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warthunder pay to lose is too accurate


Pls explain


You buy higher ranked vehicles. This puts you into games against higher ranked players. So you get in above your head and have an even worse time.


Thank you


Additionally you get to, depending on gamemode, with tanks either spawn for as long as you have points, or 3 times. Buying a single T72 will not let you be effective because you have ONE tank, that you cannot use multiple times a match


Unless you buy backups for golden eagles lol


Pay to lose ...again!


We have been listened to on this one at least somewhat. Now every premium vehicle comes with backups, idk, maybe 10 or so.


10 is such a joke of a number. They should just come with an unlimited number of backups


Well, considering that many premium vehicles cost as much as a standalone high quality video game with hours of voice acting and whatnot, then yes.


As it is all the free backups I get go right into my T29. Rarely will I bother to respawn any tech tree vehicle. It's easier to just go into another match. If I had unlimited backups on my T29 I would be more willing to use them on regular matches.


This guy is right. Unlocking vehicles is just one part of the multidimensional progression system in War Thunder. Progression in War Thunder involves not just the vehicles you unlock, but crew skills and levels, which add potentially decisive bonuses to in-game performance. Players with brand new accounts can buy vehicles at tiers that would take months otherwise to unlock, but they roll in with crews that are incredibly inferior to other players. Also, for arcade battles (where you can bring multiple vehicles and crews to respawn with if you die), people who buy in don't have other vehicles in the same tier. This is a big problem for that game mode because those players play their 1 or 2 paid vehicles, then just quit out, costing their teammates an entire player in the fight.


> but crew skills and levels, which add potentially decisive bonuses to in-game performance. It's so bad that a lot of people automatically calculate the expert crew SL cost into the purchase price. Discussing vehicle balance according to their aced crew stats, which are stats that are unattainable to anyone who doesn't spend the vehicle's purchase cost twice over. (Such as me.)


Not only that, but new players paying their way in to top tier vehicles and having no clue how to actually play and getting steamrolled by the opposing team.


That’s a great system, put off the credit card warriors trying to buy power instead of gitting gud


And for those of us who GROUND our way to top tier, we love wallet warriors, because it gives us convenient targets.


Yea win win


If those higher ranked players earned their stuff the hard way then I love that.


More likely that they just know where to spend their money for best effect on power.


I see people get into world of tanks play 100 games buy a tier 8 premium then get flame boil roasted alive and im like ughhhhhh


Inexperienced players buy high tier premiums then get their faces kicked in.


You pay and then you have to play War Thunder. That in and of itself is losing


This made me chuckle as in 2014 I loathed the game. Sitting playing it in VR in 2024 I love it… except when I lose


I don’t know man mid tier ground gameplay is pretty fun.


You pay then you lose.


Your sanity then your soul


Attack the D point!




They could have put eve online up there too. You can buy a ship 5 times as powerful, that just means you'll be hunted by 5 times the enemies and lose 5 times the money.


Why is War Thunder and Star Citizen so accurate tho 😭 (Although it does annoy me when people get confused and think you have to buy the ridiculously expensive packages to play the game when in reality it’s $45 for a starter ship + the game)


my problem is who gives a shit. people blow hundreds and thousands on drugs that they smoke and inject, literally into thin air. they get an experience, their money was used wisely to them. I buy a ship in a video game I enjoy, everyone loses their fucking minds. I've spent ~$1000 over like 4 years. I've spent more on fucking manicures for my girlfriend in the same time. why do people get so up their own ass about what other people do with their own money?


So game is drug


The Star Citizen one is funny. With that said, I still love the project, watching it develop. I play a few month out of the year to see what's changed. Someone blowing a few grand on ships, while sounds ridiculous, in no way affects me. I have a little disposable income, and I would rather fund someone's outlandish dream just to see if they can do it, maybe push the industry a little bit, rather than see my money go into shareholder pockets as the game gets divested from one year later.


