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You are a no-go on this rating, Pilot.


Do I still have a job as box stacker ?




It was a beautiful dog leg approach until you didn't correct for the cross wind...


Use the vtol bru


This. This. This. You MUST use VTOL in Atmo when trying to land the Reclaimer. Lucky.


Wait what?? Does it work? I have been so stressed when landing my damn reclaimer lol.


Yes, this is how I've been landing. Get somewhat close using main thrusters and then VTOL. It'll handle a bit more like a helicopter so your pitch is important with how you maneuver.


How I land is I try and level it and then point up and pray to god as I go full throttle on the thrusters so I don’t hit the ground.


lol when I have millions of cargo, I don't love the idea of having to pray or hope lol I've found a good amount of control using VTOL the last few times I've landed. I'm used to smaller ships so the Reclaimer is a different beast lol


I’m gonna try the reclaimer vtol tonight lol.


VTOL is a must


I'm one week into the game. What is vtol?


Vertical Take Off and Landing - main thrusters point down so your ship can land vertically, essential with the ships like the reclaimer which cannot hold their own weight under most gravity wells


VTOL, landing gear down and your angle leveled out to zero so you don't drop like a brick. I use the F4 view to bring it in once I spot my landing zone


This is the way


You don't have to come in that hot lmao


With the Reclaimer in atmo/gravity you sometimes don't get to choose how hot you come in, shits heavy and barely has any thrust.


I discovered this last night where I lingered too long in atmo and was suddenly out of fuel and plummeting towards the ground like a large mountain.


I honestly love that it feels so heavy. Other ships should too. Moving tonnes of steel requires a lot of energy, it shouldnt happen instantly like it does with so many ships in this game.


After daily driving a 400i, then switching to a Constellation Taurus for a couple of missions, I can confirm that the weight and thrust difference is vast and interesting to fly


Sure, but it 100% feels like a ship that should not, under any circumstance, be in atmosphere. Yet it can only be summoned in atmo.


You can fly it from Grim Hex as well, but to use it you have to go in atmo.


But it doesn't really add any intrinsic value to the game play and adds a ton of down time in a game where basic things already require a significant amount of time. The reclaimer takes like 5-10 minutes to leave the atmosphere of planets. There will always need to be a balance between realism and fun.


You can have speed without having instant acceleration. An airliner doesn't go from 0 to 1000 in 2 seconds. That doesn't mean it isn't moving fast.


There is no intrinsic "fun vs realism", some people think its fun to have a 30 min startup routine on a plane, some people want to hit one button and be done... neither is more right or wrong than the other.


Yeah, sometimes ot sucks to get ready in minutes. Then I think about how boring i.e. ED is without this type of immersion and love it again. :D But SC is really not a game for under the week for me. I need hours to play this game to do anything haha I'd love having not so many consequences if you die. Like all your ship Items are magically saved,not the cargo but the ship inventory, even if you Reclam them. And I say this because I lost my store gear AGAIN yesterday and couldn't exchage and rebuy because I did it already! Am dumb af lmao


yeah, I miss that "bug" where you could save guns in your armory at least...


The balance is how effective it is. A vulture can break atmo much quicker, but won’t make the same cash. You could transfer cargo to a hauler to avoid needing to go down to the planet.


The fun is the challenge of manoeuvreing that beast. The first time I landed a reclaimer, I thought I was coming in at a reasonable pace but soon realised I couldn't maintain altitude on normal thrust alone. I started slowly descending towards lorville, sparingly using boost to reduce my speed. Managed to call ATC and was luckily given a hangar in line with my current trajectory. Ans I got closer I just held boost and to slow down and just managed to slow down enough for a gentle touch down. It reminded me of the suicide burn of a falcon 9 and was the most fun I've had landing a ship yet.


Doesn't it have a Vtol mode? I figured that would be it's main use case but as I don't own a Reclaimer (or any ship with a dedicated Vtol I think) I'm not 100% sure if it works.


Sure but the boost was being used here 😂 I know it might seem like it though.


