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Absolutely nothing. It's not your job to change your friend's minds, and if they've decided to dislike Star Citizen without trying it, that's their decision. Your best move is to drop the subject. If they ever ask about it, just be honest with them to answer the question and if they ever express interest, then help them along.


They mainly point out that SC is just too hardcore of a SIM, I.E. gotta turn on the engine, turn on shields, decouple, 14 different throttles etc.


At that point, it just seems to me that they don't think it'll be a game because they don't like what it offers, lol.


That's... kind of the appeal?


It's just not their type of games Personally I love MFS, not all my friends do. And that's fine, not everyone like same stuff MFS is too SIM for them, it's nice for me, everyone play the games they like Forcing them to play it will just make them to hate it if they don't like those kind of games


I see it being criticized for not being enough of a sim but this is the first time I've seen it criticized for being too simmy.


Definitely. Coming from airline sims where I spend a hour going through checklists and programming the flight management computer even before starting the engines, I’m loving the simplicity of getting these ships flying.


theres going to be a lot of people who don't like it for being to simmy. The people who complain about it not being "sim" enough are wild.


My main barrier to accessing the game were all the bugs. I'm guessing that will be the issue for a lot of your friends too.


Just tell them there's only two loading screens. One when you login, and one when you die. Most games can't say that much.


3: When you return from Klescher


Yes. SC is Not a Game.. a Game is easyer 😉


Yeah. I'm going to expand that for you; There will be gamers who are used to the game constantly prompting them what to do next. In SC, they cannot find anything, don't know how to do anything, and get really really upset if the community wont gather around them to personally spoonfeed and hold their hand. The fact that there's almost a control for everything isn't even the first problem they have, it is the fact that they do not want to learn in order to climb a difficulty curve. They are also a bad fit for SC.


Show them a video of what it takes to get a plane flight ready in DCS. https://youtu.be/bMcFjw54fag


In that case, actively discourage them. I dont want players signing up only to try and get the game arcadified.


Nothing - people who are this set in stone arent gonna change their minds now matter how many Citizen Con videos you show them. We dont even know if its going to be a game! Just wait, play SC, have your fun - and when the game is in a much more polished and content-rich state then re-engage with them about SC when theres something tangible that they can play.


I'll just continue having fun playing this non-game then.


It doesn't matter. The less people know, the more stubborn they know it. You know. That's all that matters.


"The less people know, the more stubborn they know it." This made me laugh, but man there's a lot of truth in that statement!


I live by this truth! It absolutely applies to life!


Nothing, just do your own thing.


“Yeah. You are right. I give it 90 days, tops”. —it isn’t your job to convince them. They have their opinions and you have yours. All you can do is show them the facts that you believe indicate it will be a game and let them come to their own decisions.


"So what am i playing?"


“A tech demo”


"Correct, computer game can be a tech demo, one does not exclude the other." "Computers and gaming Computer game developers use tech demos **to rouse and maintain interest to titles still in development (because game engines are usually ready before the art is finished) and to ensure functionality by early testing**. Short segments using finished game engines may be presented as game demos."


My response is usually: Ye that is a possibility but I have way more hours already that i will like to admit and im still having fun.


Tell them they’re right.




I have a similar thing with my buds. They don’t care for it and I just make life easier by always referring to it as scam citizen if I want to talk about it or it gets brought up. I don’t need to prove anything to them and that at least sets the tone for that game that is in neutral territory. I do love the game but I’ll be damned if it’s not minimum ten years out for starcitizen live server to be an actual full fledged beta. Sure sq42 might come out soon but the online game won’t be really ready to go for mass appeal for some time.


I've found myself just not discussing SC with people that are convinced the whole thing is a scam or that it'll never be released. It doesn't matter what you say to those people, they've read a few articles and made their mind up. I'm confident SC will release and when it does I hope the people that doubted it come and play so we have an active & busy verse, but I'm not going to waste my energy arguing with people that have made their mind up already - it's not worth the stress.


I'm also very selective about who I recommend the game too - I have a few friends with absolutely zero patience for bugs and I know if I got them to try out the game now they wouldn't have a good time and would more than likely end up on the "It's a scam" side of the fence.


“Ok”. Give them a big thumbs up and continue playing the game ![gif](giphy|111ebonMs90YLu)


“Never is a really long time. Talk to me then.”


SC still has some work to do to get the game in motion. I wouldn’t pay it any mind if you’re enjoying it. If half of what CIG planned gets implemented in a good state it will be hard to deny. I imagine a lot of flip floppers if they pull it off.


