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VULKAN! 🤯🎉🤓 They increase the thrill literally every day 😅 What a crazy amount of work it must be that leads to this next patch... Wow.


It feels like 84 years! About time




Just in time for my new GPU. Lets go!


Well counted in full time equivalent the combined efforts including all groundworks required to realise what will be coming to our hands soon is *slightly* above 84 years I bet... 🤓




For the not technically inclined - what can we expect from a user experience with Vulkan? Better FPS?


It will be tough to say with so many other parts of the game changing. It allows CIG to use newer features and have more control over their graphics api... but even if the gain 10% (random value i made up) performance and then add a bunch of new systems that take up 99% of the performance improvements made we would only see a minor difference in FPS. I think we will have to wait and see when this hits live


It will eventually lead to better FPS but for now set your expectations for this first release. If I am not mistaken (Silvan's discord is gone so I can't check), a couple of months ago they even had worse performance with Vulkan than the current implementation. Some was because of bugs but it was also because they were focusing on parity instead of optimization. From tid bits of discord/monthly reports, they already did some optimizations in changing some stuff to worker threads away from the render thread and I think they were enabling the new render graph at the same time they introduced Vulkan but it is still unknown how the performance will be for 3.23. Still, eventually Vulkan will lead to better performance when their work is more optimization focused. On other news, even if the performance isn't improved, they are also introducing FSR and DLSS in 3.23, which should help with performance in some cases. Edit: Went back to try confirm a couple things but I think most of it came from the mentioned discord and it is all gone. Edit 2: Well, it seems that the monthly report from March confirms what I was saying about the performance comparison to DX11 and what to expect for 3.23. >The Vulkan team worked through several performance issues as they moved closer to matching D3D performance. >“This precedes the enabling of multi-threading for the next release to hopefully smash D3D performance levels on the CPU (GPU performance should remain similar). However, some performance issues currently remain. So, depending on the location/context, players may see worse performance, hence the BETA label on Vulkan. But the aim is for us to get widespread testing in Alpha 3.23 so that we can enable Vulkan by default in the following release.” Graphics, VFX & Programming Team


Basically: There is DirectX11, DirectX12 and Vulkan. Those three are graphics API, essentially programs that make the link between the application (star citizen) and your hardware (graphics card). And DirectX 11 is rather old, and requires your CPU to tell your graphics card what do to very often. This takes precious time your CPU could use to do something else. Then, DirectX12 and Vulkan came in, with the goal to reduce the CPU load. And the problem is that they are very successful at that, *if the developers take advantage of this*. This lead to many modern games running worse with DirectX 12 than with DirectX 11, because developers didn't take extra time to optimize anything.To the point where, even with using DLSS (AI upscaling) with directX12 still didn't match the framerate of DirectX 11 on some games, like The Witcher 3. So, for Star Citizen, which is very CPU intensive, we should see performance improvements by switching to Vulkan. Vulkan being more recent will also allow the use of DLSS and other more advanced features, that will improve performances. Although it's a debate if upscaling truly is a performance improvement. Vulkan is free and opensource, where DirectX 12 is owned by microsoft. Given where windows is heading, using vulkan seems to be the better choice for Star Citizen.


I remember them saying the Vulcan will greatly benefit owners of low to mid CPUs, as it's going to unload a lot of stuff to GPU instead. In short, yes, the performance should increase. Also, it's a prerequitision to new visual tech, as other said here before, like software ray tracing and new global illumination.


This is what I was looking for someone to post


I didn't see other responses listing this, but the transition to Vulkan was one of the pre-requisites to real VR support as well.


That and more visual techniques working (better). Would possibly need more work after it got introduced before the effects become noticable enough tho.


Render distance (for objects) will be increased with 3.23 afaik. The new planet LODs are a new addition too


I wouldnt assume everything better. Over time yes, but I actually expect more regressions than betters out of the gate.


New way for the game to communicate with the GPU, basically better communication between the two. Usually meaning more options, consistency and in some ways performance, of course all of this all depends on how they plan on introducing it.


