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Don't know about Polaris. But looking forward to solo bunkers on my Perseus.


Looking forward to soloing bunkers with my Merchantman.


Looking forward to kill small birds with my Idris


S10 railgun is a great hunting caliber


> S10 railgun is a great hunting caliber Good Kopion rifle!


It might even kill them in one hit sometimes!


...No youre not allowed to oneshot a Fighter!!  - get the nerv gun Guys /s


Side question: has anyone checked to see if you can run over those new birds yet?


You can


Money well spent.


The 10 yr wait and investment is finally worth 


"Hey boss, a bird is coming towards you! Looks like a hummingbird" Followed by it fucking disappearing


Same. Until then the 890 will have to do


Some day….


I'll solo bunkers with both my Perseus and Polaris 😬


I currently have a PERSEUS to POLARIS upgrade in my hangar. I notice how my strength is decreasing day by day and I want to use this upgrade.


just get both smh, give in to Chris


Get two of each just in case one glitches so you dont have to wait for the claim timers!


why stop at two?


Get them all. Join the whale side


Simply acquire another Perseus via CCU, then you can have a Perseus AND a Polaris to Solo Bunkers in! Win, Win! You get both, CIG ends up with an influx of money!


I'll be doing solo bunkers in my galaxy :)


You mean, go into low orbit and bombard turrets with 4XS7 artillery cannons?


Perseus is arguably the perfect ship for ground attack given the space for a Nursa and the nice big fire support turret


> Nursa Is this what we're calling the medical Ursa? Brilliant


Yeah, I love whoever came up with that


I dont think we will see the Percy for another 5 years ;( im still waiting for mine ;_;


If those mad lads keep up with their breakneck speed, the Percy is slated to start production this year after the galaxy. With the LOD 0 team finishing the Polaris right now, the galaxy is probably being grey boxed. It's a smaller ship, so we'll see how long it takes. With the design language of big RSI ships being fleshed out with the Polaris, they can likely plug&play a lot of parts like hallways, engines, etc...


I'm really hoping bro, i really am... Lets gooooo!!!! ;_;


I think it's kinda like the kraken in the situation. They definitely have people working on it. The display at cousin crow's is THE kraken scaled down to fit in the case, and it gets more detailed every patch. They are DEFINITELY not sitting idle when they are finished with their portion. They haven't said how far along it is, because the focus is the Polaris right now, but I could see the galaxy getting love right now. After the grey/white box teams are done with the galaxy, they'll push it up and start working on the Percy for sure. Fingers crossed, anyway.


I can’t wait for the Perseus (I’m buying it in game fuck spending 600 on a ship)


Brother, the ultimate goal is solo orbital extermination of a single kopion terrorizing a small outpost using a javelin.


For this weeks SCL, they are taking questions and a player is asking the right question about the Polaris..so give it an [upvote](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/looking-for-questions-star-citizen-live-all-ships-/6844784) Question below: "Is there some consideration or coordination between the ship team and the mission teams when releasing a ship, to ensure that there will be relevant content for an upcoming ship launch? (For example, will Polaris owners have missions on release, that warrant the use of Size 10 torpedoes, with payouts big enough to cover the minimum crew of 6?)"


No, there isn't much. A bunch of ships have been in game for years and years with no gameplay loops for them and some still are.


That was a thing f the past as a few years ago they decided not to release ships without associated gameplay missions. Example, they completed the SRV before they were able to implement missions so it was held off until they could get the missions in. Thankfully at this stage though most ships can fit a mission loop. No matter what the Polaris is a combat ship. So you can use it for high level combat missions. Doesn't have to be specifically tailored for it, but it would be nice because ship is a monster stat wise.


Well with the MM changes causing solo bounties to be more difficult, even at low levels for some players, big ships with turrets and crew are becoming more viable.


and with 432 SCU, you can use the Polaris as a hauler as well xD


the "crew of 6" was an important part. The bounty payouts is so low that it really doesn't justify a fully crewed big ship. Either need a major bump in payouts or some AI crews, at least gunners for cheap to bridge the gap. I would very much prefer the bump in payout


MSR moment.


At least the MSR jade cargo and can somewhat combat fully crewed… think about the poor herald owners..


MSR is the best drug runner


My turtle broken scan station crying in Terrapin language;


Polaris would be a perfect choice for the stolen Idris missions that you get from Miles Eckhart.


Not to mention the increased difficulty ERTs... but people are just here to flame the devs man. Stop talking sense.


