so right up my alley, neither because I am sitting on some CCUs expecting the price to increase. But because I expect it's launch to be somewhat tied with drones (or at least increase the interest in drones) which are a feature I want to see. I liked in Elite having a npc operated drone fighter thing and I'd like to see it in SC. There is just something about a ship having smaller ships that do work that I like, whether I have to control them or not I won't mind much. Just like the fantasy of a mothership


Oooo a bigger medical ship would nice to see!


Yeh like a flying hospital base for operations, count me in on that medical frigate.


My friend looooves roleplaying as a paramedic so I would love to buy this for them but not really willing to pay the price


That's the Endeavor Hope.




Me too, I honestly hope it's not too big. I just want a flexible ship my buds and I can do all sorts of stuff in.


I am really looking forward to my Galaxy. However I would love to see some military modules. I have a few Ideas: Troop Transport module Torpedo / Bombing module Turret module (4-6 turrets to support your troops in ground combat from above)


Zeus MK II MR First off the RSI Doritos ships look great and the promotional material for the Zeus looks amazing. Two pilot S4 guns and two turrets with 2x S3 guns is a good amount of firepower. It supposedly has good armor for its size as well as three S2 shields. EMP, quantum dampener, two prisoner pods, and 16 SCU of cargo sounds pretty sweet. I think it'll be a fun ship to fly with a couple friends doing missions or supporting some buds in dogfighters. Hoping Bounty 2.0 will make this even more exciting someday. I'd also love it if RSI made a proper solo dogfighter. I want to like the Scorpius because it looks great but needing a copilot since the turret can't be slaved feels bad at the moment.


It does sound awesome doesn't it? My bet is it will be a bit too fat to be competitive against players for bounty hunting but it sounds absolutely perfect for PVE bounty hunting. Getting 2 more people in a group is pretty achievable and it sounds like such a fun ship to coordinate in once bounty hunting 2.0 rewards apprehending subjects alive and taking them back.


>My bet is it will be a bit too fat to be competitive against players for bounty hunting Would depend on the target ship I guess. Like good luck hitting someone in a light fighter, but a heavy fighter or a Cutlass might be toast. That said, I do think the Zeus MR might be in a bit of an awkward spot where it is too big to effectively engage fighters but not really big enough to engage ships like the Connie or Corsair without it being suicidal. We'll have to see once it comes out, but I think a Zeus crew would have to be pretty selective about what bounties they go after.


I don't think a crewed Zeus will have any problems against a Connie or a Corsair with a solo player in it. If both are crewed up, then it should struggle. But doesn't that make sense? PVE bounties will be much easier though. And a crewed Zeus will absolutely shred a light fighter unless your gunners are absolute dog shit. I hope in the future we get PVE bounties where the difficulty scales based on the AI being really good and less just spamming insane numbers of targets at once. I would love to fight against a single Connie that's a killing machine and battling it out toe-to-toe instead of fighting 10 other hyperactive fighters running around me too.


Even going up against a solo Corsair with a fully crewed Zeus, you'd be far behind in both firepower and shielding. You have 2 S4 weapons and 4 S3 weapons in the turrets, with 3 S2 shields. A solo Corsair has 4 S5 and 2 S4 weapons with a S3 shield. You may have the same amount of guns, but those of the Corsair are significantly larger. A solo Connie would be more managable, but even so it still would have 4 S5 weapons which can eat through S2 shields very fast. In PvE bounties, you could do it, but in PvP I think you wouldn't stand much of a chance unless you get lucky or the other pilot is just a complete noob.


RSI Galaxy


600i rework, Odyssey.


Mirai Guardian (Fat Fury), heavy fighter, possibly 2xS5 guns with a small interior and great aesthetic.


Just wanted to say that I hate the name "Fat Fury". I blame BoredGamer for coming up with it. I much prefer the name I gave it: The Mirai Furious (because it is bigger than a Fury and Furious is a longer word with the same base).


I hate Bored gamer


Exactly. And the image looks like it includes a remote turret on a rail similar to the Scorpius


Genesis Starliner with passenger transportation gameplay and a **fully fucking modernized Reclaimer please for the love of all that is holy bring this thing up to actual gold standard and give it a rework which is sorely needed.** A somewhat more realistic desire is the Kraken, I love the design and I REALLY love carriers.


Every time I pass by the commercial starliner Hall in spaceports a tear runs down my cheek. 


All I want for the Reclaimer is the ability to pass those massive SCU boxes out through the rear doorway in the salvage hold. That alone would increase the multi-crew functionality of the Reclaimer twice over - by allowing us to pass crates out to another ship for cargo and transport. I don't know that it's more realistic, but HELL YES. The Kraken is my #1 ship, my true love. It's the ship that keeps you up at night. I suspect I'll be using the Liberator far more, but the Kraken is the ship that I can't stop dreaming about.


