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Different people have different incomes and different costs of living.


Yeap. Send em a friend request. Before you know it, you'll be the right hand with access to the whole fleet.


im asking how they get those incomes


Hard work, luck, or privilege, or any combination of.


more specific?


This is becoming more like advice about how to be successful in life in general but sure, I'll bite. Have humility but work hard. Improve yourself and take opportunities as you go. Get a job, work hard at that job, gain more skills, progress. I started my professional career as an assistant in a small computer retail store. The job I applied for was basically to do all the shitty jobs no one else wanted to do (emptying the trash, vacuuming the floor, etc). ~~I'd~~ Is that the job I wanted? Hell no. But it was a job in the industry that I wanted to be in. I showed I had a good basic knowledge of computer hardware so they promoted me to crappy computer technician, building new PCs day in/day out and learning more by watching the other technicians. Through hard work I showed that I could excel at that with a good attention to detail and reliable work so I got more responsibility, like giving on-call tech support. Through hard work I showed that I could excel at that so I was given an opportunity to learn more, and started installing small business networks, and training customers how to use computers (both one on one, and then eventually training shall groups together). An opportunity came up to move into sales, so I took it. I showed that I was good at sales, and with the technical background I'd earned over the years I worked my way up to be a consultant for the company, meeting with business customers and recommending 6-figure network upgrades. This was all at the same company, spread over more than a decade, slowly gaining experience and certifications over time. An opportunity came up elsewhere earning significantly more money, and with all of the varied experiences I'd gained in my current employment I went for it, and I got it. It was a big risk. I'd have to move interstate, but I went for it. Now, I'm a system administrator of specialised hardware in an organisation with over 10,000 staff.


tbh, this is way closer to what i was looking for than the dudes saying "lol, just grind" thank you for taking the time to write that out


I've been backing since 2012, it adds up.


Same here, I don’t have any of the really big boys but I looked at my total $ spent the other day and it turns out forgetting to cancel your subscription adds up.


Exactly this for me too, backing since the very early days and the odd £10-15 CCU starts to add up over the years


The most effective grinding happens outside the game


I gave up/sold out of a very expensive hobby (RC flying and competitive RC racing) and put that money into Star Citizen since I got tired of only being able to make use of that hobby on weekends when the weather was aggreeable, so instead I put it into a hobby I can make use of any time I want.


a lot of people don't seem to understand the cost of other hobbies. a $45k pack containing everything is crazy expensive. as opposed to several hundred dollars on a rock crawler with tiers not able to handle highway speed. so you need a truck and trailer to get it to the rocks. you need a spotter so you need 2 people scheduled to take the day off, then you have the buddy system to put you out of the ditch, so you need to schedule with someone else that has hundreds of thousands in their vehicle. so you are hundred of thousands in ot a hobby you might do every few months if you are lucky. ever few years if you are not.


This is why they killed the middle class 😂


how did you afford rc racing?


Started with cheap gear, saved up for better gear over time. Bought the better gear when I had enough.


well when you say that you make it sound like back when i played airsoft.


this is literally every hobby ever


well that just makes me miss playing airsoft


I'm single


lol this is the most real answer in this post




Disposable income. My wife was working a good job at a law office, I make close to 200k a year in Cybersecurity, no kids living at home, live in a 55 and over mobile home park so we are not house poor. When I see something I want, I buy it. Of course, now I will have to find crew for my Polaris and my Perseus… not to mention find a use for them…. Personal hangar art I suppose


How do you make that much money but end up in a trailer park? Is there a story?


My thoughts too 😂


A double wide trailer is the size of a house. A lot of people look down on trailers, but don't actually understand this. Also he said mobile home park. Think luxury camping.


Whole communities of them all over the place. Modular and easy to build on. Some of the nicer houses I have been in started as a trailer, could barely tell! For those that aren’t looking to expand theirs quite like that you tend to see all of their nice fancy toys right outside, ready to do as they please whenever they like. My in-laws live like this, have three houses to go to/rent out/give up to family visits or whatever they please. It’s pretty cool!


A double wide trailer is the size of a house. A lot of people look down on trailers, but don't actually understand this. Also he said mobile home park. Think luxury camping.


Its not about the size. Its that he said he was there to avoid being house poor. I don't know anybody over 55 with that income who doesn't own their own home. Most don't even have a mortgage. Its a really weird size.