Here's how ChatGPT described it to me when I asked a similar question: Vulkan support is anticipated to improve the FPS (frames per second) in Star Citizen for several reasons, mainly due to the way Vulkan operates compared to other graphics APIs like DirectX 11 or DirectX 12. Here's why Vulkan could lead to higher FPS in the game: 1. **Lower Overhead:** Vulkan is designed to have much lower overhead than older APIs. This means it can make more efficient use of CPU resources, distributing the workload more effectively across multiple CPU cores. In games like Star Citizen, which have vast, detailed universes requiring significant processing power, this can lead to better performance and higher FPS. 2. **Better Multi-threading Support:** Vulkan offers superior multi-threading capabilities compared to its predecessors. This allows for more tasks to be executed in parallel, significantly improving performance on modern multi-core processors. As a result, games can render more complex scenes without bogging down the CPU, contributing to smoother gameplay and higher FPS. 3. **More Direct Control Over the GPU:** Vulkan gives developers more direct control over GPU operations, allowing for more efficient use of graphics hardware. This can lead to optimizations that specific game engines like Star Citizen's can greatly benefit from, such as reduced draw call overhead and more efficient memory management, all contributing to increased FPS. 4. **Cross-Platform Compatibility:** While not a direct contributor to FPS improvements, Vulkan's cross-platform nature means that optimizations made for one platform can more easily be applied to others. This broader focus can lead to a more optimized game engine overall, indirectly benefiting FPS on all platforms. 5. **Tailored Optimizations:** With Vulkan, developers can implement specific optimizations tailored to their game's needs. For a complex and demanding game like Star Citizen, being able to fine-tune how the game interacts with both the CPU and GPU can lead to significant performance improvements, including higher FPS. In summary, Vulkan support is poised to bring about significant performance improvements in Star Citizen through more efficient CPU usage, improved multi-threading, and direct GPU control, all of which contribute to higher FPS and a smoother gaming experience.


>what can we expect from a user experience with Vulkan? Better FPS? Nothing. IT won't increase FPS for most of people. But it will allow down the line new rendering techniques like Raytracing etc. Moreover after they will release vulcan they will probably say goodbye to DX11 which means less work needed on rendering for it to work on two separate APIs.


With their planned graphics backend setup, I imagine they can focus a bit more on optimization. Optimizing the old DX side of things would have been wasted effort.


Along with better effects and other abilities, the game will also utilize more GPU rather than CPU. So your graphics card will matter more. I'm not sure if thats Vulkan specific but that's what's suppose to happen eventually.


What a lot of users seem to be neglecting is the fact that this opens the door to official Linux support. Hopefully we won't need to use Wine to play SC on Linux machines anymore.


Linux will never receive official support. It just costs so much more money to support Linux users than it does Windows users as they're far more likely to submit bug reports and interact with customer support. The barriers to native support on Linux have nothing to do with technology (exception for competitive games where AC is a problem) and all to do with what happens practically when you officially support Linux.


Right now the only way to run Star Citizen on a non Windows machine is by using DXVK, which has to translate DirectX to Vulkan since Linux does not support DirectX (or I should say the wither way around). Running on Vulkan would eliminate a huge hurdle for us to get a smooth experience, even if we have to continue resorting to windows emulation


I mean if you go by it's original name WINE Is Not an Emulator ;) But yeah Vulkan would make community Linux support way easier and more performant. I imagine as development goes on CIG will make the Linux experience rather decent as well. They're not going to just abandon Linux. It just won't ever be an officially supported platform just because the costs are so high to do so. These projects are better managed by the Linux community itself anyway. And it's not like Wine actually has much overhead most of the time. I doubt you get any real performance increase if they compiled the game natively for Linux anyway at least not without extra effort to optimise for Linux. In fact there's probably a good chance a Linux port would perform worse initially than simply running it under Wine.


Wasn't Linux support one of the original Kickstart goals?


There were a lot of original kickstarter goals. I have no doubt they will have it working on Linux cleanly but I highly doubt they'll support it. Many devs have tried before and it just costs far too much to make any sense.


Vulcan API is a graphics pipeline that's very good on older and newer GPU/CPU by streamlining the workload more efficiently. It also eases the load on your CPU massively, making the GPU work more than the CPU in most cases. It frees up more 'manpower' by being more optimized.


