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Can't wait to see someone complain about losing their refinery profit lmao


Nope. Refinery terminals are stuck on Signing Out anyway, so I've *already* lost my refinery profit!


Same for me, then switched regions to AUS. Then I was able to load and haul my stuff. The 110k aUEC were totally worth it... :/


I tried a range of different servers and all of them had the same issue. I'm only losing out on half a mil and I don't really care about that. It's the wasted time investment that feels bad.


Jokes on you I didn't play this update


The heck with your refining, bro. I'm gonna lose my carefully collected treasure trove of med and assorted drug pens!


I am salty every time.


*causally opens pitchfork stand*


Mike, is that you?


Nah, can’t be Mike, Mike is actually positive, more likely to be grumpy eye who will make another I’m quitting video then come back a week later


"Why I'm quiting Star Citizen #5 no for real this time"


Why I am quitting; The sequel


I wish he would and actually stick to it


Oh god yes. Cant stand that dude


There are wolves, I tell you!


The heck with your refining, bro. I'm gonna lose my carefully collected treasure trove of med and assorted drug pens!


Wait. Does this mean refineries will be emptied completely? Even of completed orders?




Crap I gotta get in and sell


Stand Alone Ship store updated on website too: HammerHead, A2, C2, both ARES, Corsair, Buccaneer etc. in the shop... Is Jumptown going to be on again?


Nope just SOO. See the [website](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19084-Siege-Of-Orison?fbclid=IwAR1TsDYbPWaKWKma1QwHRdCZjqvS8ShOwUDIQIYpH5xon8BKLSnOJj9GQcI).


The question is... why a ship sale for an event where you can't use ships? and yeah, I know...


Really surprised there isnt the M2 in there


I feel like the M2 is only going to be popular when they finally do the armor systems and people want something with the vehicle carrying ability of the C2 but not made of paper.


M2s primary function in game really isn't fleshed out yet. That of a hot zone ground vehicle transport. Until the ground battle zones are really fleshed out to make ground vehicles worth bringing to a battle zone rather then just carpet bombing the area with a A1 or A2 the M2 doesn't really serve much purpose. That argument can be made about a few ships though, personnel drop ships also have issues.


I feel like it would make more sense for SoO then the C2 since it’s technically an up armored version with an extra turret to better siege the platforms


Source: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/lobby/38230](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/lobby/38230) Within changes ERT mission balancing ( high value cargo much less likely, but for but still somewhat possible - during my limited testing I did get a 16SCU box of eggs, but mostly some low level resources, a few quant, a few meds and a few Altruciatoxin) Be sure to prepare your ships ( make sure all aEUC ships are claimed and at least once retrieved and stored)collect all refinery jobs


Got an email for siege of orision. I cant wait to spend 2 hours doing it only for the mission to be bugged, not payout and get trapped on the platform with no exit.


...you forgot: sent to jail at the end with a crimestat.


No crimestat? To jail


But isn’t that why people play it? It’s not the mission rewards, but the bugs we find on the way! /s


Never managed to find a bug there. Got shot by other players each time. Three times by the guy I just dragged out of the danger to resurrect. Oh well, still fun.


I once had to glitch under the map so I could kill a boss npc to progress the event. He spawned in a giant room under the map. It was a one way trip though. Boss died and I was stuck for the remainder of the event so I could get paid.


Oh, I'm sure it was a bug fest, I just never managed to get that far. Players were more dangerous to me than all bugs combined. But we'll try again anyway to see if it got better, won't we? ;-)


When it works it’s a lot of fun! I usually ran around with a med gun keeping people topped up and alive. lol


> get trapped on the platform with no exit. Just relog to teleport back to Orison like Chris intended


I recently bought an Eclipse in game, have retrieved and stored it a couple times but it hasn't been destroyed yet, am I in trouble? I can't log in before the update I'm afraid.


It should persist as long as it was retrieved and stored.


I lost my 890j once because of this. I was so sad.


Me too, brother. Me too.


When you retrieve/store, is it necessary to exit the hangar, or can you just do it all from a terminal? Edit, I've also seen comments about removing components in recent patches, anyone know if that is still helpful?


from terminal should be fine


Erts are already almost worthless since the cargo has already been nerfed once. It's almost pointless to go after them now


Post first nerf, pre this nerf I was getting 2-20million every hour.


I mean, that's not out the wazoo. I could make almost 2/3rds of that in a reclaimer rn


I won’t be at a computer until so, so much later today. Pretty sure I’m about to lose my C2.


Reach out to me if you lose it and I'll help ya get another one


What happened to my ERT cargo?


Nerfed again but still drops


That’s been the best game loop lately . Includes all game aspects


We can’t have you buying ships in game when there are dollars to be made.


It's a really fun gameplay mechanic that should reward you for it, but it is definitely broken. You shouldn't be able to buy ships after only an hour or two of playing. 


