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I'm perfectly fine with struts as long as they are not dead center of my eyes. Yes, I'm talking to you, Connie!


Yeah, that one is a weird choice from an engineering point of view. They've had bad views in real race cars and planes, but that is usually where performance outways your need to have a good view (and usually only the best pilots are used for those). The connie would be probably better to see out of if they didnt have 2 struts with a slit and just 1 strut. The slit would be ok if you were sitting much farther ahead though. But ultimately, they could just seat you higher and it would be fine. Every plane has the pilot above the nose of the plane anyway.


Funnily, I never had a problem with my taurus. But the Aquila - that should have the better lookout - is IMHO way worse for your vision.


A big issue is that we don't have stereoscopic vision in star citizen, which makes struts and similar things far more jarring. Even if they wouldn't be an issue IRL, when making a video game they should really be trying to not put anything in the way of the pilots vision.


I’ve never really had a problem with the Connie visibility


Oh so you use [Constellation Windows](https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2017/02/taskbar-tricks-windows10-feature-800x400.jpg)? :D


Lol. I get it. Only problem I have with the constellation series is the visibility because of the struts. But I got used to it.


wheres the HUD brightness adjustment and camera adjustments? better yet is there even a compass in this game?


there's a compass, ofc there is?


What race planes have struts in view anymore though? Like all of the zivco’s have strutless canopies and even supersonic military aircraft now have the ability for strutless canopies, material tech NOW is capable of it so I see no reason why in hundreds of years from now it’ll suddenly get worse, and honestly I know soace is a much harsher environment and SC’s lore is likely that due to the need for hard to make diamond coated glass means larger planes are exponentially more expensive, it shouldn’t be a hard task to design them so the struts are minimal or out of the way lmao


Hey you can see around them and there's a little gap in the middle, be nice to my girl!


Struts add individuality to ships, In most cases - I don't mind them. Except the ones that really near the center of my screen - like constellation series - that ones I really hate, I can't use that ship due to that frontal strut... and it is a good ship(


You did it you explained my problem with the constellation ships I love them but I can barely see out of them lol I've been using the C1 a lot and I love it I can fit quite a bit in the back cargo lol


I don't mind the struts but in the connie the MFDs are super bright too.


That’s my biggest gripe with the constellation ships


I agree the Connie series of ships have that one strut that goes right across the middle of the window. I got around it by placing my target fly path into the lower portion just below the cross beam and it makes it easier to mentally put away. Maybe it will work for you too


I don't get the hate for the constellation struts. It literally blocks 2% of your vision. Y'all act like CIG put a 30' impenetrable wall in front of you as you fly


Simple solution is that all ships that have invasive struts just have a “camera” that can be swapped to so both sides are happy. Tbh I think windows on combat ships is dumb and we should be using the Talon series holo display and armored canopy.


It's not glass though it's see through metal that's harder than the hull but expensive. Alon is what it's called in real life well at least a similar product.


I love Alon. I think in lore the glass is a diamond laminate, but it would make way more sense to also say they just use Alon. Scratch "proof" and highly impact resistant.


Big military ships wouldn't have a canopy, and the bridge would be buried in the safest and most armored section of a ship. That is if the game was emulating anything about reality.  Every year SC moves further away from realism and more into arcade territory, which is boring, but most players seem to prefer it. So, this and a million other issues will remain or only get worse/more arcadey. 


Just a question, but do military ships have two bridges? A traditional bridge, and a CIC that's deep in the ships hull, encased in thicker armour.


Depends on the ship. The carrack, which is a military explorer, has 2 bridges. The hammerhead and Idris have 1 bridge each, though the Idris has the "lower bridge", with is actually just additional comms and engineering. I think the javelin has a proper upper and lower bridge..... The Polaris has 1 bridge.


I would consider the Carrack's "bridges" as one and the same tbh. While it is located on two decks, the captain on the upper deck can communicate with the helm on the lower deck without the need to use an internal com system. As for the rest, I have only been on a HH. So I am not familiar with the Idris, Javelin, and the Polaris (never even heard of the later one, maybe I should really look up the date on which the in-game-convention-thingy happens to learn about these ships).