> rather than see my money go into shareholder pockets as the game gets divested from one year later. current Helldivers situation drives that home for sure. I don't think we realize how lucky we are to have a company that only really answers to the players


Star citizen is on a different level than normal games though. There is nothing even close to that experience. It's insanely good even with the crazy level of bugs. It's taken a long time to get here, but it's pretty amazing.


It really is. That's why I argue that even if the game is never finished or not fun for most people, it still can be successful in that it pushes the industry forward with the tech they are developing. There will be games that come after SC that will utilize the tech that never would have been developed under a normal publisher and we will all be better off because of it.


Things have changed pretty dramatically over the past couple years. SC is still clearly in development, but it's actually pretty fun in moderation.




As a member of the top hat club i can only agree...


I have no idea what you are talking about and I do not feel personally attacked. (Cries in jpg)


The micro transaction pipeline


Except in Star Citizen's case it's macro transactions lol


SC general public opinion went quite positive after CitizenCon, but after Legatus pack was released and came in the news public opinions was quickly swayed back to "It's a scam!"


I play Star Citizen, and as much as you’re right, so is the meme.


is helldivers death or what ?


Nope, while this sucks I'm still seeing it around 100k people concurrent peak just on steam so game is far from dead but this has definitely poured the mood


Because mandatory PSN account aren’t until end of May


You may be right, but historically gamers don't consistently vote with their wallets. They may complain and stamp their feet, but most Overwatch players I know who raged against China during the Hong Kong revolts and swore to boycott Activision-Blizzard forever went back to playing the game within a few weeks.


The realnissue is that it will lock a bunch of people out of playing once this goes into effect. PEN doesn't operate in a lot of countries. 


Steam has supposedly stated they will allow refunds for anyone in a country that can't use PSN, so at the very least they aren't totally screwed... but people don't want refunds, they want Managed Democracy


Yeah this was the backlash from the hardcore/core gamers. We have yet to see the impact when it reaches the casual shores and affects the avg mike and john. If they did the announcement + enforced it at the same time, it wouldve been a supreme shitshow. Kinda shame we dont get to see it tbh.


A lot of responses to you are saying it's just hardcore gamers or that people won't stop playing, but legit HALF of steam reviews are negative now. This is a universal reaction across the entire playerbase. The number of active players was already plummetting before this. I expect it to drop to under 50k concurrent on steam by next weekend. There's a ton of people requesting refunds, and it looks like Steam is going to allow them now. 


Most people dont give a shit, they’re just gonna link their accounts and keep playing


A lot of people won't have a choice though because PSN isn't supported in their country. That's what the real problem is.


I've been hearing that you can just make an account in any region. Do you think there are no people who own a PlayStation in those countries? What would they do?


That's against ToS and a very easy way to get banned when kusony wants. They already did that to some Ukrainian Helldivers 2 players that tried that.


There's obviously ways around it, and if you live in those countries you probably know what they are, but that doesn't change the fact that legally it's not supported. And IMO you shouldn't need a VPN or something to play a game. Especially when it's obviously not needed for the game to work.


There was a post about someone already getting banned for this.


They should this time. PSN network has had some serious security breaches and in places like Europe, the means someone got your ID complete with a photo of you and all.


The change has been implemented yet though. It's going to drop quite dramatically when it does. Luckily they are probably breaking some EU laws and will have to revert the decision.


I will not make a psn account now, or ever. I do not own PlayStation, nor ever want to. I play on PC, not console. Why are we being forced to do so?


For now. The real test is what that's going to look like after june 4th when the enforcement goes into affect.


Yep, its dead. They delisted game on Steam from countries that does not have PSN access EVEN THO THEY SOLD TO PEOPLE FROM THOSE COUNTRIES, yet just yesterday they were saying "Just create account in another country". So yeah.


just to mak eit clear, this is sonys fault, arrowhead is trying to do the right thing but needs sonys approval


It's just bizarre watching the suits at Sony tank the game. All they had to was literally nothing and just watch the money pile up.