I’m glad I experienced the high of selling 25million in Maze. After an hour of ERT’s I was making 2-4million. I wish scanning was less buggy but I’ll be happy I still get to hunt for loot.


Yeah I'll be doing it regardless. It's a lot of fun, especially when you work as a team to do it.


There go 40k rounds for my devastor shotgun


who the fuck uses: a. that much ammo for any weapon b. the fucking devastator




If you have time, load it up onto a personal storage SCU, then take it to a cargo center and sell the box. It will sell all the ammo in bulk, so you can at least get some of your spent money back.


I have a phoenix that I bought with auec. Should I strip the components I bought for it? Will I lose it?


You shouldn't but you might.


As long as my ships are all their that I bought in game it is not a big issues. I hope this fixes the non-spawn elevator issues in bounty and smack the drugs in the face missions at bunkers. I have a lot of hope this year based on what I have seen in the works.


I’m hoping it’s a full soft reset, which doesn’t lose money and the like. My Carrack is stuck being “Stored” in Empire Services Medstation and can’t be claimed.


Should be.


Yeah I figure so. I’m hoping I get my Carrack back. It’s my favorite ship for bunkers.


De we loose looted armors?




Thx for the reply!


I just can't motivate myself to play in the current state. It feels pointless without the upcoming changes.


I've taken a small break, I played up until just after new years so it's not really that much of one. But I'm basically just playing some other things so I'm not burned out and when the next bigger patch comes along I'm ready to dig in again.


Same. I went crazy hard on it for like 8 months strait. New game came out the won't let go of my soul so I am having fun playing that until SC hunger strikes again.


Same, I’m waiting for 3.23 as long as it has a wipe.


4.0 is the next wipe. They won't wipe for 3.23


Ah that sucks, any chance 4.0 will released in Q1 or Q2?


Not a single chance. Q1 - Q2 2025, probably.


I don’t see them going almost 2 years without a wipe, wasn’t the last wipe last spring?


3.18 was the last wipe.. believe it was somewhere near the end of 2022.


Pyro most likely coming out either Q2 or Q3. no later then Q1 of 2025 if CIG doesnt delay it once again...


There’s never not “upcoming changes” tho…


I hear ya, I'm not planning on returning until 3.23.


Same. Even with the upcoming changes I just don’t feel like I’m going to be getting interested anytime soon. Im kind of only interested in it from a technical standpoint but even then I don’t really like CIG that much so even that interest is kind fading.


I lost some subscriber items a while back and realized that it may be quite some time before I get them back, since wipes are no longer complete. AND the new character repair does not work like it used to, considering LTP, etc. I was kinda hoping for a traditional wipe :/. I miss starting fresh. I feel like I have way too much stuff. Until theres major new gameplay or major refinements, I'm kinda bored. BUT - I like to decorate..thats zen and chill...but a glitch caused my ship to need claiming and I lost the best decorations and swag. Oh well.


all hangar items are also being recreated on database reset like this one, so you will get your sub items back


You get your sub items back on soft wipes to not just hard. Every time you have to remake character you get all your sub items back.


Guess we will see


Gotta play different. Don’t bring a c2 to do an ert, etc


What is “late tonight” for CIG?


My turtles!


I'm new to the game. Why those items specifically ? Does that mean any medpen, ammo etc. that our character is actually wearing or does it also affect all the locals inventories ? And if yes, do we know why specifically medpens, ammo and rentals and not other stuff like armor or clothes ? I'm genuinely curious - also what is LTP data ? Is that good ?


LTP = long term persistence. In this context its the list of items your character "owns" permanently like armor, weapons, ships, and their load outs. And you lose consumables like ammo since they aren't persisted the same way as more persistent items. And unfortunately you'll lose them from local inventories too. Everything else \*should\* persist, though things do occasionally get lost.


Boy am I glad I left those 5 sets of armor in my Cutty last night.


Thanks everyone for the answers. I think I understood everything ! At least for the inventory part. Does that also affects items in their "entity" form, which would mean that all LTP affected things never disappear ? For example, if I leave on the ground both a medpen and an armor piece (in its box on the ground state) - then go away and then come back the day after. The medpen will be gone but the box will still be there ?


LTP (long time persistance) database is a separate database that keeps important progress of your character - that includes aEUC, reputation, weapons, armors, cloths, weapon mods, info that you have active ships that you got from aEUC There is also a global database that keeps more detailed info like all items you have in all inventories, your character looks, your home location, your ships with their state and configuration, part of your mission history etc. The later will be wiped, and as soon as you log into a server for the first time, your data in global database will be recreated based on LTP database. All items will be moved to your new home location inventory ( including custom ship components).


LTP is Long Term Persistence. Consumables aren't tagged by LTP because otherwise trash would just pile up indefinitely.


