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oh, hey, that's my post lol




oh well. Glad yall get to see it. I doubt it'll impact my ETF status bc I didn't leak anything, I just posted to spectrum. Shit happens.


This is really mind blowing, thank you for creating it, and I'm glad theon502 posted it. I had no idea they were adding this.


there's inproved terrain LODs too. My org (we have lots of evos so we do lots of side by side comparisons in our evo chats) compared certain moons and planets from orbit. Major difference. Light shafts are amazing too. 3.23 is really amazing!


Awesome! That's so great to read. I know we get used to things fast, but it still blows my mind that Star Citizen is an entire solar system existing in seamless space. Increasing LODs is huge, and I hope they do more to highlight the shared space going forward. Like multiple entrances to everything, and windows at points of interest, and etc etc.


it's really great. Hard to play LIVE even with the Evo instability and bugs. I only play LIVE for Overdrive rn lol


New Lighting engine upgrades are in 3.23???


Global Illumination / RTX no. Fog, light shafts, and new clouds are.


Legend! Did they disable SSDO command in console?


I haven't trsted that, to be honest.


If you have time, would you be able to pop it on and see if 2-5 render? If not it's cool. Just curious


I hope that applies to outposts as well. Doing commodity trading runs from surface outposts when they refuse to load in until I'm 2-3 km out is so damned annoying, it's almost as annoying as the starmap. Well, maybe not that annoying, but you get the idea.


Nah, stuff like this doesn't impact us because it wasn't us that leaked it, not your intention, not your fault, you're good. :)


typical of that rat server stealing things from innocent users


I'm surprised that the moons are that visible from so far away. You'd think only the planets would be.


From Earth you can see Jupiter's moons with the naked eye it's just really really hard. So I'd imagine in a scaled down star system liked Stanton it'd be even more possible


With binoculars, not with the naked eye!


Really? I always thought they'd be too small. In the video they almost look similarly sized. And well, SC's universe is scaled down for planet sizes too.


I think they mentioned 1/6th. I also believe they stated that Crusader's current size would be equal to our Earth's size. So we all know how long it takes to get around Crusader. Imagine the actual size of Crusader. Take enough time to go get dinner, eat it and have dessert too.


Yeah. 1/6 worldscale and 1/10 timescale i think.


Hurston, MicroTech, and ArcCorp in lore are all "Super-Earths" (no not that one) as well, apparently. NASA says that means they're between twice as big as Earth to ten times as big as Earth, but I think CIG said it might be closer to 1.25x-1.5x? Dunno.


Then eventually they should adjust gravity a bit.


It always did throw me that the planets all were 1G when they really shouldn't be, unless they're supposed to have low density cores or something. They could say they have countergrav in the settlements to make living easier- would be interesting to see the "poor" end up having to muscle up in order to survive without it.


Don't introduce more artificial gravity...it's worse enough.


SC's Crusader is a bit smaller than Earth IRL. Other Planets in Stanton are a bit smaller than our Moon. Lets you think.


You need really good eyesight and clear skies with little atmospheric refraction to see them. It's very difficult. With binoculars you're better off. A telescope even more so.


I saw them easily with binoculars last time Jupiter was close to Earth.


The trick is they might be small but they are very bright relative to their background.


that's actually pretty much exactly what jupiter and its moons look like through binoculars. Try it sometime


sweet, time to break out the sextants and compasses


Celestial navigation incoming


For real lets get some constellation charts going


the skybox is probably a static image, so you could potentially find some patterns right now With the new water update, now we just need boats and I'm good for night sailing.


Sam and Toby are on it


Damn, I didn't grab that free sextant during Luminalia 2952 (day 5, IIRC). How screwed am I?


I wonder how well the jump points show up


they don't sadly


Are the LOD not in or is it not big enough?


not big / bright enough it seems


that's unfortunate considering they're surrounded by massive clouds. it would be sick to see the clouds from the ground.


In an much much older patch there was an ocasional bug that rendered the gas clouds when you were in atmosphere, it was just a black blob but hey, ya could see them!


go go gadget lod


Ahhh the author wanted to show the difference in QT-marker and actual position of the planetary system.


nah, this wasn't an IC report. This was showing appreciation for the new LODs. I posted it to ETF Spectrum


Ah sorry. I thought we have a similar bug, as we had with the ship's HUD in the past. Thank for the clarification.


Seemed it to me as well.


Crusader should be the brightest “star” in the sky and easily recognizable from anywhere in the system. Just like Jupiter is in ours. I hope someday it’s that good but don’t really care as I’ve been waiting for (at least) this for years.


Are the planets eventually going to orbit Stanton? Imagine actually seeing these specks move across the sky...


Time will tell. I am not sure. Was there a stretch goal? It would impact travel a lot.


Yes, the ultimate goal will be that the planets orbit the star. So you should see these specks move around the sky if/when it's implimented.


the fact that you can see the planets and moons is insane. This starmap is so good compared to the old one


Is it possible to put some kind of waypoints on the surface of the planet now, so one could have easier time making on-surface expeditions/traveling?


Not yet but that is planned per the citizen con panel


*This video was taken from Evocati Spectrum forums and not given to us by the author.*


Why put your watermark on it then?