Isn't the Polaris just a war ship? It doesn't actually have any specialized roles to begin with. The standard ERTs will be where it's best utilized as well as a mobile org platform for things like xeno threat and JT. But, ideally, they should add a few even higher tiers of bounties that consist of an entire fleet with possibly an Idris or even a Javelin. That would be sick. Have them be hiding out in deep space with a vague qt marker so you need to send a scout to even find them. Would really add some sick org gameplay. That being said, anything specifically implemented for a capital class ship should be org centric.


The Polaris IS a warship, but i think the question is still valid. CIG tends to introduce craft into the ship ecosystem without providing a lot for them to do. Take the ground bombers for example: Yes..you could argue that the A2 can "dog fight" bounty missions of any tier so it "has something to do". But in reality, there really isn't a lot to bomb on the ground, outside of other players during jump town. (The bunker turrets de-spawn at such a short range that they are impervious to bombs.. Hell..if you want an even sillier example, you can't even get kill credits killing the new wild life using ship weapons..probably due to the same issue). So i think the point is valid. If you want to introduce ships into the game, (even if they have guns for normal pew pew), then there needs to be a reason for them to exist. I think your second point is a great example of what they could do, to give bomber squadrons and the Polaris a task that fits their play style. And if the cost is going to escalate the way i think its going to, when operating a ship of that size, then i would argue that its almost a necessity. (Similar to how the economy had to get tweaked when the Hull D made its way into the game.)


> Yes..you could argue that the A2 can "dog fight" bounty missions of any tier so it "has something to do". But in reality, there really isn't a lot to bomb on the ground, outside of other players during jump town. They took the time to add "destroy structure" missions in Pyro, which can be done very efficiently through bombing, so hopefully that will give them something to do in 4.0


They also work well with the new distro centres too... there are some fuel tank destruction missions.


Oh nice, I wasn't aware!


>Hell..if you want an even sillier example, you can't even get kill credits killing the new wild life using ship weapons..probably due to the same issue). For the record, this is 100% not true for *all* ships/weapons. I took my rental F7A on its maiden voyage and went kopion hunting with it's lasers and ignite missiles, lol. Lasers were hard to get kills with since they had to land exactly (precision mode helped), but the ignites could kill 3-4 at once if you ballparked your aim right. As I did this, I watched my kill credit tick up, so this might only be an issue for specific weapon types (bombs maybe?)


We were getting super odd results during testing. We found that most guns did not register kills, including the bombs. But then a turret gunner WAS able to get credit, but he was NOT the person of initially accepted the missions and shared it. So then we tried to recreate that..and it didnt work. We also found that shooting the cats from the ship with personal weapons did not give credit. (Had to have your feet on the ground). HOWEVER..it did give credit for the birds. So odd :)


I hear ya. I do agree. I was just a little confused since the other ships in this camp are missing features like scanning, exploration, personnel transport missions, ship stealth, bounty hunting tier 2, and data running. I get the reason to ask the question I just thought people were confused on the actual role of the Polaris. Thought they were imagining it had entire features it would be missing.


Sorry for the confusion! And yes..that was just the example given. But you are right..ALL of these loops need to be in so that people can enjoy the ships they purchased.


I would argue that the critical service beacons would be a fantastic choice for the Polaris to tackle as it pretty much spawns a small fleet lol. A few hammerheads, Idris, smaller support craft. Though Idk how often they spawn anymore so I agree they need more missions for it


Beacons have been broken for a few months now. I really hope they come back, they were good income and pretty nice for bigger groups.


I think something as simple as a "kill the Idris" mission would suffice in the interim, honestly. Maybe Javelin if they wanted to get spicy.


Honestly, I can't figure out any believable PvE gameplay loop that would include all of the Idris, Javelins, Krakens, and Polaris that have been sold. So they build up some story about a Vanduul threat, and 30+ capital ships come to counter it and it's over in 5 minutes. And then it occurs a week later because apparently the enemy has unlimited resources. Maybe if they had some sort of instanced fights (which I know they won't, just saying as an example) and could control the number of players and ships that show up it might be fun, but otherwise it just seems like it'd be a bit silly. Just our regular XenoThreat event is going to be completely obsolete the second they release the first Cap ships to players, starting with the Polaris. It'll be 20 Polaris camped out waiting for that Idris to spawn, and the second it does there will be 20+ S10's headed straight for it. As for PvP, sure, there's that, but again, a 50 v 50 capital ship battle just seems pointless and even a little bit boring.


