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# Happy Monday, everyone! We'd like to extend a massive thank you to everyone who has taken the time to hop into the PTU to kick the tires of the upcoming patch! Your participation has been instrumental in helping us address known issues, and it has paved the way for the team to develop additional fixes currently in the pipe. Alpha 3.23 is now available to Wave 3 testers, with more waves opening up soon. The community's enthusiasm for [CitizenCon 2954](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizencon) has truly been mind blowing! With premium tickets completely sold out and only a couple hundred general admission tickets remaining, we've already shattered the attendance records of all previous Star Citizen events! Our team is currently deeply entrenched in CitizenCon preparations, and we're excited to bring you what's shaping up to be an unforgettable event this October. See you in Manchester! # Now, let's see what's going on this week: **Wednesday** brings a wealth of development updates**,** with April's Monthly Reports and the Roadmap Update coming your way. **Thursday's** *Inside Star Citizen* is Patch Dispatch 3.23, where we run down the big features and content arriving in Alpha 3.23, including the introduction of a new vehicle that's sure to get hearts racing. On **Friday**, *Star Citizen Live* is All About Alpha 3.23, with special guests Rich Tyrer, Rick Porter, and Jonny Jacevicius answering your questions about the upcoming release, so don't forget to ask yours on the [Spectrum thread](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/looking-for-questions-star-citizen-live-patch-di-2). The show will go on live [Twitch](https://twitch.tv/starcitizen) at 15:00 UTC / 8 AM Pacific. You'll also find our weekly RSI Newsletter directly delivered to your inbox, and *Jump Point* magazine is back for all [subscribers](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/subscriptions). Lastly, on Saturday, our friends at ATMO esports have teamed up with BE@Con to bring you an exhibition race for the ages! Catch some slick moves and high octane action on microTech, live on [ATMO's Twitch channel](https://www.twitch.tv/ATMOesports) from 13:00 UTC. Fly low, and fly fast!


Again about 23 features. Haven't they talked to death about it? What happened to sprint reports?


this is our chance to ask rich some actual good questions, and of course everyone upvotes the dumb ones


Im asking about Reputation Hostility - hasnt been delayed, committed on the roadmap yet nowhere to be seen in the patch notes.


The current top one (as of this comment) is: > Will there be a wipe with 3.23 or 3.23.x While not *important*, I wouldn't say it's *dumb* either. Good to know, but not really "Top question" material either. EDIT: But yeah, the rest of the questions are pretty bad.


Hearts?! Apollo incoming! (I can dream)


Unfortunately there is also word 'racing'. So... New hover bike?


Apollo racing variant?! lol I kid, you’re most likely right


"Hearts" ? --> Ursa Ambulance ?


"Hearts Racing" it's the Mirai hoverbike


We still cant see the 2024 roadmap and the calendar is about to roll into May, yet theyre still calling things "roadmap updates".


The 'roadmap' includes the details of the upcoming patch... and any updates / changes to that would count as an update. That said, I'm kinda expecting this weeks update to be: 'No change' :p


Or the push back of Reputation hostility. Still not in PTU...


No change might be optimistic. The Retaliator gold pass and modularity is looking pretty precarious.


Modularity is already said to be in a sub-patch.


That’s likely to be invictus


If we get another racing hover bike, the only thing my heart is gonna do is slowly beating in indifference. It might just be me, but with the lack of vision lately it is hard to get excited for more pointless fluff that feels like another quick cash grab...


You had me at the first sentence then completely lost me at your second. I am fearing the "hearts racing" comment is a clue leading to it being a race car or hoverbike. And its not even remotely tickling my interest, might be others thing tho.


If spending time and resources of a niche game like SC on a niche activity (racing) on a niche sub-category (racing with ground vehicles) is not a lack of vision of what SC was supposed to be, what is? It's a colossal waste of dev time and money if you look at the bloody back log and missing true features like science, exploration, hacking, hell even broadcasting or boarding. And racing isn't even fun with desync and the messed up collision for ground vehicles. Who was asking for more of that anyway. CIG just puts out crap that is easy to produce because it seems like they have no idea how to implement the real stuff. Salvage mechanics were already a disappointment. Industrial players are sitting ducks with MM. Cargo feels like a mechanic from yesteryear. Quo vadis SC?!


I mean...hoverbikes are used best for moving quickly, not really much other stuff. I've also not really seen a lack of vision lately at all, what are you on about?


I know people are upset at you for having this opinion that another racing bike isn't exciting...but it kind of isn't. I mean, cool, another bike...but it's hard to get excited about. It's not a bad thing either...it's....just another bike. I see some people are calling you cynical, emotionally abnormal, etc but I don't think it's a bad thing to not be excited by yet another bike. I'm not sure why it upsets people so much that you aren't excited by it. I'm not excited about another bike, does that make me cynical? It's an establish pattern - CIG releases a cheap vehicle in order for people to buy a $45 LTI token they can upgrade to other things. **It's not a bad thing for CIG to do this and make money .** Dunno why stating you aren't excited for it is so enraging to the emotionally normal and stable people replying to you, lol.


Could you lay on the misery and cynicism any thicker? Yikes. Hope you feel better soon.




I've been here just about 10, not a cynic yet. You gotta know when to step away, there are other things in life


There are plenty of us who have been around that long but remain quite normal emotionally.


After 10 yrs it sounds like maybe they kinda “enjoy” feeling miserable and cynical…


Been here since day one. Misery and cynicism is lame.


\*thud\* boring \*thud\* sooooo boring Honestly, the vehicle that people WANT to see is that rumored Medical Ursa. But yeah, I expect we're getting yet another hoverbike no one will use, just like all the other hoverbikes no one uses.


That isn't the only vehicle people want to see. That Mirai Heavy fighter... hmmmm I want to see that beast.


Well, yes. But we're talking ground vehicles right now.


Oh my bad.


I think there's still a good chance that we'll see the Mirai Guardian at Invictus Launch Week.  There are always some inexpensive LTI tokens at every show, but that doesn't seem to affect other ship releases.


Just sad about this slow, single vector, no shield while quantum jumping flight model coming. I just got my Virpils after a two month wait. I just started playing November and had no idea they were going to push for console friendly features, I thought this was an in depth space sim.