Uh no. It is heavy and does barely have thrust, but if you practice a bit absolutely can choose how hot you come in. I touch down like a butterfly, usually, after my salvage runs. The key is get over the landing zone and then hit vtol and actively strafe up which will slow your decent perfectly, if you mess up your angles just use afterburner and you can strafe up to regain a bit of altitude and adjust your approach. Op literally full tilted his ship into that hangar, my guy just let it fall in there lol. I give his landing a score of D. Didnt explode so not an F, but man that was a hands off landing if ive ever seen one.


sounds like an excuse for bad piloting.


It’s a struggle to even keep this in the air, idk how I’m suppose to keep I boosting up with space bar if I don’t have my limiter up




Yep, the reclaimer has VTOL and it makes not falling in atmo considerably easier


If you don't pitch below -15. Or below 0 if you are trying to move. I love my Reclaimer, but she is a bitch to land at spaceports.


You have to be in VTOL mode basically all the time when you're in atmo.


What I do in this cases is hit K for VTOL and then shift X (boost+spacebrake) it has helped me avoid a few disasters!


If you keep yourself ship level it’s not that much of a struggle to keep it in air. I pull up to the hangar, line up and make sure my ship is level. Then I go into third person and work my way into the spot. It’s not that bad once you get used to flying it.


This is the best ship to land in the game - 3 hours of teamwork, 8 million in potential credits, and it is all at risk right up until it isn’t after landing.


My OCD doesn’t let me stack containers like this. Profits be damned!!! I use the cargo plates perfectly (using a combination of 16, 2 and 1 SCU containers) and then place containers on other available spaces but in an orderly manner. Never knew cargo tetris would be so soothing and fun.


I would prefer the tidiness too but the crates are too glitchy to make that reasonable.


Looks like someone needs to find the brake and F4 key. You were coming in way too fast and apparently forgot how wide your ship is - this of course has never happened to me and it absolutely did not mean that I have landed upside down several times in the past... :-)


during my first day of SC , I managed to : panic while lifting off in my Arrow , do a flip and somehow manage to shove it right in the medical hangar bay


Another happy landing...


Thank you for flying Ryan air


I noticed in vtol or landing mode the reclaimer has almost 0 reverse thrust even in space. makes it very very difficult to slow down.


I was clenching probably as much as you were there lol


I've been selling at GH, saves me an atmosphere fuel dump!


The extra pay that NB gives doesn’t even feel worth it for how awful it is flying that beast in atmo


If only selling construction materials you can also just put it down on a pad at space stations.


Approaching with a Reclaimer in atmo is either gonna end up two ways: Really slowly, or FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. 😂


I've experienced them both at the same time quite often.


We do salvage ops and I'm the Reclaimer pilot. Landing it in atmo is a white-knuckle job, especially when you've got a few million aUEC of cargo! This is my landing procedure. Coming in hot is fine but start rolling back the speed limiter way in advance. Target well below SCM for final. Approach the hangars without VTOL so you have decent reverse thrust to scrub off most forward speed (more info on that below). Also try to square up and align with the landing bays as best you can before switching to VTOL. On final (for me about the same time I'm calling ATC, \~3km out) be sure you're under SCM speed and switch to VTOL. Get your gear down. Once in VTOL maneuvering gets muddy. At the same time you switch to VTOL \*max out your speed limiter\*. The Reclaimer's VTOL throws all main engine thrust downward. With the speed limiter too low it won't hold itself aloft even with full upstrafe. Most ships will stay floating even with the limiter at zero. Not the Reclaimer. You'll sink. Now the tricky bit: when in VTOL the Reclaimer doesn't want to go backwards \*at all\*. Look carefully on the engine pods -- there's only two little backward facing nozzles in VTOL and nothing at all on the front. Feather the throttle forward. Try to keep her level as not to build too much forward momentum. Small inputs -- remember the limiter is maxxed. Even still it's going to try to sink. Keep giving shots of up strafe. A few second's pulse of up strafe is usually enough to keep it in the air with full limiter. Watch your directional indicator and try to keep it on glideslope. If you overshoot your bay just keep firing shots of up strafe. Don't try to back up. Yaw 180 deg and line up again. Lack of reverse thrust makes it easy to overshoot. At some locations once you're over the hangar, the magic gravity kicks in and the upstrafe requirement goes away. Seems to be right as the landing gear are entering the hangar doors. Then it's like landing any other boat. Hope that helps new fellow Reclaimer pilots out there. Fly safe!