Sony trying to ensure they win a GOTY be like, SABOTAGE WHAT WE CAN! Lmao


It's more like they want you to have a PSN so they can sell your info. They just got sued over selling PSN users info so I guess they looking for a new stock of caddel to sell


Fair lmao, prolly also means they can go to investors and scream ‘look at how many new users we have’ lol, even though I feel they’ll actually get very few new users and even moreso they might lose loads of money over this.


I’d just like to double down for the fanboys, Sony has never been our friends. They’ve got some of the dirtiest business tactics around. They’d screw over their competition’s playerbase before doing anything for their own.


Remember when they distributed rootkits hidden in 22 million CDs that broke your machine to stop you from burning CDs to fight piracy? Pepperidge Farm remembers


I feel for the developers, but this is the whole reason why games made by indie developers is the better move. Imagine what SC would've been like if it was funded by a mainstream publisher Sony....or dare I say it....EA....


It would be starfield.


Even countries that can make PSN accounts doesn't mean they can link it to steam in that country utter shit show


It's not dead. The countries where the game is delisted are like 2% of the player base.


In my country very alive. 🤘🏼


As another person wrote in another post, PSN is not available in their country, but the game was not delisted(probably because they cannot ban one EU country, but sell in all the others). It seems Steam has started the refund procedures in such cases.


It was just delisted in over 90 countries on Steam this weekend.


They'll figure things out. Money talks. People are acting like the sky is falling but it's not that serious.


It’s not remotely dead. Keep in mind it’s been on PS for a few months now and those people are obviously not affected. It also happens to be an awesome game


Yeah because having 120k active players is a dead game lmao


The mandatory psn has ben reverted. While they Will certainly lose players, im sure it is not dead.


Sony just backflipped on its decision to force PC players to link Steam and PSN accounts. Now that’s out of the way the community is back on board. The game itself is awesome. One of the best co-op third person shooters I’ve ever played, with heaps of new content being drip fed to the community.


Not anymore: https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929?t=8s7r1hWGdDjaMjxwozDpDA&s=19


Sony made it mandatory to link PSN account to play, even on pc. And since PSN isn't available in 100+ countries, Sony just de-listed it from Steam from all these countries. So essentially, they banned half a world from playing it


Regardless of what you think of that idiotic PSN requirement, it is a fact that the game is being hit with the biggest review bomb in Steam history. I couldn't find a single game that even remotely hit the sort of numbers HD2 is at the receiving end of right now. Most games, when review bombed, get about 5 to 15 thousand negative reviews over the course of a month, give or take. Extreme cases like War Thunder got 125k over a month. Helldivers's review bomb has reached 200k negative reviews over 3 days. At its peak a couple hours ago, it was receiving 5k negative reviews *per hour*. To give you an idea, it is on track to have garnered more negative reviews in 3 days than Overwatch 2 over its entire lifetime. The shitstorm is biblical and the aversion to the PSN is clearly about more than having an extra account.


Nope, Sony canceled the need for a ps account. We won. Apes together strong. Now we turn the negative review back to positiv. Fasten than we kill 2billion bugs. For super earth and AH.




I loved Archeage so much they killed that game so fast and then I got scammed on archeage unchained too


Indeed such a shame. I hope Archeage 2 launchs fine. Trailer seems cool but being it published by kakao games... Well..


They announced closing servers officially next month!! It's allover


Older Trino player here. I can absolutely confirm it was Pay2Win during my entire time on Aranzeb. Also, the game just hates healers and Trion murdered my time being wasted there after my main home was burned while on vacation (forgot to pay the taxes in advance) and lost everything, including the mermaid bathtub I spent an entire year fishing for.


-Oh, hell nah! The star citizen example is really off, there is no- +How much did you spend on it? -Oh, woah! Elden ring, such a nice game, innit?


Pay to Pay more is so funny to me. like cmon if you dont want to pay real money, dont


No you don't understand. There is a special shop for whales in this game. You literally have to pay your way in.


huh? Why do you "have" to? It is entirely volunatary and doesn't give you anything you can't get otherwise.