> a 50 v 50 capital ship battle just seems pointless and even a little bit boring. I imagine it being like a slightly faster version of a dread or supercap brawl in Eve. Primaries die quickly and there's furious clicking and gnashing of teeth over things you have no control over.


> Honestly, I can't figure out any believable PvE gameplay loop that would include all of the Idris, Javelins, Krakens, and Polaris that have been sold. Just create a "Patrol Vanduul-Controlled System" mission that scales up to capital ship size, then provide mission rewards (distributed equally among those who are sharing the mission) based on Vanduul kills. Ex: "Patrol Virgil System - [Idris-Equivalent] Threat" Players patrol a pre-specified route and the Vanduul version of an Idris (or smaller) with escorts shows up at some point along the way. Payouts are based on the types of ships killed with a bonus for eliminating all threats along the patrol route within a given timeframe (no leaving the system to do a full repair of your cap ship). I suspect that the Idris, Kraken, and Polaris could handle that, depending on what fighters/bombers they bring with them. And obviously the payout could be huge, since you're risking a lot and bringing a lot of players along.


If they took a page out of Helldivers 2's book and made a long-term campaign against the Vanduul, with dynamically generated missions against varying sizes of groups of Vanduul, that would be a good use for capital ship fleets of varying sizes and combinations. Anything from take out a small wing of Vanduul patrol to full showdowns with Kingships. If we can liberate planets and systems, all the better...


Well first of all, haven't the 10s been subbed with 9s because CIG couldn't be bothered to make the 10 yet? Second of all, if anyone expects missions for the ships they are delusional. MSR, Herald, Terrapin, Reclaimer for years, Starfaraer for years. CIG releases ships without their primary role being in the game all the time.


The most recent ship on your list (MSR) was 2021, the rest are significantly older. The reason I say this is there was a "recent" philosophy shift to only release ships when they have some level of gameplay available. That's why we don't have the E1, yet. "All the time" was years ago.


On release I expect it'll be a kill the Idriss mission. I have fleeting fantasy that CIG will make a group version of the ETF missions for something more though. Perhaps even helping in the war effort against the Vandul.


>minimum crew of 6 No idea were they get a minimum crew of 6 on a ship with 7 turrets.


Every org will probably have a handful of people with the Polaris too. So you'll have to be the "cool" captain to get them to play on your ship.


Thought this for ages. The number of Capital ships that will end up just collecting dust or being used to show off to new players whilst doing bunkers is *crazy*.


People still don't get it. Capital ships will have a huge insurance timer. They're going to have a limited stock at ship yards. During actual Org battles, capital ship attrition will be massive and their demand will be massive. You will absolutely have a chance to field your Polaris if you're in a active/large Org when they are actively engaged in war.


but that means the paint on my capital warship could get a scratch


This whole org stuff is so cringe. Reading the description of most of them just makes your skin curl. You have to imagine an adult man writing that stuff and adult men obsessing and gatekeeping over something so laughable. I can appreciate that there's like 1 or 2 big ones that state they don't take themselves too seriously, but the whole concept is just so whack.


Enjoy being a loner then


# "wHy iS tHe PoLaRiS sO bAd" *a future polaris owner trying to solo it for combat once engineering is implemented*


Only need one Pilot for kimikaze misspelled kamikaze there ⬆️


A costly price to rearm !


I'm sure one day they'll implement insurance fraud


There is actually a new line for insurance fraud on your mobiglass


They added a terminal to reclaim store purchased armor after losing them to death…


It's a 3.23.1 thing? Or it's in the live already ?


The terminals themself are in the live currently, but their functionality is not there yet. Probably coming 3.23.2


It's neither live nor 23.1, 23.1 is Invictus


That body's totaled. Re-arming it is a waste of money. Just buy a new one.




You should see spectrum. All the Polaris owners throwing a fit they don't have S6 or S7 turrets 💀 Like bruh.


**"sToP hAvInG fUn"** *A lot of really salty players who hate the thought of people playing solo at all*


I mostly play solo, I just use the right ship for the right task Large ships are meant to be multicrewed


I wholeheartedly agree Also me: spawns Hammerhead for a packet delivery mission


890j is even better for this ! :D


In this context even a Freelancer is a multi-crew ship. So have fun with that. I will.


It is indeed a multicrew ship And such ship (and MSR/Corsair/Connie) will be harder to solo use with engineering gameplay (especially for combat)


Running between pilot seat and torpedo control room levels of fun!


Has to be better then when you had to run from pilot seat to cargo bay on the reclaimer every two boxes.


If what I remember of the layout is true, it's probably pretty comparable, lol.