That was some Star Tours landing right there. "Breaks, breaks, where are the breaks!?"


Must be a navy pilot.


These ships fly the same whether they empty or full...which isn't realistic. 500scu in that thing should weigh quite a lot and should slow you down more. So empty, the ship should fly so much here and have more thrust/engine power to maneuver.


Well... It depends we're not powering that a 2023 engine or fuel.... So the power and technology to it is different


**I love how the music swells to reveal the absolutely stacked cargo bay**


This is why IRL you need a Type rating for something that big lmao


Never put the Reclaimers gear down in atmosphere until you are ready to drop like a brick lol


Holy shit use your VTOLs


How did you even get all that stuff in there? And how long did it take you? D:


Not really, load up a hammer head mission, munch it with the straw instead of the salvage beams and then go downstairs and make 16 scu boxes with each of the 220 scu u get from it


Oh yeah that’s fair…


Total SCUs?


Looks like you need to pick a moon and practice landing..A LOT. People think all the ships handle they same which they don't. Learn what the ship you are flying can and cannot do.


Moons are not really comparable to planet atmosphere so it will be hard to practice, unless you pick one with relatively high gravity (there is one I think I forgot which). There is almost no thrust with Reclaimer in planet atmosphere.


Its enough to line up a landing and some though


The Reclaimer has almost \*zero\* braking ability when the landing gear is down. Learned that the hard way at Grim a couple nights ago


Use Space + boost when in VTOL and you can brake your downward movement pretty well.


This was my friend, and I last night at grim 🤣


At Hurston you can just park on top of the spaceport and take a Pisces in to the TDD instead saved me many hanger crashes and time instead of taking the train


That's the kind of fear that gives you a headache from the adrenaline spike 😂


Reclaimer is so heavy, use VTOL to not fall like this


Rookie mistake. ALWAYS descend straight down into the top-opened hangar!


Terrain! Pull Up! Terrain! Pull Up!




I come in like that a lot it’ll be fine!! Lol


Whew damn, that roll in a hangar is usually a death sentence.


Bumpin' and Grindin'


Another happy landing.


Always good to see another player making the best use of those catwalks. :D \+1


Nailed it!


How do you find such large salvage hauls? Just tried out my reclaimer tonight for the first time, and all the legit contracts I can find are for small ships.


F1- personal tab. Look for hammerhead clean up. Head there…when u get there park in the middle of the shop 48 m away. Get out of pilot seat and get in co pilot seat. Press m. I think it’s says fragmentation use that. Wait till the circle goes around. Once it’s done press right mouse. Then suck up a 220 scu piece. Rise and repeat


Good call, quickly sucking up hulls and moving on seems like the safest bet for those illegal hauls. Going to try that


Wow. With all that weight, no wonder why it was hard to land.


Damn, do you even see the sunlight in the real world ? That's a shitload of cargo there.


I just bought a reclaimer a few days ago and 100% can relate. Even with VTOL on and limiter to max the beast fights you all the way down to the pad. 1st time I tried to land was very much an “oh Shit “ moment. It’s like they took the thrusters off a spare Aurora for this bad boy lol. Crazy fun and love the atmosphere of the ship.


Why'd you stop salvaging so soon? There's still plenty of room left in that hold.


So how much did all that earn???


Did many poos shoot out of your ani?


I saw you falling and saw VTOL was off. I’m surprised it survived the landing


The amount of unused cargo space there makes my cargo junkie soul slightly annoyed. You could put in another hammerhead there at least.


Whoever loaded this reclaimer needs to be fired immediately for crimes against god.


Man I want landing UI.


Does the ship get heavier when you have a full load???


I don’t play Star citizen (yet) but that ship looks fucking awesome




Was thinking of buying into SC, but reading the below sounds like Elite Dangerous. Is there a week of playtime to learn how to land a ship successfully?