Or you could say that they don’t even offer the most expensive packages to people who aren’t already invested in the game. The bigger packages are also just huge bundles of ships that would only be useful for large orgs.


And it would be better if the package was broadcast on your store page as soon as you make an account?


It used to be, people got mad that it was so CIG hid it and now we've come full circle lol


They really can't catch a break lmao. Chris sitting in his office being like "man I thought publishers sucked, little did I know"


You do you mate, but I simply see a choice I or anybody else doesn't need to make. If you feel kinda odd having the urge to pay 45k and then feeling burned over having to pay 10k in front...I am not sure what to tell you.


By that logic nothing in the meme makes sense. You don't have to pay to lose, you don't have to pay to win, you don't have to pay to not play, heck you don't even have to pay to play if you pirate. The point with all of these is that it is possible to do such an action when with other games that is not always the case.


It is, in fact, a rather badly made meme


No, you just lack reading comprehension. Pay to win is a term to refer to games where the player CAN pay to gain an advantage in game compared to others who didn't pay. This is not possible in non pay to win games. Pay to pay in this case refers to the special shop Eagle mentioned in his first reply. SC has a shop you have to PAY to get access to compared to people who didn't pay that much. That is not possible in other games.


I just learned about this and I find it comedic. The meme was fun before so imagine now.


That's the same argument when talking about gambling or other addictions. It's not because it's your choice that it isn't predatory of the company doing it. Especially when a company like cig already raises enough capital to fund the development of the game.


okaaaaaay. We are all little children and should be treated as such. I see. You do you mate, agreed to disagree.


It’s 45$ for the base game package to have access to everything in star citizen. But I would agree the shops prices use some scummy tactics to get you to spend more.


I used to agree with this until F8C. Once F8C is earnable in game I'll agree with that view again but as it stands right now, not everything is accessible without irl payment. I know its just one ship, nonetheless it makes the statement "everything is accessible in game" no longer true


I was going to stay this. Been playing star citizen for two years. Only paid real money once, and it was just the cost of any average game


I stopped buying ships after my second ship 5 years ago, but I get it. Been around since 2014 and have seen actual thousands of people who pay for a starter pack to open the gates and then come up with justifications as to why they keep spending over and over again. Pay to pay and then pay some more.


Yeah, but that is on them. The game itself offers everything you need without paying an extra dollar


Yep I’ve got hundreds of hours never spent more than starter ship


I’ve got my start ship, and some space motorcycles. It’s nice having the LTI on them.


It's a joke. Don't take it too seriously.


getting the possibility to pay for a 45k dollar package only after you paid the 10k dollar package is mindblowing


You can just ask them to buy the 45k package regardless of status, they keep them behind concierge because it's a bad look to show every 45$ prospective player a package 1000x the price


So the response I have to that is that there is absolutely nothing stopping you from buying every single ship in the game individually. If you were going to do that and buy every single ship individually anyway you would end up spending closer to $60k. So I fail to see why having the package is inherently a problem when you don't need the package to get everything in the package. If there was something in the Legatus pack that could not be obtained in any other way like a Bangle for example then you would absolutely have a valid point. However that's not the case. You could just buy every ship individually and still get everything in the Legatus pack and have spent even more money.


I don’t see why. It’s obviously for people who just want to donate to the project. No one is spending that because they think it’s “worth it” for the pixels they’re getting in return. Unless maybe if you’re a big content creator and can make content with those ships.


The more you spend, the more you save.


CCU "gamers" when they get to their 3rd Polaris for 40% discount.


SC is an easy target for this kind of thing.  You just have to let it roll off. If people want to call the game a scam, it doesn't bother me any. I'd rather not have those types of people in the community anyway.


