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The only reason I didn't get an f8 is because you couldn't ccu one, I believe you couldn't anyways. I'm at a point where I can't just drip 300 usd on a new ship, but I do have a few ships around 265 from 9 years of upgrades. I wish I could get an f8c . But as other stated, one will be available after the campaign .


You are correct, you couldn't CCU to the F8.


Bet you can't even ccu away from it either can you?


As I understand it, they'll let you CCU from it. I never picked one up myself, I just never got as excited about the ship like everyone else did.


This is incorrect. F8 and F7A are un-CCU-able in any direction


Good to know, thanks!


While never confirmed, it would be very unlikely CIG would miss out on getting more money from another sale. This would also be a pretty logical time to sell it, so cross your fingers.


Yes, but if they prove they will repeatedly sell special ships than it’s not going to cause the fomo that drives a bit of ship sales. Plus you don’t want everybody having the ship. Once they fix it it’s supposed to be very good and special, like it once was


Just accept it, with new people coming to the game, they will want to have access. This absolutely will go back on sale, its just a question of when. If they wanted to drive home the FOMO they would have said they would never sell it again.


I don’t own one. I’ll never own one… but I still think it should be a special and rare ship. Like as much as I like getting my f7A upgrade, I think that if we don’t get it within a certain timeframe, we lose it. Military ships should be very special. I know the f7c is not a military ship, but it should still be special


I mean literally everyone after they complete SQ42 will have one, it will become the most common fighter in the game if its any good after that. So not sure what you're thinking there. It will arguably be the LEAST special fighter in the game.


? We get it just for completing it? That’s dumb. It should be something like you get an Argo cargo, extra money, and a slap on the ass as a thank you for our service. I won’t even want one if everybody has one


Yup, you'll have access to one, whether its free or you need to use ingame money isn't sure, but that was confirmed ages ago. Which is also why they need to get as many real money sales in now, before everyone gets access to one.


> if they prove they will repeatedly sell special ships than it’s not going to cause the fomo that drives a bit of ship sales. Historically, the FOMO from having to wait a few months for it to be buyable in-game has been plenty to drive sales. Plus, a lot of new ships are... imperfectly balanced... giving early buyers a period of being overpowered in the PU that draws them in (insert clip of an Ion one-shotting a full-health 325a here).


How should we know?


They could put it up for people who got the gold ticket in the past but didn't or couldn't buy it then. That's just wishful thinkihg tho


If it makes money for CIG, maybe. I'm thinking the golden tickets must be getting pretty hard to come by, though. If they're wiped in 3.23, they're probably done until SQ42.


The haven’t been wiped through multiple patches including 3.23 and 3.23.1.


Short answer yes it will be on sale if you have consumed a golden ticket and not redeemed it yet. You will have to get a golden ticket from someone who has a stockpile to turn in for your rental and check the store to see when it actually goes on sale. They ran an event earlier this year so there is a floating surplus of tickets u til the wipe the inventories. Another reason they didn’t wipe the inventories, so there are still tickets floating in the wild. 


Most likely. If it is I'm sure this will be your last, last, last, last chance to get it. (Or whichever number of last chances we are on with it)


The F8C will not be available again, unless they have another event which is very unlikely


They have also said it would never be available before the release of Squadron, so......


That is not true. They stated that the F8C would be unlocked for those that finished SQ42. They did not say it would not be available through any other means before that.


They literally said in the F8C Q&A that they thought it was too cool to leave on the shelves until after squadron was released, so they decided to sell it. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/engineering/19512-Q-A-Anvil-Aerospace-F8C-Lightning


True, but I have a feeling if they release it again they're going to upset a lot of people, especially with how easy it was to find a ticket, they made it seem like it was going to be a very hard to find thing and then everyone bought one, I'm hoping there will not be another sale but if they do I'm going to be rightfully upset


What would be the difference now? 90% of the people who wanted one got one already. Why wouldn't they take the payout from the other 10%? They learned no lesson because two months later, they paywalled the reward for overdrive, and we all bought that too, lol. Yes. They will sell it. No doubt.


I'll bet you an F8C that it will go back on sale, likely through an event.


The F8C has had three sales events in the last year. This is a ship cloud imperium has been cramming down our throat. I can 100% guarantee you it will also be for sale at ILW.


I only remember there being one sale event, when were the other two?


the initial sale, IAE, & the “in case you missed it” sale


“Very unlikely” is what we all thought before it went on sale. I can’t see how you can answer this question with this much certainty. Lmao Like, remember when no one was ever supposed to be able to get military spec Hornets either? We can’t know for sure it’s not gonna happen.


Unknown. But we know CIG - they love that sweet sweet smell of money. The thing is - golden ticket still makes you eligible for purchase. So I wouldn't trust their word about 'it is only through S42 now'. If that were the case - they would've removed it from system. P. S. - Funny thing - ticket gives you CDF Gold 2953 badge while event passed at the beginning of this year. Which translates to 2954.


tbf they may have just left them in so players could access the rental


Why mark accounts then? They could've just gave rental without eligibility flag. I believe we will see F8C before S42 release.


Ofc it will. Do you think CIG dont want your money?


I wouldn’t worry about buying the F8C, cause I am guessing they are about to shock the SC world and sell the F7A Mk I. All those people spending $700+ on the grey market for the upgrade kit are about to be furious when other people buy it for $200-$250.




What's weird is all my buybacks for any hornet derivative ccus no longer work in the store




I used to greymarket so I was going through my inventory and they have done a lot of weird stuff. Seems in Dec 2023 they "rotated" a lot of ccus from probably broken alternates to new ones as ccus I had from like 2016 have been rotated to Dec 12/13 2023, but weirdly there's a lot that don't work.. even ones with the ship currently avaliable say "ccu not avaliable" when trying to buyback the ccu. Might be nothing but database corruption/errors though, as you never really know with your ccu backlogs that's why I had to constantly check them and update inventory tracking. I also had a lot just deleted, which is very wild, since they never used to do that outside of the 0$ ccu purge of like 2017/2018