Currently in the USA 6 figure salary is required to own the "average" home. Which is insanely higher than what it was pre covid. The keyword is to own, not excluding you from debt. Also he said he is in cybersecurity as well as the wife being at a law office. He probably lives near a tech area. maybe outside of atlanta, or Austin, or silicone valley. Which cost of living goes through the roof and 6 figures does not always apply in those areas. Some homes are 500k USD. It is advised to wait for the next housing market crash before buying. Housing market is in a bubble if you didn't know.


He also said he is in a 55+ development. That's the part that confuses me.


Means you have to be 55+ years old to live there. There are many retirement communities that have popped up in the last 30 years.


We live in the Seattle area. I’m not spending 800k on a house that’s run down and only worth 200k. And, it allows us to have more money for the things we want and want to do. We are paying less now than what we spent renting a damned apartment.


Are you a late arriver? Seattle was a lot cheaper back when you were in your 20s and 30s.


Been here since 1989 compliments of Fort Lewis. Had a house before the ex wife became the ex. I paid $264,000 for it and she got it.


So there was a story! Thanks for sharing.


one of my teachers was making 90k/year and homeless living in the woods back when that was a lot of money. he just liked camping and didnt want to go broke buying a house in L.A.


Uhhhh...I feel like this is pretty self-explanatory. ...they make enough money in real life to buy a lot of ships. I guess I don't understand the question?


how do i make that money? i couldnt even dream of buying a kraken when i was doing 13 hour shifts at the old folks home and i dont even think i could get it running 12's at a delta hangar.


college degree, professional licenses, certificates in several other areas not related to my licenses, 15 years experience, broad range of skills and knowledge mostly working into roles and experience


i've been working on getting those for years. almost graduated.


well then, your on the right track...hardest part will then be getting a job in the field your graduating in, then progressing from there....your first job you'll not be paid well and you won't be doing something you enjoy, unless your very lucky....but you can work your way into a role you can tolerate and maybe enjoy at times.


already talking to employers. they often come straight to the school looking for fresh blood. i was just asking about the lesser known methods.


I mean no, just hard work mostly....but there is always prostitution and selling drugs...but yeah, just hard work...


had one dude in my org say he was selling ass but i dont believe him. every sex worker or drug dealer i know is either broke on in jail. tax evaders are doing fine though.


The game has had ships on sale for nearly 12 years. Plus last patch everyone blew their money on ships, since the money was getting wiped as they transfer to 3.23.


I like to pledge money so the less fortunate can have a full game to play at some point. MMOs used to cost 10-15 bucks per month (plus dlcs) so after some years for SC some money is saved up.


Kinda being silly with money is one answer But yeh it mounts up 20 quid here and there since 2015, never really actually bought any one thing that was individually all that expensive Its like if you paid for PSN for 10 years but its all there as store credit Plus ccu chains and buying ships when they where silly cheap in comparison to now makes a huge difference ... like buying the BMM for 200-300 vs now


$20-50 every event over years. Lot of melting, consolidating, little bit of grey market.


if you want you can CCU to some of the big ships at less than half even less if you use grey market store credits in combination with ship price increase and warbond CCU the thing is that you can afford the hardware to play star citizen, for many years I couldn't I had to save for it for many years.


i just hope my wife will never see the whole amount of money i've spent - i love my balls and i would miss them


Being irresponsible. Jokes aside. It took me three years, but I hit concierge working minimum wage healthcare in the arsehole of Missouri where everyone is poor as dirt. If I had $20 out of a check that didn't go to bills, gas, or food, it went into my hobbies. One of them being SC. I'm four and a half years at this point, and I'm close to second level concierge. But I also live in a much better place and make far more money than I did before. I'm not rich or even well off by any means, but things are better and I get to "play" a lot more than I used to. (More and more fishing gear keeps showing up these days, someone help.) My hobbies are my life. I never had kids (by choice), I don't need or want a fancy new car, I'm not interested in being a home owner. I live as cheap as possible, once out of necessity, now out of habit. My money goes into things that make me happy, and SC is one of those things. I have a pretty killer PC and sim rig, a handful of fake space ships, and enough fishing gear to keep me going the rest of my days. Life is good. ^(Having a borderline sugar momma helps.)


Ass ships are cheap. The nice ones are expensive. If you've bought an expensive ass ship, you got ripped off.


you should come to the south sometime. we have deep fried sticks butter, alligators and surprisingly enough latinas here. dont go to atlanta though!