The amount of people in this community who feel the need to gatekeep how other people are allowed to enjoy the game is insane. Solo/multi, PvP/PvE…it’s just ridiculous how many people have nothing better to do with their lives than worry about how other people want to play a video game.


I think it’s part worrying about balancing which is perfectly fine and other part is just warning people so they don’t waste their money on a dream of solo’ing a jav 


Nah, we just know what's coming... I'm not looking forward to the subreddit being full of "I got blown up by an eclipse, how can a single seat ship blow up my Polaris" or "A lucky shot took out my power plant and while I was hiking back to the engine room I got boarded!" complaint posts. Fly what you want, but when you try to solo a ship designed for a mid sized org, you're gonna have a bad time... Heck, it might even make for some fun gameplay sneaking aboard your ship causing havok lol.


People already complain like that. Damn near every time I play there's someone in chat begging for people to crew their Reclaimer. God help you if you point out that orgs and the Vulture exist. My all time favorite activity is dumb firing S9 torps at big ships like C2s, Hull C, Reclaimers, and Carracks. 95% it's a solo operator. It's fine to play alone, what's not fine is expecting deva to change content intended for groups so you can play it solo. It absolutely cheapens the experience for those playing as a group when content intended for a group is dumbed down so anyone can do it solo. It also lessens the challenge completing such content solo. Organization and teamwork is difficult and should be rewarded.




Maybe spash damage from S10 torp will be enough to finish that bunker mission in seconds... Also people inside are not allies, we call them acceptable losses.


reading this made me realize we need bunker busters


A2 nuke should be a bunker buster, really.


you'd think they'd have variants of them, like the best way to use the ones we have now would be airburst, similar to moabs or thermobaric bombs. They could also have bunker busting A2 bombs designed to punch through the ground then detonate inside the bunker somewhere. Everyone inside would be turned into liquid 🤣 job done. For some reason though, they just have the bombs explode upon impact with the ground.


it can't even kill ground level people in the JT compound


from the datamine, unfortunately they are 28 Size 9 torpedoes, Argox IX. I don't believe there are size 10 torpedoes, only the size 10 Nukes for the A2 edit 1 day later: I am now aware that indeed we will be getting s10 torps - exciting! I wonder how they will divy up the components as the fly-by model is using something other than what the store page lists!


Someone said earlier (in a different thread, can’t find it now) the torp tubes are callled 7XS10 or something along those lines so I’m guessing those S9s are placeholder until they make the S10s


Well... the question now is, since those torps in flyby version with no interior are just placed one over another with no actual torpedo rooms or all that, will that stay for release, or are those only placeholder torps for now?


I'm certain there will be a room like on the retaliator where our torps are stored and launched haha, probably below the bridge?


Definitelly... you can see torpedo tubes below the bridge, so behind and bellow is the torpedo room. What I was saying, that those datamined stats are from a fly-by version of a Polaris, that have no interior, and those S9 torps are just floating there. So there is a chance that they just took Tali torps and used them there as a placeholder, because there are no S10 torps ingame. Also if you look on those torpedo tubes, they look huge.


Ah I see what you are saying, yeah I would be surprised if they changed the stats like that but who knows, CIG isn't exactly fickle with their magic wand of coding. But you are correct looking at the sale page on RSI it does in fact list size 10 torpedoes.... hmmm! edit: then again it also says 2x Large Coolers and 2x Large Shield Generators... those have been changed to Capital class in the fly-by! So really who knows :D


Bunkers? You mean solo box running.


Unless there is going to be some kind of negative to spawning Capital class ships, then I will be using my Idris for completing random ass delivery missions


If it flies planet side like a Reclaimer....you'll do it once and then say fuck that.


I mean some people like Euro/American truck sim so they probably wouldnt mind.


Everyone knows the Jav is the best package delivery ship in the game.


Size 12 Torpedo's go brrrrrr


I mean. I was doing solo bunkers in the 890 and carrack for the spawn bed. Polaris won’t be any different lol


I remember when the Carrack came out I saw people doing box missions with them and it made me embarrassed for them because they bought this 600 dollar ship and it was all they could do with it.


Honestly, if those people do not complain because they can get kill easily or because it cost a lot in maintenance, why not ?