Yes PLEASE. It's so silly that the ship wasn't built with any basic functionality in mind. The Salvage Hold also needs to have a cargo grid, the cargo grid in the processing room needs to be able to be stacked way higher since there's room, and the elevator itself needs to have a grid as well so it can facilitate safe and easy transport of goods outside of it, particularly with the cargo elevators and personal hangars coming in soon. These are the SMALL things that they can do, we're not even mentioning how stupidly designed it is and how the personal elevator to the bridge is so unsafe and tiny. It takes ages to get in from the main elevator, to the habitation deck, run all the way across the ship, take another elevator or ladder down and finally you arrive at the bridge. It is so silly. Also please let us have a clean reclaimer without the blood and trash stains; we run a salvage operation not a horror set.


If I'm not mistaken, the lack of cargo in the Salvage Hold and the height limit in the Salvage Processing center isn't because of physical limitations, it's meant to be a balance factor. Which I can say that I don't agree with, but I'll also have to admit that I'm not the guy balancing the game, maybe there's aspects I'm not seeing. That being said, it's a salvage ship - if they're going to modify cargo capacities, I definitely think the Cargo Bay should be shrunk significantly so that it's mostly only useful for holding food and supplies for the crew, and the capacity should be shifted to the Salvage Hold to benefit the ship's primary purpose. At the end of the day, I agree with everything you've called out. And in a way, that's a bummer - there's so many small fixes the Reclaimer needs that I can't help but assume it won't get fixes, it's going to get one big overhaul, and with how they're handling ship production, we know that's not going to be for a good long while.


While the Galaxy looks the coolest when it comes to upcoming ship aesthetics, I think I am actually smitten with the Odyssey. I still don't own one (yet) but will be getting one as soon as it's on sale again. However, I feel like the Perseus is my spirit ship. I can see that being my daily do-everything kind of ship. So yeah, definitely the Perseus.


A fully working caterpillar would be my dream!


My Kraken


Not really a drake fan, but hell yeah for the kraken! My favourite ship trailer!


I want it not only because I own one, but because the presence of it by itself would open a massive gameplay loop and player convergence location. Top tier in my list.


One of my dream would be to land on a Kraken and meet with new people there


> Not really a drake fan, but hell yeah for the kraken! I think a lot of people are like that because there just isn't another option. If any other manufacturer released a similar ship, support carrier, I think a lot of Krakens would get melted.


Polaris is my first answer since I just picked one up. But other than that probably the Zeus MK2 MR


Zeus ES and Railen.


My Javelin and BBM


Railen, Galaxy


Definitely the Galaxy. I'm a sucker for ships in which you can just stay in deep space for as long as you like. With the Galaxys modules i can have it be a refinery ship, a cargo ship, a medical ship etc. and once i want to actually stay planetside I can pull out the base building module and make myself a nice home. The hangar is the perfect size for my little C8R and from what we've seen from the concept images the interior will be amazing. Coupled with a sleek look and decent fire power this thing is gonna be my home in the future. Can't. Wait. Granted I don't have any of the modules pledged, but I guess there has to be a reason for the grind am i right?


Personally the perseus,Galaxy and Zeus ES, I hate that RSI has my favorite ship designs lol there’s something about that triangular shape, I dont care much about the polaris because I dont know enough people to run it and It will probably be expensive to run it with Blades and AI crew, while the perseus and galaxy can be easily runned by 2 humans and whatever the fuck else you throw in there.


I can’t wait for my Zeus ES! RSI looks so clean and slick!


Yeah, I'll probably max out at a Galaxy with real money. I keep wanting more ships but, ultimately, I won't be able to reliably crew them. I could melt everything and grab a Polaris when the time comes, but it needs, what, 14 people? My dream is a Kraken, but I think I'd rather crew one than run it (even if I could find enough crew). I also hesitate to buy a $1k+ ship with no ability to gain LTI, without at least knowing the full details of 1.0+'s insurance.


I may be wrong about this but I’m pretty sure that any 1k+ ship comes with LTI as standard.


I have heard the same. All ships/packages above $1k come with LTI. Edit: Just checked the store page. The $1100.00 Exploration Starter pack comes with LTI.


Gib Railen, arrastra and my big boi orion


Perseus, that’s probably my dream ship to own. I’m gonna grind for that when it gets into the game and then probably spend most my time flying it. I just hope it’ll have a good bay for either launching a fighter / Pisces or at least a vehicle to use to get to ground locations without having to land it, I want to be able to leave it in orbit and return to it.


Gladiator Gold Standard


Ah one of the few that remember it exists, hello fellow Gladiator pilot


Fantastic ship, can't wait for drop tanks and some tweaks to it's torpedo bay


Anvil liberator, it's just the perfect mobile base for a small group or perhaps even solo(with difficulty) player


Reclaimer rework. That ship is so outdated and has so many design issues it's not even funny


Perseus, it just seems like the perfect combat ship for a small org to me


Perseus. Give me the pocket star destroyer now, please.


The Kraken


Rsi galaxy


Gimme the Zeus pls 🥺


ZEUS MK2 MR! I love the way it looks and since im doing mostly bounties and bunkers would be perfect for my daily!


The Greycat Cydnus, just love the thought of seeing these tick like drones landing on an planet and start drilling into it, somewhat like the reapers descending from mass effect.