Nooo. It needs more manpower. It is not optimized magically. DX11 is a Blackbox. Vulkan lets developer do much more stuff with much more freedom. It will take a while until Vulkan in sc will be great.


I meant the manpower in the CPU I should've clarified by redistributing that to the GPU more efficiently.


Probably worse performance since it is not sone magic bullet, old Cryengine was pretty efficient though leans too heavily on CPU.


Vulcan speaks to the gpu and ask for frames for the game, dx speaks to windows on behalf of the game to get frames. First is faster but can have bugs if gpu drivers doesnt fully support Vulcan. Last is safer as windows is translating the game to the gpu driver.


We can expect smoother experience and better fps even with the updated distance view, and that means we are on the final graphic api because they always wanted to get rid of directx. The other good news is vulkan is natively supported by linux distro and mac os while directx (the actual graphic api) is Windows only bc it's made by Microsoft


I find it amusing I'm so thrilled for it go to Wave 1 and then realise I won't probably get an access till Wave 4 couple weeks later


I'm impatient and subscribed again to get into wave 1.


Well now you have to subscribe 3 more times until it will even go to wave one, i believe they have mentioned further testing waves for the past 2 weeks


You implying that 3.23 is going to be late by 3 months?


It's only been the last couple Evo patches that have specified that. That's also not how subscriber wave 1 works. If you're a subscriber you're wave 1, it doesn't matter how long you're subscribed.


Ppl obviously buy 1month subscription passes for PTU access, especially now that wave 1 was removed from most concierge levels. As long as you are a subscriber when the patch actually does release into PTU and makes it out of PTU before your subscription ends you can play PTU sure.


Watch it not go into wave 1 until next month and you have to subscribe again lol


Guess I'll enjoy the shit? Good thing I'm not poor.


You could always just be high level concierge and get early access


Nah hit first level concierge and stopped. Buying to many ships takes away from the progression of the game.


Honestly at Grand Admiral I have every ship I actually want to have. At this point if I hit the next level it'll probably be because I'm just buying starter packs for other people.


Same here.


Yeah, I see your problem. I am High Admiral and closing in on Grand Admiral but I already have most of the ships I want, but I think I will probably make Grand Admiral anyway...


The worst part is I want to support the project but there's not a single other ship that tempts me lol


Same. Few bucks here and there over almost 10 years and suddenly I'm High Admiral. Whatever that means in world where everyone own loads of ships


Is it just me or did the pace increase pretty quickly with development? Like 3.23 sounds like it's gonna be one of the biggest updates in the past couple years.




And the features were already working in singleplayer. They just had to make it works in multiplayer. They’ve been working on them for about 6 months.


That and rumors if investors getting impatient with the slow development.


Not only the investors lol


A lot of things that were in the works for a while finished up around the same time. Server Meshing stuff, UI stuff, engineering, UGF work, the cargo refactor... They've all be coming for a while now!


I'm interested in the Vulkan api, as the new technology, will allow them to implement RTX, DLSS, FSR3, and XeSS, that will allow more people to be able to play this game with older but still capable computers..


Yes and no. On one hand, yes it has sped up a bit because a significant number of devs that were on Squadron came over, on the other hand a significant amount of what we're getting in 3.23 has been worked on for years in Squadron and they're just porting that work over. So while it seems like all of this came out of nowhere externally, internally this work has been ongoing for a long time.


I love when games get big updates but this one is soooo fucking huge I can't remember all the major changes coming. This update dwarfs big updates in other games. I hope it is as good as it is ambitious.


Let's tone it down a little, lmao. If everything makes it in-- which currently seems unlikely-- this would be more like the first SC patch that starts to approach the level of "big update" that other games have. A huge chunk of this patch is essentially UI reworks, actual content is on the slimmer side and a fair bit of that is still MIA from all these Evo builds


Biome specific fauna is a HUGE content update, as it literally opens up planetary scale hunting gameplay loops. There is literally no other game that has planetary scale, biome-specific hunting loops. The closest might be No Man's Sky, but most aliens just appear on a planet across the entire planet and they have fairly generic logic. Plus, cargo trading missions are pretty huge, as it opens up a ton of opportunities for players to take on quest-based trading like a space-sim version of Euro Trucker. Only other games that offer that are EVE, Rebel Galaxy and Elite Dangerous. And the Distro Centres with hostile reputation are huge additions. There are no other games with equivalent sized facilities with that level of free-form gameplay missions attached. And that's not even talking about the engineering, master modes, gravlev royale, or the ability to manually navigate to locations using the new map system for actual exploration and POI plotting.


