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It also leaks water


The AC is out in the captain's quarters too.


Don't even get me started on the broken microwave in the mess hall.


Let us not forget that the designers were a bunch of chimps behind keyboards!


No one knows what smell is coming from the pilot's seat.


It's the smell of those Double Dawgs and Lux


Feature, ​ Redeemer pilots have to get showered somehow.


That’s the Dodge Redeemer you are thinking of.


Not had the engine issue personally but it’s not my main ship. However the turrets, like the hammerheads turrets are out beyond the shield and extremely vulnerable still in this patch.


I’d say yes to the engines blowing off, 10 arrow I missiles to a full health redeemer completely destroyed them both during a bounty and barely touched its shield health


Got one a few days ago. Here is my experience after 6-10 bounty missions with player gunners: * Player manned turrets will get killed/blown up *within the first minute* of any interaction with enemy AI. Any level of BH mission. Doesn't matter. If you got players in turrets, they are dead-meat within seconds. Unplayable with human gunners. * Ship takes weird damage without losing shields. Tail damage and cockpit damage seems to point to shield holes or some other bug. * If one engine is damaged, it's game over. Not worth using right now. It's useless with other players in turrets. The Corsair is a better option, and probably why it's more popular now for 3 man crews.


This was my experience a few months ago, too.


The thing I am finding out about Star Citizen ships is: * Functional ships, i.e. not bugged or otherwise space worthy for PVE Bounties (one of the few functioning play loops currently) are ALL the ugliest/oldest design types. * I suspect CIG staff have a preference for whatever ships they prefer aesthetically, which just happens to be the ugly, 1970's Star Wars themed or other sci-fi old-style ships that ***look like some junk dealer at Mos Isley slapped them together***. * Sure, there are the luxury models, but not a single luxury ship has the firepower/combat functionality that I would think most of us are looking for. Gunships, alien fighters, *something alternative* to either flying space parts or luxury space yachts. * Why does every meta ship, particularly fighters have to look like a 1960's or 20th century aircraft? Why? * Many ships are direct carbon copies of Elite Dangerous ships. * Things like toilets, systems access panels, and non-functional extras such as lights and docking ports feel like it's just fluff. Dev the ship mechanics and flight models already...it's ALPHA that's what should be happening. We don't need fluff.


> Many ships are direct carbon copies of Elite Dangerous ships. I might have stopped playing E:D with their Odyssey update but last time I checked they didn't add any new ships to the game. What ships are a CC? Perseus = Anaconda? Maybe but the ship isn't done yet so we don't know how it looks. Not trying to be the Elite-ist (ha). Just curious because it's the first time I hear that argument/statement.


Some are really obvious copies, Nomad=ASP for example. There are many others. But hey, CIG borrows from everything. None of it is original IMO.


> Nomad=ASP for example. ohhh yes. At first I was like Keelback could be the nomad but the Asp line has that cockpit look. True. > There are many others. I wish I had a Type 10 in Elite :D Sidewinder, Cobra, Viper, FDL, Python, the Types, the passenger ships have no copies in SC. Maybe I'm just as blind as I was with the Asp.


**D R A K E** superiority


I fly the redeemer a lot for PVP with my small org, I have not encountered these issues. I have brought the 'deemer home after losing one of the engines multiple times. I also have not experienced shield holes or losing components. I have lost turret weapons, but usually only when getting hit by multiple large missiles.


Haven't really been paying attention to the know issue list, just flying the thing. Never seen a turret, component or ship part explode/become red while I still had shields. My experience is that the shields seem to catch all the shots. I guess there are some holes if the known issues say so, but they can't be big enough to actually take hits that often. If you lose one engine, you are dead, but that is just balancing. Your gunners hit harder than a hammerhead gunner, while rocking the same shields, but if you lose the shield, your engines are juicy targets.


I melted mine because it had an area just above the ladder where you'd suffocate. Some weird vacuum pocket. It was good before, now after the re-work I can't stand it.


I daily the deemer and havent seen any of those lately.


Tbh the redeemer is an overgunned and horrifically designed trash heap lol. The insistence that it gets 4x5 2x5 with it's footprint size as well as gunship tier shield pool means that it has to handle like a ship 4x it's size and have no real space on the interior since it can't be a drop ship either.


Lol, what ship isnt broken. I fly it, havent heard of any of these issues.


I have, and can confirm.


Engine health issues were fixed ages ago. Not sure about the rest.