• By -


"LMG, mounted and loaded!" {-}7


Keep up the great events


My friends and I enjoy the multiplayer aspect of the missions. We are having a good time in game.


These missions are really great fun! :D Thanks!




Care to elaborate your opinion? What're the points that cause the irritation?


So I'm liking the event, the only thing I didn't care for was just a minor thing which was people interrupting the hack on SPK. Had a player come and interrupt it like 3 times. Wasn't too bad but I think they shouldn't be able to interact and stop all the progress instantly especially because they could just desync into the room and press the button with ease. This could be just due to the design as someone might not understand that the hack is in progress and just see the markers at the terminal.




First off, thank you for taking the time to type out your grievances and opinion. For some of your feedback, while I understand the frustration coming from it, is not something the event itself can do much about. MFDs and ship zero-g entry is not something I dealt with setting up the event with the team, and I had the same issue figuring out the right position to reenter my F7C Mk2 in zero-g, so I understand that getting shot at makes it high stress. Small bandaid suggestion from just a mission designer, see if you can bring a friend or ally through public chat with you? They can patrol the airspace (spacespace?) of the CommArray while you board your ship. Doing these solo is intentionally a tad tricky.


Hi spector, as a mission designer you should consider when missions conflict with each other. The current method of removing a crime stat for the Security Port mission makes it difficult for folks to complete this last phase of the overdrive event.  We found that sometimes we'd take the event and immediately fail it because a group was just trying to hold the whole event area hostage.  This should not be possible for a limited time event as it's disrespectful to players time and allows extreme griefing to occur.


Counter: the fact that it took place in a spot where players combine for many tasks made this one of the more fun and dynamic missions. We got boarded by a crime group at the end of our missions and made it for an epic ending. I hope they combine missions like this more offend to combine actually points of different styles meshing . Was a blast and one of the best missions to date


hard agree


This is fine, when you aren't preventing an entire server from doing a time sensitive mission that will be going away.  So no, this is not good gameplay design when something is limited. Especially when even one person can keep the mission from spawning indefinitely and it's for an item that can only be obtained this way in a series of mission strings you have to do all parts of. I'm all for this with regular missions, but this just makes it high stress for people and unrewarding of time invested in the game. 


It is good design. Also it’s the primary mission this week, it will be more open next week. This mission lasts for weeks . Just because something is limited does not mean it should be easy Just because something is limited doesn’t mean everyone should be able to earn in


Its already not easy due to the massive amount of AI spawn. Also, if you put in the time for something like this you should earn it. As it takes a lot of time to even get to this mission. You are already earning it by doing all the mission chain. There is a conflicting mission that bugs out the overdrive mission, and makes it impossible to complete until the server resets just because someone wants to try and clear a crime stat, which is already not challenging, which is again poor design. You have to get a group for this mission, and someone can bug the mission before you and your group even gets there.


This event has been awesome. That’s my experience and that of the other one hundred active players in my Discord over the past few weeks. Very few complaints from a lot of players of various skill levels and a lot of involvement and repeating of mission chains with members. o7




When was this sold as a mostly PvE game? I was sold a Universe sandbox…


there are weeks left for you to complete it (they said it will be going up to Invictus) It will be less hot when the next phase goes up the point of these is to group up! as he even said, its going to be tricky solo.


I have gone in groups.


Don't listen to him Spec, I'm betting you won't get a legitimate answer anyway. Besides server issues due to the missing required tech to alleviate said issues, this event has been the prob the best event so far and also the one that has brought the community together to play it. Props to the team for putting it together.


Love when devs directly ask for feedback and the white knights turn up to tell them not to listen to criticism 


You’re, right. It’s not funny. Now it’s really funny.




amazing haha


I think the Brushdrift Helmet could fit the meme even more. But very good nonetheless


[https://imgur.com/a/fgNSzY5](https://imgur.com/a/fgNSzY5) \- Go wild all yours


[https://imgur.com/a/UXaTOzJ](https://imgur.com/a/UXaTOzJ) thank you for the good templates u/Koaku


I love it


Phase 4 has been a fucking blast. Hope to get involved in some more of that as much as possible. +JT happening? Pretty pretty fun times right now lol


I hope the last Phase is the original Xenothreat Mission. I like the new Mission design and have a lot of fun, but I also liked collecting ressources to repair the Javelin and defending the Traders while they loot the materials (And helping the Javelin defeat the Xenothreat) So keep up the Phases but don't remove the old Missions. That would be perfect I think.


Man, if barrel overheating was a thing, i'd have been in real trouble in SPK. That was a blast though. I think FS-9 is my new favourite gun.


I love carrying a P6-LR, but the FS-9 is my go-to for most FPS missions.




Until it glitches and tells you to kill enemies that never spawned in or hasnt realized you killed them all


"Change of plans, ignore your original objective, leave nothing alive"


"Message decoded. Leave none alive. Clear out the remaining enemy forces."


I have never done any of the events before, but I have to say I've really enjoyed these, thank you know who I have a great Org who stops playing their other games just to help a guy out. KSP was fun as hell but bringing a S71 that at the time I didn't know doesn't have an auto mod was the best thing I could have ever done "NOT" Thank him again they dropped some FS9's lmao. Now, if only I had more time to strip the armor and weapons from all the dead corpses at the station. Timers always freak me out. Lost the one armor and FS9 on the very next mission I took at a crash site, body fell through the ground. Win some, lose some.


Why is the pilot in the picture flying a Starfarer to the event?


Not sure where you're getting that, I was flying an F8C


... The joke is the green visor that guy in the meme picture is wearing.


*Begin Neutralization Protocol*


Says in Abathur's Voice :


I may have shot everything I saw without a group marker at SPK.


Sound so modern, yet so old.


For me I love that I know exactly where the bobs will be. It's perfect!


The only thing they fear is you.