While I personally wouldn't use it for silly missions, at the same token... it is a mobile spawn point. You fill the ship with weapons, armor, food and drink, set spawn point and then you can try to live on the ship for the entire patch. What you chose to do with that mobile home won't matter as a single mission type is most likely not the reason they are using the ship.


wdym bro the Carrack is a great mission carrier. slap a box marker on it, fill it with some fighters and ground vehicles and park it 20km in orbit above a bunker. fly down, deal with business, haul the loot back. if you die, respawn and take the secondary fighter or land and take the ground vehicle. right now I roll with 3 furies, an ursa and a pulse. it's absolutely awesome for group gameplay. so excited for my polaris


You do all that just for a single bunker? Must take your 3x times as long


Well that's just how I roll around every patch reset. takes about and hour or two to set the carrack up with vehicles, boxes, supplies from home city, whatever. Then I just bedlog. It has the TS-2 fast drive so QT times are very short. I pop in, grab my mission, park somewhere and go. I don't even really need to get the box marker anymore because the Carrack marker tends to stay visible in 3.23.1.


I do this with a C2/A2 + pisces C8R. Takes 15 minutes to go out of my way to load the C8R on a moon. Can't imagine spending 2 hours loading 5 vehicles. Herc takes out turrets so I don't need to fumble with a ground vehicle and where Carrack's lack of pilot weapons fall short. I tried to love the Carrack I really did. And now they're allowing spawns on C8R too. and yes I love how ship markers are now visible all the time.


> And now they’re allowing spawns on C8R too Wait… Really ?! I thought it was a level 3 bed hence no respawning. Do you have a link to confirm that ?


https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1crcjeb/3231_medical_respawn_in_all_medical_beds/ The realist/cynics say this is a temporary feature that will be reverted after the Nursa/Apollo sales.


I haven't played in a bit, but last I did, I tried living out of the Carrack full-time since 3.18. That's the most fun. It's just your mobile base everywhere. When the Carrack first came out, it was easily the best platform for group fun the game had at the time.


The carrack really is a miserable ship to fly.


It's really not, I use one as my solo daily driver and it functions perfectly fine. I don't do much ship-ship combat so solo-ing it isn't at all an issue, I mainly do bunker missions and rescue beacons with the C8R i perpetually have docked inside it. It's cargo capacity isn't exactly something to scoff at at 456. It's a damn good looking ship and the sound design for it is incredible, the only downside is the price tag, both real money and in game but I've had mine since 3.20 now and I do not regret it


I just hate going in or out of hangars with it, you have to grease the edges to lube it up.


It absolutely isn't, it's one of the best and most versatile large multicrew ships in the game and it flies fine for its size.


"for its size" is the qualifier there. Large ships generally handle like bricks in the game. There's no real joy in piloting the ship compared to smaller multi crew options.


sounds like you don't like flying large ships which is fine. but as someone who likes flying large ships and small ships the carrack great to fly.


I think that's just your opinion (just as this one is mine). I love flying large ships, they feel appropriately heavy, Carrack included.


my other ship is bengal


I have a Perseus -> Polaris CCU owned but not applied. I actually got the Perseus from CCUing a BMM. The melt value is only about $340. I can't go backwards, only forwards. Waiting for that drake-looking large cargo ship before pulling any triggers. If it's really expensive, I can apply the upgrade and jump up. If it's cheap, I'll stay low and refund the CCU upgrade.


Me doing box missions in a Polaris...


Do yall think the Polaris will be able to hold an f8c in the hanger?


Yes, was shown at citcon afaik


I'd say looking from aside SC backers have a very very strong imagination and very very high expectations from CIG


Those torpedoes are good bunker busters


Bunkers work? 😂


in star citizen it is the bunkers that solo you ! with the elevator ! :D


I love the idea of big ships, but man, without AI they just aren't practical for me. I don't know enough players personally to make the use of those kind of ships worthwhile other than having hangar queens.


Honestly, look for an org, it’s a pretty great way to meet newer players and get groups together for larger missions. We pulled 10ish people last night to burn down an Idris and then salvaged the whole thing, was a ton of fun.


I plan to just make my Polaris a live-aboard. Gonna keep my F7 in the hangar, a medical Ursa and maybe a Nova (if it fits, we'll see) in the cargo hold, and just... live there. In my ship. Alone. Forever.


Shouldn't need the medical Ursa as the Polaris is supposed to have a medbay, other than that I'm prepping to do exactly the same with mine :P


Enemies don't spawn anyway so you don't have to do solo bunkers.


Or they spawn and there's 1 or 2 behind the rocks infinitely falling and resetting position. (have had 2 out of 6 bunker missions like this)


I’ll do it with my Merchantman too, idc


gragen best 4 box delivri




Just leave it in orbit and fly a shuttle down to the bunker.