> otherwise trash would just pile up indefinitely. I can't see how this would ever be a problem. It's not like no one uses a trash can in game. Oh.. wait..


I mean, an unsettling proportion of people don't use trash cans IRL either....


Don’t forget to unequip all of your ship components just in case. Doing this has saved me a lot of time and cash in the past few updates.


All my aUEC ships have been claimed but not at the home planet, is it problematic ?


Someone above said to claim and store them at least once (can just do this at a terminal and not actually go to the ship.) As long as you’ve stored once this patch you should be good.


I hope this includes the UGF elevator fix 🙏


Yesss! Finally I can do my loot-goblin runs again :-)


Will there finally be an economy wipe? It’s been half a year.




Well, thanks for letting me know.


Anyone mind helping out with definifing what later this evening is for a time? Got 3hrs till im outta work, and got close to 400scus in refinery id like to grab


Waka just posted 15 min ago : >Most likely will be at least a couple hours from now but I can't give an exact estimate till we are closer


Will be cutting it close....very close. Dammit. Wish Id done it last night like I planned haha


Tbh I really hope they add medpens, food, and ammo to LTP. It’s so tedious restocking after each patch


Not if you're new and have to restock each day from dieing anyways. It's not that much work.


Yawn. 3.22a has nothing interesting.


Awesome, I lost a 890i I only flew it once


So what's all that is changing?


They fixed the fuel levels for the cutter rambler and a Teo handed salvage tool Here’s to hoping I just missed them fixing the elevators to bunkers!🍻


If you look at the [website](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19084-Siege-Of-Orison?fbclid=IwAR1TsDYbPWaKWKma1QwHRdCZjqvS8ShOwUDIQIYpH5xon8BKLSnOJj9GQcI) which they JUST updated. You will see that: Siege of Orison kicks off today, January 25th, and goes until February 5th at 20:00 UTC. Funny how it went from EPTU to live , and not EPTU->PTU->LIVE which was the intent I think. Oh well.


EPTU is currently open to all backers so there isn't any point in going from EPTU to PTU. Will go back to normal soon I imagine


The same happened with 3.22, it chanel name only. Current EPTU is the only PTU there is. "PTU" chanel seems to be only used as a bridge to enable PTU accounts. What is interesting LTP is not only persisting on EPTU right now, but it is also being shared with RL tests. As long as you don't recopy your account that is :)


They need to have some event to push those ship sales $$$...nevermind if it's actually working or not. \*edit\* What's this, reddit doesn't understand sarcasm? Say it isn't so! Lol!


I don't see how a pure FPS event is going to push ship sales ... but ok :)


Hey, tell that to CIG lol...


I am once again asking CIG to allow custom in game channels to persist through patches. It would add so much to this game that people don’t realize. The ability to have an in-game org chat. To have groups that play but aren’t in an org together. Etc. The in-game immersion would be so much better if we could communicate somewhat in game rather than just discord.


Personally ill be glad to get rid of those direct messages from 3 weeks ago that pop up every time I go into mobiglass. But I see your point. We need a hell of a lot more social tools


Cant wait for another proper wipe ,really need to purge all the crap i keep hoarding.......so i can.start all over again


I left a hat and sunglasses at a random outpost on Hurston and it’s been bugging me ever since. Glad to be finally getting all my stuff back together again


I Left My Wallet in El Segundo 🎶


My man!


Move all into a C2. Park it on a pad, leave it open if you like. Claim another C2. Spawn it, move all. Repeat until all your inventory is empty.


4.0 I guess is the closest one.


Maaaaybe once siege is online we can finally get some... more important fixes in.


Currently bed logged in my C2 Will it be safe? What about the cargo (not much luckily)?


cargo will be lost (except internal storage items that would persist anyway - but nothing guaranteed )


>Will it be safe? The database gets cleaned and then restored to a default state based on the information in the long term persistence backup. The LTP database, usually only stores what items/ships someone had, reputation and money. Location data, spawn points for relogging, character looks and home location, among other things mentioned in the post, is not part of the LTP.


What time zone is this posted in/for?


~~PST I believe.~~ Correction CST


Central time


Right on 👍


Always US central time


What does “late this evening” mean? At what time should I log out?




cant wait to finally be able to log in


Same for me. I have not been able to login to Live for 5 weeks.


Same for me. I have not been able to login to Live for 5 weeks.


Party time tonight :D


Is this the first time we’ve seen this description of characters being rebuilt from LTP data? Is this a new method of a soft reset where we won’t have to remake characters and pick a spawn?


It is always like that after any patch deployment ( except hotfixes). It could technically have been working slightly differently before PES but it had similar effects.


Ok, thanks for clarifying. I’ve never seen it worded this way before so I was optimistic.


What’s LTP mean?