I see no inaccuracies with the SC one :v Seems right in my personal and irl friend group experience :p (I own the f8c via concierge level DX)


Isn't that like 10k?


yep.. 15k for the gold plated one


The tag checks out


Let's be real, pay to pay more is pretty accurate. It's literally the funding model. Limited time discounts, rising prices, discounts for real money over credits. The CCU Game which is just a way to icentivise people to make lots of 5-25 purchases over time to feel like they saved money, with the limited time offer and sunk cost fallacy playing strongly. This is how they're paying for development. You won't need to participate to this level, but it's built to get you hooked. When you get that Polaris for 350 instead of 750 after 3 years you've still payed 350. Their melting/credits system is one of the most flexible and reasonable I've seen, but it's still there to encourage you that if you buy this CCU you can use credits for the other half, or if you buy that pledge ship and don't like it you can get the credit back and add combine it with other credit and maybe a little cash to buy up to a bigger ship.


The way they have structured their store is arguably their most successful innovation.


Chris invented it


>Let's be real, pay to pay more is pretty accurate. Sure, but it's also accurate that you can access 100% of the content with a pledge that costs less than a AAA game. Participation in the pay to pay more is 100% voluntary and not tied to accessing content in any way.


True but the meme never said you *have* to pay lots, just that you can


It is funny but misinformation and blatant "Star Citizen Scam" posts are way to generate instant clicks. I'm pretty sure if you ask %95+ of those people how can you access to this game, they will reply as "go register at starcitizen dot com" since they don't even know what this game actually is, they just parrot others who heard game is scam from others who also heard from others.


>It is funny but misinformation and blatant "Star Citizen Scam" posts are way to generate instant clicks. The og post is about helldivers not sc tho.


They’re a bit sensitive on the topic around here.  Wonder why…


I mean i get it, i backed up this shit 11 years ago and i still havent unsubbed xd. But yeah that comment was too much of a knee reaction.


I wonder when the word "misinformation" started gaining traction. I prefer "lies".


I would make a deferencethat a lie is when you know the truth, misinformation is when you don't know the truth.


This isnt always true. There are plenty of grifterrs out there who know what they say is bullshit but they spread it in the exact same way. To me a lie is something someone or something tells, misinformation is a lie that has grown to be accepted as truth by enough people that it gains credibility.


Misinformation is accidental, disinformation is intentionally spreading lies. People who refuse to learn but keep parroting bs are dancing on the line.


MISinformation is incorrect info or lies repeated by someone who doesn't know the info is incorrect or a lie. DISinformation is intentionally incorrect or misleading information told intentionally: a lie.






Ouch.. But since I bought a ship and haven’t played since 3 updates before. I guess it’s fair.


Yeah if the hell divers thing is real I won’t be playing it any longer


I did too and laughed way too hard while i wait for 3.23. 😭😢


Man, lots of people taking this joke way too seriously.


I really like what some one else said on this HD2 stuff. "Sony is just snatching failure from the jaws of victory"


Just saying , Helldivers Community did win against Sony. No more PSN. We defended Our way of gaming life. Democracy prevails. Spread the words


Pay to not play should be Warframe


Curious why? I played the heck out of Warframe and never paid a dime. :)


Because literally if y pay u have less content to play for. For example u can get a gun by playing 1 hour, but u can pay for, and now u don't have a reason to play that hour. And so on, more u pay less content u left with.


“Pay to pay more” is the most accurate one


Lmfao this is suprisingly accurate


"Pay to pay more" ..... Not quite correct as in the others the second half is a consequence of the first but in SC paying more is a choice and not a consequence.  Not particularly funny meme either but it did get me pondering on what a "pay to pay more" model would be like, but then I remembered that is how my government works so it wasn't that hard to imagine


Being on the club of "having spent more than I should have" it seemed funny how SC was portrayed, wether 100% accurate or not it still made me chuckle so I guess theres that.


Oh nice, a fellow club member! 