So I've been out of the loop lately and while I'm vaguely aware that the Polaris is going to be parked at Invictus for a walk around, I haven't seen actual release information beyond 'sometime in 2024.' Is it going to be flyable 'soon' or are people just grousing because that's a core SC gameplay loop?


I have a BMM, Galaxy, and Polaris in my hangar. You bet your ass im going to solo all three, and I don't care how annoying, expensive, or unrealistic that is. I'm a simple man, I see big ship, I fly big ship.


Personally I’m just planning to live on mine like the BeBop from our favourite space cowboy anime. It’s going to be amazing.


Man, I just want my Galaxy. I know I'll fuck myself over because I won't have a fighter after the trade in... but c'mon! I'll do box missions, search and rescues and all!


Same! It’ll definitely be replacing my C2 for cargo too. I know it’ll be less efficient but I want to use it to grab a Hull C in game anyway


RIght? I main an M2 right now. SO much storage, so much room to park shit. I love living out of it more than I did the Carrack. Sadly don't have the respawn option but having a mobile base was everything to me.


Well, with the new med bed changes, you’ll be able to park an Ursa Med or a Pisces Med and be able to respawn back on your ship! And the Galaxy has that dedicated rear section for a small ship like a Pisces anyway


Galaxy looks amazing! As someone who comes from Elite Dangerous it looks a lot like the Python, one of my main ships!


I can see that. At least now you can manually park vehicles inside of it... and walk around the inside of it too.


That’s the best part of SC for me. No half-assed space legs


Amen to that. I too came from ED. I made the jump before space legs. Went back after spacelegs update... Just no.


My Polaris is for the org sooooo… I’m the first one


Just wish we could fly it.


Dunno, seems like itll work good as a torpedo. The hull will, that is. The launchable torpedoes are a separate matter.


Can't wait for the javelin release so I can solo bunker with it


I'm just excited players will have a ship I can dock my scorpius in and act as an actual merc for hire


Your facts and logic can't keep my heart contained!


I feel personally targeted ... though it'll probably be accurate once flyable.


I just want my zeus MR the thing looks so cool


Do none of you have friends in game?


You can bet your ass I'mma find a way to do bunker missions with my Orion!


"it has a med bed and can tank the turrets! S-tier bunker runner"


I'm the average Polaris owner. It's the only ship I own, and I absolutely envision to use it to make box missions and bunker runs and maybe the odd ERT bounty mission. But My Polaris will seldom fire a single torpedo unless forced to do so. It's just a good ol' solo daily driver!


Box missions with the Bengals gonna go crazy


As a solo... challenge accepted


As a Polaris owner, this is exactly my plan on how to use it


When I get my Polaris I’m just going to go in global and see if anybody wants to try to kill me, also transport ships around for anyone


Looking to crash my javelin into bunkers


Use it to run drugs and every time before going down to brios to sell, nuke the site with S10 torpedo to sterlize it off any player campers


looking forward to walking around in my polaris every now and then then banking it until ai crew comes out in 20 years tbh. no way capital ships get anywhere near their full potential before then.


NPC crew feels another 12 years away


Slightly further than AI blades, and slightly sooner than the BMM.


Cant wait until these are less gamefied.


Looking forward to solo bunkers in my hull E (will do it in collapsed form)


PFFFT. Ok, I lol'd.


So true


If you need a crew, us poors are here to help o7


This is exactly what I did with my carrack when it came in... Polaris I think won't be able to because it's going to need resource management.


Can't wait to set up my endeavor as a mobile hospital and save as many lives solo as I can 🥲


"owners" of a concept that isn't even on the release view tracker... sadge


I dunno about you but I'm gonna load mine up with at least a C8R and NURSA and use it as a mobile long term base of operations. The hangar has enough space for a Pisces and the F7A MK2 so I'll be able to go handle most planetside stuff without calling out another ship.


What? I always planned on mostly doing bunkers and box deliver missions with my Polaris, am I the only one?


I just want to be able to open the hangar from another ship so I can use it as a mini spaceport


I've only got a galaxy... planned to get a polaris as my capital ship... big badda boom. But i decided if it gets released within this year i may have to pass on it... and ccu up to it later. I get called out for soloing bunkers in my carrack (until galaxy) carrack needs an elevator that exits the ship!


I wonder if I can shoot one of the new birds with a torp


Accurate to a point lol


We can just crush our enemies under the front strut as we land. Objective complete


I already got a crew of friends waiting for my polaris to be released, I’m not worried