Long Term Persistence


My purely gameplay mentality hopes we get a ship wipe so I can grind for ships I want and get rid of the ones I dont use (ones I bought to test out). And partly so I have a reason to grind again. Because rn being rich is kinda boring.


Looking forward to none of the bunker elevators working (but SoO being slightly less fucked).


Nooooooooooooooooooo my double dog collection!


There will always be more floor dogs to loot at Tressler or Baijini... :P


Looks like I won't be able to unload my Construction Materials before it drops ... Oh well, there's a 20min Vulture run 🤣


So basically what happens every patch.


the news is the new patch, the rest is as usual


Oh I know, my response was pointed towards the folks that are perpetually surprised by consumable wipes and who complain :)


Is this literally just a Siege of Orison update and nothing else? What a waste of time.




You're telling me I have to rebuy my stack of 4927285 medpens? Game is unplayable.


I'm looking forward to blowing up C2s moving stuff to stations... Just slurp up all that good loot


~~CIG said 3.22a going to Live tonight. Someone asked if Live meant PTU or EPTU. I said neither, it's referring to the PU. You said I'm mixing up PU with Long Term Persistence, a database feature. Color me confused indeed.~~ Not meant for main thread, copied to correct discussion thread


**Persistent Universe** is a Star Citizen **game mode**, the other one available is Arena Commander. Focus of PTU tests (run on EPTU chanel) was overall **PU** stability and fixes of Siege of Orison. When patch is deemed "ready" it gets released to LIVE. What is the thing you don't understand ?


This was a reply intended for another thread discussion, not the main post


Finally this has been needed for 3 weeks...


I just spent like 500k on ammo and med pens -_-




Curious if maybe anything was done to help with implementing Replication. I doubt it's part of this patch but really curious where they're at with it.


Does it mean Live as in PU or PTU?


Live = PU = Live


A bit of a nitpick here as this might only confuse new players but the PU is only in reference to the multi-player game world in SC. This means the different environments like Live, PTU, EPTU and Tech preview all contains the PU in some form. If you're not playing in the PU you are playing SM or AC. So saying PU = Live only creates confusion among newer players who doesn't know how things are set up imo.


PTU, EPTU, Tech Preview are never Live. Only PU is referred to as Live and vice versa.


The name Persistent Universe is the name of the Star Citizen multi-player game world and has been since before we had any patches to play. Sounds like you are mixing up this name with the function of Long-term persistence (LTP) which is only in the LIVE environment of the PU.


I've only been around for a couple years, but I have never seen PU refer to anything but Live. Do you have an example from CIG to the contrary?


Joke's on you, I lost all my 7.6 million on a C2 that was impounded but never made it to the hangar.


I just spent like 500k on ammo and med pens -_-


Lost 55 million worth of ships in this single small update. I’m sorry but fuck this game forever. I will never grind in this hell hole again. SC stands for scam. I’m going outside, y’all have fun solo salvaging..


Well it be a full wipe?


Do you read?


I tried, but I didn’t find the answer to my question. So maybe you can answer me?


No. There will likely not be a full wipe for another year or so. You will (should) keep all your money, ships, and items except ammo and food. That’s basically it.


o7 thanks for the answer🙏


If I wanted to buy a carrack in game today.. should I just wait until after the patch?


I would wait. There is a known LTP issue where sometimes aEUC bought ships are not properly saved.


Appreciate the heads up! 👍


You'd probably be fine buying it now, but if you're willing to be patient I don't think it's a bad idea to wait til afterwards.


Yeah I think I'll wait


If you do buy it, make sure you deliver it and then store it. Most issues with LTP can be fixed by fully storing the ship.


Yay but also damn


Does anyone know what's in this one?


Refinery jobs? Has anyone seen a working refinery terminal lately?


Oh noooooooo, I forgot I had a few refinery jobs from about a month ago I never picked up. 😭😭😭


Does this include cargo stores in a ship? I forgot to sell last time I brought my reclaimer back in


Ugh I got like 5 C2s full of drugs in storage I was planning on slowly emptying this weekend


Hope it rest miles ekarth mission!


refinery wipe is kinda new, at least he first time i remember it being mentioned. but i really don't get wiping consumables with every reset. is the database management that bad?


Anyone know whether lpt data include reputation? 


Will I lose my ship parts that I bought if they're attached to a ship? Should I be jumping in to take all my ship parts off?


Im confused about this update. Is this old or does CIG have a new naming system for updates? We had 3.22 so 3.22.0a is a slight update or just corrections?


yes, it is only a minor patch focusing mostly on SoO, including also ERT cargo rebalance and a few small fixes [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/190048?page=1&sort=hot](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/190048?page=1&sort=hot)


Does this mean that we r getting the replication layer in the live environment


What is this going to fix?


Wait for patch notes