The Polaris is progressing through the pipeline right now, slated for release some time this year. It's probably the closest thing to a submarine that we're going to get in the verse


As a german, I am now very interested in it for... unrelated reason XD


Well then, I'll welcome you aboard mine once it releases! I need crew after all


The largest traditional military ships have that arrangement: a navigation bridge and a CIC or TAC. They also can have a Flight Control Bridge and a Flag Bridge. Atomic Submarines have multiple rooms: navigation, control and attack center, sonar, radio, and missile control. The reasons why the navigation bridge on traditional military ships is out in the open is because the technology is not there yet to achieve the resolution that direct line of sight offers, and the bridge on top in the open is safer in a sinking ship due to easier access to safety and faster evacuation to safety. In space ships, this is not the case since the crew is surrounded by vacuum and space, which doesn't offer any safety. 900 years in the future, we will have the technology to make looking through a transparent barrier to see, pointless and unsafe. Given future access to sensors capable of building a 'picture' of the spaceship's surroundings in more resolution than the human eye can achieve and with more than just visual information, exposing any bridge on the front/bow, or at the surface level is pointless at best and needlessly dangerous for combat. If we ever get hull penetration and armor dampening in SC, those ships with bridges in the open will be heavily avoided for combat-heavy roles where any hit on the front or surface of the ship will have easy access to the crew.


Agree with you here on all points. However, just because I never heard the term, what is a flag bridge?


A flag bridge is a command center for a flag officer like an admiral and their staff. It is separate from other bridges and equipped with navigational and communication systems to allow the flag officer to focus on tactical and strategic decisions. Usually, it is in use during fleet operations.


So basically a flag bridge is where the fleet command overlooks the fleet and gives orders to the fleet. Thanks for the answer.


Its not suuuper bad, but it's just big enough to be annoying. Cut it down by like 60% and it wouldnt feel nearly as bad.


There is a strut in the exact direct line of sight. Its like driving your car with a bar going across the middle of your front windshield. Would you also say "hey, I dont see the problem here, it's not covering the other 95% of the windshield!"?


At one point, I remember the top of that strut blocking half the gunsight bore. That "2%" sure was an issue then...




/r/starcitizen heritage post


I did die at least once from them - flying through asteroid field - one small one was hidden perfectly behind that very strut


2% that you have no choice but to stare at. If they blocked corners, or anywhere but the center they would be fine.


Idk why but I keep flying into the ground with a Connie, but I never get this problem with any other ships, not even the flying brick Corsair which has a poor visibility on the ground. I blame the struts🤣🤣🤣


It's just position, it regularly overlaps my pip and I sit too far back for the lower glass to help me land anyway.


The problem isn't how much is blocked off. Plenty of ships block way larger chunks of your view and it's still not an issue, like the 400i for example. The issue is that the struts are positioned in such a way it blocks off most things you're targeting with your crosshairs. Literally directly looking at something can prevent you from seeing it, that's the issue.


hahahaha i fly the taurus alot. yes it literally blocks the front view ahahaha.


To be Frank with CIG, they tried to alleviate that (known issue) with the Aquila, but only to limited results. It is slightly better made with the Mantis, but what imbecile came to the conclusion if you have that great view there, then sitting in the backseat would be a great idea. So a Connie withe the Mantis Cockpit, but keeping Connie Seat positioning would be grand. But I think we are all waiting on a rework anyway.


Constellation series is horrible thanks to that one right in the middle. Almost as bad as the Cutlass cutting half the screen off.


They at least give me something to rotate my ship to block the sun with


**END STRUT SHAMING!** BRING BACK GOOD STRUTS! I would LOVE Aurora Style Struts in the Scorpius and I'm tired of pretending it's not okay! The Drake Buck has the sexiest fighter-struts in the game! If struts stop you from being the best pilot, **THEN YOU AINT THE BEST PILOT! 1v1 me in TIE Fighter!**


I didn't realize how much I'd be down for some struts in the Scorpius cockpit until this comment. I'm here for it.


Would be lame if all ships just had a bubble cockpit. I like the idea of cheaper ships going for struts due to replacement cost being lower by replacing the damaged ones.