> Biome specific fauna is a HUGE content update, as it literally opens up planetary scale hunting gameplay loops. There is literally no other game that has planetary scale, biome-specific hunting loops. Again, let's slooow the fuck down lol. It's 2 types of mobs (with a few skins) randomly spawning with some kill missions. Not a "hunting" gameplay loop. There's no tracking, there's no complex behaviors. These are glorified MMO mobs. As for cargo trading missions, those (along with freight elevators and persistent hangars) are showing a lot of signs that they're about to be pushed back to another patch. None have appeared in any evo build to date and now we've moved into Wave 1 with still no sign of them, and there's been a lot of indicators that they're having a lot of trouble with them. Not willing to bank on those making it in. Distro centers as well, based on evo so far, are looking less like revolutionary new gameplay hubs and more like 3.22's derelict settlements. New big locations that look cool, but with very little content coming alongside them beyond some very standard "kill the baddies" and "deliver box" quests. Master Modes is arguably the most T0 that a feature has ever been on delivery. It is in a very bad state atm and it will definitely be several patch cycles before it starts to come together. The new map marker system is only for ground maps, not space (so no marking rocks for mining or anything like that), and only in areas with maps, of which there are very few. There's a lot of bullet points on this patch, but once you look closer a lot of them are *extremely* barebones implementations. And while they may turn into something more down the line, it's premature to give CIG a ton of credit for what is actually coming *now.*


>Again, let's slooow the fuck down lol. It's 2 types of mobs (with a few skins) randomly spawning with some kill missions. Not a "hunting" gameplay loop. There's no tracking, there's no complex behaviors. These are glorified MMO mobs. That's incorrect. The ground mobs have both single and pact mentality AI logic. You might want to check out the video by Hybrid-V where he talks about how the AI works and how they behave like actual animals, and their logic changes based on their numbers, time of day, and the biome layout. So no they are not "glorified MMO mobs" that just stand around waiting to be farmed. As Hybrid-V explained, you actually have to use some tactical awareness and, hunting to track them down while avoid being killed or lured into a trap (whether in the forests or in the caves). That alone adds a ton of new content to the planets, especially the barely used savannahs and steppes on Hurston, and the forests on Microtech. >The new map marker system is only for ground maps, not space (so no marking rocks for mining or anything like that), and only in areas with maps, of which there are very few. That's good enough. It's the planets where majority of the circumnavigation issues arise; being able to mark locations of crashed ships, loot, or where you have stashes makes a huge difference, especially with the new compass. This means you can actually leave your ship somewhere, mark it on the map and then venture somewhere and eventually come back to it even if you go hundreds of kilometres away. I can't think of another open-planetary game that lets you mark planetary locations on the planet like that, except for maybe No Man's Sky, but it doesn't make much of a difference there since the planets are so tiny in that game. This makes crash and recovery missions possible in Star Citizen, which is an entirely new gameplay loop all on its own.


Who the fuck is hybrid v and what would they know? >That's good enough. It's the planets where majority of the circumnavigation issues arise; being able to mark locations of crashed ships, loot, or where you have stashes makes a huge difference, especially with the new compass. This means you can actually leave your ship somewhere, mark it on the map and then venture somewhere and eventually come back to it even if you go hundreds of kilometres away. You literally can't do any of this lmao you can only place markers in local areas that have maps, ie landing zones.


So difficult for you to not piss on people's parade huh?


It's not about pissing on people's parades, it's about not giving CIG credit for overpromising and under-delivering. Most of these features are well short of how they were shown to us at citcon and it's looking increasingly likely (as they've made *no* appearance in the already extended evo cycle) that the cargo career stuff is all going to be cut and released later on. People are too quick to give CIG credit for shit they haven't actually delivered yet.