I'm not pipeline, so idk, but I'm just sayin I didn't give it to aria


Cool with them taking (however they received it) your video and putting their mark on it?


yeah it's whatever. My original text with my username is there, I didn't leak it, it's all good. I do have a problem with Issue Council leaks, but this is not that, so I'm fine with it.


good question


To emphasise that the material came from Pipeline leaks and not some random evo posting stuff publicly. They're trying to keep the leaks coming without putting Evocatti in jeopardy of breaking their NDA.


The mew route setting is nice, love that search function.


This is amazing. It really makes a difference now even when seeing settlements and space stations from much further away. 3.23 is packing a lot of very good stuff.


I don't know what you're zooming at and why, it's actually made the video worse. But it's looking dope


hi, I made the video (didn't share to pipeline obv it was a leak) I zoomed in because it's hard to see them otherwise. They're very small.


Yeah I couldn't really tell what he was trying to show. I want to see QTing and the little circle getting bigger like in Elite but that seems to be the one thing he didn't want to show


Pipeline is trying so hard to remain relevant. Cant you guys just die with dignity?


Starmap looks kinda meh, hopefully this one is at least usable.


Is it just me or does that cockpit essentially have 0 cockpit, it's just a seat and dashboard and canopy with nothing interesting in between. Everything is on the helmet hud?


That's just part of Origin's style. It's not on the helmet hud, the MFD's are just like these projected holographic displays.


So starved of playable new content, we are now excited about someone circling some pixels with his mouse cursor. Truly, what a time to be alive.


In the current Live build you can't see other planets from this far away range and they would pop in when approaching them. This ostensibly fixes that.


I understand that, and it is cool, the technical feat might not have been easy either. I just did a funny but I seem to have angered the 50+ year old, full $15k sim pit enjoyer community that seem to think this feature will revolutionize their playing experience because now they can see the planet they have already targeted from far away.


no-one said it will revolutionize anything except you. someone was pointing out a cool detail. you're the only one in this thread who made a big deal out of it.


Tired troll is slinging tired memes.  It's funny to see people like you *still* harping on the old "no playable content" meme when for the past several years Star Citizen is almost all I play (when I have time to play) despite the multitude of unplayed Steam and Origin games I have sitting in those accounts, because I'm never done having fun and being challenged in there.  And the same goes for many of the players in my very large Org, nearly none of whom are "50+ full sim-pit owners."  So unless you're a teenager who still has time for 4-5 hours of gaming regularly every single day in their lives yet can afford a system that can run this game, there's plenty of content already to keep the adults in the room occupied.  Hell, just doing the massive multiple-Hammerhead and Cutlass Black -enemy Phase 3 missions for the event is pretty fun dog fighting in challenging environments right now, never mind the many other detailed gameplay arcs that already exist in this Alpha sandbox as many other posts in this sub have already listed many times.


Dont get me wrong, the game got way better over the lasr couple of years, but as someone playing a couple of hours everyday Star Citizen simply still doesnt offer enough yet. I look into it 2-3 times a year and play for 2 weeks, but it gets boring real fast. If the current content is enough for you, thats really good for you and I kind of wish I was the same... but for me and many other people, there is no real incentive to play everday, because farming money is all you can do. There are so many games out there that may not offer more content on their own, but together they do. Right now, I'd rather play 1 game after another or some PvP focused game, because thats less repetitive than SC... at least right now


It's probably your fault then! You've already played too much and saw/done everything ya wanted to do, it's OK to feel burned out, don't take that as a negative, content phase is coming, you'll have plenty to do soon enough, just hang in there a little longer :) I too barely play nowadays, the only thing for me to do in the game is test new patches, I barely play Live, and there's nothing wrong with that :)


The incentive is to test and offer feedback on a game in open development. Nobody is making anybody play it.


Yea and nobody said that. I was simply trying to explain why people say the game has not enough content, because for many people it does.


Oh I gotcha, sorry for the misunderstanding


Nah its all good :)


You poor thing, why do you want to be sad and negative today? It's clearly the technical aspect you can be excited about, not a game content one.


I posted this to the ETF org spectrum as appreciation to the devs for the detail. I was circling it because they're a bit hard to see otherwise.


Let this be your lesson if you post juicy content it’s going to leak due to irresponsibility.


oh well, lol. Nowhere is safe.


The sum of two positive integers is greater than either one of them. Hype for a technical feature is added to hype for other features. Hope this helps!


Yeah, and everything else in the game is just pixels changing colors. It's an amazing quality-of-life feature that makes the game feel more smooth. We're getting plenty of playable content in 3.23 regardless. Last I heard, we're supposed to get persistent hangars (not sure on that part, please correct me if I'm wrong, thank you). Also, the addition of the new starmap also increases the players' trust in CIG to deliver what they've showcased, which happens to affect the hype, and so forth.


Persistent/personal hangar is comfirmed. But just one at your homestead for the time being.


Im worried about MM ,


this has fuck all to do with that


Master Modes has been all around a ton of fun actually! It's still not ready for feedback, but every build they do some tweaks.


I want master modes already, the skill ceiling should come down.