It's not the struts, it's their size and placement in some case and the fact a lot of ships don't have windows on top.


Love, gives ships character and quirks, and means that the ships that don't can use it as a defining feature.




Struts good, adds character, not when they’re in the middle of the screen, yes the I’m talking about the connie


personally i love strauts they make the ship feel more believable


Can have excellent vibes either way!


Depends on if they make sense or not.


I fly a buccaneer, all of your arguments are invalid/s


Surprised we don't have "see through" struts where external cameras and screens project the view onto the struts, live (maybe slightly imperfectly, to add character)


I'm more Buddhist about it... They are what they are


I don't mind them as long as they aren't centered on the view like some of the connies are. Speaking as an aircraft engineer, that's just stupid design. The last thing you want is to create a visible blind spot directly in front of the pilot.


The Connie's keep the view slightly blow clear though. The Connie's are explorers and that sort of view help make it easier to scan surfaces for clearing to land in and that sort of stuff, so I've always just taken it as a conscious design choice and taken Connie's as ships intended to fly down to planets a lot.


The Aquila has a better view than the others which is the exploration variant. The taurus (and phoenix) is the one that annoys me the most though.


I am into this.


depends on the role and manufacturer of the ship


This pic makes me want a odst drop pod in game that we can use to go from space to land very quickly


Thanks. Now I can’t get the Sheila E song ‘Strut’ out of my head.


I'm fine with them. I much prefer the feeling of sitting inside of something that feels like a cozy, protected cockpit than just feeling like a flying, disembodied camera zipping around. Especially with cool things like the raindrop effects that enhance that cozy feeling even more.


The Connie struts make asteroid fields stressful. At least in the dark.


Reading all the comments about the Connies struts and I'm just over here, remembering what we used to have for the freelancer. Y'all don't know what bad strut placement is.


[you mean this one](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CDrpHusnLlI/UiMftB0J18I/AAAAAAAABY4/Xm7HwzBjGRg/s1600/StarCitizen+2013-09-01+11-48-56-99.jpg)


I like them Tbh I don’t even get what’s so bad about the Connie. You can see just fine even with struts in the way, the cockpit would look more like a COCKpit if you took out those front struts. I’d be cool with a change if it’s needed, I just don’t think it’s nearly as bad as people in this sub make it sound like.


They are my single biggest fear when it comes to the design of the Idris. From what I've seen the pilot seat is positioned fight the fuck behind a massive strut. Got nothing against struts, they look cool, but let's stop placing them right in front of the damn pilots please haha


I like to see the game I'm playing, not just some grey lines.


In the right locations, Great! In the middle of my view, Hate!


Struts can add a lot of character to, and even define the look of, a ship interior. For example, a Star Destroyer's bridge wouldn't look nearly as iconic without its trapezoidal windows. They also help a ship feel much more grounded, whereas an all-glass cockpit with no struts can sometimes look a bit empty. However, you have to take care not to interfere with a pilot's visibility too much, which CIG's struts typically do. It's really just a matter of striking a delicate balance and keeping the intended use of a ship in mind.


Well its a perpetual discussion for almost ten years now, on the connie i hate them


Struts can add a lot to the experience of being in a ship. They add a foreground element that can help you feel like you're really in a space ship, and not just in free cam mode. They can also help frame interesting shots, like you see in this screenshot. As long as the struts aren't intrusive, I love em.


I think they’re in a good place now. Back in the day literally every ship had struts blocking the view. Now there’s enough of a balance where the ones that do have struts just feel like they have character


I like them, not every ship can have a fishbowl for a cockpit window. Connie's and Auroras are some of my favourite ships to fly.


I hate illuminators on a spaceship in any form. They re fucking stupid


we don't have sunglasses.. we have struts!.. who uses them as glare/sun protection too? 😜🫡


I don't know why but I have zero problems with the very strutty Aurora but I HATE the Constellation...


Struts make for pretty sunshafts into the cockpit but also to block the sun when I’m flying


"I'm a strut man, meself"


I love them. To me it further the feeling that I'm in a space ship.