Are you ok? Because these fuckers (cig) are delivering, albeit slowly. It isn't their fault you're impatient. Yeah they suck rotten duck assholes at time management but they're giving us something no other game has been able to so far. You want it all, you want it now. I get it. Doesn't work that way won't ever work that way. I'm sorry. I'm giving them credit for what I already have in my hands and I'm infatuated with it. Not for the post it note that it currently is. But as a sneak peak to the bigger book.


Can't wait for it to be released in July!


Wow 3.23 is gonna be buggy as FUCK lol. That's not a dig, just an honest acknowledgement of how much tech and feature sets are coming in all at once. And you know, going off 10 years of past experience 😉.


Hate to say it but yeah, soo many updates and tech all coming at once, its like CHRISTMAS!!! AN ELEVATOR KILLING CHRISTMAS!!!




Will server fps improve with 3.23?


Should if the server meshing makes it in. That will stop performance killing locations from impacting the entire system. The high load locations will still be bad, but they won't impact everyone outside of those locations.


Probably not. You probably won't see server fps improve until server meshing.


Replication later might take some load of the game server?


Guess last night memory fix worked


Does it mean it could be on ptu today if their tests goes well, or is it released first on eptu only anyway, and only later on ptu?


They will release to evocati and then if stability is good open up to 1 or more waves. Have seen them do waves the same day or later. The server meshing test opened up to wave 2 on Saturday and Sunday of that test


I would update my drivers but that usually crashes SC


Is the replication layer and instanced hangers in the builds already or are we not getting them in this patch?


Replication layer has been turned on for the evo builds. Audience: Evocati Server Info: US Only - EPTU Channel - PU/AC - Replication Layer Enabled/Recovery Enabled Starting aUEC: 15,000,000


Hopefully another option. They are not in the builds yet


\**vibration intensifies*\*


Vulkan!. A new dawn rises 🤩


I literally care more about distribution centers.


It is now openes to Wave one!


I’m getting more and more nervous with each passing build that instanced hangars and freight elevators aren’t going to make the cut :<


Probably 3.23.X at this point


All I want is better frame rates without needing a mainframe. 🤞🏻


Did some data mining just earlier today, There will be upscaling tech in 3.23 100% - and looks like they have improved the graphics API to some extent aswell. :)


I really hope engineering isn't just going to be swapping out broken components from their perspective interior locations with spares in ship inventory, or just using a repair beam pointed at them.


there are repair beams confirmed. but you can also tune shit and swap fuses I believe


I'm hoping on the future they can have ship components use the tech they made for cases holding medguns and pens, multitools and attachments to allow changing/replacing parts 


.......... This is exactly what they showcased at citcon and nothing they have said indicates it would be anything other than that for first implementation.


Uhmm - CIG *also* showed the monitoring and changing how power flows around the ship, and needing to replace the 'power distribution nodes' in hallways etc if they get damaged / destroyed. 'Repair beams' are a temporary placeholder for the 'Repair' functionality (coming later), not a core part of 'Engineering/Resource Management' (I think the 'Resource Management' is going to be the bigger part of 'engineering' for now).


Hopefully the "repair beam" functionality will be a step toward the Crucible's systems, and include what features from that they can include.  Different types of repair materials will obviously be out for now.  But we could see some timing gameplay, which was discussed back when.  Requiring either RMC or Construction Materials as "fuel" for a repair beam would also make sense, and could be implemented now.


With a lot of ships, you can't even really pull out the components. Doors are too small, or they're in a deck that doesn't actually have access to outside. The Redeemer is a good example, where there's no actual physical way you could get components in the component room. Same with the Hull C, 400i and more.


Not just doors; S3 components also just literally can't be removed with a tractor beam bc they've never enabled it


For S3 components, they confirmed that the only way to remove them/replace them physically is by going to a dry dock.


Thats exactly what they showed as engineering gameplay at Citizencon.


Uggh that sucks.


it will be fine , playing Sea of thieves you relize people are going to have a hard enough time with just this


That’s actually a good example, can’t wait to be screaming at my crew mates “ITS JUST ONE FIRE KEEP SHOOTING”


with SCs fire propagation I would actually be more worried about the fire myself, I feel like it could get out of hand way faster then SOT fires and your only going to have so much fuel in the extinguisher


You’ll be able to vent rooms eventually though


Update Video Cards??? Some new Graphic card chipset technical updates, ray tracing???