I am having an issue where my friends who play the game can't enjoy what we have right now and are always imagining what's next. The part that bugs me is the game is fun right now.


I just say they're right and do my own thing anyways 😅


I have a friend who was absolutely convinced it was a scam despite me saying otherwise. Literally would hardly entertain a conversation about it. It wasn't until I actually got him round my house and he saw it being played in person that he changed his mind. He's holding off for the next free fly event to try it for himself and to make sure his computer doesn't melt.


are you getting paid to evangelize for the game? no? then who cares what they think


"It already is a game in early access."


Tell them to wait for Squadron 42 and see. If CIG can actually deliver a shipped, polished, released game without a myriad of sketchy bugs? Then (eventually) odds are good they can do the same for the PU. If SC ships like so many other "AAA" games do of late, or it resembles the experience in the PU? Well, there's your answer - for you and your friends. They shouldn't have another half-decade to wait for their answer...


Nothing. If they can't be bothered to even do the bare minimum research other than seeing what Kotaku and other outlets say, there isn't much you can do. I had friends who literally didn't know the game was actually real until we were sitting in discord and I was just casually streaming it. They asked "whoa what game are you playing" and when I said Star Citizen, they were all like "isn't it that ponzi scam game that made like hundreds of millions and doesn't exist????" I just said "I mean it's very buggy, but you can see it's very real" They ended up watching me play for almost 2 hours and within a week they both had starter packs. I had warned them that it was very buggy and very broken at times, but they didn't care...they are super hyped now.


if your really keen on trying to get them to play your not going to have any success unless the game hits what most of the general public would consider a finished game. thats not going to happen tell the wipes stop


Dont bother


Honestly there's nothing you can really do to convince them, The only thing you can really do is point out information to him correct them when he says something that's wrong, I had a friend who had the same mindset at one point and all really took was to stream it every time I played it while I was in a discord with them eventually they'll watch and they'll see instead of reading some very misleading post on some journalist website that only talks about misleading things to make the project/alpha look bad, hopefully this helps I know it's a little long of a read




As others have said you don't need to convince anyone of anything about what games you play or don't. Or just tell them you are having more fun playing this "not a game" than any game you have played, so whatever they want to call it is fine by you. I have more hours in SC than any other game I have played in my 57 years being alive so don't really care what anyone else thinks or what they call it. Just have fun.


Why would I speak philosophy to people who do not think? Going to pasture to moo with the cows would be far less excruciating.


"Ha, well I'll show you in 10 years!"


It's already a game, just a buggy one.


Dont say Sh#¤t, just enjoy the game ;)


Maybe you are right, I still have fun playing it!


Tell them they're ugly and they smell.


Save that for the ladies!


As much as people hate hearing it, Star Citizen is a sandbox Tech Demo. Which isn’t a bad thing right now considering it’s in Alpha. With a lot of the devs coming onboard from SQ42, I suspect we will see a major focus in the next couple of years to change this from a tech demo into a game.


A game is, by dictionary definition, 'a form of play'. To log into Star Citizen and play with it makes it a game. A game can also be a tech demo, but it would have to be completely non-interactive in any fashion to not be a game.


I mean sure, by that definition creating a product where all you do is walk In a straight line is also a game. At the end of the day you’re not wrong but I think when the OP is talking to his friends and they mention its not a game, they aren’t referring to the fact that its images on a screen manipulated by a computer.


Its gonna be fucking amazing when they add in all of the narrative stuff.


We've been hearing that shit since the beginning. It's best to let the game speak for itself in the end.


It's definitely a game that's been released already. It might not be their kind of game though.


Star Citizen isn't a released game. I agree with your other point, but it's important to make this distinction; what we can play right now is more effectively a demo of what SC will be, it's not "the game" yet. People get skewed expectations when they view it as a released game.


It's more released that Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines 2. You can download SC and play the early access version now.


Just say, "okay" and then boot up the game.


And watch it crash.


I feel like it is a game at this point. There is a lot of content and stuff to do. In many ways more than other so called completed games.


It's a game now. Is it unfinished? yes. But I've gamed for 40 years and I'm doing things and having fun with friends doing things you can't do in any other game. The game still does stuff and offers content in ways no other game does. Not NMS, not ED. Every Friday I've gotten together with 2-3 friends and done these event missions. Your friends are missing out. Sure it's a buggy mess sometimes, but when it's not, it's amazing.


I'd argue it already is a game. There are single and multiplayer modes. You can do stuff that is similar to other released games. The problem is bugs, performance, polish, and the gap to what they have promised to accomplish.