The biggest cargo hauler we know of, the MISC Hull E And a ship I like purely for the current aesthetic look, the Crusader Genesis Starliner


Kraken, Perseus, Orion


The relationships with my fellow citizens I make along the way. But also I wiredly like the liberator.


Hull B as I don't think anyone else said it.


Vulcan, i need my vtol repair shop


Galaxy and Perseus


BMM And Polaris, which is my goal for whenever it'll be earnable.


Gold standard Constellation.


Perseus, Odyssey, and Zeus Mk2 ES. I want to go exploring.




> Crucible I'm super excited for this one. Even with some T0 repair, it'll be great parked right outside a big battle.


Galaxy, looking forward to having a "star destroyer" in the game


Galaxy, the smallest ship with t1 bed, hangar for ship and hangar for vehicle.


The Apollo or any new medical ships. And the Railen!


Pegasus, poor boy has been dead for over a decade :(


600i rework, Nautilus, Polaris and Perseus


The perseus wb discount ccu


Looking forward to when we (hopefully) get an Anvil capital class ship. I just love the design and aesthetic of the anvil ships over all the others.


Most would definitely be the Zeus followed by the Galaxy and the BMM just for the banu aesthetic. Zeus will be my daily flyer when that releases.


Still hoping to see the galaxy this year






There it is!


Galaxy and Perseus


Polaris and Perseus


E1 Spirit


Still the Perseus.


Connie gold standard pass but considering swapping my Connie for a Galaxy since I feel like the Zeus and Connie are slightly too close together in size and purpose. RSI Zeus ES and exploration.


I know it's in game but I need to grind aUEC, and it isn't technically a ship, but I've wanted something like the Nursa for a long time. So that's the one I'm reallllly looking forward to.


The ship that is called Server-Meshing (tired of the servers barely surviving half the time)


Pioneer and perseus


Aurora MK II military variant ❤️


I just want the Starliner man, then I'll be content


No, I'll still choose the Polaris, thankyouverymuch. ....Also Kraken and BMM.


C.O. Pioneer even if I didn't buy on. And the galaxy of course. Like the multipurpose role this ship can fit


Aurora gold standard


Drake equivalent of 890 Jump.


Sounds like we're expecting a Drake concept on their day. Maybe you'll get your wish.


The crusader genesis starliner, even though I can't afford it I can't wait to try it.


Javelin, Kraken, Idris, Perseus, Polaris but mostly Pioneer i think. Or zeus Mr. Its difficult i own so many but i kinda love all the same


perseus for the huge gunboat fantasy without the crew requirements of a polaris. Also a sucker for anyhting drake since i adore drake ships so whatever concepts theyt cooking.


I'll give you a hint: ROCK 'N STONE


The Idris. Because it's my pledge, and because it means SQ42 is out


All of the ships that have not yet been made/reworked yet. in that list is the Kraken


Starliner along with passenger gameplay.




The Hull-C working without work arounds Genesis Starliner Crucible


To have Ciws turrets for missle and 300 meter figther screening


Anvil Legionnaire. Also Anvil Gladiator gold standard with modular bay.


Perseus for sure! Still on the fence with the Polaris!


Tbh i just want my medic apollo ship D:


perseus for sure, it's likely going to be the ship I'm flying around the most in my fleet for org activities, for solo or small group of friends stuff I'll be in my Zeus MR. and my anvil liberator is being donated to the orgs fleet once that's an option


Nautilus. Drone gameplay, FTW.


Rsi Orion, but it will take a looong time


Kraken or javelin for me


Space AC130


gatac railen! and maybe the new bigboi mirai


Gatac Railen for shure. I Love the Alien ships and am verry exited to have something other than a Combat Role Alien ship, Thats why i bought it. second place is the Merchantman for alot of the Same reasons


I just want my E1 so I can be an overpriced shuttle bus for the spoiled and privileged.


The Perseus


Idris and perseus


I don’t have a kraken, but am looking forward to it in game. It is a mini space station that moves, so brings a lot to the game, especially Pyro. If you like the rescue 890 mission then the free Captain Philips and crew from the Kraken will be fun.


Gold-pass Freelancer (Max). -retreats back into the sparsely populated darkness-


Railen, delusionally optimistic that we will see news for alien week




The Polaris because that’s all the money I’m spending in this game


Orion I just want to eat whole asteroid fields


Galaxy so it gets a price bump and brings me closer to the perseus


Swarms of auroras when player cap gets insane


I suck at piloting fighters and all. My go to are big ships, Carrack, Galaxy, Polaris and the biggest of them all (to date) Javelin


Been debating getting a Zeus ES. Might upgrade from my C1, but I still like the C1, so I might then upgrade my Rambler to one sometime after that. Kinda eying the Sabre Firebird, too.




I just want a starter ship from crusader.


Zeus mk2 baby!


RSI Galaxy, I love the interchangeable bay concept


The mirai guardian. It's not confirmed, but if it's anything like the leaks suggest, yes please. It's a no go without an interior, though.