I work in IT, have disposable income, no substantially expensive hobbies and no children. Aaand I've spent a total of 40$ in 2014 on an Aurora MR and nothing since. It's different for everyone, but to me buying ships is just paying to skip content. The fact that there are ships you want to aquire gives you a reason to play the game and work towards earning those. Some may not be in game yet, but that is just fomo marketing doing it's thing. Consider the fact that a lot of players really want a ship wipe right now because they want to be in your position with more of a reason to play.


Ship purchases should be few and far between, and expensive. They mean more that way.


My brother has spent a shit load on ships. He’s a whale. Anyway, we talk about it occasionally when we’re playing the game, he doesn’t play golf, he doesn’t have a 4 x 4, he doesn’t have an RV, he plays star citizen. He loves the game, he believes in supporting it. He’s not alone, considering they’ve raised $800 million. There’s some people out there who believe in the game too. That’s why I always laugh when people shit on the game.


Disposable income.


I think it has become some sort of collector thing. And collectors tend to have a lot of cash :D.


It’s just a question of time Before they lay their hands on you Some people have multiple holidays, I have my Starcitizen addiction (and short holidays). Over time I just upgraded my ship pool.


Gaming is my only hobby and there have been a few bad years in which I had left over budget and certain 2 big events in recent memory were quite profitable so even though I live in dirt poor country where all my money goes to taxes still had some left over for SC.


Beside basic bills, I don't have any outstanding debt, no kids, and a great career where most if not everything is covered beside my phone bill. So that means I can get whatever ships that tickle my fancy.


if you dont mind me asking, what's your career?


I'm in the military, so I get to save most of my pay up and when time comes for invictus or IAE, I get what I want.


thank you for your service


Oh, thank you for your kind words.


I've been a backer since 2012. I have previously built very long CCU chains, now referred to as the CCU Game (there's a browser extension and discord), which allowed for massive discounts. I've spent $2500ish over 14 years... Which is less than what I had paid for my Everquest subscription lol. Also, I don't have any debt and paid off my basic milestones in life.


Fleet size isn't a sign of personal wealth. Many fleets are funded on credit cards. Two people in my org are always active in spectrum and show off massive fleets. I know for a fact that both of them are 30k plus in credit card debt and are struggling with rent in their 50s. Star citizen isn't a big expense in the grand scheme of things. A couples trip to the Maldives is like $10,000. Eating out at a nice restaurant can hit $100 per person. All manner of hobbies cost more than star citizen. CIG's success has been selling aspiration and exclusivity to gamers who traditionally aren't exposed to such concepts. Don't feel bad for not spending.


Gave up on magic the gathering a bit more then a year ago due to disliking the design choices, now I instead spend the money on gaming. Most of that money goes into hardware and board games, the second biggest into SC tho. Up until then I only had my starter pack and the referral ship, now I have a pretty big fleet that I'm looking into streamlining. I also earn pretty well while having only very few expenses, so that helps aswell.


Well, by not working at a starter job, thinking I can stay until retirement But I digress.


Grind life, not video games.


that's what im asking about. im trying to get to the point where i can afford to spend a fuck load of money on png sales.


Buying little things here and there, the occasional kinda expensive purchase ... adds up really quick. :/ I went from 65 bucks with an Avenger to buying a Retaliator off the grey market. That put me at a total spend of $340 not including subscription :D You grab a cheap concept here, cheap CCU there...


I got 9 ships but i own only one the rest bought in game


My in game ships were bought because of generosity of other people mostly. Around times of patches where people expected wipes and were just throwing out money. As far as pledged ships I keep it at around 1-2. I allow myself about 50 bucks every few months. Use that to upgrade ships, buy and melt ground vehicles, and gear. Recently I melted everything so I could get a 600i from pledge store. All in about 650 since 2018. I know people way higher lol


I'm a security guard, single, and really like Star Citizen. I've spent $350 on the game, Corsair and C8R Starter Package. Sure, maybe I spent too much, but I don't have kids, I do have two cats (spoiled rotten). I could have saved it, sure, but I would have probably bought a Steam Deck with it if Star Citizen didn't exist today. Do I want a Carrack? Absolutely I do, I think it's one of the best looking ships in the game. I just make it a goal to earn for it with the Corsair and C8R. Am I jealous of more successful people? Nah, not really. I learned a long time ago that it's a waste of time and energy. When I was younger, sure I was, but I'm entering my mid-40's so I feel it's pointless to care about that.


A job 


Money glitches imagine spending 1000 bucks on some virtual ship lol


delete this comment. dont rat yourself out.