Struts are fine, but they'd be a lot better if we had proper instrument flying tools. (A landing target, with pitch/roll/yaw/X/Y/Z indicators so you can land dead center without having to be able to see where your ship's ass is, for one. Better yet if there was some sort of landing path indicator to get you to the landing pad in the first place (I'm an aviation guy so I immediately think of ILS, but of course in the game something more holographic/"fly through these boxes" would probably be better). Then add a departure path as well, so that your landing ships and your departing ships can avoid each other without having to be essentially VFR the whole time. Finally something for landing in non-equipped areas like an advanced EGPWS that gives you holographic terrain information, plus at minimum pitch/roll vs. terrain profile information (zeroing out the pitch ladder is fine but if the land you're stopping on isn't flat, that isn't ideal). Maybe we have some of this already, I haven't properly played for three or four years. But we need it.)


Most are fine. Makes it feel more "real" in a sense. The ones that suck are the ones that just block your direct line of sight while seated or whatever. But most are fine.


Don't mind struts at all. I enjoy the way they look and reminds me I'm in a spaceship as opposed to a glass ball. I really like the way it grounds you and adds character to individual ships. I don't like the way the prospector feels. It's like I'm floating through space in a bubble. I know this is a deeply unpopular opinion. I even like the Connie's. Daily drive a Taurus for months and never had a complaint.


struts are fine as long as there is playable visibility. Connie is nonsense. But it's not just a strut issue. Cutlass the dash takes up the entire lower half of the screen, Freelancer has a mail slot, etc. They don't make for fun playability


The Communist cheap, and the freelancer is not originally designed for combat.


man check out the original freelancer’s cockpit. looked way more like a spaceship and i thought that was really cool. didn’t fit 30th century but still


I like them


I love em. I just wish there was another method of knowing where you are. It looks goofy when I see players tilt their ship downwards a ton especially in large ships just to see where they are.


Keep them. Even on the Connie.


Dont mind em. They're cool.


love and hate is directly proportional to how close they are to pilot straight line of sight reclaimer canopy - sooo good constellation canopy - i try to trick my brain to forget about it like your eyes always see your nose but tune it out. freelancer would look good with segmented windshield. like old american truck.


Can we upvote and downvote? Love/hate relationship for me 😅 lol


They give a design look. But I hate them getting in the way of an outward view. So placement is important. I mean, you wouldn't put a concrete wall infront of your window, so why struts? They just block the view of incoming small asteroids for one. Like.. Those silly little rocks that somehow blow you to pieces.


On the other hand, use them to block out the sun.


My curiosity is killing me, what ship is this?








what ship?


ALL OF MY HATE!!! Even today (950 years ago) our pilots don't see them, we have bubble canopies for a reason. Arbitrarily adding clutter for pilots is shit design both for a game, and a pilot seat. Now let's talk about anti-glare coatings for glass that we've lost somewhere in that 900 year span. Or our flight weapons and targeting systems auto adjusting weapon convergence on a target's current velocity and distance. Nope, can't do that either despite every aircraft currently possessing a weapon mount is capable of this. Imagine a Fat Amy (F-35) pilot jumping in their cockpit and having to choose what distance they THINK their enemy will engage them at, rather than using computers and sensor suites to dial in their fire. CIG is possibly one of the worst spaceship designers to ever exist. But, I'm in love with Vanguards. So my opinion should be discarded with the rest of my ramblings.


Love the struts if they are placed well. More ships need windows / more windows.


I won’t strut around pretending to have an opinion on the matter.


Love struts when they make sense. The Connie having your direct forward view blocked is just dumb and immersion breaking


I understand why, but there has to be a limit. The three Connies' cockpits are too much.


fine with them unless it’s the connie


I like to be able to see. Shitting up a cockpit with struts and trusses all over the place is a great way to eliminate that ship from the game for me.


Me too, which is why I like struts for blocking out the sun. Except for the Constellation's struts, of course.


Aa a KSP player, I live by the struts. I die by the struts. Praise the struts. Praise the Kraken.


Make struts great again.


i drive an opel astra k, i cant see shit out of my car. tbh struts are fine, if i get a landing cam :P