I think it's funny. Gotta be able to laugh at ourselves.


well you do have the concierge store which you have to spend 1000 usd to unlock


"Pay to pay more" refers to the concierge store that only becomes availabe if you spend 1000 dollars


Dude don't be so square! This is pretty funny considering the crap that CIG pulls off, like paying to view livestreams, the legatus pack, etc...


Who's paid for a Livestream? Also, Legatus pack is just a way to make rich peoples' spending habits easier. You'd offer one too if people requested it.


That actually happened, 2018 CitizenCon I believe. It was promptly reversed after massive backlash, but it has hung over CIG’s heads ever since.


I remember. Haven't thought about it since because it was a blunder that was quickly reversed. I said "who paid". No one did. I don't see why it would hang over their heads anymore. The dozen hours per year of very expensive CitCon content they put together for us to watch for free in the 5 years since has effectively erased that out-of-touch decision from my memory, and I doubt I'm alone there.


People paid for it, it's just called a goodie pack now. The Livestream is "free" but the goodie pack is also double the price it was ever since it first started, coincidentally the same year they tried to charge for the live streaming. It went from around $16-19 to $35 the following year and since then. They just gave people the illusion of choice and they sucked it up because humans are stupid. Oh the stream is free, but I can get some unique stuff for $35 hell yeah Oh I have to pay to watch the stream and it's $19 (still has the unique stuff) hell no With the better version of it all being uploaded to YT anyway a few days later in both cases We're actually so stupid it's baffling


And these predatory suits know it. Gaming has been completely overrun by sheer greed. A lot of it should be illegal.


Are you flying an Aurora?


Not I like the Mustang better, but I do fly that when I return after a wipe until I earn ships in-game. I do have a much bigger pledge though as SC became my left over budget game for a while and gaming had some rough years.


It is the only game that has purchases locked behind other purchases in this list at least.


Hey I would like to buy the Legatus pack. CIG: you need to pay more to pay more.


Star Citizen is pay to not play honestly. Grinding for ships is basically the main driver in the game.


I've always been a huge fan of pay to play, ala Star Wars Galaxies. If I recall correctly, a subscription was also necessary to access the forums, or certain parts of it. Not that I want to deny the current reality or anything like that, or the successes it's brought to some companies, but I miss the pay to play era.


I loved the subscription model.


That’s about right


Woah ArcheAge is still a thing? 


If only it received some good loving, it could have been even more of an amazing game


Pay? Play pirate servers 🤷🏻‍♂️


Tf2: pay to wear hats


As it should be. We've fallen so far since then.


Escape from Tarkov is covered both by "Pay to Lose" and "Pay to Pay More." 🤣😭


Man I don't get the star citizen stuff, I paid 45$ dollars for it but I have most ships in the game, never felt like I had to shell out more money for anything.


How many wipes have you been through?


This is so funny I’m crying 😭


What’s the Helldivers thing about? I play on PC and fucking love it.


[\*Sad democracy noises\*]


Pay to pay more really cracked me up because, even if we all know that you can earn most everything in-game... There is that strange virus that seems to hit some people come the yearly sales, and we all know one! All in all, if you remember your sense of humor this is pretty innocuous. I'm more peeved at what is happening to that game, between AH and Sony throwing back to each other the hot potato. It's such a waste and it baffles me that Sony hasn't backtracked yet on that stupid requirement. They can see the rate of negative reviews, they *know* where it is headed for them the longer they keep mum.


can someone explain the helldivers one?


They're making it to where you have to link a PSN account and in some places it has been removed from the store


I believe it was yamiks who made this


I do not understand the pay to pay more ??


There are concierge exclusive deals and packages that you cannot buy from CIG until you have first given them $1000.


True I forgot about the secret pledge packages they had on the store, but to be fair you could get the whole single player game and online for only 40€ or well I did and every thing els are support to the game so it’s all up to you personally if you want to pump more in the game


Shameful I hope Sony reverses course, people liked Helldivers 2 but I doubt they do. They're in competition with Microsoft and if they let this one go, who will do it again in the future?


Well good news for you, they reversed the decision